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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Khaine, I love the mod. I'm having trouble playing using a controller. Certain restrictions prevent me from using mouse and keyboard. Any way, while playing with a controller it feels like the the controller input cuts out momentarily and the cursor with change to the mouse cursor. Like I clicked the mouse or hit a key on the keyboard. Every time this happens it causes a few seconds of me being able to control the character. I've tried unplugging the mouse and keyboard, but it keeps happening. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Question about upgrading doors. I placed a wood door down, upgraded it to the 2nd tier of wood, then upgraded it to iron. Next it showed I needed an iron door to upgrade further, so I made one out of forged iron. I tried to upgrade, and it says I still need an iron door even though I have it in my inventory. You can see the pic - iron door on hotbar (I also have one in my inventory) and it shows the upgrade needed icon on the bottom right.



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Here is a preliminary Test creating custom biomes for Darkness Falls:


NitroGen for Alpha 18 v0.473 (Darkness Falls zones)


You can add the custom biome using the "Special Zones" option. This will generate larger Areas of the DF zone in the center of the map.


Only run it when you have the mod installed, as the custom biome would throw errors in the vanilla game.


It does NOT include any specific POI logic or Darkness Falls prefabslist yet. (POIs will spawn in any zone)


Here is a Darkness Falls prefablist from a modder, in case you want to try it out.


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Here is a preliminary Test creating custom biomes for Darkness Falls:


NitroGen for Alpha 18 v0.473 (Darkness Falls zones)


You can add the custom biome using the "Special Zones" option. This will generate larger Areas of the DF zone in the center of the map.


Only run it when you have the mod installed, as the custom biome would throw errors in the vanilla game.


It does NOT include any specific POI logic or Darkness Falls prefabslist yet. (POIs will spawn in any zone)


Here is a Darkness Falls prefablist from a modder, in case you want to try it out.



Awesome, thanks for this. Played around with it a little, and works great.





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Ok, good to hear. I needed some confirmation that the biome colors are correct, and can be loaded.


Ooh this looks soo nice, can't wait to try it out once Darkness Falls is out of experimental :D

I have yet to take a look at the latest Nitrogen version, can it be set to generate a world without that silly water region around it like the old times?

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Question about POI's

Are the same POI's from Darkness falls A17 planned for this?

There are a few that was a bit odd I think.

There were one POI that seems to be a hordebase with reinforced steel on 4 pillars that's just incredibly OP to find

There were a large towerish building with hatchelevator in the middle, and haybales to jump out from the top, felt a bit off in the world to have that.

There's a pawn shop (I think) that has just insane amounts of lootontainers too.

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Yes, there are lots of option. You can also have a specific biome or no border


Also, more questions! Toying with the tool at work a bit ( :D ) is it the Pink/Purple color that's the radioactive wasteland from Darkness falls?

If so I think it would be better (if possible) to gather them up into a few larger chunks to allow for the special radiationzone POI's to spawn.

(and avoid totally random radiation posioning in the world :D )

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I have not really played DF. So the region (biome) is more of a technical test, subject to change.


To place biome dependent POIs i still need to add some extra logic.


Ah. It's a shame, very fun mod!

But yes the radioactive wasteland biome is the only place where certain ore-nodes spawn, aswell with a whole slew of special "zombies", and a "large" portal "POI".

It is also highly deadly to walk on without endgame gear, so It would be best if it could be clumped up into one or two larger biomeareas like the snowbiomes tend to be :)


(Unless everything is changed from how it was in A17)

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Any Ideas? Tool belt locked out.



Yeah, I got this too.


I've spent hours on this. I can't get it to work.


^ in this case, the mod hasn't updated properly (for SP) or you're on a server that's still using build 1 instead of build 2.


The basic problem is the toolbelt is called ToolbeltSDX, Mods (B1) instead of Toolbelt (B2) for it's controller. I had to change that to fix the quest bug.


Hello. I'm a new player. Is it possible to decrease the value of "Max Zombies Alive" lower than 75 in Single player (Client).

Thank you.


No. Anything lower than 75 causes zombies to stop spawning due to hitting the limit.


Are the resources such as plutonium etc. underground in the rad zone ?


Yes, but i've also been reworking the biomes file to make stuff a little easier to find.

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