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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Love the mod so far. We had a suggestion for more quests if you decide to add them. We have found that in early game we always end up staying at the trader and modifying the base to live in it. The abandoned traders full of zeds usually spawn fairly close to the working trader we live in. We thought it would be cool to add quests revolving around this mindset that the player will most likely live in the trader early game. Maybe have one where you upgrade the walls, or you clear out the neighboring outposts that have been over-run. Or you can do simple missions where the trader sends you out to retrieve food, water or supplies.

Thanks again - we owe you a coffee.


Honestly, I've been thinking of doing something similar. I don't see a way to make a quest say "Go here and kill these zombies", so clearing out the nearby destroyed trader might be difficult. But I could definitely do quests for "place and upgrade X blocks" and "go fetch food and water."


I'll look into something like that for the next update. I'm REALLY looking forward to A17 so I can just put the quests on the guard captain rather than making players buy them. :)

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Honestly, I've been thinking of doing something similar. I don't see a way to make a quest say "Go here and kill these zombies", so clearing out the nearby destroyed trader might be difficult. But I could definitely do quests for "place and upgrade X blocks" and "go fetch food and water."


I'll look into something like that for the next update. I'm REALLY looking forward to A17 so I can just put the quests on the guard captain rather than making players buy them. :)


Yes! Will make editing the quest system much easier

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Honestly, I've been thinking of doing something similar. I don't see a way to make a quest say "Go here and kill these zombies", so clearing out the nearby destroyed trader might be difficult. But I could definitely do quests for "place and upgrade X blocks" and "go fetch food and water."


I'll look into something like that for the next update. I'm REALLY looking forward to A17 so I can just put the quests on the guard captain rather than making players buy them. :)


You'd use a quest similar to the trader quest, but going to a custom poi, that has a custom sleeper volume that has custom entities to kill.

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You'd use a quest similar to the trader quest, but going to a custom poi, that has a custom sleeper volume that has custom entities to kill.


Already got the custom poi with sleeper volume and entities.


It's the "making the quest go there" bit I suck with. ;)

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<quest id="quest_whiteRiverCitizen1" group_name_key="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen" name_key="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen1" subtitle_key="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen1_subtitle" description_key="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen1_description" icon="ui_game_symbol_map_trader" category_key="quest" difficulty="medium">
	<objective type="Goto" id="trader" value="5" />
	<reward type="SkillPoints" value="5" />

...my only guess is that "trader" refers to a faction. I've never tried this approach, but maybe add faction="quest1" to the entity?

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Really enjoying your mod, got on the only server with some peeps last night and i must say it was a hoot. All those rad zombie wandering hordes are a sight at night and the first time i went to a "traders" other than the quest one was quite a shocker. Nice touch making the zombies all guards and the trader that was supposed to be there. Oh, meant to ask, what about the radsuit. Any plans to use that in the rad zone for protection as well?

Edited by Darkstardragon (see edit history)
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Really enjoying your mod, got on the only server with some peeps last night and i must say it was a hoot. All those rad zombie wandering hordes are a sight at night and the first time i went to a "traders" other than the quest one was quite a shocker. Nice touch making the zombies all guards and the trader that was supposed to be there. Oh, meant to ask, what about the radsuit. Any plans to use that in the rad zone for protection as well?


Once we can apply buffs to items so they work on equip, yes.


I believe that's an A17 feature. :)

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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Also if any mods come past here...


Is it ok if I open a new thread when v1.6 is ready? I... kinda underestimated how much room I'd need to post mod stuff so my first post is now full. >_< Could do with opening a new thread and reserving the first 2-3 post slots.

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Couple of notes:


Leather Armor, can't make...even if we learn the patters...still grayed out with ! quest marks.

NPC Bad guys: their reach is too much, we are playing on a dedicated server so we have that general "reach lag bull♥♥♥♥" anyways but a couple of those guys hit me with a sledgehammer 20-30 ft away.

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NPC bad guys use the same range as the player, even on multiplayer. It's tied to the weapon. If you want to melee them, I suggest using the spear (which is why I put the spear in, cos that multiplayer lag reach crap is ANNOYING!)


And I'll look into the leather armour issue. :) I'm re-testing class quests anyways and I know one of them requires you to make leather armour.

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Maybe it is their speed then, I don't know. I have the same issues with zombies but, as you said, with the spear it totally helps. NPC dude are out of control it feels like.


The leather armor issue works with the quest but if you find the patterns in the wild, shouldn't you be able to make it as well? That's the way it works with other things like scrap tools, quest gives you patterns but if you put the points into it you can also make them.


Just trying to help, loving the mod otherwise.

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Yeah, you should be able to. It gives you the leather armour perk which should then unlock bits of armour.


So I'll double check it and see what's going on. :) Also, the bandits are slower than the player. If you run away from them, you will totally outrun them (did that on purpose because they were nuts before)

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KhaineGB During the game, zombies are killed by guards in the trade area. You can add an option to buy a security guard to put in place of the deceased.


Can't do it. They use spawn blocks which only spawn when the game loads in.


I already tried. :( Because I had the same idea.

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Good Morning KhaineGB


Thought of the week .. " You can Please Most of the people .. Most of the Time .. But You Can not Please All the People All the Time. "


I will say that I'm Enjoying the Game as it stands 99% of the time .. It is Well balanced and thought out. You have added just enough challenge to make it Fun and if they want it harder just tell them increase their Level of Play to InSane with full Bloodmoon .. LOL


Also you have just the Right amount of new Equipment to make it interesting .. I (personally opinion) maybe would add Titanium Block and Rebar. (that is just a thought)


Have Fun and Enjoy ... the Old Gamer ..:02.47-tranquillity: .............. Also have a great weekend

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Good Day KhaineGB


I Do have a question and Not sure this is a bug in 7d2d or Not. But it happens in a couple of games including yours, but not all.


When I put down a "Lands Claim Block" it works just fine for picking up item that I Built and put Down .... BUT after logging out of Game and coming back into the Game they do Not work anymore ... But if I make another one .. destroy the first one and put down a New one, all is good again .. UNTIL I LOG Out again and come back into game later .. then the same thing.


Any Thoughts on this ... the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

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Good Morning KhaineGB


Thought of the week .. " You can Please Most of the people .. Most of the Time .. But You Can not Please All the People All the Time. "


I will say that I'm Enjoying the Game as it stands 99% of the time .. It is Well balanced and thought out. You have added just enough challenge to make it Fun and if they want it harder just tell them increase their Level of Play to InSane with full Bloodmoon .. LOL


Also you have just the Right amount of new Equipment to make it interesting .. I (personally opinion) maybe would add Titanium Block and Rebar. (that is just a thought)


Have Fun and Enjoy ... the Old Gamer ..:02.47-tranquillity: .............. Also have a great weekend


Titanium blocks are coming with the next update, and they will be class specific. Already got them in the game and working! :)




Hey Khaine, changed the npcs at the traders for my sp game, thought you might get a chuckle out of it




Not gonna lie, those look pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cool!

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