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Ravenhearst Mod


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I made that little FAQ to reduce the amount of "how do I make sticks" posts, now the thread's getting full of "when is 3.0 out" posts. Ah well, can't win :p


Well you can make another FAQ about the '' Ravenhearst 3.0 release date '' :p





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Taken from Mini-Faq...


Sry, it sounded better in my head...


- Q: When I eat food it doesn't help with my hunger or wellness, why?


A: Are you eating food while accessing the advanced campfire? This is the main problem people run into, do not eat food from your inventory when accessing crafting stations. ALWAYS CONSUME FOOD/DRINK/MEDICINE FROM YOUR TOOLBELT! PUT THE ITEM IN THE TOOLBELT AND ACTIVATE IT INGAME LIKE USING A WEAPON!


This is actually something new to me as I've never had this problem. I always got both hunger AND wellness when I eat from inventory (as I always keep often used stuff in toolbelt), and I even got them from when I eat from table inv. as I tend to forget long-cooking recipes in it when I'm out gathering while things cook. (Spreads heatmap out a little by working in a different chunk than what your fires/furnaces are running in...I always end up with at least 3 going at any one time. :doh:)

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To be honest I made that FAQ a few weeks back and forgot about it, since then both the issues with crafting lag and wellness/hunger from food have been remedied somewhat in the recent patches, so they're now not as common. As far as I was aware eating from the toolbelt never had issues, so I was trying to recommend to go with that method to avoid any problems. On a side note, I really wish this game told you your wellness in a **.** scale rather than just the rounded number.

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on a rented server, getting this error, any ideas what could have caused this ? https://imgur.com/a/guRly


i see A LOT of wood frames, so many i probably don't see all of them. when they upgraded to the 3d frames this started occurring. it was so bad at one point early on they reverted to 2d frames, and then brought them back.


tl;dr, careful how many frames you use.

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There's a hole in our world.... Any ideas?


So, my players and I are on Day 149 using Ravenhearst (big hit all the way around btw, kudos to all involved). But on Day 149 a large "void" of missing textures/blocks has appeared in part of our base, and we are getting the following error anytime a player gets close enough to load that chuck.


"ERR ERROR: Vertices.Count (64970) != tangents,Count (0), MeshIdx=0 TriIdx=65818

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"


We assume, perhaps incorrectly, that a "new" modded item/block may be the culprit. Can anyone offer thoughts on what may be wrong and how it can be fixed, short of a server wipe?


Edited: Sorry, I see someone else had posted the same issue a couple of days ago. Apparently it's related to wood frames? If so, can it be fixed? Thanks!


Second edit: If you can rmove enough of the frames, the problem seems to fix itself. Thanks for the pointer pervious posters.

Edited by Grimwinder (see edit history)
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Edited: Sorry, I see someone else had posted the same issue a couple of days ago. Apparently it's related to wood frames? If so, can it be fixed? Thanks!


it's a vanilla issue :(


thanks for taking the time to look around the thread, glad you guys are having fun :D

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First impressions from a noob


Really liking the mod. Some of the frustrating shortages (honey, antib) really create a sense of desperation. I must have eaten broken glass 15 times before I accumulated enough skill points to multi into medic, but now I really feel I've earned my sense of security.


Enjoy most of the crafting, but do find it a little frustrating that some things are so gated; still have to have an advanced campfire, even though I have a working stove, to make herbal antib. Seems like the oven should be able to cook anything the campfire can.


Spears are brilliant. Any more weapons planned? Starting in blades, it took me a long time to appreciate the extra reach a spear gave me and I spitefully used a tracker knife for a while until I realized that dying of infection from bites was just not fun.


What's a good next class? Got blades and medic, and I'm thinking Farmer. Fairly secure base, although I keep isolated horde night bases around.


Anyhow, thanks for making it available. Really adding a lot of replayability and enjoyable "hard mode" gaming for me.

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Here's something I haven't seen in the thread yet (or I might have just missed it). Will 3.0 have regular 7 Day hordes in the 21 Day Bloodmoon pack?


I'm on my 3rd playthrough atm because I keep screwin my base up and resetting, and so far on day 18 again. All 3 plays so far I'm noticing that yes, the Blood Moon hordes are on 21 days, but I'm not getting any regular hordes...apart from random wanderings anyway. Is this intentional to have all horde nights every 21 days? Or is it a bug that pushing all Bloodmoons to 21 days it disables the normal 7 day hordes?


I like the extra time sometimes for me to figure out big builds on test saves, but it does get a bit boring after a while, and then getting slammed with the BM enemy types as a first horde on day 21 kinda sucks.


Trying to design a base especially for larger hordes ahead of time is a bit of a pain when the kill xp from the previous smaller hordes goes a long way towards the skills needed to craft stuff for the larger ones.


I like the idea of the 21 Day BM pack because even in Vanilla I end up getting BM's on EVERY horde night, not just every once in a while.

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i'm not sure what you're asking, the point of the 21 day bms is you only get bloodmoons every 21 days. this was done largely for high pop servers that would be seeing bm hordes 3 times a real life day. but it works well for people that want to relax more between hordes.


if you want weekly bm hordes, play the 7day version.


it almost sounds like you think there's another horde type?


aside from "screamer" hordes, there are only wandering hordes, and bloodmoon "7th day" hordes.

Edited by sinda (see edit history)
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i'm not sure what you're asking, the point of the 21 day bms is you only get bloodmoons every 21 days. this was done largely for high pop servers that would be seeing bm hordes 3 times a real life day. but it works well for people that want to relax more between hordes.


if you want weekly bm hordes, play the 7day version.


it almost sounds like you think there's another horde type?


aside from "screamer" hordes, there are only wandering hordes, and bloodmoon "7th day" hordes.


Well that's just it. Before BM's were implemented there were "Normal" 7 day hordes without the extra weather effects and specialized zombies. Then after, there were still the normal 7 day hordes and a BM event that happened randomly every couple horde nights or so.


Now it seems every 7th day horde is a BM one, with lightning, a darker night tinted red with Ferals added, and (for most modded) Boss zombies and Ferals added.


During the "Normal" 7 day hordes, Ferals and 'Boss-Strength' zombies (Cops and 'Hub City'-type) weren't added to the horde list until day 21 when the game stage was higher, but still had normal zombies (ex. days 7, 14, 28, 35, 49 ect...) where every 21 days (21, 42, 64, 85) would have higher zombie counts and tougher than normal spawns.


Unless I missed something and everything got turned on it's ass in the base Vanilla coding that every 7 days is a BM and that is the only dated horde type now. (Excl. 'Screamer' and Wandering hordes which are dynamically spawned.)


I am so confused now....:upset:


It's hard to keep everything straight since I can still remember experiences from back in A12.4, but can barely remember what I ate the day before.

Edited by NazT_DragN (see edit history)
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The fun pimps changed the hordes to be based on your player game stage.


They no longer increase in difficulty based on the day. This allows someone to join a server on day 777 and the horde will be based on there game stage, and will be a very easy horde. Someone playing since day one would have mostly irradiated zombies in his horde.


Game stage is based on player level, number of deaths, recency of death, zombies killed, ect.


Ravenhearst uses the same formula for hordes. 7 day version has them every 7 days, 21 day version only every 21 days.

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So I have not passed away, not has 3.0 become Vaporware :D


Ive been very active in the Discord and SUPER busy at work on 3.0. Im happy to announce to you guys a barebones website dedicated to 3.0. It will server as a hub for updates, a wiki and all sorts of other things like previews. Here is a link for those interested.




We are also conducting a number of surveys on the Discord to get a feel of what people like and dislike. I highly suggest heading on over there and getting your opinion in as we are now putting touches on a final test version.


Release is looking like end of February, early March. A bit later than expected but I assure you work has been intense. Testing is fully under way and our team is AMAZING. They are putting in MAJOR hours and squashing all kinds of bugs and balancing issues. I am proud to say this is going to be a release even I will be proud of.


Wanted to give a HUGE thanks to Sinda for literally sacrificing her life to helping catch all the things. She has been absolutely valuable in Localization, recipes, quests and all other areas. If you like something new in 3.0 and find it fun, most likely you can thank her for pushing for it. FallenDice has been amazing as a confidant and as my soul, keeping me in check and preventing me from doing things like forcing you to use screws to make Scrap Iron frames :) and all sorts of evil things i tried to do to you guys. Dancapo (danielsobral) has been amazing with his documents on food, localization, block ids, item ids and all sorts of technical data that is cleaning up and polishing the files. Dex, Copendub and Frantic Dan all have contributed major work in testing as well.


What I am trying to say is thank you. To the players and especially the testers. This is truly a labor of love. We are also going to be announcing some cool things to try and help give back to some who need a bit of a boost. Im just a nobody in the grand scheme of things, but with what little I can offer I want to use it to help some others. More on that soon.


Until we get a nice preview ready here is a SMALL list of what to expect going forward in 3.0



-New Herds and Terrors with some new audio




-Gun Parts have been removed to help us adjust and balance for A17. Now you will find whole guns and extra ammo.


-Several new Deco Models for beautifying the base


-Revamped Opening Questline along with a SECOND questline to help learn the basics of the mod


-Complete overhaul of Localization now with better descriptions with more information (Screw wiki)


-Full Rebalance of all guns and weapons and tools. Progression makes way more sense now!


-New quests!


There's a lot more but I'm holding off for now on that info. Suffice to say those Hazmat Suits.....they have a purpose now ;)


And a gentle reminder to head over to our Discord to chat with the team and other players. We even get to see legends like Kage and Kickz stop by from time to time! https://discord.gg/0uy8OaV8YAMGZKeS

Edited by JaxTeller718 (see edit history)
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-Gun Parts have been removed to help us adjust and balance for A17. Now you will find whole guns and extra ammo.


Is that something being done in a17? i havent kept up with what's coming out


yeah, our version is much more basic than their awesome sounding one tho ^_~


but at least you'll have some bag space out looting!

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I have noticed an error consistently showing in the logs which is


2018-02-06 21:39:57 300283.385 Error Block on position -4619, 59, 124 with value id=109 px=0 py=0 pz=0 should be a parent but is not! (3)


The position is the helicopter and in game shows " Gunship music " .


Just wondering if anyone has encountered this and if it can be fixed. I've not checked single player as yet so I will check that thinking maybe a file got corrupted. This is a hosted dedicated server.


Edit, seems the same in single player as well. Any idea if this sounds like a corrupt file or something else?

Edited by BB_Drifter (see edit history)
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I have noticed an error consistently showing in the logs which is


2018-02-06 21:39:57 300283.385 Error Block on position -4619, 59, 124 with value id=109 px=0 py=0 pz=0 should be a parent but is not! (3)


The position is the helicopter and in game shows " Gunship music " .


Just wondering if anyone has encountered this and if it can be fixed. I've not checked single player as yet so I will check that thinking maybe a file got corrupted. This is a hosted dedicated server.


Edit, seems the same in single player as well. Any idea if this sounds like a corrupt file or something else?


is it only the one in said position? is it playing music? which version is it you're playing on?

if you're able to pastebin your output log from sp since you're seeing it there too, could be helpful.

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