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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Here is a video you might not recommend.


Considering there is a disclaimer saying "NOTE - This video is a joke, but I have switched to only making REAL tech videos, see some here" yeah I would say not.

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Considering there is a disclaimer saying "NOTE - This video is a joke, but I have switched to only making REAL tech videos, see some here" yeah I would say not.


Well, the next thing you'll say is hitting F5 doesn't help MM release the Kraken.

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I hope the new unity didnt break more than it did fix. After all the rehauling done it would feel a hit in the nuts if it ment even more bugs.


There's been plenty of time to get rid off all the bugs, so that should be okay I think.

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Thanks for the settings tips. My settings were very similar outside of Shadow Distance: Off. So, I turned Shadow Distance off and I'm at about 40 FPS... That's a decent jump, but far from the 80-90 fps you are getting. I'm sitting at 16 GB of ram and according to the task manager, I was using 77% of my RAM. I could add some more RAM to offer the memory some extra breathing room, but not sure if I would see a fps boost.


I guess I'm stuck waiting to see if the updated Unity and performance enhancements the devs have come up with will give me a decent fps boost. In the meantime if anyone else has tips/tricks to squeeze more fps into the game, I am sure I wouldn't be the only one to benefit! :smile-new:


As discuss before, A17 improve performance but it add more content and complex logic than a16, so the performance improvement is used to compensate the extra content, so you will get same/similar FPS with a17.


- - - Updated - - -


On Serious Note, It was said that end of july we get Experiemental release, and we understand that timeline goes off due to some problem, but I think MM game play should hit by now, and if not already in next 2 days we should see MM. Because once MM game play is released I guess it still take 15 days to release to public, so how wrong your timeline can go wrong, it is 15 days already huh?

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As discuss before, A17 improve performance but it add more content and complex logic than a16, so the performance improvement is used to compensate the extra content, so you will get same/similar FPS with a17.


- - - Updated - - -


On Serious Note, It was said that end of july we get Experiemental release, and we understand that timeline goes off due to some problem, but I think MM game play should hit by now, and if not already in next 2 days we should see MM. Because once MM game play is released I guess it still take 15 days to release to public, so how wrong your timeline can go wrong, it is 15 days already huh?


I see you are new here.


I remember Alpha's where the expected release date was postponed 4-5 times. A17 will most likely come somewhere in September, probably nearing the end of it.

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The last testing branch update was 2 days ago. To me, this usually means either they found a major bug and are stomping it, or everyone is approaching burnout and they took the weekend off. Either way, the weekend of the 4th/5th would be the earliest, so y'all can go take a nice little nap and stop stressing.


well it was weekend, thats why

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The last testing branch update was 2 days ago. To me, this usually means either they found a major bug and are stomping it, or everyone is approaching burnout and they took the weekend off. Either way, the weekend of the 4th/5th would be the earliest, so y'all can go take a nice little nap and stop stressing.


I have never really noticed, do they only release on the weekend? That would mean not hotfix work until Monday at the earliest... ?

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I see you are new here.


I remember Alpha's where the expected release date was postponed 4-5 times. A17 will most likely come somewhere in September, probably nearing the end of it.


Yes I join forum after 16.2, and that is really not good news :) I expect Alpha 17 in september, but not experimental or Beta Tester Version to go at that time.


- - - Updated - - -


well i just think that a17 is going to be a good build. and i still hold hopes that TFP is going to inadvertently fix all the bugs that make pvp almost unbearable. but we shall see.


For me I just love those new Gyro or 4x4 to be added, improve AI of zed is good too, not excited for bug fix or good looking light, I just need those couple of things in A16 and I am happy :).

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Is the kraken released already ? :(


Well, not for you. A17 is too good and your brain might overload with fun, excitement and you could develop some medical condition because of that. Maybe some kind of twitch or a giggle that comes out at inappropriate times.


Trust me, TFP has your health and welfare at heart. Me? They hate me and now I twitch and giggle all the time... :)

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what bugs? all i know sound position is crap and its hard to tell where someone is


This is why I love my surround sound headphones.



Well, not for you. A17 is too good and your brain might overload with fun, excitement and you could develop some medical condition because of that. Maybe some kind of twitch or a giggle that comes out at inappropriate times.


Trust me, TFP has your health and welfare at heart. Me? They hate me and now I twitch and giggle all the time... :)


Well, the World Health Organization already considers gaming to be an addiction like alcoholism or drug addiction. They classify those conditions as diseases, so... I mean...

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For me I just love those new Gyro or 4x4 to be added, improve AI of zed is good too, not excited for bug fix or good looking light, I just need those couple of things in A16 and I am happy :).


As far as i know, there will be no Gyro on A17, so better not wait for it;)

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Hopefully in the next Alpha we will see other weapons such as the M-16. Seems out of place that we have the army in the game and no M-16.


It can be easily added with some mod - actually it is possible it is already in some mode - there are so many of them. I have played in 4 or 5 and they have many new weapons, and bullets. You should try them out.

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Hopefully in the next Alpha we will see other weapons such as the M-16. Seems out of place that we have the army in the game and no M-16.


Yes I hope so too. Maybe make the high power/high caliber weapons rare drops at military bases or what not, but make the zeds wandering the base covered in kevlar and hard to kill. Maybe the military zeds are always feral? (Possible plot point that the military is responsible for the virus.) I would love to have an m16 late game during a horde.😁

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