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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Not against permanent mods. It doesn't need to make sense. Once you dump alot of points into scavenging, you find guns often enough.

Gun mods always reminds me of Fallout 4. I thought their system was well done. At the end of the day, the mods came down to preference more than anything for me. You could always go for max damage. But towards end game, I always built the gun more for aesthetics, even if the damage wasn't as good. If the gun mods are fun to use and look awesome, no one is going to care either way. Customisation is key.

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These last few pages have been exhausting, but I think we found this alpha’s #gate...


Yes indeed. The solution seems simple, though. For those that will lose immersion over digital things, let them stay in A16.... :) The rest of us can play A17 and enjoy the heck out of it.

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Yes indeed. The solution seems simple, though. For those that will lose immersion over digital things, let them stay in A16.... :) The rest of us can play A17 and enjoy the heck out of it.


I'd probably stay on A16, but I just cant pass up this talk about improved lighting in A17

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As an American whose favorite gun is the Winchester Model 94 Lever Action Rifle, I agree. :-)


If one doesn't show up, I will probably have to mod it in myself. And if there isn't an already made model to grab, the wife and I are both working on learning Blender, and I'm slowly working on learning Unity, so at some point we should be able to get one in. I know there are some tutorials for putting new assets in the game in the mods section as well.


I informed a modeler I have one if he needs reference pics... =)

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Craftable guns to me sounds wrong, but I will try it and see first how it is actually implemented..


A12 we had to make molds for each gun part. all guns had their own mold,your level of crafting ,was how the parts level was picked. like 8 clay and a part to make the item.. much better i think,then A16 any way!

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A12 we had to make molds for each gun part. all guns had their own mold,your level of crafting ,was how the parts level was picked. like 8 clay and a part to make the item.. much better i think,then A16 any way!


Yeah back then we still had grid crafting right.

I remember modding my game to be able to craft sniper and magnum that way. Ah nostalgia.

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Well thanks for at least trying to find a reason for this.

It still makes no real sense as you could probably still remove it...

but at least you see my point and try to give an immersive reason on why its not removable :D


That was actually the third post by my count that provided explanations for you as to why attachments might not be removable in reality after you pleaded for people to provide you with some in your original rant.


I guess all the caps typing and negative review posturing drowned it all out for you. Glad you finally relaxed enough to notice one of them.


Makes me wonder how many attempts to resolve your issue back in 2015 actually went unnoticed by you.


Also, Gazz was speaking in generalities and not to you specifically. As you pointed out, he doesn’t know you. But as a game designer and one of our lead guys on getting things balanced he has to think in terms of how people (not any specific person here) will try to game the systems he’s trying to balance and exploit them. You took it way too personally.


I’d chalk it up to just momentary anger at a disappointing announcement but even you admit that you’ve been grinding an axe for the last three years.


Isn’t it more work than it’s worth to be angry for three friggin years over a video game that costs $10 on sale? Don’t do this to yourself.

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Be careful asking Guppy for a picture of his rifle. Fool me once, shame on you...


Roland, we need a poll on this rifle of Guppys. Was it:


1) A single shot.

2) Magnum

3) Short barrel.

4) Long barrel.

5) Double barrel.

6) Sawed off.

7) Hunting rifle.

8) BB gun.

9) Toy rifle.


Maybe narrow this list to the three most likely?

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Roland, we need a poll on this rifle of Guppys. Was it:


1) A single shot.

2) Magnum

3) Short barrel.

4) Long barrel.

5) Double barrel.

6) Sawed off.

7) Hunting rifle.

8) BB gun.

9) Toy rifle.


Maybe narrow this list to the three most likely?


Well one thing we know it shoots blanks. Love ya Guppy.

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Hey...I updated the OP two days ago...while on vacation.


You start with three rows of 9 slots so that is 27 slots for the math impaired.

Every time you purchase a rank in your Strength attribute it unlocks a slot (or maybe two-- still on vacation so can't check). Thanks to the extra line they put in you can unlock an additional 18 slots for a total of 45 slots once your strength is maxed out.


OK I would like some clarification on this ,are we getting 9 slots per row in alpha 17 ,or is the math wrong and we still only get 8 slots per row as it is in alpha 16 ?

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OK I would like some clarification on this ,are we getting 9 slots per row in alpha 17 ,or is the math wrong and we still only get 8 slots per row as it is in alpha 16 ?


Im 95% sure it’s nine slots per row in A17. I don’t remember how many it was in A16. I can’t check right now for 100% confirmation because I’m 600 miles away from my desktop.

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Im 95% sure it’s nine slots per row in A17. I don’t remember how many it was in A16. I can’t check right now for 100% confirmation because I’m 600 miles away from my desktop.


A16 vanilla is 4 rows and 8 columns for a total of 32 slots. :)


So that means we're only "losing" 5 slots when we start the game, but we can earn them back.

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A12 we had to make molds for each gun part. all guns had their own mold,your level of crafting ,was how the parts level was picked. like 8 clay and a part to make the item.. much better i think,then A16 any way!


I started in A-16, but I would like to see this back. I am hoping something similar to what you mentioned returns and is required in A-17.


I haven't played Minecraft in years, but it reminds me of a mod in Minecraft I loved (don't remember the name of) because it was such a challenge to get the tools/weapon molds, then make them with different metals, THEN add mods (that you could not undo) and if you did it right with strategy in mind, you have an amazing tool or weapon... not in 30 minutes, but in 20-30 hours of gameplay from day 1. The feeling of accomplishment was real even though the product was a figment of the game's imagination. It could have been balanced better for challenge purposes, but I would not be mad if TFP follows a similar path for crafting the weapons themselves.... I'll keep a very open mind if they didn't.

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I once watched the movie "Impossible Mission 1" and the helicopter in tunnel finale ruined the movie for me. I talked to others and nobody had the same reaction. It was just me. Everyone's immersion breaks differently.


That was immersion breaking for me too, to the point I never watched any of the rest of the series.

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A16 vanilla is 4 rows and 8 columns for a total of 32 slots. :)


So that means we're only "losing" 5 slots when we start the game, but we can earn them back.


Well dang....now I’m only 85% sure and I’m itching to check to know. At least I’ll have something to keep me awake while driving home tomorrow.

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That was immersion breaking for me too, to the point I never watched any of the rest of the series.

I think there’s a YouTube compilation of all clips of Tom Cruise running which pretty much sums up all his movies. ;)

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Well dang....now I’m only 85% sure and I’m itching to check to know. At least I’ll have something to keep me awake while driving home tomorrow.


I checked in the windows XML file. Always keep a vanilla backup of the game just in-case I break something!

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I think there’s a YouTube compilation of all clips of Tom Cruise running which pretty much sums up all his movies. ;)


Yeah, I think I'll skip that. I'm not overly (or even any) impressed with him as an actor. I think there might be maybe 3 of his movies I actually liked him in.


Hmm, just realized that the 3 movies I actually like him in were ones they actually did not have him running in most of the movie.

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Have you ever tried to disassemble your scooter at home under water so you could carry it out of a lake ?

I think it is good, if you drive your vehicle in the lake you're just screwed.

Maybe you can get your loot out of it but the vehicle should be destroyed.


I have dismantled and put my minibike back together a few times because I was careless and drove it into a body of water,

it is possible.

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