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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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How about this idea for SI instead of the granite layer...


Players can construct a foundation out of new foundation block. The foundation can only be one block in thickness (foundation blocks cannot be placed upon other foundation blocks) and once done and activated all the blocks involved merge into a single multiblock slab. Anything built upon that foundation calculates its SI to that foundation and ignores anything below the foundation. But the foundation itself is subject to normal SI rules down to bedrock and is extremely heavy and so could not be supported by stilts or rooftops so it couldn't be used as a ceiling nor could someone suspend it and hang a base from it.


Or maybe just fix the SI calculations to be a bit more realistic? A 3 block tunnel that is 20 blocks below your house should not cause it to collapse, especially when there is solid earth/stone between the tunnel and the house. :p Easier said than done, I'm well aware, but it seems like a much more productive use of resources than a specialized exception that would likely create a lot of bugs on its own.

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Yes and no. It depends on how close to the surface the air pockets are but for gameplay purposes all tunnels could be ignored until a large enough excavation close enough to the surface could cause a collapse.


There is a good possibilty i misundestand how SI is calaculated but i thought that a terrain block above an air block is supported by surrounding blocks glued to the face so it will only have SI max load of 70.


20 for each face minus the mass of the block.


This will continue directly vertically of blocks placed on top.


So if a structual pillar is placed in this location it will only have 70 max load.


I obviously misunderstand somewhere i just wanted to know where and how.

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When you clear an area of zombies then run slightly out of range then come back and there's new zombies, it's jarring and gives you the feeling like "Hey, that's not right". It's not long before you realize you can force zombies to despawn instead of fighting them, or shuffle their types and locations for your benefit.


So, it was my last point then. I just didn't understand. Typical. Lol.


I can see the benefit of that.

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and pick up your bedroll and drink all your beer


Wait one second! Hacking me up and eating me is one thing, but stealing my bear is -- wait, was it the cold beer? They can have the warm stuff.


Brain Zombies would use psychological warfare, steal bear, rearranging the rocks in you chest, poo in your sleeping bag.


Oh yeah, fear the brain zombie!

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How about we skip all the crap about trying to limit people from building underground, and instead focus on improving the ABOVE ground experience?


1) Horde night? The best loot drops on horde night. Right now the loot sucks and horde night feels like maintenance.

2) More advanced loot requires you go to a more advanced biome. Want the best loot in the game? Wasteland on horde night is where it's at. IMO this could even replace game stages, as the player can now 'choose' when to progress to a new difficulty by moving to a new biome.

3) Let players gain wellness from killing zombies just like they lose wellness from getting hit. Either that or remove the wellness debuff so it isn't such a chore to melee a zombie.

4) Add unique quests for unique loot. Don't go above ground much? No awesome pick axe for you.

5) Keep the best loot locked away behind drops. Make it above what you could ever get from a crafting table. Example: Level 800 pick axe.

6) Give XP for exploration. Find a new location for the first time? Bonus XP.

7) Give blueprints for awesome building/base types as drops and hidden in cities, etc. to encourage exploration. Have a recipe list for the player to get to build these items.


With these changes, both sides of the 'camp' will be happy.

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I know this is a long shot and I really don't intend to be rude but. . .


This game has serious issues with optimization. Zombies skip around and rubber band on a lot of servers with more than enough excellent hardware to run them. Farming crops (especially corn) currently causes massive server-wide lag spikes that often result in mass kickings by EAC. Minibikes still cause issues and fall through the world if rode too fast. I'm not here to continue a massive list of bug reports though. I really want to ask some simple questions.


1) Do The Fun Pimps truthfully plan on optimizing this game for larger (30 person) servers and smashing out the many bugs in the beta phase? I remember reading somewhere that this game is only going to be designed for 8 person servers which is frankly a load of bull. Seeing as most servers run over 8 people and random gen's 10KM Radius is far too huge for just 8 people on at once


2) Will a fix for farming come with the next patch?


3) As silly as it sounds. Is there any plans to allow at least in creative mode. Access to lights that don't require electricity to run? This is one of the most requested features I hear about all the time from people around our server. Simply so we admins could light up more public areas.


4) Is the Behemoth scrapped entirely? I don't mind waiting for the beauty another whole year or 2 if we have to. But would just love to know. As hordes on larger servers tend to be kinda pathetic with only a total of 50 zombies at most showing up throughout the night. 1 Behemoth showing up at horde or having them spawn at set location in the world or even at the very least adding a finished version to the spawn commands for admins would be incredible for the more experienced players. Players that after playing for 200+ in-game days they have everything they could possibly need, have built what they wanted to build, and seek endgame boss content like the Behemoth


I'm doing my best as server manager of the server that I run to insist that The Fun Pimps have everything under control. But when we patched from Alpha 15.2 -> Alpha 16 (Yes we wiped) we had to drop our player limit from 48 -> 30 with the same exact hardware due to less optimization with this game, namely with electricity and the lag it causes. Which was tolerable


But when we patched to I believe it was Alpha 16.2 that broke farming. I really have to ask what I did in #1 and #2 due to it seeming as the more major patches are released. It appears the game gets less optimized / more broken. Could someone from the team potentially give us an answer? Pretty please

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Wait one second! Hacking me up and eating me is one thing, but stealing my bear is -- wait, was it the cold beer? They can have the warm stuff.


Always mark your 'unwanted' beer with a small blue dot on the bottom of the can. For those 'guests' that over stay their welcome, and drink your beer. Especially those that never bring any to the camp fire.... blue dot those buggers.......



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If things work out for vehicles like they are for guns then parts are going away. Mods will be the new assembling game and will work to make your bike different than mine.


Oh.. I did hear that parts went away on guns, but I thought it was the "parts" for guns that went away... Not the whole assembly system... Oh well, this game keeps it fresh every alpha :D


But if the assembly system goes bye bye, then how are guns and potentially vehicles going to be made/looted?

Because if, say the bike, needs a specific "mod" to be rideable at all.

Then it's just a different assembly system... Right... Edit: Not that that is bad... Just an observation.


So many questions... Such a long time...

Looking forward to the first gameplay vid :D

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How about we skip all the crap about trying to limit people from building underground, and instead focus on improving the ABOVE ground experience?


1) Horde night? The best loot drops on horde night. Right now the loot sucks and horde night feels like maintenance.

2) More advanced loot requires you go to a more advanced biome. Want the best loot in the game? Wasteland on horde night is where it's at. IMO this could even replace game stages, as the player can now 'choose' when to progress to a new difficulty by moving to a new biome.

3) Let players gain wellness from killing zombies just like they lose wellness from getting hit. Either that or remove the wellness debuff so it isn't such a chore to melee a zombie.

4) Add unique quests for unique loot. Don't go above ground much? No awesome pick axe for you.

5) Keep the best loot locked away behind drops. Make it above what you could ever get from a crafting table. Example: Level 800 pick axe.

6) Give XP for exploration. Find a new location for the first time? Bonus XP.

7) Give blueprints for awesome building/base types as drops and hidden in cities, etc. to encourage exploration. Have a recipe list for the player to get to build these items.


With these changes, both sides of the 'camp' will be happy.


Here here

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Always mark your 'unwanted' beer with a small blue dot on the bottom of the can. For those 'guests' that over stay their welcome, and drink your beer. Especially those that never bring any to the camp fire.... blue dot those buggers.......




Oh! When you said "mark your bear", my mind went immediately into the toilet...


Friend(?): "Dang Al, your bear tastes like PISS!"

Me: "Oh... does it?"

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I like the idea of building a foundation first and then framing and upgrading from there. So, yes, you could still build on bare dirt but then your SI would be calculated from bedrock instead and subject to tunnels below.


Just taking a page from Ob’s book and spitballing... 😀


Love this idea! It would seem to me that it would also increase the efficiency of SI calculations...



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How about we skip all the crap about trying to limit people from building underground, and instead focus on improving the ABOVE ground experience?


1) Horde night? The best loot drops on horde night. Right now the loot sucks and horde night feels like maintenance.

2) More advanced loot requires you go to a more advanced biome. Want the best loot in the game? Wasteland on horde night is where it's at. IMO this could even replace game stages, as the player can now 'choose' when to progress to a new difficulty by moving to a new biome.

3) Let players gain wellness from killing zombies just like they lose wellness from getting hit. Either that or remove the wellness debuff so it isn't such a chore to melee a zombie.

4) Add unique quests for unique loot. Don't go above ground much? No awesome pick axe for you.

5) Keep the best loot locked away behind drops. Make it above what you could ever get from a crafting table. Example: Level 800 pick axe.

6) Give XP for exploration. Find a new location for the first time? Bonus XP.

7) Give blueprints for awesome building/base types as drops and hidden in cities, etc. to encourage exploration. Have a recipe list for the player to get to build these items.


With these changes, both sides of the 'camp' will be happy.


I'm digging a fair amount of the ideas here too. Not so much the pickaxe one. Would rather see more balance between pickaxe and auger then yeah, auger needs to be found. Most importantly... STOP KILLING MY FREAKING AUGER SO FAST. I can mine out a MUCH larger space with a pickaxe before breaking versus an auger. And chill out on the gas consumption!

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How about we skip all the crap about trying to limit people from building underground, and instead focus on improving the ABOVE ground experience?


1) Horde night? The best loot drops on horde night. Right now the loot sucks and horde night feels like maintenance.

2) More advanced loot requires you go to a more advanced biome. Want the best loot in the game? Wasteland on horde night is where it's at. IMO this could even replace game stages, as the player can now 'choose' when to progress to a new difficulty by moving to a new biome.

3) Let players gain wellness from killing zombies just like they lose wellness from getting hit. Either that or remove the wellness debuff so it isn't such a chore to melee a zombie.

4) Add unique quests for unique loot. Don't go above ground much? No awesome pick axe for you.

5) Keep the best loot locked away behind drops. Make it above what you could ever get from a crafting table. Example: Level 800 pick axe.

6) Give XP for exploration. Find a new location for the first time? Bonus XP.

7) Give blueprints for awesome building/base types as drops and hidden in cities, etc. to encourage exploration. Have a recipe list for the player to get to build these items.


With these changes, both sides of the 'camp' will be happy.


None of these suggestions will address my issues with dwarven fortresses.


Besides, people are able to multitask. Both concepts of "let's make underground dwelling challenging" and "let's make surface dwelling more enjoyable" can be discussed at the same time.



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Of we're talking about making structures cooler, can we lose the grid snapping requirements for at least deco and crafted blocks, excluding terrain and core building crafted blocks?


Dont know maybe 1m is the smallest snap value the coordinate system can handle.


Oh no flashback my brain is thinking about that FP breakdown again.

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Dont know maybe 1m is the smallest snap value the coordinate system can handle.


Oh no flashback my brain is thinking about that FP breakdown again.


I was thinking of this being done with offsets. Though you could end up with offsets that bump into each other I guess. Still, it would be cool to ditch the grid snapping for some placements.


Like... the Rugs... I want a rug under a coffee table. Because that's how my mama liked it. So I like it. But I can't align the dang rug outside of snap points.


And I want to corner some things. I'm guessing it's always gonna be a snap point based system. I'm just really liking some of the build aspects in Fallout 4 and am realizing how much nicer it is to build with less snap point requirements.

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You and Gazz talked me out of it. I conceded. :)


*GASP* I've been nothing but an ADVOCATE! X-D


Nah. I liked the Granite idea except from a slab over the world perspective. Was just trying to wrack my brain around how to make it work. Good idea, didn't mean to overly pick on it homie. :)

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Besides, people are able to multitask. Both concepts of "let's make underground dwelling challenging" and "let's make surface dwelling more enjoyable" can be discussed at the same time.




Yes. Agreed. In addition, "Let's make surface dwelling more enjoyable" and "let's make underground dwelling challenging" are not for the purpose of coaxing or driving people to the surface. That isn't the point at all.


We want the underground to be an interesting, fulfilling, engaging, and challenging place to play the game. I don't want to drive anyone out. I want to go in and still be able to enjoy the game.

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*GASP* I've been nothing but an ADVOCATE! X-D


Nah. I liked the Granite idea except from a slab over the world perspective. Was just trying to wrack my brain around how to make it work. Good idea, didn't mean to overly pick on it homie. :)


No worries. Your scenarios of exploitation were compelling. My problem is that I actively ignore and refuse to exploit the game in ways that would make me 100% immune to zombies so I don't naturally think along those lines. It made me think through things more and I THINK the foundation idea might be best.


It can't be used as a ceiling.

It can't float.

It can't be supported on the side of other blocks.

It would overwhelm the SI of any structure it was built on.

It wouldn't be able to stack on top of itself so no vertical walls of the stuff.

It would be limited in scope not replacing the overall world SI but only having a local effect.

It would make the base built upon it immune to air pockets below it

It would mesh well with actual building practices

It wouldn't force anyone to build using it if they didn't care about SI getting borked by unseen tunnels below.




Does it get destroyed all as one piece?

Can you punch through it later to connect a tunnel into your base or would you have to plan ahead and leave a hole ahead of time?

What are the ramifications of it being destroyed for the rest of your base?

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No worries. Your scenarios of exploitation were compelling. My problem is that I actively ignore and refuse to exploit the game in ways that would make me 100% immune to zombies so I don't naturally think along those lines. It made me think through things more and I THINK the foundation idea might be best.


It can't be used as a ceiling.

It can't float.

It can't be supported on the side of other blocks.

It would overwhelm the SI of any structure it was built on.

It wouldn't be able to stack on top of itself so no vertical walls of the stuff.

It would be limited in scope not replacing the overall world SI but only having a local effect.

It would make the base built upon it immune to air pockets below it

It would mesh well with actual building practices

It wouldn't force anyone to build using it if they didn't care about SI getting borked by unseen tunnels below.




Does it get destroyed all as one piece?

Can you punch through it later to connect a tunnel into your base or would you have to plan ahead and leave a hole ahead of time?

What are the ramifications of it being destroyed for the rest of you base?


So what happens if you completely dig the earth out from under it? Or maybe all but a single corner of it?

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