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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Any plans to fix gear so we can actusally use it beyond half durability? once it hits half the effectiveness of the item drops sharply. Meaning we end up having to repair it alot sooner than we should. Its always bugged me that its like this.


I think MM possibly covered that in his video on weapons mods. The numbers will go away and you just have tiers. I would think that alone would fix the issue you are talking about but without more detail from TFP I doubt we could know for sure.

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Alpha 17 Weapon Tints, brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Credit: Games4Kickz


Note: this is a special clip of pre-release Alpha 17 footage given to Games4Kickz. Unrelated 7DtD videos are still considered off topic, and may be removed from the Dev Diary.

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Diablo-esque Lucky Enduring Steel Pick of Incendiary Impaling +14!

With guns and this game going more towards the Borderlands style would be cool as well...not like those two systems are that different...

But still , looking forward to what changes this all brings in the end compared to the bland we have currently...

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I am intersted in learning the process of hwo you get the motobike or the jeep, crafting them is probally out, so maybe they spawn in the world missing some parts and you have to replace them? Because crafting a car/motorcycle from scrap parts seems kinda. iffy in my eyes, I mean the minibike makes sense when you look at it. But the Motorbike or Jeep? no way you could craft one from scratch. I actually think you should be able to find and repair the bike, motorbike and jeep to obtain them, insted of just crafting them from scratch. We could though craft additions to it like storage space etc. Would be not too hard to find if they are set to spawn in towns.


Though I never did get why I couldn't just hotwire those cars all over and put gas and a new battery (if needed) into them over making a minibike, thats always kinda bugged me.

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Adding nails to club = good


Making your club pink or lime green = useless


I'd rather tint my storage crates for easier loot management.


Hey if someone wants to run around with a neon pink spiked club they should be allowed to, its not like the zombies will care. We better be able to paint the motorbike and the jeep... Bike too actually.

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If some of you are getting impatient regarding the new vehicles, allow me to suggest that you could "play" 7DTD in real life for around $500+/- with this beauty!


I had the pleasure of put-putting around on one of these as a kid one summer.


I want one lol. I assume the motor has a chain going to the backwheel just on the side we cannot see?

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Isin't 6.5 HP kinda overkill in something that small?


HERESY! (at least in the USA, lol) Its got a max load of like 600lbs including a max of 200lbs on that back stowage rack. Plus, centrifugal clutch. I'd wager that the high horsepower is to compensate for the torque losses through the drivetrain.

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Maybe give the 7day rabbits a purpose.


The rabbit's purpose is to use processing power with run-and-hide AI and lead you on a useless chase for less meat than you need to make a meal (if you can even catch it).


I showed my stepdaughter how to use the F6 spawn menu so she could practice fighting zombies in a creative game before she joins my game. She decided her base needed 100 rabbits. Slowed the game down to about 1/2 FPS

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You know... if you could make a rabbit that tasted like bacon when cooked... $$$


My ex raised Rex rabbits for people to buy for showing, the ones that didn't make the cut, well, I had the job of processing them for food, they get up to about 10lbs. I've made sausage and jerky with them and was great. Now bacon I never thought of but wish I had!

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