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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Alot of us were really looking forward to the behemoth, I know personally I've been obsessing over it, even made an account to post this lol


I've been excited about behemoths when they were first mentioned. But after A16 overhaul of some of the guts of the game, I'm extremely glad to see these things pushed out and gone.


Ultimately, Behemoth was cool, but also kind of a weak stab at making the tower defense aspect of the game more challenging. I'd still love I see the big guy, but game guts first, then the real cool stuff.


So if Duke, Bandits, NPC's, Vehicle System, etc are guts, let's get those in and see where we are at before we do much more "neat" stuff.


When big ticket items like bandits, NPCs, and a more final physics model get into the game, we may find that things like behemoth and zip lines don't make as much sense anymore. Or we may find that they really should be DLC content or Expansion content later on. Maybe the Behemoth won't be implemented as a base killer buy instead as a side boss fight. Who knows.


Seems like TFP is really done with "maybe this would be neat for now " and is focused on "what's the final game really look like and how can we build it to make it expandable going forward?".


Which, I'm rather happy to see that as a more direct focus.

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A few mods like Valmod already have this, multiple benches, even a separate combine bench. The big disadvantage is you are often searching for the right bench, running from bench to bench, even confusing them (if they look very similar).


Ah I see. I havent checked out any mods to be honest. I might when the game is done since there will be a lot more there.


We will have to wait to see what the pimps introduce and how, if any, bench crafting will be implemented. It stands to reason that they may do a good enough job to not require modders to mess with anything.


Jax raised a very good point though regarding the hog. My worry is that in RWG if Hogs are spawns they should be rare enough to make them worth the hunt, but not too rare that u cant find them. If they are everywhere that will look a bit daft.


Having to make the Hog, actually I dont think thats a bad thing too. Maybe a separate repair kit, and to bridge two towers, how about finding the chassis in the world and have to repair that before you can add on wheels and other stuff.


The bikes in the world could be smashed up entities that you would have to sit there with a 5 minute timer on your repair kit in order to get it going.


A repair skill could be transferable to ovens, fridges, other electronics, bikes, and cars.


Its an interesting challenge for The Pimps.

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Awesome job MM and the rest of the Fun Pimp crew, I look forward to being able to craft and ride that bad boy, also don't let the jerks get you down, there are plenty of us here that appreciate your hard work and love you put into this game, it's one of my favorite games of all time, and honestly before 7 days I never really liked survival games, anyway I am getting off track, fantastic work! Quick question though, does the hog replace the minibike? Or will it be a progressive type, bike to mini bike to hog?

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With the reveal of the bicycle and hog, and the mention of possibly reducing smaller component parts for more significant upgrade parts, would it make sense to remove the mini-bike altogether and make an upgrade for the bicycle to attach a small engine to it to fill the same role? With the hog there just doesn't seem to be much of a point in having a whole vehicle to serve as a middle tier that fills the same role.



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With the reveal of the bicycle and hog, and the mention of possibly reducing smaller component parts for more significant upgrade parts, would it make sense to remove the mini-bike altogether and make an upgrade for the bicycle to attach a small engine to it to fill the same role? With the hog there just doesn't seem to be much of a point in having a whole vehicle to serve as a middle tier that fills the same role.




Not sure i see it like that but i mabe wrong.


Cycle slow speed no storage available early game.


Minibike med speed small storage.


Hog fastest speed adaptable functionailty.

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Not sure i see it like that but i mabe wrong.


Cycle slow speed no storage available early game.


Minibike med speed small storage.


Hog fastest speed adaptable functionailty.


Would guess that the minibike will be replaced with the 4x4 truck/vehicle.

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Not sure i see it like that but i mabe wrong.


Cycle slow speed no storage available early game.


Minibike med speed small storage.


Hog fastest speed adaptable functionailty.


I have to agree with you on this. Plus, what if the hog is more mid to late game? Then, the minibike is still a viable upgrade from the bicycle. Then, minibike to hog.


- - - Updated - - -


Would guess that the minibike will be replaced with the 4x4 truck/vehicle.


Or, keep it all. I would love to have a 10 car garage. :)

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Not sure i see it like that but i mabe wrong.


Cycle slow speed no storage available early game.


Minibike med speed small storage.


Hog fastest speed adaptable functionailty.


In MM's screenshot there's space on the back of the bicycle that seems to indicate something can go there, I'd imagine a shopping basket but maybe not. And also with the mini-bike getting a speed reduction it just doesn't seem like it's place adds enough value for it's cost. If a small engine could be mounted on the bicycle, with the requirement of reading some skill book, then it could serve the same role as the mini-bike and free up more space for the devs to add things of higher value. The same skill book could allow for mounting the shopping basket and a headlight too.

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Not sure about the speed reduction the cycle might do 5m/s and the hog can do 15m/s so minibike might do 10m/s seems well scaled if the storage options are equally staged with the vehicles


I understand saving some memory by cutting the minibike out but it depends on the vehicles availabilty and if the player movement and stamina is adjusted if a cycle is easily available

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We dont know the details so hold fire on what your allowing and not allowing on your server as the rule of not being possible would scrap most of the game from your server.


Yeah not likely. I play with like minded people who prefer realism. But thank you for the advice. Besides can't make a rule for something that doesn't exist so the point is moot right now. I'm just making it known, like everyone else here, that I support finding these vehicles in the world and not allowing us to craft them magically.

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Ah I see. I havent checked out any mods to be honest. I might when the game is done since there will be a lot more there.


We will have to wait to see what the pimps introduce and how, if any, bench crafting will be implemented. It stands to reason that they may do a good enough job to not require modders to mess with anything.


Jax raised a very good point though regarding the hog. My worry is that in RWG if Hogs are spawns they should be rare enough to make them worth the hunt, but not too rare that u cant find them. If they are everywhere that will look a bit daft.


Having to make the Hog, actually I dont think thats a bad thing too. Maybe a separate repair kit, and to bridge two towers, how about finding the chassis in the world and have to repair that before you can add on wheels and other stuff.


The bikes in the world could be smashed up entities that you would have to sit there with a 5 minute timer on your repair kit in order to get it going.


A repair skill could be transferable to ovens, fridges, other electronics, bikes, and cars.


Its an interesting challenge for The Pimps.


Im not against us being able to build it at all. I love that idea. But with MM saying that assembly is gone from it for upgrades it would just seem a bit silly to let us craft the parts, then just magically craft the bike. But I guess this is the removal of ANOTHER step in crafting. So remove assembling it and just allow us to craft it. I wonder if gun parts are next?


Im sorry if I sound bitter over it, I just hate losing MORE pieces of the puzzle for the sake of simplicity. We have lost a lot already for that cause.


- - - Updated - - -


Clicks link


Sees 12 minute video!!!!!


Thank you sir, digging in right now.

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Hot damn i was WAS just mentioning ways of acquiring the Hog, and you already recorded and mentioned having to quest to get parts and have the traders possibly build it for you. That is an ace idea. Bravo on it.


LOVE all the ideas and the art, love the option you guys are keeping open for future crops and the art and very interested in the taming idea. Can't wait to be working in the hut and have a dog bark outside. Going to be eerie! Definitely reminds me of my favorite scene in Terminator when the machines come bursting through the camp and the dogs are going nuts!


Thanks for the video Joel. Looking forward to what you have cooked up and again THANK YOU FOR THE HOG!! FINALLY I can assemble a crew and ride the open road of the Apocalypse!

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Alot of us were really looking forward to the behemoth, I know personally I've been obsessing over it, even made an account to post this lol


And a lot of us were dreading it, not because of what it could do, but rather how poorly it fits in with the game thematically.

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The list and forum would explode if I told all. I'm going to start rolling out videos now and try to get you guys semi caught up at least.


You dirty little tease! Stop talking and just give it to us! :D.


Oh hell... I need a forum break maybe...


We're moving things around. There is only so much storage for attributes and such. Would you rather have a "bike seat" that does nothing really, or be able to add armor to that bolt on slot? The initial release we just sort of filled those slots with stupid ♥♥♥♥ and nerfed things to simualate growth. Yes gun parts are probably going bye bye to make room for real mods. Nobody ever liked tearing guns down and combining ♥♥♥♥ just to un-nerf its intended use. This is just another sharp stick, I promise you you will not miss. The real fun is crafting something decent, then upgrading it to something badass. That is the overarching goal here.


The good news? Player gun crafting. Then you seek out legendary "parts" to add to them, etc. Those slots wasted on barrels handgrips, etc can be used for diablo like mod slots.


I mean nobody gets excited about finding an old handgrip in a box. But finding a full firearm that can be used is much more useful. Instead of tearing it down, repairing each part, combining a few parts, etc (all tedium), you would combine/repair two whole guns into one. Its the same mechanic without the micro assembly nonsense. That part would be used to install mods, which is way more rewarding. Real mods that are coded in to do cool ♥♥♥♥, not just simple un-nerfs to get a useless gun barely usable.


You can disagree, but all it is, is people getting used to old fluff that we used to fill out an incomplete system. The finished system with mods and legendary weapons will be way cooler. But its still in its conceptual stage at this point, but whatever we decide on for guns is going to be the same system for vehicles.


Absolutely fan-freaking-tastic! Crafting did seem to be loaded with fillers so it's awesome to hear this news! I'm definitely looking forward to being more excited about loot found and reduce the, "meh" factor of loot.



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Dunno why I didn't notice until it was in the video, but anybody else notice a resemblance between Trader Bob's Compound and Fallout's Junktown?


I personally see more Mad max 2 style compound but I do agree there are some junktown parts I think.



on topic:

I am very much looking forward to the new vehicles but bitterly disappointed the ziplines were cut, they looked sweet in the a16 previews. :(

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We're moving things around. There is only so much storage for attributes and such. Would you rather have a "bike seat" that does nothing really, or be able to add armor to that bolt on slot? The initial release we just sort of filled those slots with stupid ♥♥♥♥ and nerfed things to simualate growth. Yes gun parts are probably going bye bye to make room for real mods. Nobody ever liked tearing guns down and combining ♥♥♥♥ just to un-nerf its intended use. This is just another sharp stick, I promise you you will not miss. The real fun is crafting something decent, then upgrading it to something badass. That is the overarching goal here.


The good news? Player gun crafting. Then you seek out legendary "parts" to add to them, etc. Those slots wasted on barrels handgrips, etc can be used for diablo like mod slots.


I mean nobody gets excited about finding an old handgrip in a box. But finding a full firearm that can be used is much more useful. Instead of tearing it down, repairing each part, combining a few parts, etc (all tedium), you would combine/repair two whole guns into one. Its the same mechanic without the micro assembly nonsense. That part would be used to install mods, which is way more rewarding. Real mods that are coded in to do cool ♥♥♥♥, not just simple un-nerfs to get a useless gun barely usable.


You can disagree, but all it is, is people getting used to old fluff that we used to fill out an incomplete system. The finished system with mods and legendary weapons will be way cooler. But its still in its conceptual stage at this point, but whatever we decide on for guns is going to be the same system for vehicles.


So the system itself is not really going bye bye per se, but rather generic pieces are being exchanged for parts that are more salient?

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