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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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What about 1/2 of a developer?

Upper or lower half? I believe that's an important difference.



"You can mod it" is as far as I remember/understand also the **official** answer of TFP to requests to revert changes they made. "mod it" includes just using mods provided by modders and presumably also option settings in the game client that internally just mod

Modders get more features to play with and more documentation with every update.

You don't hear them complaining very loudly. ;)


A17 will change stuff yet again and I'm sure several majorities of players (aka individuals) will take offense to that.

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We are working on concepts for the 4x4. It is not in production. In general, larger tires = easier to implement with the new physics system for vehicles so the design favors trucks before we do cars. The plan is to implement everything we've had sitting around first, so minibike, bicycle, hog, and then gyro copter, after that a 4x4 or off road vehicle, hopefully. And somewhere I want to shove a horse into the mix as well.


@madmole Will you ever bring back horde mode for the more hardcore players? it was really fun and challenging having a blood moon everyday, maybe a way to just have an option somewhere to turn on/off horde night every night if not a separate horde mode.


Keep up the great work TFP's

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@madmole Will you ever bring back horde mode for the more hardcore players? it was really fun and challenging having a blood moon everyday, maybe a way to just have an option somewhere to turn on/off horde night every night if not a separate horde mode.


Keep up the great work TFP's


I would prefer a slider

"Blood moon Horde all x days"



0 = OFF !

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Upper or lower half? I believe that's an important difference.


I'm a witness to all your chatter. I know exactly which half developers think with....lol



A17 will change stuff yet again and I'm sure several majorities of players (aka individuals) will take offense to that.


All my friends and everyone on several servers I've talked to plus all my twitch followers (aka me) takes offense at that.

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So much has happened since I last posted...


Anyway, does it have to be top or bottom half? Could it be left or right instead? Aren't all developers part of the Borg Collective anyway? :p



I'm a developer... but I'm not sure if the Borg has me. I just came from the restroom so maybe I left the Borg behind?

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This too, imagine a Workshop full of Mods that break your game because its a other Alpha version

That's an Ark modder's normal patch day. LOL


TBH, mod/workshop support is just a major hassle with the framework changes that still happen.

A lot of pre-A16 prefabs/block mods would be completely trashed on release, for instance.

A17 may be just as brutal on other parts of the game. Hard to tell at this point.

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I tell you what, it is very disorienting when moderators (Roland?) (re-)move posts. I read a few pages at home over lunch, and I swear I got to page 105. I went back to the office to check again (because I'm horribly addicted), and I saw that it was down to 101. By the time I got to actually reading in this thread, it was trimmed to 99...



Roland's Edit


Sorry about that. Its just one of the drawbacks of ketchup... Here are some links if you want to read what was moved out (nothing was deleted):


Heated discussion on minimap and hud options and other things


Debate on whether zombies should be able to punch through steel etc.


Modding discussion about zombie corpses turning into soil



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So will the hog be able to plow through many of the obstacles that cause the minibike to stop or get hung up?


We're looking into that.




I hate being stopped by yucca plants, cacti, twigs and anything that is similarly easy to demolish. If would be nice if the bike could plow though those for a durability penalty.

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