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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Sounds cool! They have something like that in minecraft and it would be cool to have it in 7D as well..


However, what would happen if a guy on a multiplayer server put 100 of them in his base? fps drops for anyone in the area?



It's the same as flags... flags are in the game in trader posts, but MadMole said that they cannot allow players to craft them because of performance isssues.


Simple. Limit the number of these blocks that could be placed in one area.

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Blocks that smoke.


One thing that would be cool to see in the game is blocks that produce smoke. They could be placed on top of a chimney to simulate smoke coming from a fire below.

May even react to weather changes like high wind and such.


I'm told that's doable by adding a particle effect on the block in the xml's...

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I'm told that's doable by adding a particle effect on the block in the xml's...

I think it has to be "torch" class but you can add particles to pretty much any block. One time I made some self-lighting glass panels that had candle particles inside of them.

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I think it has to be "torch" class but you can add particles to pretty much any block. One time I made some self-lighting glass panels that had candle particles inside of them.


Question. Would something like a chimney block be something that TFP;s would be interested in putting in the game?


- - - Updated - - -


^^ Possible and planned!


Yes we should all trust the word of a creepy looking green looking guy. ;)

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Microsoft is the Devil


You ever thought about hooking up with "microsoft" they seem to be very open to Getting Games to their Max potential...just a thought


Microsoft ruins everything they touch. I have games I use to love, until Micros**t got involved. I wont even play a game with their logo on it anymore. Bad company. That's all I have to say about that.

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Microsoft ruins everything they touch. I have games I use to love, until Micros**t got involved. I wont even play a game with their logo on it anymore. Bad company. That's all I have to say about that.


I know Asheron's Call suffered greatly under Microsoft. But yeah, I don't use Windows anymore because of Microsoft, not because of Windows as a product. Microsoft can't pick a direction and stick with it. They change things constantly for no good reason and give up suddenly on stuff they've been pushing on everyone else for years (development technologies, especially).

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Is there approximately release date for alpha 17? My friend & I were thinking about starting a new game, but we would wait if new update comes in next few weeks.


You have plenty of time to play guys, at least a cool 4-500+ hour long game , me by myself already started one that is gonna be THE GAME. Have fun with new content and experience.


- - - Updated - - -


Microsoft ruins everything they touch. I have games I use to love, until Micros**t got involved. I wont even play a game with their logo on it anymore. Bad company. That's all I have to say about that.


singin with wierd voice "97 bugs in the code, fixed one and go on. 108 bugs in the code, fixed one and go on. 134 bugs in the code.."

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Is there approximately release date for alpha 17? My friend & I were thinking about starting a new game, but we would wait if new update comes in next few weeks.


Ignore the insensitive trolls laughing. They spend too much time on the forums and don't always notice someone making their first ever post.


But yeah. It's gonna be a while. Probably shouldn't count on playing A17 this year.

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Is there approximately release date for alpha 17? My friend & I were thinking about starting a new game, but we would wait if new update comes in next few weeks.


Okay, I have to admit that I laughed when I read that. But then when I saw how many few posts, in fact the first, I can go, doesn't know how it works here.

The Fun Pimps never give any info, idea or anything on when a game will be ready for release. The best you will get is "soon" and soon can be three weeks, three months or more so we just wait, joke around, get into friendy (and sometimes not friendly) disagreements and talk about silly, goofy topics while waiting for something from the bearded one.


So, ignore the rude posts, the laughing at the question, as there are so many who have been on this forum for months and should know better and will ask that many here either laugh or tell them to quit being "stupid" (my words).

Welcome to the forum, ask questions, you will get answers.

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I hope Alpha 17 has a major optimization patch because at some point i would like to play blood moon count 64 without have to reduce my fps to teen numbers, it's fun to build, prepare and fight zombies but it's not fun when the lag takes over and all that hard work feels unplayable.


I have tried 32 blood moon in single player and it's fun but that's as high as it goes without performance going to ♥♥♥♥, but i would like to do the same thing in multiplayer without resulting to single digit fps.


Here are the few things i would like to see not to affect my fps performance

- cops explode you lose fps

-glowing zombies major fps issue

-electric fence, dart trap, and blade trap combo is major fps loss

-farming is another lag issue


Overall the game needs major optimization patch to be able to enjoy your hard worked labor on the 7th day. All i'm asking is i would like the zombies to kick our booties during horde night with 64 blood moon count in a multiplayer server.


Also some type of option to change the cross-hair on weapons .

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Is there approximately release date for alpha 17? My friend & I were thinking about starting a new game, but we would wait if new update comes in next few weeks.


I think that now is the time to play. Alpha 16.4 is probably the last update before A17 because of the game changes. This will most likely be the longest lasting update before the next big update. Enjoy.

P.S. sorry that you don't know how the Fun Pimps are in their work in regards to release dates. Great folks but do not expect any news until it is "breaking news". Grab your friends and kill some zeds. Build Fort Knox and enjoy a version of the game that many of us have longed for before the A17 premiere.

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