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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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as a person/couple who recieved not one, not two, but THREE emergency food pallets from a crazy friend one christmas about 10 years ago; the pallets are delivered onto your property, and you dismantle them and place them where you will.


pallets in your basement keep items safe if you get water, and afford better breathing for the items on them.


we used to joke about our zombie apocalypse supplies.


it's not so uncommon.


even costco and i'm sure others sell the things now, you don't need to get them from hippy doomsday types only anymore.


especially in remote regions where your desolate roads will be choked off for months in the winter.


come spring you eat things with shorter shelf lives and rotate as usual.


Did you not read my entire post? Why shrink wrap them in your basement. It is not for spoilage as it is only around the sides. The reason they are wrapped like that is to move the entire pallet at once with a pallet jack or forklift without spilling the contents.

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Who cares about why they have pallets in the basement. I am honestly glad THe fun pimps are updating their old pois its something most devs wouldn't do. Go though the house the intended way. That's what I'm gonna do when this comes to console.


Yeah, It's annoying to hear complaining from the forum when MM shows a video. He doesn't need to. Point made.

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Go though the house the intended way.

Why ? Please explain ?


Yeah, It's annoying to hear complaining from the forum when MM shows a video. He doesn't need to. Point made.

Naaa, sure MM like it more if he only read "Nice", "Awesome" and "Great work". Who would not like such feedback. And he get this kind of feeedback nearly every time he show us something.


But negative feedback is that what he need to hear, only conctructive negative feedback lead to further improvements. And i see there nothing wrong at it if people say and explain why they feel that some blocks make no sense in a basement.

This way TFP understand that and REDUCE the use of this Blocks in such Situations maybe.


Because finally if there are 4-5 Prefabs with such pallets in the basement immersion can adapt by accepting that SOME people do for me weird things.


i dont think that this disturb MM.

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So people are complaining about pallets in the basement now? This is why Madmole is reluctant to share videos these days. There is nothing wrong with having pallets in your basement. I had them in my garage. They help keep things dry in the event of minor flooding. The new houses looked great. I hope they make it to random gen.

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Why ? Please explain ?

Because for one you miss out on the full enjoyment of running though the house. Are you a player who doesn't want to fight zombies and just want the bonus loot above in the attic? People with that type of gameplay should just go stick with cod. Enjoy what the devs have gave us

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Because for one you miss out on the full enjoyment of running though the house. Are you a player who doesn't want to fight zombies and just want the bonus loot above in the attic? People with that type of gameplay should just go stick with cod. Enjoy what the devs have gave us

How could you Quote what i have not written at that moment ?

Are you a player who doesn't want to fight zombies and just want the bonus loot above in the attic?

With that type of gameplay should just go stick with cod.

COD is 100% designed around a Path you have to take, 100% your style

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Madmol and the rest of the team work hard to remaster the old pois. And people want to exploit the new design because they're lazy. Play the game how the devs intended and quit bitching at them for every new thing they try


The devs intended us to be able to break every block in the world if we want to. If they didn't then there would be a claim block in the skyscrapers preventing us from breaking any. Relax. People will have fun by running the gauntlet and others will have fun making their own shortcuts. It's all good.

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The devs intended us to be able to break every block in the world if we want to. If they didn't then there would be a claim block in the skyscrapers preventing us from breaking any. Relax. People will have fun by running the gauntlet and others will have fun making their own shortcuts. It's all good.

Yes they did add it to break all blocks it why use that as a reason to break the flow of a poi? I will explore all of the skyscraper floor by floor room by room the devs want when it comes to console

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I love the new building blocks being added. Dungeon houses? Meh, same as the skyscrapers, good for one time then you bust thru the quick way ignoring the path and get the good stuff. I gotta say tho it really bugged me seeing plastic wrapped full pallets in those houses, basements and attics no less. I'd love to see how that forklift got those in there and if you say they were hand stacked then why plastic wrapped together. That is done so you can move the whole pallet without spilling the load. Just looks silly and out of place in a house, belongs in warehouses and the back stockrooms of the stores.


Ummmm I don't see and issue with the pallets. One would wrap it up for many reasons after hand packing it I to their basement.


Stock rotation.


So it doesnt fall over/collapse.

Water protection.

Take more time for potential thieves/looters to get into it if the accessed the person's house. Etc etc.

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Madmole and the rest of the team work hard to remaster the old pois. And people want to exploit the new design because they're lazy. Play the game how the devs intended and quit bitching at them for every new thing they try


Don't tell me how to play my game.



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