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Skyscraper (by Pille)


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Well, there isn't an actual standard size for a city block. I often loosely phrase things and not meant to be literal. Your prefab not spawning in is two factor problem. Aside from it being redundantly oversized with a lot of wasted space around the skyscraper, the prefab's xml has no zoning nor townships defined which was making the game omit it from all cities entirely. That part I figured out after posting. I corrected that and it spawned in at least once.


As for stabilizing it. I would be willing to help but I really dont think its going to be possible without scrapping 50% of the rooms to change layout in problem spots. The auditorium being one of them since its open space would be right where supports need to go. Many of the hallways and cubicles would have to be moved over too. I know it sucks to have to do that. I would cringe at the idea of having to redo everything that took months but leaving it as is only assures that your work would be for nothing if its unusable and does not meet what people expect out of the game. I doubt that I'm the only one who thinks functionality is more important than looks. I sure wouldn't host anything if I'd have to settle for minimal function just to keep the aesthetics


Its the apocalypse, I call it building decay. :)

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Here an example of a working 'Unstability Type I' construction. It's similar to the roof of my old A15 base. You can walk on this thing, you can place blocks (they will vanish though) and you can remove a lot of blocks from it before it begins to collapse.





So all I have to do is to adapt some of the ceilings in such a way that they can't collapse.^^ It will not work for all rooms but I can always replace the instable parts with holes (As the title indicates, it's supposed to be a scratched skyscraper...) :





I really don't see a big problem. This is my first prefab, I know what I do. ;)



Fight for hours to get halfway up then have the entire building collapse on you. Awesome. =)


Lol. Actually the unstable part is relatively small compared to the size of the building. So this wouldn't happen.^^ There will be enough other threats though (e.g. small hordes of 20 - 30 high level zombies running towards you and sleeper volumes with GameStageaAdjust values of 5000).

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sockets are 21x21, so you need multiples of that in a flat area for it to spawn (i.e. a 200x200 prfab needs 10x10 sockets to fit it)


you large non collapsing thing is what I refer as too big to fall :)


essentially you have pushed the expanse so far that the SI calcs stop before they reach the edge and assume the blocks are attached so it doesnt fall (my theory at least, havent confirmed in code)


Does the ingame stability shader still work? I found that really handy when working on issues with SI

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I didn't know anything about sockets, thanks.^^ I think it's not the size since the construction showed in the pic. works for each size. Yes, the shader works but seems to be unreliable (or maybe it's not the shader but something else).

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...granted, this particular building looks to be in great shape, so it probably wouldn't work... But imagine a dilapidated building with tons of structural damage, and if you take the wrong step, boom...

Its the apocalypse, I call it building decay.

Not when the spot is visually in mint condition. Weak spots by design is okay but not when its a defect of the layout its self. Its all about circumstance. Maybe you two are accepting to any condition collapse but not everyone is and as I recall POI collapses due to broken prefabs and general physics weirdness has historically annoyed people. Instability Type 1 might not be a collapse but its weirdness nonetheless.


essentially you have pushed the expanse so far that the SI calcs stop before they reach the edge and assume the blocks are attached so it doesnt fall (my theory at least, havent confirmed in code)
I have actually noticed this when blowing up every support on the first floor of large buildings with TNT in creative mode. The calcs do stop short leaving part of the building floating in the air. TFP should fix that bug at some point.



So all I have to do is to adapt some of the ceilings in such a way that they can't collapse.^^ It will not work for all rooms but I can always replace the instable parts with holes (As the title indicates, it's supposed to be a scratched skyscraper...) :
I like that
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I think you're right. Looks a bit unlikely but who cares.^^ No reason to change it back.



Updated download link! I've added some scratches to the skyscraper. Need more practice though.


I like the concept, very original. Some constructive critisim:


- make the chopper a bit more ebedded into the building. Maybe just the tail exposed. This is more of a realism nitpick so no worries if you disagree.


Edit: looking at the pictures again, maybe it was just the picture angle. Perhaps its already embedded half way.

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Yeah maybe. I could move it one or two blocks (There isn't much latitude because of the entrance to the library. I don't want to make the jump too difficult. :D ):









I receive the following error message when I place a beam block:





Does anyone know what the message means?



Edit 2:


It doesn't happen if I change the position of the block.

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NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This can happen with a bad xml edit


As for the other, vertices are the lines between two points that make up polygons. Its mentioning the count. Perhaps your prefab might of hit a hardcoded complexity limit. I've seen errors like this on an other game engine and it had to do with hitting a detail limit.

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This can happen with a bad xml edit


As for the other, vertices are the lines between two points that make up polygons.

It's only one error. ;)


Its mentioning the count. Perhaps your prefab might of hit a hardcoded complexity limit. I've seen errors like this on an other game engine and it had to do with hitting a detail limit.


Looks like I've added too many details (complex blocks) to the area. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be a prefab-wide limit. I can continue placing blocks at other locations. Have to simplify to affected area though to make sure that players don't encounter the error if they use wood frames. Thanks UltimateX for your help.




Damn. Still get the error in rwg maps. Perhaps the environment counts towards the limit.

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What if you go into dm and recalc the stability? I could be wrong (I often am), but I think that may force the chunk to do all of the math again.


I dunno, I'm grasping at straws. :)


Oh, I know a great alternative; join my prefab server and make some medieval prefabs to lighten my load AND take your mind off of your prefab for a while. ;-)

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No you got my vertices error...try to remove some of the blocks which cause the error and try again. I know even other blocks can´t be placed when the error appears but hopefully you get it done somehow.

craziest error . it can destroy whole buildings/areas to be unplayable.

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Lol, nice try. Perhaps later. Have to finish the tower.


What if you go into dm and recalc the stability?

No, it doesn't work (see Andy's reply).




There are not always specific blocks which cause the error. The issue seems to be an interaction of several factors. On the one hand it can be triggered by blocks outside the tower (e.g. too many buildings with the block 'brick destroyed block 01' in the neighborhood can cause the bug, see screenshot) on the other hand I can place a lot of the brick destroyed blocks or other complexly shaped stuff inside the tower without getting any problems.


Thus, the position of the blocks matters. However, I haven't understood the underlying system yet. Need more data. ;)







Some good news:


* I've started to fix the stability issues.

* Maybe I can avoid the vertices error.

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There are not always specific blocks which cause the error. The issue seems to be an interaction of several factors. On the one hand it can be triggered by blocks outside the tower (e.g. too many buildings with the block 'brick destroyed block 01' in the neighborhood can cause the bug, see screenshot) on the other hand I can place a lot of the brick destroyed blocks or other complexly shaped stuff inside the tower without getting any problems.


Thus, the position of the blocks matters. However, I haven't understood the underlying system yet. Need more data. ;)


yep i experienced all you´ve said. Nice to hear that you made progress of avoiding the vertices error :) For me, a newbie at prefabbing with no real experience at that moment, it was really hard to figure the whole vertices error thing out. As you mentioned only some areas are affected where other areas are ok. its really weird and i hope to never experience something like that again xD

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