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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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I was actually talking about 2 .dll files. In the optional file, there wouldn't be any anti nerd pole checks. It's actually not that hard if you ask Jeoshoua. There is no extra work needed. You just undo the things done for anti nerd pole and you have the optional file.


I actually mentioned this but Spider doesn't want to support 2 code bases due to the support nightmare that usually cases. An I have to agree with this for the following reason. Look at Valmod, with the bigger backpack DLL option. The "with and without" dll hell seems to cause most of his support issues. Consider all the new changes we will be making to the dll in the future. What if we were asked to make a separate dll for all the combinations of features someone didn't like? So now we have craftlag change, nerdpolechange, and punchback change (maybe missing another one). Then we have to deal with: Craft+nerd, but not punch, craft and punch, but not nerd, only one, not the others, etc. This would quickly become unmanageable. I hope you understand.

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I actually mentioned this but Spider doesn't want to support 2 code bases due to the support nightmare that usually cases. An I have to agree with this for the following reason. Look at Valmod, with the bigger backpack DLL option. The "with and without" dll hell seems to cause most of his support issues. Consider all the new changes we will be making to the dll in the future. What if we were asked to make a separate dll for all the combinations of features someone didn't like? So now we have craftlag change, nerdpolechange, and punchback change (maybe missing another one). Then we have to deal with: Craft+nerd, but not punch, craft and punch, but not nerd, only one, not the others, etc. This would quickly become unmanageable. I hope you understand.


Valmar's configuration in the Mod Launcher is actually duplicated. They point to the same location, but one filters out the expanded backpack, while the other one uses it.


I do agree, though, that supporting two DLLs would be a hassle. I'm already a bit nervous at the amount of DLL edits already, I can't imagine having two DLLs to worry about then.

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A wiki would be nice but at this point all three of us on the team are using every second we can spare from out day jobs to add new features and play-ability to the mod. Until we find the time/resource to work on a wiki, don't be shy about asking any kind of question.


A game wiki is never meant to be done by the developers, but rather the community. If some knowlegeble person starts the mod's wiki, I will participate. Looking how big (and awesome) this mod becomes, the need for wiki is badly needed, despite the mod's rapid changes and developement. And I think now is good time for this, because the community is active.

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I actually mentioned this but Spider doesn't want to support 2 code bases due to the support nightmare that usually cases. An I have to agree with this for the following reason. Look at Valmod, with the bigger backpack DLL option. The "with and without" dll hell seems to cause most of his support issues. Consider all the new changes we will be making to the dll in the future. What if we were asked to make a separate dll for all the combinations of features someone didn't like? So now we have craftlag change, nerdpolechange, and punchback change (maybe missing another one). Then we have to deal with: Craft+nerd, but not punch, craft and punch, but not nerd, only one, not the others, etc. This would quickly become unmanageable. I hope you understand.


I completely understand you. And I did say I will get an answer like yours because I know maintaining two or more files just for selected people is troublesome. It was just an idea for all dem haters this mod got lately. No harm meant :)

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Game motivation and reward


I don't want to come down on the side of any argument here. (nerdpolling or other )

I just want to remind the developers to consider a few things when making their decisions.

You guys seem like your great programmers. I don’t know you I don’t know your education. I don’t know how much psychology, neuroscience or behavioral neuroscience you have learnt.



Let us know if you have read something like this.

Game motivation and reward.



Optimal foraging theory (OFT )


The gist is that oranisms have a certain amount of time and energy and if they spend it correctly they will be succesfull and spread their genes.

Incontext a player may not feel motivated to play your game


Reinforment schedules


Why this well organisms have a built in system to know when they think they are being productive in life. If the time and energy investment is to high they may not want to play your game.



Your reaching a larger audiance, you may need to adapt to how you do things.

But pick a number. For an audiance.

7D2D has sold over a million copies so I will just use that simple number.


Why a number well you have over a million people to share your ideas with.

I am a hard core player according to my friends, some of whom play on all easiest setting. I have a series that is as hard core as you can go with vanilla. Then I came here to True Survival. What is the number of people that make the jump I can’t tell you that.

Say for ♥♥♥♥s and giggles 10% ever get to always run feral insane. 100 000, 1% - 10 000 possible, player base for you. If that is the jump they are making.


Must be a number for you that you want, but here is an OFT for you.

What do you get out of it? Also how much of what you do depends on others playing the mod?


Do you program for the joy of it? Why are you sharing the game?

Do you like to scrape by on donations? Well there is a reason for sharing

Do you want this to lead you to a job at some point in the future? Ok Make a good game and just show it to employers.

Fame, fortune, glory, etc. You need an appropriate number of people for the end goals you want in life.

Pick a number of people you need for that goal and spend your time there.

If you want to spend the bulk of your time in a productive way for your overall lifetime that is something to think about.



An example: Poison Bites, running vs walking.

The motivation is I need something not at my base, so I go and forage. In doing so I run to maximize my time and thus reward. Snap something bites me as it was hidden in the ground, over a hill, wherever it’s hiding. That lowers the reward as this as I now also have to deal with that in one way or another.

So you walk and look and you don’t get the bite. But then you have to fight Zeds, stay out only during the early day to be safe.

Walking also makes the rewards less worth it, as you are not getting as much done, no dopamine release = :’(

I come to a balance at some point running and walking when I can.

There is an equilibrium that has to be struck between those that will go and run and those who will walk. How many people do you want playing your game? Let us know what your life's OFS is.




I’m not saying make it to much easier. It is more of a consideration or choice something to think about. YOU walk a line right now about how many people in total will play this game and will spread your game. My guess is you don’t want that many people as you're making harder, but like I said above I don’t know you.

If your number is low or high do what’s appropriate. Just reassure us that you know there is a line and your on it.


But Do keep up the good work. Overall I love your mod. And In time I imagine you will have your ups and downs but will create a very rewarding gaming experience.



P.S. I know you have taken flac recently So don’t think of this an attack on what you're up to.

Also some motivations have been revealed on the thread so some of you already know that aspect. I guess I’m just interested in you guys… your thoughts on all this.

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For those of us that update by hand, I just updated to latest file set.

All appears to be working fine.


On a side note the server loaded in half the normal/usual time!!!


Not sure if this is an intended side-effect or a specific change, but if it was much appreciated.

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For those of us that update by hand, I just updated to latest file set.

All appears to be working fine.


On a side note the server loaded in half the normal/usual time!!!


Not sure if this is an intended side-effect or a specific change, but if it was much appreciated.


I wish I could take credit for that, but I doubt I had anything to do with it. The DLL was optimized but that wouldn't have anything to do with load speed... I don't think...

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Is all nerd polling removed from this mod? :)


By a certain definition (jump, place block underneath self, be one meter higher, repeat ad infinitum) yes.


I've been considering adding other physics-based things, like compression strength... but I need to figure out a good way to do it.

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Please explain lol


You know how concrete is used for skyscrapers because it can withstand high pressures before snapping? And how wood wouldn't work for something that tall because the bottom would break out once reaching a certain height? Basically, that. Something like the stability_glue the objects already have, but measuring how much weight is above a block, rather than hanging off a block, and then "breaking" if the weight goes over a certain number.


Like I said... if I can figure out a good way to do it, and consider the different caveats... like how dirt has to have infinite compressive strength, or else every building would auto-crumble. If I was especially careful, I might be able to get away with it having just a very high strength, to encourage foundations down to stone/hardstone on tall/reinforced buildings.


- - - Updated - - -


10 blocks high might squish and break the bottom block.


Yeah... that.

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Wouldnt that cause some large existing buildings to crumble?


I think his idea would work much better once there is some free space in the blocks xml as I assume a duplication of player made frames and blocks would be the answer.


But you guys who edit .dlls are way smarter than me so maybe there is a way for it to be done that way. Player made blocks would have this feature while in world blocks would not.

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Ideally, if they're safely built, no. Keep in mind, the goal would be realism. Concrete and Rebar would be extremely safe, and sod and wood would be on the low end. Also, this is just me spit balling an idea, not an intent and declaration of a definite feature. The biggest problem would be making sure that the load was calculated sanely. Multiple supports should be able to share a load, so that a wall would support its own weight easilly, while a set up of arches would work almost as good, and a 1 block wide tower would only work if made of the proper materials.


- - - Updated - - -


I think his idea would work much better once there is some free space in the blocks xml as I assume a duplication of player made frames and blocks would be the answer.


It would be easier to test, but ultimately the same problem. The property would be by material, not by block. Existing structures would stand tall until the player tried to put something on top of them.


Duplicating block types would add another layer of complexity, not make things any easier. Besides, making POI blocks immune from this would just mean that you would have to use them as a foundation, instead of being able to build your own tower from scratch. There is already too much incentive to do just that without adding to the issue.


The only complication A16 would bring is multi block building materials.

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First off, I love the mod. Vanilla has been getting boring in the crafting sense for me, and this mod makes it a challenge. A question I have is that I have a save in single player with zombies disabled, cowardice I know, but within the last couple of days I played the game, the zombies have been appearing in the save game. I use that file to explore the POIs in the game and to examine the crafting system. Wanted to know if this was done on purpose or if it was an glitch due to modding. I created another save where I reset to defaults and only disabled spawning and they still spawned in.

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Is the delay between switching weapons-tools intended? I started noticing a few days ago, i didn't read about it and i was wondering if i should get used to it or it is a bug or something like lag. I'm playing SP for the record

Now that you mention it, I have had that happened to me several times since the last couple updates. I'll see if I can reproduce it.

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Love the changes, mod just gets better and better. Some stuff I seen:


re: Death effects. There should be a bigger penalty for dying than 10 less wellness. How about -10 wellness and reduced entity damage for 24 hrs? Leave stamina regen alone, but block damage and melee damage is down 50%. Accuracy on range weapons down 50%. Something to make me think twice before jumping off a cliff to 'cure' my ailment.


re: Make Horde night beneficial. Like the above, can we code in a temporary entity damage buff? I would be against a "kill X zombies" because this limits the role people might chose to play. I think being online the entire horde night and 'participating' is sufficient. How participating can be quantified without requiring killing...not sure. This might be better as a feature of an active server admin team as they can fly around and see who is participating and console buffs in. In this regard, can you add a buff to the xml so this is possible?


re: Reward for not dying. Not dying is the epitome of survival games, but a small buff for this would be cool...along the same lines, maybe a 1% increase to block damage per day up to a cap of 15%? Death removes this, obviously, plus the penalty above.


One issue that bugged me in vanilla that I never figured out: Does the perk that reduces the food I need to eat and water I need to drink offset this 'loss' of potential wellness by increasing wellness gain from stuff such that, having 5/5 (or the max) gives me more wellness than being 0/5? I haven't done the math on this nor in game testing in the mod.

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