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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Automatic patches aren't a great thing for a stable server, especially when you need to maintain your clients too. If the clients update but the server doesn't, then players can't play. Same if the server updates but clients don't. Or an update blows away your local changes, etc.


Honestly, it wouldn't require a lot of effort to spin off a small tool to create a server patching tool.


But you want to be familiar with how to set things up for a server. That way you have a chance of troubleshooting yourself. Helper tools are great. The do everything tools are not always a great thing, in my opinion.


The launcher itself could be replaced with a 15 point instruction set.


Amen brother, Lord knows I spent many an hour bending your ear, and I am grateful that I can now control when a server gets updated. I was not a fan of being at a modders mercy, being one myself i know most modders dont take into account that updating a mod at 3am can be troublesome for server owners lol


On topic, man is this brilliant. I know a lot has been made out of SDX blah blah blah but Spider makes SDX INTERESTING. Its one thing to put out a great looking mod that does very little to change the opening game experience. Its another to make something look great BUT add in a whole new of playing and right now this mod is the cream of the crop because even WITHOUT SDX there are so many new ideas in the XML's and tweaks to progression that this stands out on its own.


Fabulous work Spider.

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However cant seem to find fishing pole. .do I have to install the fishing mod separately? i'm using the truesurvival jzmod from spider.. is this also the correct one


This thread is about "True Survival SDX". "Truesurvival JZmod" is currently not being updated. And fishing is broken there currently. But Spider intends to update it some day when he has time.

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I am noticing invisible Bandits, (seen this before with another mod)...


Also my frames in hub city are going from 60 to 18 and below. Actually its not just the hub where my frames go close to 10. I am using middle options, and brought my sliders right to the minimum and yet still can not get any frames back.


I am using a GTX 980 TI (0c)

CPU 2600k 4.20 OC..


So I should be knocking out more. Really do not know whats hammering when I use this mod with my game.

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Hi Spider et al


Can anyone advise if you can play MP on this mod yet?

My hubby and I have been trying to play via the mod launcher but it keeps taking me to vanilla.

We can connect to the server but we dont want to go in on day 97 as a n00b at night with a bunch of ppl we don't know...


Yes you can do MP, I setup server for the same reason you are wanting just family.

I did NOT use the launcher

I just pulled the client and server files from the git repo(links on main page)

created a copy of my client and server directory in the steamapps > common

then copied the all files (minus the 2 git ignore files) to the respective locations

please update or post again if those steps do not work for you

p.s. I am using windows not mac

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Midnight bat has no icon.


Aslo, re: framerate drop, it seems related to particular sdx add-ins. For example, there is one small, light bluegreen bush that frantically shakes it leaves. When it is in the field of view my FPS drops about 15. However, other bushes and trees that also shake their leaves have no significant impact on FPS. Clearing out those few bushes around my base greatly improved the playing experience. I suspect there are a few bad sdx assets like this that are the overall problem with fps impact. If folks could let Spider know about them as you come upon them, perhaps he would consider removing them if they are no game critical.


Also, the wood drop of trees needs some balancing. Some of the sdx small trees drop about 200 wood on destroy while larger birch trees drop about 15. I'm thinking wood drop should be highly correlated to hitpoints.

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If you could get me the name or block id# of the bush causing the problem i will check on it. Yes i did not make the new trees and its my understanding you have to have the original file to edit them so its a take it or leave it thing. Yes I noticed all the new trees move way too fast but I cant fix it. If we find one causing a fps problem I can remove it, they are just for decorations.


@unlike them-

Plains Wastlend

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If you could get me the name or block id# of the bush causing the problem i will check on it. Yes i did not make the new trees and its my understanding you have to have the original file to edit them so its a take it or leave it thing. Yes I noticed all the new trees move way too fast but I cant fix it. If we find one causing a fps problem I can remove it, they are just for decorations.


I just tested the new added trees. It's the lemonTrees. I noticed a small frame rate dip with each one of them, but especially id 1670 smallCherryTree. Which sucks, because I was hoping that there might be cherries added to this mod, at some point. I suppose Strawberries are good enough.

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On the construction worker quest to make a wrench, making a wrench does not advance the quest.


The quests do not "advance". You simply have 3 quests to do, in any order you choose. This is also true for the starter quests, although tanning leather will "advance" your quest to the "White River Citizen" quest which points out the closest trader. That last part might not be fully intended, actually.

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Another set of optimizations:

In the download, there are several unity3d files which are not referenced by any code in the xmls, and cause the download time and loading time to increase. These files are:










These are likely from some of the SDX mods wrapped in, but since they are not used they should either be removed or linked in. From the names, only boobytrap sounds interesting, but with the PowerMod traps, I don't really see the need.

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Another bug report:


The lights cannot be harvested, interacted with, or even touched. These are the basic lights deriving from porchLight01. After some testing, I have determined this is because their models have been switched from the Prefab to a new type (ex: porchLight01Prefab -> porchLight01). Returning them to their original model allows one to harvest them and makes them have the correct rotations instead of floating in midair, but also turns on about a quarter to a half of the lights. I know that turning off the lights is a stylistic choice, to better simulate the lack of electricity, and also a game optimization, but there has to be a different way of turning off these lights, or maybe a way to fix the model that it's been changed to to provide collision data.

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Null ref crash when trying to Press E on the Burning Barrel.


Heres the error i think.


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
 at XUiC_ActiveBuffList.OnClose () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at XUiController.OnClose () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at XUiController.OnClose () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at XUiController.OnClose () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at XUiWindowGroup.OnClose () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at GUIWindowManager.Close (.GUIWindow _w) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at GUIWindowManager.Remove (System.String _windowName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at XUi.Cleanup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at XUi.Shutdown () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at XUi.ReloadLocal () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at GameManager.SaveAndCleanupWorld () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at ConnectionManager.Net_DisconnectedFromServer (System.String _reason) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at NetworkCommon.DisconnectedFromServerEv (System.String _msg) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at NetworkClientUnity.OnDisconnectedFromServer (NetworkDisconnection _info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at (wrapper delegate-invoke) Steam/DisconnectedFromServerDelegate:invoke_void__this___NetworkDisconnection (UnityEngine.NetworkDisconnection)
 at Steam.OnDisconnectedFromServer (NetworkDisconnection _info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 



Full Log PasteBin


Further bug report:


I noticed when i logged back in, that i still had the Burn Barrel on my toolbelt, i killed a zombie, tried looting, and crashed with same error. i tossed away the burn barrel off my toolbelt onto the ground, the first Burnn Barrel i place was still on the ground, and it works fine now. So i placed a Burn Barrel on the ground, the barrel stayed on my toolbelt, that was making me crash i think.

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Mod Update-


Player Download, Server Download and Official Server all updated


Fixed Steel Tools to craft on player


Fixed Icons in Skill/Perk Screen


Added Poisonous animal buff icons


Lowered Bats and Tools found in Cars


Added Stone Mill Recipe


Lowered Bread in Cupboard loot


Fixed Bat icons


Changed Hanging Moss to Cave Moss


Fixed Crossbow Perk description and levels- lv1)Crossbow and parts Lv2)Scoped Crossbow Lv3) Automatic Crossbow


Fixed Key Stones to drop themselves when destroyed


Changed All 3 Generators to be retrievable with a wrench or dolly


Added more Workstation and Tool information in crafting items descriptions


Fixed Scrap weights on items


Removed Cherry Tree From Spawing (help FPS maybe)


More balancing

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