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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Finally got around to trying out the SP version of the new version. The frame-rate hit in this mod seems unusually high. In the forest/plains I get about half the framerate I get in vanilla or Valmod. I suspect this is due to all the additional grass added. I have encounted 2 small cities so far and in each my framerate drops to about 2 or 3, even at 1080 rez. In small cities in my version of Valmod I get 40+ fps @1440 rez, so I'm not sure what this issue is. I checked the log and my guess is its related to the flooding of the followers bone rotation errors, sdx changes, and object overlap errors. Last time this happened was in the Starvation mod when they were using SDX sleeper code. When that was removed, the framerate issues went away. I will try to eliminate the followers, and reduce the vegetation in the mixer and see if that helps.



I am trying this mod for the first time to.


Get bad lag when camp fire is activated. As a Cop I have a small hand gun that remains visually in reload state.


Still of course testing...

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HI, im having issues with a server im trying to set up with the mod and thought id ask to see if anyone els has had this issue, i install the mod on the server but when i go to join the server it just says invalid password. the thing is iv tried everything on the server even not having a password and i get the same error but only on this mod, any ideas?

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You shouldn't have to break them you can just pick them back up and re place them. I don't understand what you are saying in the second part.



Yes this is a SDX mod, it demands more from a computer. If you had to run things low or medium to have good frame rate in vanilla then this is going to stress your rig in SP. This SDX mod demands much less than the other 2 that are out but it still needs much more than vanilla. Playing the Mod on a server helps A LOT. On the server I really haven't had any lag in citys or with a lot of zombies around, unless the server just needed to be restarted. I mean really the base game is a unfinished alpha game that has never had a optimization pass. Taking that into account I think it plays very well on servers, I make no promises this will run on a potato. Also all those errors are from the vanilla game.



The anvil is a starting workstation. It should be the second or third workstation you build along with a Stone Mill or Mortar and Pestle depending on your profession and situation.

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Yes this is a SDX mod, it demands more from a computer. If you had to run things low or medium to have good frame rate in vanilla then this is going to stress your rig in SP. This SDX mod demands much less than the other 2 that are out but it still needs much more than vanilla. Playing the Mod on a server helps A LOT. On the server I really haven't had any lag in citys or with a lot of zombies around, unless the server just needed to be restarted. I mean really the base game is a unfinished alpha game that has never had a optimization pass. Taking that into account I think it plays very well on servers, I make no promises this will run on a potato. Also all those errors are from the vanilla game.


I wasn't being critical, just trying to sort out why, in my testing, I'm getting more lag in this mod on my I7, 32 gig potato than I do in Starvation, which I can run on high settings at 1440p. I will try running it on my server next.

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I didn't take it as critical and I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just saying facts, if you get 40FPS with a val mod city then your computer will struggle with this in a SP format. In comparison I get 45FPS in the HUGE city with the Stann's subways and sewers and others get 3FPS. I lag in SP with this. I haven't checked my FPS in a city but I know it lags when I fight zombies. But the server can take a lot of that work off your pc and it's been playing well on the server.


TFP forgot to put a "bone" in the UMA skeleton thats that error


The overlap parent error has been around a long time. Its form 2 larger blocks spawning next to each other


The SDX stuff is loaded before the game starts and if you are getting something spamming with SDX let me know

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Regarding server install. The launcher forces an install of the 7D2D client with no option to load the SteamCMD server version before loading the TS mod. Is everyone just running the 7D2D client exe rather than the dedicated server exe? It seems straight forward to move all the mod folders into SteamCMD then load the mod's server overlays into there but I figured I'd ask first.


@Sphereii - sure be nice to have a server install option where you pull the 7D2D files from a SteamCMD load rather than looking only for a client install.

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Regarding server install. The launcher forces an install of the 7D2D client with no option to load the SteamCMD server version before loading the TS mod. Is everyone just running the 7D2D client exe rather than the dedicated server exe? It seems straight forward to move all the mod folders into SteamCMD then load the mod's server overlays into there but I figured I'd ask first.


@Sphereii - sure be nice to have a server install option where you pull the 7D2D files from a SteamCMD load rather than looking only for a client install.


The reason it only supports client-based installs is because offering server support may be confusing. I would get dozens of messages on how they can use it on their hosted or rented machines, etc .


The launcher is only a gap solution until workshop support is effectively implemented. I hope to retire the launcher when that happens. ☺️

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Understood Sphereii. I applaud all the time you send supporting the tool already. Patching the server will probably need to be done manually then by downloading the master file and server patches, if any, then overwriting the files in the server install.

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Getting this mod to run in offline mode without the launcher was no easy task, honestly. First of all the SMX menus are set up to pull their graphics from the internet. Downloading them manually and editing the xui files was trivial (for a coder). Second, the launcher was passing an argument to the game, telling it where settings.ini is. I changed this to point to the area on my hard drive where I'm keeping my copy of True Survival. Lastly, the actual settings.ini file had to be changed to point back to the install of the mod.


At this point, I can run the game using a shortcut, or as a non-steam game, without any problems. It even logs my hours as 7 Days to Die, proper, instead of as some separate game, and Razer Cortex (a game booster utility) picks it up without a hitch. Much better than what I had to do before.


I would post these settings in total, but honestly it wouldn't help anyone unless they were keeping the mod in the same exact place as I am. Just keep in mind that if you're trying to get this to run outside of the launcher that the xui files, the settings.ini file, and a command line argument may be standing in your way.


Some of this may have been addressed already, in the client updates Spider has made recently. I'm not sure, my house of cards is so perfectly set up right now I don't want to risk changing it to find out ;)

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Understood Sphereii. I applaud all the time you send supporting the tool already. Patching the server will probably need to be done manually then by downloading the master file and server patches, if any, then overwriting the files in the server install.


Automatic patches aren't a great thing for a stable server, especially when you need to maintain your clients too. If the clients update but the server doesn't, then players can't play. Same if the server updates but clients don't. Or an update blows away your local changes, etc.


Honestly, it wouldn't require a lot of effort to spin off a small tool to create a server patching tool.


But you want to be familiar with how to set things up for a server. That way you have a chance of troubleshooting yourself. Helper tools are great. The do everything tools are not always a great thing, in my opinion.


The launcher itself could be replaced with a 15 point instruction set.

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@Jeo - Thanks for those pointers. I knew I needed to change the settings.ini as that was the case for Starvation server before they added that into thier launcher. I didnt know about the UI changes though so thanks for that info. I knew this wasnt as simple as Spider indicated (just copy over the server files).


@Sp - No worries. I'm only considering setting up a server for performance reasons so I can run the client at higher graphics quality while I wait for AMD's new cards to hit the stores. My server runs my own mods that the family plays, and frankly TS would cause them all to rage quit. I'm the only client who would be playing. I suspect though that I wont be alone in wanting to use a second PC for this purpose.

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@xyth - I wish I had a second box to run the mod on. It would be really nice, especially with getting my friends in on the Fun.


The xui changes aren't necessary for running server mode tho... and if you're running online anyway, might as well leave those as-is.

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IS there any way to increase the time and/or distance the survivors follow you? It just seems like it's way too short :/


ya in the server config <property name="EnemySenseMemory" value="60" /> or in sp the same.

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Can you post the contents of your output_log.txt to pastebin?


thanks for responding, I actually got the mod to work. However cant seem to find fishing pole. .do I have to install the fishing mod separately? i'm using the truesurvival jzmod from spider.. is this also the correct one

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MP on SDX?


Hi Spider et al


Can anyone advise if you can play MP on this mod yet?

My hubby and I have been trying to play via the mod launcher but it keeps taking me to vanilla.

We can connect to the server but we dont want to go in on day 97 as a n00b at night with a bunch of ppl we don't know...

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