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I admit my love is for the UMA zombie variety, this mod gives me just what I was after.


All is well since I turned off SSAO... so no other issues to report since I installed mod.


You think you be making even more zombie variants that could appear ?,...


Yeah there will be more to come in time. Right now im hashing out the details of other parts of the mod now that the UMA's are playing fairly stable.


- - - Updated - - -


This looks like an amazing addition Stompy! Thanks for all the hard work!


Has there been any success in implementing the current version with Valmods newest overhaul?


I have not touched unity editing whatsoever...and so I'm unsure of the proper procedure to incorporate into his .xml's (or vice versa) - however I think that your UMA zombiequantity + bandits in addition to Valmod overhaul would be nothing short of incredible...


I noticed another poster in this thread struggling with it.


Any help or insight is very much appreciated!




Once Val stops pumping out his updates so quickly I could look at that :p


I'll have a look at try to find some ID ranges for blocks, items and loot containers that he isnt using so it makes it easier to copy and paste in the next update. Blocks will probably be the tricky one but atm I only have a few corpse blocks so its not too bad.

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Am I the only one experiencing missing chunk issues on a dedi while running this mod?


If so, that's fine, then my new dedi hardware should fix it, but if not, and there are others, we may want to find a solution. :)



I can not say I have witnessed this missing chunk issue, not sure what you actually mean.


I only really play Single player though on my own computer so I am probably playing the mod under different conditions.

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I can not say I have witnessed this missing chunk issue, not sure what you actually mean.


I only really play Single player though on my own computer so I am probably playing the mod under different conditions.


At about 19:55 of this video.



...I'll know more Monday. :)

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Just wanted to hop in with nothing productive to say but rather...


THANK YOU StompyNZ and anybody that contribute!!! This mod is exactly what 7D2D needs.


My friends and I cannot play without this mods. Don't think I didn't miss how bandits hold up on some building with unique skin!

I hope you can add in even more unique zombies/runner/etc.


Keep up the awesome work!

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Am I the only one experiencing missing chunk issues on a dedi while running this mod?


Is it just that prefabs and decorations don't load properly for the chunks, then when you reload the game everything is there? Or do you ever have occasions of completely missing chunks where there is no ground and you fall through the world if you walk into it?

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Is it just that prefabs and decorations don't load properly for the chunks, then when you reload the game everything is there? Or do you ever have occasions of completely missing chunks where there is no ground and you fall through the world if you walk into it?


from the vid I saw it's chunks not loading and you fall through the world. I've heard of such things happening on heavily loaded vanilla servers quite a bit too, so my guess would be the UMA's are taking up a bigger chunk of RAM on the server or something which stops the chunk gen from working (even if server isnt using all the ram)


Cheers for the comments guys, I will be working on this a bunch over the weekend, mostly around incorporating a bunch of selected prefabs from compo, making some custom hubs, and maybe start on the faction specific bandits archetypes and loot, and carving up the bandit strong holds from some region files and making into prefabs.


For Compo prefabs there's 13 definates, 18 maybes, and 68 I want to check in game for completeness and such, so could be about 100 prefabs added to the next major update. It will mean for server play clients will need to install the mod as well (or use the mod launcher from SphereII, under the 7days2mod section)


I might throw in another dozen or 2 zombie archetypes as well, fairly generic ones with different clothing for a visual mixup?

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You unfaithful ******************************* *********************** ********************** person you lol.


Haha yeh and even if you wanted to you couldnt lol. There be a price on ya head haha :-P


Hey, you retired.


Kidding aside, I'm still on bandit 2.0 and a uma from a few versions ago.


- - - Updated - - -


Is it just that prefabs and decorations don't load properly for the chunks, then when you reload the game everything is there? Or do you ever have occasions of completely missing chunks where there is no ground and you fall through the world if you walk into it?


Looks like the distant terrain generated, no prefabs or decorations, and if you walk on it you fall through. Teleporting away and coming back also works.

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Actually I'm not even sure if random generated towns are using the spawners atm. Has anyone had bandits spawned in v1.2.0 at a PoI in a town (not city)? They def spawn in wilderness PoI's but I couldnt get any to show up in a town wether random gen or custom layout.

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Looks like the distant terrain generated, no prefabs or decorations, and if you walk on it you fall through. Teleporting away and coming back also works.


For what it's worth. I had an identical experience in a15 unstable when I updated my server with changes to the rwgmixer.xml or biomes.xml (I didn't bother testing to see which actually affected it), but didn't start a fresh game.


Edit: The problem chunks would not appear in the same places each time. But I did reproduce multiple times with just myself connected to the server. Neither the server or client were close to maxing out RAM or system resources.

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Actually I'm not even sure if random generated towns are using the spawners atm. Has anyone had bandits spawned in v1.2.0 at a PoI in a town (not city)? They def spawn in wilderness PoI's but I couldnt get any to show up in a town wether random gen or custom layout.


I get them spawning in small areas in random gen, follow gravel paths and they usally spawn in a Morge or a Bank, thats where i have seen them.

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Actually I'm not even sure if random generated towns are using the spawners atm. Has anyone had bandits spawned in v1.2.0 at a PoI in a town (not city)? They def spawn in wilderness PoI's but I couldnt get any to show up in a town wether random gen or custom layout.


I have not seen any bandits in the applicable POI's in the towns as yet.

They definitely spawn just fine at the same POI's in the wilderness so it seems you are correct that this is something the Pimps will have to fix in terms of town poi spawners.

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Im wondering if they broke something when working on the sleeper code (maybe intentionally) as from what I read a while back MM planned to have sleepers replace the current PoI spawns or something. Hopefully we can have both as sleepers only would not be that good for bandit spawners.

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Im wondering if they broke something when working on the sleeper code (maybe intentionally) as from what I read a while back MM planned to have sleepers replace the current PoI spawns or something. Hopefully we can have both as sleepers only would not be that good for bandit spawners.


Towns and cities do not use the spawner class as defined in the prefab.xml, which is unfortunate, as I layed out here:




Only the rural hub and wilderness-POIs use the prefab's spawn.


That's why you can't make entirely different biomes, once there are towns or cities in them. It is also not possible to create custom hubs that look like towns, but are type "rural", unless you create every single one individually, placing each and every building manually. This could, at best, be done as a community effort (well at least I'd be too lazy to create dozens of town-layouts).


Town and city buildings all use the extra small spawn, I assume it is to keep the spawn rate in towns and cities low. And this isn't new, it's been like that ever since I paid attention to it, so, A12 at least.


Being able to force prefab.xml-defined spawning or influence it somehow would definitely be a feature that should go on that "please dear devs make these XML-modding options available"-list the community does not need. :victorious:

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PoI spawners used to work for towns, not sure when they stopped working. Cities don't use the extra small spawn, they use the wasteland_hub biome to generate the spawns that show up. It seems that towns will now just be whatever biome they sit on now as well. It might have been the 13.6 update that broke wasteland_hub spawns (which they eventually fixed) that also broke the town spawns, I cant say that I paid overly close attention to it, but I thought I was getting more than just biome spawns in random towns in the experimental a15 builds.


I'll try rural with my hubs as I am creating fully custom hubs so thats not an issue and making custom hubs doesnt take me all that long, could probably pump out a few a day if I set my mind to it.

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Cities don't use the extra small spawn, they use the wasteland_hub biome to generate the spawns that show up.



It seems that towns will now just be whatever biome they sit on now as well.

Really? So it would be possible to have biomes completely different zombie-wise? Because I have a script that will copy prefabs and alter the xml so that the prefab will only spawn in a designated biom. Hm. That means you have, for example, a working stiff for every biome, with "allowedbiomes" making sure they spawn accurately, and a certain entitygroup is designated for that building in that biome. So you could have the desert biome have zombies always running, the burnt forest zombies never running, maple forest is default, pine forest they run during the day and walk at night - and whatnot. This was not possible so far, because towns would break that up. But if towns are like cities now, I could give that project a go again.


I'll try rural with my hubs as
Rural hubs definitely work, both standard and custom.


I noticed, btw, that facial expressions don't show up for me anymore. They used to, but don't anymore.


I am creating fully custom hubs so thats not an issue and making custom hubs doesnt take me all that long, could probably pump out a few a day if I set my mind to it.
Sure it's possible, but having to draw every street, place every building manually and that maybe 50 times... Let's say, I have other priorities atm. :-D But if you do it, I'll be happy to copy paste. :-P


Here's a question, if you're an expert in rwg-mixing: Is it possible to make rural hubs, the regular ones with the crossroads, to have 4 prefabs every time? At least 9 out of 10 times, there are only 2 or 3 buildings. This is my code:


		<prefab_rule name="ruralRare">
		<prefab rule="ruralShops" min_count="1" max_count="1"/>
		<prefab rule="ruralLarge" min_count="1" max_count="1"/>
		<prefab rule="ruralService" min_count="1" max_count="1"/>
		<prefab rule="ruralHouses" min_count="1" max_count="1"/>

	<prefab_rule name="ruralShops">
		<prefab name="store_gun_lg_01"/>
		<prefab name="store_book_lg_01"/>
		<prefab name="store_grocery_lg_01"/>
		<prefab name="store_hardware_lg_01"/>
		<prefab name="store_bank_lg_01"/>
		<prefab name="store_pharmacy_sm_01"/>
		<prefab name="gas_station1"/>
		<prefab name="gas_station2"/>
		<prefab name="gas_station3"/>
		<prefab name="gas_station4"/>
		<prefab name="gas_station5"/>

	<prefab_rule name="ruralLarge">
		<prefab name="hospital_01"/>
		<prefab name="factory_lg_01"/>
		<prefab name="factory_lg_02"/>
		<prefab name="school_01"/>
		<prefab name="hotel_new_01"/>
		<prefab name="mp_waste_bldg_governer_08"/>
		<prefab name="police_station1"/>
		<prefab name="prison_01"/>
		<prefab name="utility_waterworks_01"/>
		<prefab name="installation_red_mesa" />
		<prefab name="apartment_adobe_red_5_flr" />
		<prefab name="apartment_brick_6_flr" />
		<prefab name="utility_refinery_01" />

	<prefab_rule name="ruralService">
		<prefab name="hotel_roadside_01"/>
		<prefab name="hotel_roadside_02"/>
		<prefab name="hotel_ostrich"/>
		<prefab name="hotel_new_01"/>
		<prefab name="diner_01"/>
		<prefab name="diner_02"/>
		<prefab name="store_autoparts_01"/>
		<prefab name="settlement_trader_01" />
		<prefab name="settlement_trader_02" />
		<prefab name="settlement_trader_03" />
		<prefab name="settlement_trader_04" />
		<prefab name="settlement_trader_05" />
		<prefab name="funeral_home_01" />
		<prefab name="parking_garage_01"/>
		<prefab name="church_graveyard1"/>
		<prefab name="bar_stripclub_01" />
		<prefab name="bar_sm_01" />

	<prefab_rule name="ruralHouses">
		<prefab name="business_tan_brick_01"/>
		<prefab name="business_tan_brick_02"/>
		<prefab name="business_tan_brick_03"/>
		<prefab name="business_tan_brick_04"/>
		<prefab name="business_tan_brick_05"/>
		<prefab name="business_red_brick_01"/>
		<prefab name="business_red_brick_02"/>
		<prefab name="business_red_brick_03"/>
		<prefab name="business_red_brick_04"/>
		<prefab name="business_red_brick_05"/>
		<prefab name="business_red_brick_06"/>
		<prefab name="business_red_brick_07"/>
		<prefab name="house_new_mansion_01"/>
		<prefab name="house_new_mansion_02"/>
		<prefab name="house_new_mansion_03"/>
		<prefab name="houseyellow1"/>
		<prefab name="housegreen1"/>
		<prefab name="houseblue1"/>
		<prefab name="housestucco1"/>
		<prefab name="housestucco2"/>
		<prefab name="housestucco3"/>
		<prefab name="housebrick1"/>
		<prefab name="housewhite1"/>
		<prefab name="housewhite2"/>
		<prefab name="housetan2"/>




PS: To clarify, the issue with building custom towns is this that if you use the type="town", you can just assign slots and they will be filled randomly. But if you use the type="rural", you cannot just use slots, you have to place every building individually. At least that was the case in A14.

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Well, setting township to rural had an odd effect. All the spawners works, but none of my prefabs spawned. I also tried with different combos of hub as rural or town and the layout as rural or town, but I only ever had prefabs or bandits, but never both.


Towns dont change the biomes they are in, so you just get the regular biome spawns. If a town straddles more than one biome then you will get part of the town with one set of spawns, and others parts with different spawns. Thats how towns have always been, but they also used to spawn the prefabs spawners.


Cities on the other hand use the special biome wasteland_hub (which has a biome spawner of its own). Thats why you get cops and dogs etc in cities.



For the regular rural hubs, you could try increasing the size a bit. I dont know why they don't spawn 4 buildings all the time.


Edit: For the rural hub I was using specificly defined prefabs not random lots btw.

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Well, setting township to rural had an odd effect. All the spawners works, but none of my prefabs spawned. I also tried with different combos of hub as rural or town and the layout as rural or town, but I only ever had prefabs or bandits, but never both.
Is there a difference between zombies and bandits? This works just fine:




The prefabs are custom too, though.


Towns dont change the biomes they are in, so you just get the regular biome spawns. If a town straddles more than one biome then you will get part of the town with one set of spawns, and others parts with different spawns. Thats how towns have always been, but they also used to spawn the prefabs spawners.
Just to clarify: Now the prefab spawners are not being used by towns anymore?


Cities on the other hand use the special biome wasteland_hub (which has a biome spawner of its own). Thats why you get cops and dogs etc in cities.
Yeah, I (actually) know.


For the regular rural hubs, you could try increasing the size a bit. I dont know why they don't spawn 4 buildings all the time.
Size already is increased:


	<hub_rule name="ruralRare">
		<hub_type value="rural"/>
		<width value="150, 150" />
		<height value="150, 150" />
		<path_material value="asphalt" /> 
		<path_radius value="7" />

		<prefab_rule name="ruralRare" prob="1"/>


Guess it's just the way it is.


Edit: For the rural hub I was using specificly defined prefabs not random lots btw.
Unless bandits are treated differently from zombies that should actually work, see the xml I pastebined, I just tried it 5 mins ago, buildings are there, mutants too. One of the buildings, however, AGAIN rotated it's entry away from the center of the hub. Annoying.


And when I last tried, random lots don't work in rural hubs at all, that's what I meant with my PS in the last post. The lots just stay empty as far as I remember.


And another PS: I am also certain, that buildings in rural hubs without a custom layout, using the code I posted in my last post, will also use the designated spawner. I have a hub with a factory and it spawns my custom workmen-group just fine, seen it yesterday, no doubt.

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One more thing, I'm not 100% sure, but I somewhat believe to remember this:


The example code for a custom hub-layout is this:


	<hub_layout name="ruralHub02">
		<township_type value="town"/>

		<street start_point="-160,0" end_point="160,0"/>
		<street start_point="0,-160" end_point="0,160"/>

		<lot min_x_y="7, 7" size="128,128" rotation_to_road="2" align="south_west"/>
		<lot min_x_y="7, -135" size="128,128" rotation_to_road="0" align="north_west"/>

		<lot min_x_y="-135, 7" size="128,128" rotation_to_road="3" align="south_east"/>
		<lot min_x_y="-135, -135" size="128,128" rotation_to_road="1" align="north_east"/>

It has a "township_type"-info in it. If I remember correctly, that needs to be removed, like I've done it for the Blood Mutant Hub:


	<hub_layout name="BloodMutantsLayout">

	<street start_point="25,25" end_point="-25,25" path_material="dirt" path_radius="0"/>
	<street start_point="-25,25" end_point="-25,-25" path_material="dirt" path_radius="0"/>
	<street start_point="-25,-25" end_point="25,-25" path_material="dirt" path_radius="0"/>
	<street start_point="25,-25" end_point="25,25" path_material="dirt" path_radius="0"/>
	<lot min_x_y="-24,24" prefab="BloodMutantHouse00"/>	

	<!-- <lot min_x_y="-18,53" prefab="BloodMutantHouse01"/>
	<lot min_x_y="-20,-25" prefab="BloodMutantHouse02"/>
	<lot min_x_y="25,15" prefab="BloodMutantHouse03"/>
	<lot min_x_y="-66,20" prefab="BloodMutantHouse04" rotation_to_road="2" /> -->

	<lot min_x_y="-18,-25" prefab="BloodMutantHouse01"/>
	<lot min_x_y="-20,66" prefab="BloodMutantHouse02"/>
	<lot min_x_y="25,15" prefab="BloodMutantHouse03"/>
	<lot min_x_y="-66,20" prefab="BloodMutantHouse04"/>

	<street start_point="-100,-100" end_point="-100,100" path_material="dirt" path_radius="0"/>
	<street start_point="-100,100" end_point="100,100" path_material="dirt" path_radius="0"/>
	<street start_point="100,100" end_point="100,-100" path_material="dirt" path_radius="0"/>
	<street start_point="100,-100" end_point="-100,-100" path_material="dirt" path_radius="0"/>


You only need to have the "rural" info in the hub rule:


	<hub_rule name="BloodMutantsCustomHub01"> 
		<hub_type value="rural"/>
		<hub_layout name="BloodMutantsLayout"/>
		<prefab_rule name="BloodMutantHouses"/>

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