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SDX 0.6.0 (April 2016)


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I have a weird issue. I made a mod (pistol) with animations and everything but when I put in custom sound for fire it plays twice. The problem only occurs in multiplayer (non-dedicated, started from New Game). When I start the game and I'm the only one in the server everything is OK. As soon as someone joins, the sound bugs out and starts playing twice. If I use default ingame sounds (i.e. Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_fire) there is no problem. If I export default pistol sound from the game files and package it to unity3d package and load it from the package the sound glitches and plays twice if someone else is in the server with me.

Does anyone have the same issue?

Here are my cfgs:

<config name="items">
	<append xpath="/items">
		<item id="" name="M12Nova">
			<property name="Meshfile" value="#M12Nova?M12Nova" />
			<property name="Material" value="metal" />
			<property name="RepairTools" value="repairKit" />
			<property name="HoldType" value="1" />
			<property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="false" />
			<property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam" />
			<property name="Attachments" value="flashlight02" />
			<property class="Parts">
				<property name="Stock" value="partsPistol_grip" />
				<property name="Receiver" value="partsPistol_receiver" />
				<property name="Pump" value="partsPistol_parts" />
				<property name="Barrel" value="partsPistol_barrel" />
			<property class="Action0">
				<!-- AttackAction -->
				<property name="Class" value="Ranged" />
				<property name="Delay" value="0.3" />
				<property name="Magazine_size" value="15" />
				<property name="Magazine_items" value="9mmBullet" />
				<property name="Magazine_item_ray_counts" value="1" />
				<property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="0" />
				<property name="Reload_time" value="2" />
				<property name="Bullet_icon" value="pistol" />
				<!-- <property name="Sound_start" value="Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_fire" /> -->
				<property name="Sound_start" value="M12_Fire" />
				<property name="Sound_repeat" value="" />
				<property name="Sound_end" value="" />
				<property name="Sound_empty" value="Weapons/weapon_empty" />
				<property name="Sound_reload" value="Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_reload" />
				<property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="nozzleflash" />
				<property name="Particles_muzzle_smoke" value="nozzlesmoke" />
				<property name="DamageBonus.head" value="6" />
				<property name="DamageBonus.wood" value="3" />
				<property name="DamageBonus.plants" value="3" />
				<property name="DamageBonus.earth" value=".4" />
				<property name="DamageBonus.glass" value="25" />
			<property class="Action1">
				<!-- UseAction -->
				<property name="Class" value="Zoom" />
				<property name="Zoom_max_out" value="35" />
				<property name="Zoom_max_in" value="35" />
			<property name="LightSource" value="lightSource" />
			<!-- Start: Needed for the attachment flashlight -->
			<property name="ActivateObject" value="Attachments/flashlight/lightSource" />
			<property name="AttachmentFlashlight" value="flashlight02" />
			<!-- End: Needed for the attachment flashlight -->
			<property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons" />
			<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Pistols" />
			<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Gun Smithing" />
<config name="recipes">
	<append xpath="/recipes">
		<recipe name="M12Nova" count="1" scrapable="True" craft_area="assembly">
			<ingredient name="flashlight02" count="0" />
			<ingredient name="partsPistol_parts" count="1" />
			<ingredient name="partsPistol_barrel" count="1" />
			<ingredient name="partsPistol_receiver" count="1" />
			<ingredient name="partsPistol_grip" count="1" />
<config name="sounds">
	<append xpath="/Sounds">
		<SoundDataNode name="M12_Fire">
			<AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire" />
			<NetworkAudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire_Network" />
			<Noise range="15" prio="1" time="1" heat_map_strength="0.3" heat_map_time="120" />
			<AudioClip ClipName="#PisSfx?M12Nova_fire" />
			<LocalCrouchVolumeScale name="1" />
			<CrouchNoiseScale name="1" />
			<NoiseScale name="1" />
			<MaxVoices name="6" />
			<MaxEntities name="30" />
			<MaxRepeatRate name="0.001" />

Everything is OK with the cfgs, I think.


Sounds like it is just echoing across the gully lol. I myself didnt hear any problem

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I know this might be a stupid question, but what is SDX?


SDX is a mod loader/manager. It's a tool that allows you to mod the game beyond the stardard ways (through xml's).

It allows you import your own models (weapons, zombies, machines etc.), sounds, textures, even code to the game. Check out some of the mods made that work with SDX here

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Getting this error every time I try to build.


Unhandled Exception: Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionException: Failed to resolve assembly: 'UnityEngine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

at Mono.Cecil.BaseAssemblyResolver.Resolve(AssemblyNameReference name, ReaderParameters parameters)

at Mono.Cecil.DefaultAssemblyResolver.Resolve(AssemblyNameReference name)

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataResolver.Resolve(TypeReference type)

at Mono.Cecil.TypeReference.Resolve()

at Mono.Cecil.Mixin.CheckedResolve(TypeReference self)

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.GetConstantType(TypeReference constant_type, Object constant)

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddConstant(IConstantProvider owner, TypeReference type)

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddParameter(UInt16 sequence, ParameterDefinition parameter, ParamTable table)

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddParameters(MethodDefinition method)

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddMethod(MethodDefinition method)

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddMethods(TypeDefinition type)

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddType(TypeDefinition type)

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddTypeDefs()

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.BuildTypes()

at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.BuildModule()

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.<BuildMetadata>b__0(MetadataBuilder builder, MetadataReader _)

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.Read[TItem,TRet](TItem item, Func`3 read)

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.BuildMetadata(ModuleDefinition module, MetadataBuilder metadata)

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.WriteModuleTo(ModuleDefinition module, Stream stream, WriterParameters parameters)

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.Write(String fileName, WriterParameters parameters)

at StringDecoderWorker.Work(Assembly asm, ModuleDefinition modDef, String outputPath)

at SDX.Compiler.DeobfStringsTask.Execute(SDXCompiler compiler)

at SDX.Compiler.SDXCompiler.Compile(SDXCompilerSettings settings)

at SDXC.Program.Main(String[] args)


I've already validated the steam install, and reverted to a fresh backup...but still no luck.

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Getting this error every time I try to build.




I've already validated the steam install, and reverted to a fresh backup...but still no luck.


did you when you downloaded sdx6 and the tool. remove the sdx6.0 folder from the dl and place on your desktop. if you run it from the download folder it wont work you need to remove the sdx6.0 folder and run it from that folder

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Nah, I've got it working in the past, but it suddenly started throwing that error at me last night.


i have found if I have a file the sdx dont recognise in the backup folder or the config folder in the game dirs it throws errors. Like I accidentally saved a notepad xml to the back up and when i went to build it thru errors. and wouldnt load. but that dont look like the error i got. maybe have to wait for Mortelentus or pacco or someone else to assist.

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Yeah, I've had that problem in the past as well, because when I was working on mods for A13 I saved extra files in the data directory. That is definitely not this error, though. It seems like it's having trouble with the .dll file, but I'm not entirely sure.

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SDX is a mod loader/manager. It's a tool that allows you to mod the game beyond the stardard ways (through xml's).

It allows you import your own models (weapons, zombies, machines etc.), sounds, textures, even code to the game. Check out some of the mods made that work with SDX here


SDX is a modding API. It allows you to add your own Unity models and your own C# code into the game.


Thank you, I might actually go ahead and try this out.

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SDX is a modding API. It allows you to add your own Unity models and your own C# code into the game.


What happens when a players enter in a modded server ? will the client download all the required files or it requires user to download / install ?

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What happens when a players enter in a modded server ? will the client download all the required files or it requires user to download / install ?


No, server will only push xml. SDX is a 3rd party tool, so anyone with a SDX server needs to provide the tools to keep clients updated.

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Could someone verify whether SDX works on the latest experimental build please. Been working on some code of my own that patches the same dll and won't work on latest build nor will an SDX build work for me. Gonna revert to 14.5 to double check since I saw Pacco running SDX fine off that build in his tutorial.


EDIT: nvm was trying to run with EAC doh!

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Cannot use SDX


Hey People, at first im sorry for my bad English- coming from Germany, i hope i can tell you my problem so you understand it.



If i will make the first build i get many error messages and sdx wont create a backup. Even enable mods and click on build / play will cause the same errors.


Im using Win 10, have a clean vanilla installed, looked the tutorial from pacco etc. it is not so difficult to follow the steps but it will not work. So i cant play with any sdx mods... Any Guys can help me out ?


Heres a Screenshot:


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Hey People, at first im sorry for my bad English- coming from Germany, i hope i can tell you my problem so you understand it.



If i will make the first build i get many error messages and sdx wont create a backup. Even enable mods and click on build / play will cause the same errors.


Im using Win 10, have a clean vanilla installed, looked the tutorial from pacco etc. it is not so difficult to follow the steps but it will not work. So i cant play with any sdx mods... Any Guys can help me out ?


Heres a Screenshot:



I cant understand the German language. But when you downloaded sdx6.0 (andthetool) did you remove the sdx6 folder from within it to another location (ie - desktop).and run it from the seperate folder.


2. Did you correctly change the id path in settings within the seperate sdx6 folder.

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Most of the time, I have been unable to make sdx work, most of the time I can't get past the step about using "build" in frontend.exe without activating any mods, I nearly always end up with this:



Skipping: NetworkServerSteam

Skipping: Steam

EVENT: Begin task: Patch game code


Exception non g‚r‚e?: System.IO.IOException: Le processus ne peut pas acc‚der au fichier '(...)\7 days to die mods\SDX_0.6.0\Backup\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\DeobfStrings.dll', car il est en cours d'utilisation par un autre processus.

… System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

… System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

… System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

… System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

… Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.GetFileStream(String fileName, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

… Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(String fileName, ReaderParameters parameters)

… SDX.Compiler.Patcher.Patch(String sourceFile, String destFile)

… SDX.Compiler.SDXCompiler.Compile(SDXCompilerSettings settings)

… SDXC.Program.Main(String[] args)


This happenned with alpha 14.5 with a clean install, The programs says it can't access "DeobfStrings.dll" because its being used by another process, because of that, I can't create a proper backup folder.


in the last 2 days I was able to make a proper backup folder with 14.6 experimental, and was even able to use a mod twice, but most of

the time I get that same error or get a little further to the next event where I get the error that say that it can't access "Deobf_Part1.dll"

because its being used by another process.


Does someone have any idea how to make this work.

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Most of the time, I have been unable to make sdx work, most of the time I can't get past the step about using "build" in frontend.exe without activating any mods, I nearly always end up with this:



Skipping: NetworkServerSteam

Skipping: Steam

EVENT: Begin task: Patch game code


Exception non g‚r‚e?: System.IO.IOException: Le processus ne peut pas acc‚der au fichier '(...)\7 days to die mods\SDX_0.6.0\Backup\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\DeobfStrings.dll', car il est en cours d'utilisation par un autre processus.

… System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

… System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

… System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

… System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

… Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.GetFileStream(String fileName, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

… Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(String fileName, ReaderParameters parameters)

… SDX.Compiler.Patcher.Patch(String sourceFile, String destFile)

… SDX.Compiler.SDXCompiler.Compile(SDXCompilerSettings settings)

… SDXC.Program.Main(String[] args)


This happenned with alpha 14.5 with a clean install, The programs says it can't access "DeobfStrings.dll" because its being used by another process, because of that, I can't create a proper backup folder.


in the last 2 days I was able to make a proper backup folder with 14.6 experimental, and was even able to use a mod twice, but most of

the time I get that same error or get a little further to the next event where I get the error that say that it can't access "Deobf_Part1.dll"

because its being used by another process.


Does someone have any idea how to make this work.


Did you remove the sdx6 folder from the download folder


Did you change the game path in settings as per readme


Did you place the sdxmods folder into the games main directory (common/7daystodie)


Did you double click the frontend.exe


Did you build sdx before adding any mods to the sdxmod folder you placed in the main game directory

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- I downloaded the archive in (...)\ordi vieux\downloads

I cut and paste the archive in (...)\ordi vieux\downloads\7 days to die mods\alpha 14

I extracted the archive in \ordi vieux\downloads\7 days to die mods\alpha 14

then go from there


- I did not change the game path in settings because it already had the right path written.


- I did place the sdxmods folder in the games main directory in (SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die


- I did double click the frontend.exe programs since that how my computer execute programs, if you meant to ask if I had more then 1 instances of the programs open, then no, I only had 1 instances the programs open.


- I did build sdx before activating any of the mods in sdxmod folder, I even tried deleting the entire SDX_0.6.0_Package folder and deleted and reinstalled 7 days to die and tried again from the SDX_0.6.0_Package extracted archive to build without adding any mods to the sdxmods folder(only the mods that comes with the sdxmods folder were inside(but I did not activated them for the first build that create the backup folder))


Edit/reply to stallionsden post after this one:

my SDX_0.6.0 folder is in

(...)\ordi vieux\downloads\7 days to die mods\alpha 14


only the SDXMods folder is in the game directory

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I cant get this too work. I've followed the guides 100%, but whenever i try to launch the client, it wont even show the fun pimps logo. It just freezes for 10 sec, then shuts itself down again.


If i validate the game files, i can launch the game again, but if i run the sdx, even the initial build without any mods, the game wont start.

What am i doing wrong? what game version does it need to be? I've tried 14.5 and the latest experimentals.

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I cant get this too work. I've followed the guides 100%, but whenever i try to launch the client, it wont even show the fun pimps logo. It just freezes for 10 sec, then shuts itself down again.


If i validate the game files, i can launch the game again, but if i run the sdx, even the initial build without any mods, the game wont start.

What am i doing wrong? what game version does it need to be? I've tried 14.5 and the latest experimentals.


You need to turn eac off


- - - Updated - - -


- I downloaded the archive in (...)\ordi vieux\downloads

I cut and paste the archive in (...)\ordi vieux\downloads\7 days to die mods\alpha 14

I extracted the archive in \ordi vieux\downloads\7 days to die mods\alpha 14

then go from there


- I did not change the game path in settings because it already had the right path written.


- I did place the sdxmods folder in the games main directory in (SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die


- I did double click the frontend.exe programs since that how my computer execute programs, if you meant to ask if I had more then 1 instances of the programs open, then no, I only had 1 instances the programs open.


- I did build sdx before activating any of the mods in sdxmod folder, I even tried deleting the entire SDX_0.6.0_Package folder and deleted and reinstalled 7 days to die and tried again from the SDX_0.6.0_Package extracted archive to build without adding any mods to the sdxmods folder(only the mods that comes with the sdxmods folder were inside(but I did not activated them for the first build that create the backup folder))


Edit/reply to stallionsden post after this one:

my SDX_0.6.0 folder is in

(...)\ordi vieux\downloads\7 days to die mods\alpha 14


only the SDXMods folder is in the game directory


You need to activate the 4 built in mods with the sdxmod folder then build. Just dont add any new modd to the folder

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