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SDX 0.6.0 (April 2016)


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As Pacco teased us with new features...

Can someone from the SDX team briefly explain what's new?


You can now add or override existing description keys for your mod. An example would be in my Drawbridge mod:



In the "...\Text\English.txt" file is the following text:

Drawbridge1 = Drawbridge 1

Drawbridge1Desc = A fully functional opening and closing drawbridge with a remote keypad.


The first line defines the name for the drawbridge as displayed by the game while the second line defines the description displayed when the block is selected in your inventory.


The block XML lines are below:


<block id="" name="Drawbridge1">

<property name="DescriptionKey" value="Drawbridge1Desc" />

<property name="Class" value="Drawbridge1, Mods" />

<property name="Material" value="Mconcrete" />

<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity" />

<property name="Tag" value="Door" />

<property name="Model" value="#Drawbridge1?Drawbridge1Prefab" />

<property name="OpenSound" value="open_drawbridge" />

<property name="CloseSound" value="open_drawbridge" />

<drop event="Harvest" name="destroyedStone" count="25" />

<drop event="Destroy" name="destroyedStone" count="10" prob="1" />

<drop event="Fall" name="destroyedStone" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" />

<property name="Group" value="Building,Basics" />

<property name="Place" value="Door" />



The "DescriptionKey" is the important bit here... it must match the description key you define in "English.txt". Don't forget that in order for descriptions to work you need to have the "SDX Core" mod enabled and at the top of your mod list (you can drag it to the top if needed).

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So i got a little problem.. i tried to import my object, but how do i know on which coordinates i have to put it in unity? Just dragging it in seems to not work because my model is invisible and i think it is just somewhere behind or infront of me. And how do i add my texture to it in unity?


You need to put it at 0,0,0 so it will be where you expect when ingame. With all of my mods I always create an empty GameObject at the root and place my model below that so I can then manipulate the position as needed on the model itself while leaving the root at 0,0,0.


As for adding textures, you need to create a material for it. Unity probably did it when you imported the model but added no texture to it. This stuff is best covered by Googling as there are a million tutorials on that side of things.


Don't forget you MUST use Unity 5.3.3 to export your asset bundle (.Unity3D) otherwise the model will be invisible ingame.


Good luck and do not hesitate if you have another question.

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I can't get my custom icons to load into the game. I have them in the proper folder structure (B:\Program Files\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXMods\02_Harvestable Plants\Icons\itemname.png), .png format, and they are sized either 115x79 or 116x80 (could that be the problem? seems weird that it would make them not appear, but maybe....). Is there something I need to do to get it to load up custom icons? Really appreciate the help. Thanks!

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ok, new day, new try.


Still get the same error while trying to build. No steam running, no game running, fresh pc start. Tried copying the game direclty to e:\7daystodie , same error.

Another error also appears if the backup folder already exists (its empty as the backup doesn't work) if i try to build and forget to delete the folder:

Load SDXSettings from: E:\Programme\SDX_0.6.0_Package\SDX_0.6.0\Settings.ini
EVENT: Begin task: Backup files
EVENT: Begin task: Import UnityEngine.dll
INFO: File already exists
EVENT: Begin task: Deobfuscate Assembly Strings

Unbehandelte Ausnahme: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Ein Teil des Pfades "E:\Programme\SDX_0.6.0_Package\SDX_0.6.0\Backup\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll" konnte nicht gefunden werden.
  bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
  bei System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
  bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
  bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
  bei Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.GetFileStream(String fileName, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
  bei Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(String fileName, ReaderParameters parameters)
  bei StringDecoderWorker..ctor(String assemblyPath, String outputPath)
  bei SDX.Compiler.DeobfStringsTask.Execute(SDXCompiler compiler)
  bei SDX.Compiler.SDXCompiler.Compile(SDXCompilerSettings settings)
  bei SDXC.Program.Main(String[] args)


Also tried with deactivated antivirus, same.


No clue anymore what to try.

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  1. I assume you already changed the settings.ini with the correct game folder path
  2. That error appears when you press Build button or Reverse button?
  3. Try running SDX as administrator, if any of your folders have any special permissions.


I can't think of anything else... :(

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  1. I assume you already changed the settings.ini with the correct game folder path
  2. That error appears when you press Build button or Reverse button?
  3. Try running SDX as administrator, if any of your folders have any special permissions.


I can't think of anything else... :(


1. as you can see in the error log, unfortunaly yes :(

2. error appears if i press "build"

3. same as administrator


Also copied the game to the system disc c:\7daystodie . Same. Even checked the settings under properties -> security and gave every account full access , didn't help either.

I'm out of ideas.

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1. as you can see in the error log, unfortunaly yes :(

2. error appears if i press "build"

3. same as administrator


Also copied the game to the system disc c:\7daystodie . Same. Even checked the settings under properties -> security and gave every account full access , didn't help either.

I'm out of ideas.


take a look here:


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I can't get my custom icons to load into the game. I have them in the proper folder structure (B:\Program Files\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXMods\02_Harvestable Plants\Icons\itemname.png), .png format, and they are sized either 115x79 or 116x80 (could that be the problem? seems weird that it would make them not appear, but maybe....). Is there something I need to do to get it to load up custom icons? Really appreciate the help. Thanks!



Not trying to be a pain, just bumping my question as there's been about a page of posts since.


Any help anyone could offer is much appreciated. Thanks so much!

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nice video, but what has that to do with the problem? the video doesn't cover anything else then the readme file....


You have obviously installed it incorrectly. The link shows you how to install it properly.


- - - Updated - - -


Not trying to be a pain, just bumping my question as there's been about a page of posts since.


Any help anyone could offer is much appreciated. Thanks so much!


I dont know much here but maybe the png has to be the 116x80 not smaller or larger

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i have never used sdx i would like to put some mods on my server that im runnning i understand ftp and have changed xlms and added mods that way i have also built mods into my sp game but how do i add the mods to my dedi server through ftp ???

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i have never used sdx i would like to put some mods on my server that im runnning i understand ftp and have changed xlms and added mods that way i have also built mods into my sp game but how do i add the mods to my dedi server through ftp ???


If you dl sdx6 there is a read me and in there is a how to get it on your server. I could type it here but way easier in the read me thats included in the dl.

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you have to fit the game path in the settings file, but you have to put your dedi path to the main game path


Im very sorry but i dont uderstand this :D


also is there a list of sdx mods

i have drawbridge,cctv,rotationg bridge and garadge door


Working on sp

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Im very sorry but i dont uderstand this :D


also is there a list of sdx mods

i have drawbridge,cctv,rotationg bridge and garadge door


Working on sp


I dont know that bit either lol. One of the great sdx team members might be to assist better there. there is 1 more (Radio) by Pacco. So far that is all that has been released for sdx. There be more coming tho. just got to keep an ye on the mods section. I have asked the mods if SDX could get its own section but thats TFPs call. But maybe if we all pm the mods hehe sdx will gt its own separate section as this will also help with confusion to.

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also for when i get a response for my question on how to get them on dedi server


Do you know how i will add recipes for the drawbridge for instance would it still be


<recipe name="10mmBullet" count="1" scrapable="True">

<ingredient name="bulletCasing" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="gunPowder" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="bulletTip" count="1"/>



in the recipes xml

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also for when i get a response for my question on how to get them on dedi server


Do you know how i will add recipes for the drawbridge for instance would it still be


<recipe name="10mmBullet" count="1" scrapable="True">

<ingredient name="bulletCasing" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="gunPowder" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="bulletTip" count="1"/>



in the recipes xml


you open up the sdxmod folder that is in sdxmods in the games main folder. select config. select the xml and open it. then you need to add the recipe code. I did this for all the sdx mods so far. but you can to if you go thru each xml some have recipes already I just copied it and pasted it in the other xmls that didnt have recipes and changed each recipe for each mod.


IE: for the Traps I did this -


<config name="recipes">

<append xpath="/recipes">

<recipe name="BearTrap" count="1" scrapable="False">

<ingredient name="scrapIron" count="50"/>

<ingredient name="forgedIron" count="20"/>

<ingredient name="glue" count="6"/>

<ingredient name="scrapCable" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="MbarbedWire" count="1"/>


<recipe name="TrapNail" count="1" scrapable="False">

<ingredient name="wood" count="300"/>

<ingredient name="scrapIron" count="50"/>

<ingredient name="glue" count="6"/>

<ingredient name="scrapCable" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="MbarbedWire" count="1"/>


<recipe name="TrapDoor" count="1" scrapable="False">

<ingredient name="corrugatedMetalCTRPlate" count="3"/>

<ingredient name="scrapIron" count="50"/>

<ingredient name="forgedIron" count="20"/>

<ingredient name="scrapCable" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="MbarbedWire" count="1"/>





that all has to be in its own section but not inter twined with the other sections.


so it looks like this - (Sorry mortelenus hop you dont mind me using your traps as the example)




<!-- Blocks -->

<config name="blocks">

<append xpath="/blocks">


<block id="" name="BearTrap">

<!-- triggered trap -->

<!-- requires no power but has to be manually reseted -->

<property name="DescriptionKey" value="trapbearDesc" />

<property name="Class" value="TrapMorte, Mods" />

<property name="Material" value="metal" />

<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity" />

<property name="Model" value="#traps?BearTrap" />

<property name="Collide" value="movement,bullet,rocket,melee" />

<property name="FuelValue" value="36" />

<property name="KillChance" value="90" />

<property name="SpawnChance" value="100" />

<property name="DamageDone" value="20" />

<property name="HitLegs" value="true" />

<property name="Baited" value="true" />

<property name="EntityGroup" value="AnimalsAll" />

<property name="Baite" value="rawMeat" />

<property name="Loot1" value="rawMeat" />

<property name="Loot2" value="animalHide" />

<!-- if set to true, if the trap kills an entity (not player), it will imediatly disapear -->

<property name="DestroyOnDeath" value="false" />

<property name="OpenSound" value="beartrap_trigger" />

<property name="CloseSound" value="beartrap_trigger" />

<!-- until better solution this is just to allow interaction -->

<property name="CanPickup" value="true" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<drop event="Fall" name="woodDebris" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" />

<property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps" />

<property name="debug" value="false" />



<block id="" name="TrapNail">

<!-- triggered trap -->

<!-- requires no power but has to be manually reseted -->

<property name="DescriptionKey" value="trapnailDesc" />

<property name="Class" value="TrapMorte, Mods" />

<property name="Material" value="metal" />

<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity" />

<property name="Model" value="#traps?NailTrap" />

<property name="Collide" value="movement,bullet,rocket,melee" />

<property name="FuelValue" value="36" />

<property name="KillChance" value="20" />

<property name="DamageDone" value="20" />

<property name="HitLegs" value="false" />

<property name="Baited" value="false" />

<!-- if set to true, if the trap kills an entity (not player), it will imediatly disapear -->

<property name="DestroyOnDeath" value="false" />

<property name="OpenSound" value="nailtrap_trigger" />

<property name="CloseSound" value="nailtrap_trigger" />

<!-- until better solution this is just to allow interaction -->

<property name="CanPickup" value="true" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<drop event="Fall" name="woodDebris" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" />

<property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps" />

<property name="debug" value="false" />


<block id="" name="TrapDoor">

<!-- triggered trap -->

<!-- requires no power but has to be manually reseted -->

<property name="Class" value="TrapMorte, Mods" />

<property name="Material" value="metal" />

<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity" />

<property name="Model" value="#traps?Trapdoor" />

<property name="Collide" value="movement,bullet,rocket,melee" />

<property name="FuelValue" value="36" />

<property name="KillChance" value="0" />

<property name="DamageDone" value="0" />

<property name="HitLegs" value="false" />

<property name="Baited" value="false" />

<!-- if set to true, if the trap kills an entity (not player), it will imediatly disapear -->

<property name="DestroyOnDeath" value="false" />

<property name="OpenSound" value="" />

<property name="CloseSound" value="" />

<!-- until better solution this is just to allow interaction -->

<property name="CanPickup" value="true" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<drop event="Fall" name="woodDebris" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" />

<property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps" />

<property name="debug" value="false" />






<config name="sounds">

<append xpath="/Sounds">

<SoundDataNode name="beartrap_trigger">

<AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_UseAction" />

<Noise range="20" prio="1" time="1" muffled_when_crouched="0.5" />

<AudioClip ClipName="#traps?BearTrapSound" />

<LocalCrouchVolumeScale name="0.5" />

<CrouchNoiseScale name="0.5" />

<NoiseScale name="1" />

<MaxVoices name="1" />

<MaxEntities name="30" />

<MaxRepeatRate name="0.01" />


<SoundDataNode name="nailtrap_trigger">

<AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_UseAction" />

<Noise range="20" prio="1" time="1" muffled_when_crouched="0.5" />

<AudioClip ClipName="#traps?NailTrapSound" />

<LocalCrouchVolumeScale name="0.5" />

<CrouchNoiseScale name="0.5" />

<NoiseScale name="1" />

<MaxVoices name="1" />

<MaxEntities name="30" />

<MaxRepeatRate name="0.01" />





<config name="recipes">

<append xpath="/recipes">

<recipe name="BearTrap" count="1" scrapable="False">

<ingredient name="scrapIron" count="50"/>

<ingredient name="forgedIron" count="20"/>

<ingredient name="glue" count="6"/>

<ingredient name="scrapCable" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="MbarbedWire" count="1"/>


<recipe name="TrapNail" count="1" scrapable="False">

<ingredient name="wood" count="300"/>

<ingredient name="scrapIron" count="50"/>

<ingredient name="glue" count="6"/>

<ingredient name="scrapCable" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="MbarbedWire" count="1"/>


<recipe name="TrapDoor" count="1" scrapable="False">

<ingredient name="corrugatedMetalCTRPlate" count="3"/>

<ingredient name="scrapIron" count="50"/>

<ingredient name="forgedIron" count="20"/>

<ingredient name="scrapCable" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="MbarbedWire" count="1"/>






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cant see where is going wrong recipe wont show up in sp on the crafting menu but dose on creative still



<config name="blocks">

<append xpath="/blocks">

<block id="" name="Drawbridge1">

<property name="DescriptionKey" value="Drawbridge1Desc" />

<property name="Class" value="Drawbridge1, Mods" />

<property name="Material" value="Mconcrete" />

<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity" />

<property name="Tag" value="Door" />

<property name="Model" value="#Drawbridge1?Drawbridge1Prefab" />

<property name="OpenSound" value="open_drawbridge" />

<property name="CloseSound" value="open_drawbridge" />

<drop event="Harvest" name="destroyedStone" count="25" />

<drop event="Destroy" name="destroyedStone" count="10" prob="1" />

<drop event="Fall" name="destroyedStone" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" />

<property name="Group" value="Building,Basics" />

<property name="Place" value="Door" />





<config name="sounds">

<append xpath="/Sounds">

<SoundDataNode name="open_drawbridge">

<AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_UseAction" />

<Noise range="20" prio="1" time="1" muffled_when_crouched="0.5" />

<AudioClip ClipName="#Drawbridge1?DrawbridgeSound1" />

<LocalCrouchVolumeScale name="0.5" />

<CrouchNoiseScale name="0.5" />

<NoiseScale name="1" />

<MaxVoices name="2" />

<MaxEntities name="30" />

<MaxRepeatRate name="0.01" />





<config name="recipes">

<append xpath="/recipes">

<recipe name="Drawbridge1" count="1" scrapable="False">

<ingredient name="scrapIron" count="50"/>

<ingredient name="forgedIron" count="20"/>

<ingredient name="glue" count="6"/>

<ingredient name="scrapCable" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="MbarbedWire" count="1"/>







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