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Project Slaanhatten


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Will it, or is it possible to set the city as a single prefab file? Or is it too big?


I believe it's too big for pilles editor, assuming you wanted to load it up and modify somehow. The exact dimensions are 1521 x 1521, requiring around 90 blocks in height for the tallest points.


In theory you could spawn it in navezgane (I'm very close to a playable release within nav) and extract it as a single prefab... but you'd better be packing some serious memory as just loading the city into a single player navezgane map is currently eating 12.5gb ish of my RAM.




To clarify some details, there are 167 sections that fit together to form the base city area and around 25 individual prefabs that are dropped on top of those (bridge, traders, skyscrapers and other new A16 stuff etc).

Edited by Slaan (see edit history)
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yup, downloaded it last night to look. Its not for me to edit. I just add and subtract structures to customize my environment


My ideas is to turn on customhub, in my random world and since downtown region is in center of each city, I would be able to make it the single poi with a few smaller buildings on out side so i could have harlem brooklyn and the bronx surrounding it. Ive been trying to figure how to use the prefabs.xml in the random worlds folder so i could place poi like they do in Nav. Since I couldn't This is next best thought for me.


I really need to go back home for a visit. Thank you for the answer.


You have electricity in it, don't you.

Edited by 4sheetzngeegles (see edit history)
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yup, downloaded it last night to look. Its not for me to edit. I just add and subtract structures to customize my environment


My ideas is to turn on customhub, in my random world and since downtown region is in center of each city, I would be able to make it the single poi with a few smaller buildings on out side so i could have harlem brooklyn and the bronx surrounding it. Ive been trying to figure how to use the prefabs.xml in the random worlds folder so i could place poi like they do in Nav. Since I couldn't This is next best thought for me.


I really need to go back home for a visit. Thank you for the answer.


You have electricity in it, don't you.


Don't think there is an easy way to get in into RWG atm without the custom hub code which is currently not working, best bet would be one of the server mods stompy/coppi/hals to try and manually import either piece by piece or trying to make it a single prefab. Either way I'd hang fire a little while for the updated version, the is quite a difference from the one thats linked in the OP.

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Thanks Slaan!!!! Really great work you've done with this massive prefab city.


If anyone wanna check out simply join: port: 25150


Attention: It's a PVP Server. Maybe i also gonna start Slaan as PvE if anyone requests...bye


Hang fire for a week or two, you'll kick yourself starting a server just before the largest update the project has seen is released :distress:. There is a ton of content that I think will surprise even those people who've used/followed Slaanhatten since the start.


I don't have an exact ETA, I mainly need to experiment with Pilles' sleeper generator and drop in a handful of prefabs. I have a script ready to purge the prefabs.xml of anything the hub might overlap so once the last few touch-ups go in I just need to test it properly on a server and we're good to go.

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Hang fire for a week or two, you'll kick yourself starting a server just before the largest update the project has seen is released :distress:. There is a ton of content that I think will surprise even those people who've used/followed Slaanhatten since the start.


I don't have an exact ETA, I mainly need to experiment with Pilles' sleeper generator and drop in a handful of prefabs. I have a script ready to purge the prefabs.xml of anything the hub might overlap so once the last few touch-ups go in I just need to test it properly on a server and we're good to go.


Ah thanks ! Nice to tell us...for sure i'll wait. I prefer final products and beeing totally exited for new version :-)


Maybe then also those little blocks are replaced; hmm....for example i found the car parking lots and there are some wood frames which shouldn't be there :crushed: Looks kinda mixed up on convertion.

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Ah thanks ! Nice to tell us...for sure i'll wait. I prefer final products and beeing totally exited for new version :-)


Maybe then also those little blocks are replaced; hmm....for example i found the car parking lots and there are some wood frames which shouldn't be there :crushed: Looks kinda mixed up on convertion.


There are still a lot of mis-roated or 'wrong' blocks, in particular the south side of the hub in general is still rather messy. The current update I'm working is focusing on setting the foundation for a decent version 1 come A17(and hopefully a custom hub fix for RWG). Until it looks like there will be no more major block changes then doing perfect conversions on outdated sections will always remain on the bottom of the list.


Everything will get a once over update at some point to try and reduce all the block shenanigins to a minimum (similar to the 20ish sections I re-done in the north), but already I have plans further down the line to totally replace some parts of the city. It can be a little off-putting with so many borked blocks, but the main thing is it will still be extremely playable and although immersion will be broken in some places I'm still very pleased with the overall look and vibe you get.

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Suggestion; start a prefab server, enlist help.


That's definitely something that will happen in future, the things I've been working on most recently mean that adding/submitting a custom build for average joe is really gonna be as simple as possible. The main worry I always had was having to turn down peoples work because I simply had other plans in my head for a particular spot or things that just don't work/feel like they fit in. We have a ton of amazing builds that I haven't used for reasons like that.


That said, if there was ever gonna be a 'version 1' then it will probably be at the start of A17. 99% of the hub's area/terrain has been built/started in some shape or form, the highway loop is complete and several other little systems have their foundations set so it's gonna be hard for people to de-rail the ideas and things that I've started and more importantly, the area's that have space for custom builds/buildings are very easy to spot and have some kind of base prefab that can be loaded up and built directly onto.


I've always welcomed submissions with open arms, the end of A15 seen the first major add-on not created by me and it is a kick ass addition (the built up military still base/blockade in the center) and I would definitely encourage others who have similar vision to do the same as I can and will use most things that enhance the city.


Things have just been a little slower lately and the few bumps in the process(custom hubs broken /cough) meant I was distracted for a little while but it's all worked out for the best.






I've yet to have the patience making the bridge collapse, structural feat of epic proportions tho I imagine it will 'eventually' depends what kind of abuse people throw at it.

Edited by Slaan (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Today was going to be 'update' time and still is I suppose. Links to v0.7 will be updated in the OP soon.


This is more of a call for people to try out the mod as I'm regularly encountering a total shutdown of the client and crashing of my PC. No blue screens, not even low memory warnings, the game just hangs for a few secs and forces me to reset/restart my machine or stare at black screens until I get bored and restart/reset the machine.


Before I start running some tests on my machine itself (it is getting old so I wouldn't be surprised if the fault is that), I wanted to put this latest version of the project out and as I don't have access to a dedi server for the time being, get as much feedback as possible.


I've mentioned before that RAM usage is extremely high, 16gb just does not seem to be cutting it these days and I'm more inclined to believe that it's the distant meshes over such a massive area that's doing it as even with no sleeper volumes it still happens like clockwork.


So the known bugs:


*console opening red error, index is out of range (something like that)


This one is either some kind of broken block or sleeper related, and is limited to the northern half of the hub where I done some early builds in A16 and sleeper testing, the conversion process was not exactly perfect so it's hard to be more specific other than the areas it happens.


*PC has a heart attack, black screens and unable to do anything (even access desktop), requires a full machine restart*


This has me really worried, Im gonna run some games without any of the mesh files installed and see how much of a difference this will make (if any). I currently have 16gb ram installed, sitting idle at desktop my PC is only using around 2.7gb. The latest time I crashed like this now makes steam think 7 days is not even installed (even tho I can still access the files/saves).



Give it a blast, lemme know what you think or what errors start plaguing you, I'll post later if Im more successful without the mesh files.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Today was going to be 'update' time and still is I suppose. Links to v0.7 will be updated in the OP soon.


This is more of a call for people to try out the mod as I'm regularly encountering a total shutdown of the client and crashing of my PC. No blue screens, not even low memory warnings, the game just hangs for a few secs and forces me to reset/restart my machine or stare at black screens until I get bored and restart/reset the machine.


Before I start running some tests on my machine itself (it is getting old so I wouldn't be surprised if the fault is that), I wanted to put this latest version of the project out and as I don't have access to a dedi server for the time being, get as much feedback as possible.


I've mentioned before that RAM usage is extremely high, 16gb just does not seem to be cutting it these days and I'm more inclined to believe that it's the distant meshes over such a massive area that's doing it as even with no sleeper volumes it still happens like clockwork.


So the known bugs:


*console opening red error, index is out of range (something like that)


This one is either some kind of broken block or sleeper related, and is limited to the northern half of the hub where I done some early builds in A16 and sleeper testing, the conversion process was not exactly perfect so it's hard to be more specific other than the areas it happens.


*PC has a heart attack, black screens and unable to do anything (even access desktop), requires a full machine restart*


This has me really worried, Im gonna run some games without any of the mesh files installed and see how much of a difference this will make (if any). I currently have 16gb ram installed, sitting idle at desktop my PC is only using around 2.7gb. The latest time I crashed like this now makes steam think 7 days is not even installed (even tho I can still access the files/saves).



Give it a blast, lemme know what you think or what errors start plaguing you, I'll post later if Im more successful without the mesh files.


Like a 2nd x-mas. THANKS !!!!! :-)


I just put all on a dedicated Server....128GB RAM - hope it'll run fine.

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I just put all on a dedicated Server....128GB RAM - hope it'll run fine.


I've finally got access to my dedi server again so I'll be able to start testing/adjusting for multiplayer over the comming weeks, any feedback you feel is relevant feel free to drop here.


Removing the mesh files from the city lowered my ram useage by approx 2.5gb (local SP game) and even after flying around the hub for an hour I didnt get the crash to desktop at all, maybe I just need a few extra GB's of ram and hitting my limit was the problem... I'd certainly be interested in seeing how much of your 128gb is used up by the server process when there's a few people doing laps around the city for an hour.


There's defo some room to wiggle with the mesh files but I think when I find that 'sweet spot' I'll probably re-design the layout of the hub and start a fresh version in A17.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Welcome to Project Slaanhatten


v0.7 'Slaanezgane' Edition for A16.4 highlights:


*NAVEZGANE ONLY - the hub will not work in RWG during A16*



READ THE README file included in the project download.


The city has been set into a 'reasonably' decent spot within Navezgane, it was never intended to be there so it's a little rough around the edges but all in all it's a much better fit than the previous test version was. The northern area that's mostly fixed up and looking sexy sits in the forest biome with the more broken and unfinished areas in the south hanging in the burning forest/wasteland. Zombies are everywhere, big thanks to Pille and his sleeper generator for speeding that process right up.


Memory usage is running worryingly high, feedback is crucial if this is unplayable. I'd rather address these issues now and adjust accordingly so I can hit the ground running in A17 rather than leave it to the last minute.


Download v0.7 HERE





Tutorial Part 3:



Support the youtubes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw9vetTTresc0ym9q_jn3cg


Join the facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/7d2dmoddingandprefabbing/



Great Thing to play on, but i have an Issues with Slaincity, the city blocks are to high. What i'm Missing to do right ??


Btw.: Can someone help me with Spherii's Nightmares, i can spawn and hear them but cant see them. Some Issues with Some extra items (Lucielle) All is there but i cant see the item i-game in my hand , only see something looks like a sack.


Thx for help.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Slaan you've missed Slaanhatten's second birthday. :party:


haha I never realised, been too busy actually playing the game for a change.


Really enjoying it so far although the performance in parts of the hub is shocking to say the least, I think come A17 a different approach may be needed and the overall size defo needs addressed. I still think the hub is hovering around the maximum reasonable size possible and with some more thought put into the mesh files performance could defo be improved, but then again in MM's latest video we can clearly see distant trees and I wonder how much this will affect performance too. Ultimately I'll have to wait and see what state custom hubs are in but I'm looking forward to throwing a few small things together that I've had on paper for ages.



For those who are interested Nlan is hosting a custom valmod/slaanhatten navezgane map, unfortunately it's PvP so although it's not too busy atm there is always the chance of shenanigins (not everyone has the rape everything in sight mentality but we do have some). It's pass-worded atm but is open to the public and friends so feel free to share around if interested.


IP: NGUK.ddns.net

Port: 26900

PW: nlan

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  • 4 weeks later...
Slaan, I hear you have a quick way of generating meshes? I've 85 to do... Walk me through it?


I just do them the same way that Hal demonstrated in his video, load > simplify > combine > save > repeat. Maybe it's the potato in me but I was able to just sit and manually do a huge list for both myself and mag's when the tool was first released. The compo pack ones took a bit more time to copy/paste the names into the console. With Slaanhatten I was only changing the coords at the end so i was mainly using the up arrow to quickly enter the 4 commands and cycling thru them... god bless good naming systems.


However if you dig thru the compo pack thread I'm sure Hal made it possible to nuke a folder or larger selection somehow (maybe this was a fantasy, there was defo discussion regarding this). From memory I was only spending around 30 secs per mesh file... stop being lazy and make em as you create the prefabs and these lists won't build up so big!.

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I'm not building them in flatworld, I build them on a prefab server so it's a little more complicated to create meshes from that. =)


...Stomp had mentioned you did mag's batch, I think we both assumed that meant you had a batch method of doing it; no biggie, I'll get around to it eventually.


I did get smart and used easy prefab names when I exported... rural01 ... rural50, so that'll be nice.


Thanks anyway!

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I just do them the same way that Hal demonstrated in his video, load > simplify > combine > save > repeat. Maybe it's the potato in me but I was able to just sit and manually do a huge list for both myself and mag's when the tool was first released. The compo pack ones took a bit more time to copy/paste the names into the console. With Slaanhatten I was only changing the coords at the end so i was mainly using the up arrow to quickly enter the 4 commands and cycling thru them... god bless good naming systems.


However if you dig thru the compo pack thread I'm sure Hal made it possible to nuke a folder or larger selection somehow (maybe this was a fantasy, there was defo discussion regarding this). From memory I was only spending around 30 secs per mesh file... stop being lazy and make em as you create the prefabs and these lists won't build up so big!.


yeah - its possible to do all meshfiles with one command


the command is:


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  • 8 months later...
Hello there !


Are you still working on this project for A17?


I sure would like to give it a test when stable is out.


Slaanhatten will continue, tho probably not in the way expected. There are no immediate plans to directly convert the city as a single big entity (and I doubt there ever will).


I have many ideas but 17 has given us a lot of options in the city building department and world editing in general so laying down some definite plans at this point is impossible.


I'll have plenty of interesting prefab things for people to test and tinker come stable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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