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V1.1 b4 EXP

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Salut a tous mes amis joueurs 


Je joue actuellement sur Xbox série x et partiellement sur la série s . 


J'adore se jeu , mais les freezes deviennent vraiment très pénibles. 

Les soirs de lune de sang le jeu devient complètement injouable ! Trop de freeze mon dieu . 

A quand une mise a jour

Merci a vous 

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1 hour ago, kajiwara said:

Salut a tous mes amis joueurs 


Je joue actuellement sur Xbox série x et partiellement sur la série s . 


J'adore se jeu , mais les freezes deviennent vraiment très pénibles. 

Les soirs de lune de sang le jeu devient complètement injouable ! Trop de freeze mon dieu . 

A quand une mise a jour

Merci a vous 

Took 10 seconds, just saying....


Hi to all my gaming friends I currently play on Xbox series x and partially on the series s. I love this game, but the freezes become really annoying. On blood moon evenings, the game becomes completely unplayable! Too much freeze my god. When will there be an update Thank you

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12 hours ago, Sarakatunga said:

mm, the biggest mistake they made here was rushing to release the stable 1.0, they should have left it for 1 more month in experimental haha. Now those of us who have a dedicated server are suffering with the errors of 1.0. Especially with the damn vehicles. 🤣


I think you are right. But the console release meant they had to give out a release date in advance and I don#t think they are used to this kind of fixed schedule. On the positive side this probably means they did not start with doing crunch development. The health of their employees should be more important than a few bugs more, to them and us players.





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So anybodynknow if ps5 will get fixed because im getting 15fps its utterly shamefull how bad the fps is CONSISTENTLY i rlly love the game but it is unplayable rlly sad to see 

No other game has this issue

Clear cache on ps5 helps alot for those who wonder 

But the towns are still prone to lag alot and crash just to let u know

Edited by vendettav20 (see edit history)
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17 hours ago, DickJustice said:

1. I'm getting locked out of content that I should be getting - or I gotta restart 40+ hours of progress. No complaints if it's alpha, but this is not alpha anymore. Factors like console availability do not concern me. When you make it 1.0, you're creating an expectation, under which I start a new game and don't expect any need at all for a restart after that.


If the content isn't worth a restart, why do the devs say "it's strongly recommended"? POI stuff seems pretty important.


Content you **should be** getting is for example bandits, since that was promised. Content like new POIs are not, they are freebees. I can not see this as a bad thing even if it may take time to actually see them in the game. The alternative is for TFP to keep them under lock until the next major upgrade.

The POI fixes I see in this patch are rather unimportant optimizations. They improve the hints so the player finds his way around better or that he can open doors even if he overlooks one keyrack, etc.. The alternative is always to just destroy a few blocks and make your own way. I would not even have updated our co-op game to experimental if not one of my group already had downloaded the new version


The devs have always recommended to restart mainly for their own selfish reasons: They want valid bug reports. If you are not playing a clean restarted version they can't be sure that a reported bug isn't a leftover from using an old game. For you continuing a game (from my personal experience) is mostly without consequences, my group has always continued playing the game over multiple patches and we had to restart maybe twice in 6 years because of bugs emerging, and both events were long ago.



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3 minutes ago, meganoth said:


Content you **should be** getting is for example bandits, since that was promised. Content like new POIs are not, they are freebees. I can not see this as a bad thing even if it may take time to actually see them in the game. The alternative is for TFP to keep them under lock until the next major upgrade.

The POI fixes I see in this patch are rather unimportant optimizations. They improve the hints so the player finds his way around better or that he can open doors even if he overlooks one keyrack, etc.. The alternative is always to just destroy a few blocks and make your own way. I would not even have updated our co-op game to experimental if not one of my group already had downloaded the new version


The devs have always recommended to restart mainly for their own selfish reasons: They want valid bug reports. If you are not playing a clean restarted version they can't be sure that a reported bug isn't a leftover from using an old game. For you continuing a game (from my personal experience) is mostly without consequences, my group has always continued playing the game over multiple patches and we had to restart maybe twice in 6 years because of bugs emerging, and both events were long ago.




This is all fair - regardless there is not a good communication between developer and customer. The argument has been raised of "they had to call it 1.0 for console players" but it still does not explain why this couldn't be properly addressed in what would only have to be 1 simple post on the Steam page, for Steam users. It's that simple, all it would have taken to address all these concerns.


I feel like in general, judging by some of the reactions I've got in my notifications from some of the other members who frequent these forums, there is not much wrong one can say about this game and certain choices made, and to me that's pretty negative. I've been respectful and made sure to express my gratitude and appreciation for the work put into this game over the years. There's often multitudes more negativity in some of the stray complains you get here like "how about you actually fix [x] for a change" / "this ruins the game!!!" "ugh why did you do this for!!" - I tried to include a level of consideration to my concern, yet the response to my comment has been a lot more, shall we say, noticeable.


I just found that this point required better communication. After all - anything can be criticised, provided it's done with respect. 

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I have a question and a supposition to your post.


First what map or seed are you playing on?


I now play on both offline solo and a dedicated server with my friend,
I have yet to find that many traders on a map, with out specifically
modding it in. Personally Id like to play or render that map for my local
play and possibly add it to the server, because of the way my friend plays,
and because it reminds me of an older alpha that I liked.


If it's been modded then the modder would assume the responsibility of inflating
the prices.


If not modded then it pointed to a prevalent playstyle, Artificial LBD which was
removed, the only difference is the players you mentioned are just using a different
medium to to recreate a set result. In every game i have ever observed there are going
to be those that race to have an exorbitant quantity of ingame currency or commodities.
Years passed it would be accomplished with afk macroing.


The clear example you used was "having only a wrench I can earn 30000 dukes on
disassembling equipment in one game day" You can do the same thing with a bow and lvl 2
tracker, but that's only if I just do that vs playing the other aspects of the game. But
I don't want to cheat myself from the other aspects of the game or the limited time I'm
playing that's more like the old grinding way.


Either way I'm interested, mod, no mod, or seed name. I'll check back later got to go to work.

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2 hours ago, DickJustice said:


This is all fair - regardless there is not a good communication between developer and customer. The argument has been raised of "they had to call it 1.0 for console players" but it still does not explain why this couldn't be properly addressed in what would only have to be 1 simple post on the Steam page, for Steam users. It's that simple, all it would have taken to address all these concerns.


I feel like in general, judging by some of the reactions I've got in my notifications from some of the other members who frequent these forums, there is not much wrong one can say about this game and certain choices made, and to me that's pretty negative. I've been respectful and made sure to express my gratitude and appreciation for the work put into this game over the years. There's often multitudes more negativity in some of the stray complains you get here like "how about you actually fix [x] for a change" / "this ruins the game!!!" "ugh why did you do this for!!" - I tried to include a level of consideration to my concern, yet the response to my comment has been a lot more, shall we say, noticeable.


I just found that this point required better communication. After all - anything can be criticised, provided it's done with respect. 


I didn't say anything about communication since I largely agree with you there. Communication is not their strong suit. On the other hand, the alternative is often a dedicated "community manager" as a gobetween. I have mixed feelings about this, most of them filter the scant information even more and replace them with very polite but meaningless speech (looking at the communication from typical AAA companies). Advantage surely is that he is more able to explain information for the typical layman, I prefer the raw information though. So while I am sympathetic to your complaint, I fear the solution might make things worse.


Regulars on the forum are a mixed bag, from very polite to easily triggered. And new visitors have the same range of polite to aggressive, so I myself get everything from a good discussion (like with you) to outright flaming. It can't really be helped, moderation cuts of the excesses, but any game is a hot topic to all the fans and sometimes emotions are carried away. I am not saying this is fine, I am just saying there will always be tempers flaring and the only thing one can do is keep calm, stay polite, fan the flames, and report when it is over the line.


I might add that always assuming first the error is on my side when I think some post is inflammatory helps a lot. I often misread posts on the first reading, and I notice that a lot of disputes start from simple misunderstandings and misinterpretations.




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8 hours ago, kajiwara said:

Salut a tous mes amis joueurs 


Je joue actuellement sur Xbox série x et partiellement sur la série s . 


J'adore se jeu , mais les freezes deviennent vraiment très pénibles. 

Les soirs de lune de sang le jeu devient complètement injouable ! Trop de freeze mon dieu . 

A quand une mise a jour

Merci a vous 


7 hours ago, vendettav20 said:

So anybodynknow if ps5 will get fixed because im getting 15fps its utterly shamefull how bad the fps is CONSISTENTLY i rlly love the game but it is unplayable rlly sad to see 

No other game has this issue

Clear cache on ps5 helps alot for those who wonder 

But the towns are still prone to lag alot and crash just to let u know

Note that the devs have stated they are aware of the problem and are looking into solutions to fix the problem.  No time frame has been given, but that doesn't mean it will not end up being fixed soon.  Of course, it also might take a while, depending on how hard it is to fix.


As a side note, bug reports and other problems with console are best posted in the console general discussions forum so they can be found by the people who are working on the console stuff.  Posts in the PC section and especially in a topic like this that grows quickly in size are likely to be overlooked or hidden before anyone notices them.

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23 hours ago, DED-EFIM said:

slowly? with a certain skill by level 40 I had, for example, a crucible without problems, without buying a single one magazine

amount of loot 0.75

I have witnessed the same! At 100% loot found enough magazines to finish cooking medical armor and tools for all 3 of us while only 1 of us is perked into cooking and meds and the other tool and armor, while the 3rd has none into either 4. Now the spare magazines are going to the lowest level for pure xp. 


Going to restart and see if it changes but I may mod the loot to reduce magazines to 1 instead of 1,4 until they address this. 


Also ammo is too generous in quest rewards/ammo piles

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9 hours ago, 4sheetzngeegles said:

The clear example you used was "having only a wrench I can earn 30000 dukes on
disassembling equipment in one game day"

The most important question: "For what?"
Not enough for a solar cell. Melt down into shell casings? An option, but not so often. Buy 3 water filters? It takes 9 days, the merchant only has 1 every 3 days.
There is no financial system in the game to bother with it.

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1 hour ago, Suxar said:

he most important question: "For what?"
Not enough for a solar cell. Melt down into shell casings? An option, but not so often. Buy 3 water filters? It takes 9 days, the merchant only has 1 every 3 days.
There is no financial system in the game to bother with it.

I only brought this up to show that the prices at the merchants are very low, and I can immediately afford to buy whatever I want, so why should I level up my crafting skills?

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1 hour ago, DED-EFIM said:

I only brought this up to show that the prices at the merchants are very low, and I can immediately afford to buy whatever I want, so why should I level up my crafting skills?

Most items at the trader are random and are not Q6, so there is value in crafting, but they don't require you to craft if you don't want to.  There need to be alternatives for people who don't want to craft.  Now, I'm not saying all prices are good, but I think magazines are fine.

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This may be a dumb question or already answered one....but in 1.0 b333, I was mining and decided to dig down to bedrock and make a pillar to prevent collapse. 

Now my mine was already maybe 20 blocks deep, give or take a few. 


I only went down maybe another 10 blocks or so before hitting bedrock. I remember bedrock being WAY deeper than 30-40 blocks (meters) down. Of course I haven't dug to bedrock probably since A19 or earlier so this "issue" may be way outdated. 

Does anyone know when this changed? 

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4 minutes ago, Outlaw_187 said:

This may be a dumb question or already answered one....but in 1.0 b333, I was mining and decided to dig down to bedrock and make a pillar to prevent collapse. 

Now my mine was already maybe 20 blocks deep, give or take a few. 


I only went down maybe another 10 blocks or so before hitting bedrock. I remember bedrock being WAY deeper than 30-40 blocks (meters) down. Of course I haven't dug to bedrock probably since A19 or earlier so this "issue" may be way outdated. 

Does anyone know when this changed? 

different biomes the level is deeper but for forest the max depth is 32 blocks it was reduced over the alphas

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I didn't mean to pick apart the example, only to show that there
are different ways to view what is and potentially why.


The hopeful why is that it's a precursor, introduce a semi stable-ish
currency exchange, then like a true pimp would do, create a dependency,
a believable reason for it, and a story to give it a conclusion.


That is the hard part. The example I'd use is Ultima Online, when the
initial virtual ecology/economy, players instantly raked it over the coals
continuously, just because it was available, just because it was there,
and just because they could.


This is a 7 min 23 second interview. Anyone that watches it will get a
picture of trying to set this system up in a single genre game, image that
vs a multi-genre mashup like this. That's why I empathize as events develop.



I do like the thought of additional obscure and un-named traders,
in addition to the quest traders; so that question was genuine. It
is something I may later mod if it's not default. Specialized shopkeepers, similar
to Medieval Book 1 Mod as an example.


I see the game as a parallel or homage to 8 seasons of "The Walking Dead" crunched into
each playthrough, so that's how I approach it. The traders to me are the Season of Neegan.

I see potential, I like Rekt because of the interchange of foods, a primary need, then as I

progress pass him I go to Jen and the others, and explore more.


I agree with @Suxar that there is no direct financial system... yet... but the potential is there.


Something I think about with this game is, and I know it's a repeat from me, is Pandora's Box,
or Alladin's lamp.  If instantaneously you can do and have everything you want, what do you do?
The answer is Whatever you want, always.


The other thing is a story of Loki and Thor, no not the movie. Loki challenged Thor to a set of
challenges. One was a race, Thor lost badly, because he was physical and was actually racing with Thought.
The lesson is the speed of thought will always be faster than physical action.

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11 hours ago, DED-EFIM said:

I only brought this up to show that the prices at the merchants are very low, and I can immediately afford to buy whatever I want, so why should I level up my crafting skills?

How can I buy something I need from him if he doesn't have it? I spent about 24,000 concrete on building the base, the merchant has 500 every 3 days. To buy the amount I need, I would have to wait 48*3=144 days. Workstations? It would be good if he had the station I needed when updating his assortment, but that's far from certain. Solar cells? 42 days, I haven't seen any for sale yet. Armor? It's random, it's easier to make it yourself.

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Why is the dedicated server on 1.1 stable? I can't download v1.0 I did a reinstall to fix something and now I have to opt into experimental to join and yes I did "app_update 294420" and not "app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental"


I deleted the entire folder and downloaded the server twice.

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Anyone getting periodic lag spikes/fps drops on this build? Reminds me of the hitching on the new console version when the game saves


Like every 20/30 seconds just a big hitch and FPS drop even when just standing still 


This is what the frame graph in game looks like when it happens, seems to always have that second smaller hitch just after (I run the game capped at 60fps which is why the graph is so consistent otherwise)


Hadn't noticed this on PC before this build



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I was digging around in here trying to find an answer to an issue that keeps popping up concerning SCREAMERS and new players over in the Steam forums.  I've been mentoring a few newbies and already had two of them quit the game because of this issue.  I absolutely agree that screamers needed an update and to appear more often than they previously did, but I do believe it's gone a bit too far in the other direction, especially in early game with new players.  Any chance that may be addressed?  I mean, there's a huge difference between someone like me with a few thousand hours under my belt, and a new player just trying to figure out how to build a horde base or make it through a POI without getting swarmed from outside.

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Hace 5 horas, joshwa0816 dijo:

¿Por qué el servidor dedicado en 1.1 es estable? No puedo descargar v1.0 hice una reinstalación para arreglar algo y ahora tengo que optar por experimental para unirme y sí, hice "app_update 294420" y no "app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental"


Eliminé toda la carpeta y descargué el servidor dos veces.

Lo descargué de Steam y solo tuve que configurar la configuración del servidor


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