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Every time 7 daze gets an update I change my play style to adapt to the changes. Trader rewards right now are laughable, so I'm leaning away from trader quests. I'm curious how other people are approaching v1?

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They may be not that much, but they are still on top of everything you loot.


So once your are out in the field it may sometimes take too much time to drive back and get a new quest, but if you are near a trader anyway it would be idiotic to not take the quest and the rewards. Even more so in co-op where you can get as many quests as you are players and reduce driving massively.


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For me it's simple.  I play on no loot respawn.  So i do the quests up to my limit, then i hit up a ton of pois until the next day.  rinse and repeat.  plus i add in other resource harvesting/crafting/farming on different days depending on my needs.

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I still quest. The xp and dukes on top of looting the POI is still very nice.
I don't bother rushing the int tree for double rewards anymore, since they pretty much are 'eh'.

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10 minutes ago, Dtfauss said:

I still quest. The xp and dukes on top of looting the POI is still very nice.
I don't bother rushing the int tree for double rewards anymore, since they pretty much are 'eh'.

Same for me except that now I care more about the daring adventurer because the rewards are so limited.  At least with double rewards, it doesn't feel quite so bad.  😀

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So..... I've been playing since A.15 so my style has gone from base builder/farmer/ miner... to sneaky sneaky build when you didn't get the xp from homemaking anymore... through a maxed out perception/agility build which was much fun until A.21, now running a flat out 'hit anything that moves' strength and fortitude build. 

Not usually my style but it's a lot of fun early game I can't wait to see how she evolves. 

Especially with a shotgun since I never really saw their value before now.

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So if I want to enjoy the game for a bit longer I go out in wilderness ignore Traders/Airdrops/quests/loot respawn and just try to do it like in A16.
I move from town to town, loot POIs, no matter which tier it is and than come back to main base every 7 days or so.
You really need to limit yourself against mentioned things since they really break the gameplay - despite traders got nerfed you still get rewards and you can buy stuff you need, that makes a huuuge difference from A16 - now tehre is no starving, no hunger, no illnesses anymore - trader has you covered :)

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Honestly I feel that the trader nerf has encouraged exploration more than anything.  


Oh I also drop a block in front if each poi I clear.  On the road, so it doesn't go poof when I activate a quest there.

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5 hours ago, meganoth said:

They may be not that much, but they are still on top of everything you loot.

More importantly, they allow you to reset high value POIs like bookstores.  That's the main motivation to do them for me at this point.  I always look through the list every time to see if there are high value POIs available, and always choose those, regardless of tier.

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At least at adventurer difficulty, beelining intelligence 10 and getting double trader rewards still works. I focus on the building and I play solo. I like a flat 4000 size map, which gives me access to most or even all biomes from one base, and I have a map of the map. I may up the difficulty later -- one thing I love is the customization. I did 150% XP and 125% loot for the first 7 days, which were the hardest. I might do another run-through, perhaps on the same map, at a higher difficulty level but at 200% / 200%. If attributes affect _all_ loot, that would explain why I obtained a low level stun baton before I could make it.


On my current playthrough, I have Wasteland Center, but I don't live there. I started with a base in Forest and now I live in Desert. 


The dire wolves are death during the first 7 days. At this point, they don't have any feral sense -- if they did, wild animals would be deadly. 


Screamers are astonishingly challenging in Wasteland but not elsewhere. 


As I've shown in other posts in this community, I now have a defended base in the Jeffelon Zuckergates Estate with a complex zombie ramp / ladder created with the help of 100 steel blocks from a quest reward. I just got another 100 steel blocks and will build an animal ramp that I want to make too long for regular zombies to path on it.


I like the build-focused style of streamer Ditch but I also like the sarcastic commentary of FoxyProjct.


Adventurer, no feral. Max run. Most walk. ==> the speed adjustments allow you to carefully calibrate difficulty levels (but some animals are very fast).

 Airdrops 7 days. 

Edited by avalonnn (see edit history)
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53 minutes ago, Vaeliorin said:

More importantly, they allow you to reset high value POIs like bookstores.  That's the main motivation to do them for me at this point.  I always look through the list every time to see if there are high value POIs available, and always choose those, regardless of tier.

I can't tell if you are complaining about being able to do that or if you like that you can.  If it is a complaint, I would point out that you aren't forced to play that way.  If it bothers you, don't look through the quests to find the best ones.  Just pick one.  I pick the closest one unless it is buried treasure or restore power.  I only change from that if it is one I've done recently or one that is the same as was offered to the person I play the game with.  That works very well even if it isn't the most efficient way to quest.  But game are more fun, imo, if you aren't trying to play it on the most efficient way possible.  Doing that is more like work than fun and I play games for fun.

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49 minutes ago, Riamus said:

I can't tell if you are complaining about being able to do that or if you like that you can.  If it is a complaint, I would point out that you aren't forced to play that way.  If it bothers you, don't look through the quests to find the best ones.  Just pick one.  I pick the closest one unless it is buried treasure or restore power.  I only change from that if it is one I've done recently or one that is the same as was offered to the person I play the game with.  That works very well even if it isn't the most efficient way to quest.  But game are more fun, imo, if you aren't trying to play it on the most efficient way possible.  Doing that is more like work than fun and I play games for fun.

No, that wasn't a complaint.  Well, at least not about the questing system.  If it was a complaint about anything, it was that POIs with a lot of opportunities for books are the only ones that really feel worth doing.

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When able:


I play one level up from easy. 

Lot no respawn

100% loot 

No trader questing.

I sell to trader and buy from vending machines. 

60 min days.

Zombies min block damage.

No feral, zombie walks all the rime



Zombie no respawn.

A21 bucket mod

Spit cop delete.

Some other minor ones, but forget whole list ATM.


Dead is dead.


I am mainly an explorer Jack of so trades.


I do go for Max damage first and work in  the crafting best I can while prioritizing damage.




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Presently in test mode.
Normally No loot respawn. Nomadic, assuming a defensible poi.
Do quests but only take what I need, and create what I need.
I changed  a few things since stealth became more relevant,
I go through the ages, Stone, iron , steel, automation, then
all future.


I use bow club and throw able spear mainly. T1 weapons only as I
find them. Prefer a mix and match suit Prim head, rogue chest,
preacher gloves, rogue boots. T6 is end game for me.


When I have seen that I have a complete set of iron and advanced bow
I will ascend to next age, or if my DPS becomes ineffectual.

I don't worry if I don't eliminate all of a horde, The poi is disposable,
and my goal is to survive period in each age. Dead is dead. I play so simple, and

move so much compared to others, that, I only recently did enough heat activity

in a single location to finally raise a scout horde and that was on purpose.

I do any level poi as long as I have ammo. I ignore the skulls, because my rpg
character would not know. my mod that out later. Lots more to it but I write to long.

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The style of play depends on where I play.
If this is a solo game, then first I find a small town and completely clear it. To avoid running far, I put everything I find in boxes along the road. Then I choose a place for the base, build it and move everything from the boxes there. Then I start completing the merchant's quests.
If this is a dedicated server, then the main task is to build at least some kind of base and complete a couple of quests. You can also buy food, drink and tools with weapons from other players.

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A19 - Agility

A20 - Agility

A21 - Intelligence

1.0 - Strength/Int

Although I've also got a strength build going in A19 right now too.

While I generally prefer a silenced sniper rifle & pistol in most games, I have found the stealth build to become less and less rewarding in this game as versions go by.

High end POIs are already an endurance grind, going through Dishong tower in stealth mode takes days. Ain't nobody got time fo'dat!

Stealth not working against feral/horde night makes it situationally useless as well. When it works it is a beautiful thing, but then it is easy to abuse the sleeper mechanics even without any perks.


A21 int was the way to go. As others have said rushing DA isn't worth it anymore. As someone else pointed out, it can still be worthwhile if you make it so really a lot of a perks viability depends on your matching your playstyle to get the most out of it. I still think there are very few truly useless perks, although some perks are still generally better than others.


Now melee weapons I am biased I think having played the game so long. I am very comfortable with the club and the bone knife, not so much with the others. Granted end-game stun baton is a blast! Pipe-baton not so much, it took me a lot to get used to it. I know spear was all the rage for a while, and I gave it a shot, but it wasn't for me. Ditto for knucks. I'm generally not a fan of 2h anything in any game. The junk turrets of course are amazing, a pair of QL6 turrets are the lazy mans way to clear a POI if you can keep them fed. So I think int is still very powerful. 


Strength is pretty much always a solid choice and really always has been. 

I think I might have done an endurance build once, and it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great.

Perception has some nice perks, but the situations where a rifle is the best weapon for the job are so rare in this game. I mean yeah, it is fun to sit on an outside ledge of an apartment building and pop zeds on the ground, but is it really productive?

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On 7/30/2024 at 11:46 AM, LeStudd said:

I'm leaning away from trader quests.

I've never done a trader quest. Why work for a bot? I survive on my own, without the trader. It's less of a grind.

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12 hours ago, Krougal said:

Now melee weapons I am biased I think having played the game so long. I am very comfortable with the club and the bone knife, not so much with the others. Granted end-game stun baton is a blast! Pipe-baton not so much, it took me a lot to get used to it. I know spear was all the rage for a while, and I gave it a shot, but it wasn't for me. Ditto for knucks. I'm generally not a fan of 2h anything in any game. The junk turrets of course are amazing, a pair of QL6 turrets are the lazy mans way to clear a POI if you can keep them fed. So I think int is still very powerful. 

And I really liked the brass knuckles. In addition, steel brass knuckles are a complete replacement for a knife when cutting animal carcasses.


12 hours ago, Krougal said:

Strength is pretty much always a solid choice and really always has been. 

I used to play through strength, but now I decided to try through endurance. Brass knuckles, a machine gun and health regeneration are very good. Although strength has its advantages, you can quickly extract more minerals for construction.

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In single-player (difficulty: Insane), I go around the mailboxes without doing quests, pick up car magazines from the car to expand my range of movement, and then look around the mailboxes (and the bookshelves that are within reach as soon as I enter).
Since the progression plan is highly repeatable, there is no big deviation in the play.
I can make almost any T3 gun by the 7th day, so the progress speed is fast.


In multiplayer, even if I try to explore, other players have already opened all the mailboxes, so I cannot take the plan mentioned above.
On the other hand, since the difficulty is set low, below warrior level in most cases, the fastest progress is to focus on increasing LS and enter the wilderness early.
After raising adventurer skill and purchasing a T2 weapon, make the highest level armor I can make at that time and go to the wilderness as soon as possible, exploring while overhunting dire wolves and zombie bears. 
I will automatically collect all types of weapons.

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5 hours ago, Suxar said:

And I really liked the brass knuckles. In addition, steel brass knuckles are a complete replacement for a knife when cutting animal carcasses.


I used to play through strength, but now I decided to try through endurance. Brass knuckles, a machine gun and health regeneration are very good. Although strength has its advantages, you can quickly extract more minerals for construction.

Did not know that about the knuckles, that's useful.


Healing factor? Most people seem to consider it trash since it tanks your food so quickly. Granted if you are fully vested in endurance, I guess you have max farming.

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5 minutes ago, Krougal said:

Did not know that about the knuckles, that's useful.


There is a hint on the loading screen.

5 minutes ago, Krougal said:

Healing factor? Most people seem to consider it trash since it tanks your food so quickly. Granted if you are fully vested in endurance, I guess you have max farming.

I got really good at farming. But food consumption increases not only healing, but also melee combat and resource extraction. I find it much easier to carry around 5-10 Hobo Stew or Vegetable Stew than a bunch of bandages or first aid kits.

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I play different each time but what consistent through each playthrough is I usually give myself a minibike so I don't have to invest in intelligence very much and I don't do many quests naturally. I like the explore and raid aspects. The quests seem to take me to the same places a lot and I know there's a ton of pois I haven't seen yet so that's what I tend to do. 

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I did the max quests everyday until t5, on insane. The little red icon gets annoying. But I pick up a quest anyway and started it just after midnight


My gamestage is crazy high. Started running into radiated screamers really. When I was doing t3s. Easy XP lol


Playing an axe build, every stat is designed for combat. I went for 3/5 shotty first for the slow debuff. Even 1 point shotty will slow running zeds so I can cut em down with Stony.


Now I'm power hitting with a t6 steel axe. Still takes up to 3 head shots tho


Str 10/10

Shotty 5/5

Miner69er 5/5


Fortitude 7/10

4/5 Pain Tolerance

3/5 Healing Factor

4/5 Iron Gutt (longer buffs)

3/3 rule 1 cardio


Got a t4 steel club so I dumped 4 points in club but it sucks. Only have 3 books so I'm gonna respec. Probably jump in agility next


T5 quests are a game changer. I could max out t4s in a day, but t5 shotgun messiah took me 2 days. Had to break the stairs so intruders stopped interrupting. Most fun I've ever had


Now I'm actually base building. Usually just run around like a lunatic, but I actually need a base now.. kinda

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