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No mod player.

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No mods for me, this far, 4k hours played. Zero hours in A22 thou, so I don't know if I count as a player atm :)


There's probably a bit of a bias in the "public crowd"; people on forum and youtubers etc. If you take the effort to show up here, installing mods is basically within your skillset. I'm sure there's plenty of unseen vanilla enjoyers :)

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I run vanilla mainly, sometimes with a minor xml tweak here or there - e.g increased zombie spawns or boosted vehicle speed.  I generally just enjoy it the way it is.


I did try the Ravenhearst overhaul mod a few years back but while it was very impressive, in the end it was a little too grindy for my tastes.  Will probably try again if it's still around after 7dtd is finished.

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people like what they like.  If someone wants to play with mods, more power to them ya know.  I prefer vanilla as well.  I think a lot of these mods just add steps without adding to the fun of the game.  Like "oh i need to make 10 different things so i can get this basic item crafted, wow so much fun lol"

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On 6/28/2024 at 2:45 AM, OmegaFerret said:

I feel that I am the only person in this game that plays with 0 mods.  Anyone else out there just enjoy the game just for the game and dont have to mod it so much to enjoy it?


Not so much to enjoy it as to just play it. I always usually tweak my game so the food and water bars are thicker, as with some backgrounds I can't make out where the colour ends.

I also have it so the colour and thickness of the challenge bars are brighter and larger. Don't know why they were made the colour they were so they almost blend into the background.

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I like the base game, as a single offline player, most of the time I'm in navezgane.
Would I be considered playing a mod, a modlet, or modified? I adjust the environment
variables, examples no water, taller grass, and darker lights, but i leave the mechanics
alone. The game plays well for me, but it's the subtle visuals that make the story for me.


I do keep at least 3 profiles, 1 Nav raw, 1 Rwg raw, and 1 an uploaded overhaul. I like to

experience the full spectrum of the game's ability.

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Vanilla user. Co-op player. I have never installed any mod for 7dtd. But, I urge devs to at least look towards modding community cuz they do tend to have a good sense. Many gameplay elements in many mods are far beyond expectations. Sometimes modders may spawn new types of gameplay or even entire game modes.

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I am playing pure vanilla right now in vanilla, but expect to make some changes when stable comes out based on some playstyles I prefer over vanilla.  I do have now over 4000 hours of play, and I would estimate about 90-95% of that is vanilla - though more mod than vanilla since A21.


I got done with a 35 day session tonight (going on vacation so by the time I get back, TFP will probably push a patch and I would have to start over).  I enjoyed it a lot even though A21 I was using a custom mod I made myself.

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I mostly play vanilla, but I have a few minor mods that I normally use but haven't added yet for 1.0.  I change the color of shale on the map so it's easy to see since the default color is almost the same as the color of the desert, making it very difficult to notice.  I increase durability of vehicles because I hate having to constantly repair them since A21.  I haven't tried the armor mod yet, so this may no longer be important for me.  I add an electrical version of the 7x4 roll up door so I can use it on a base design I have.  I add a mod to turn any lights on or off so that I can use creative menu lights and turn them on.  Not to save on electricity as I still use crafted lights for everything but so I can add some interesting decorative lights here and there that are turned on.  I use the UBBI mod for more decoration items to craft for my base.  And I use a variety of custom POI to add a lot more variety to the map.  So nothing significant or game changing.  Just a few QoL things.

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2 minutes ago, Roland said:



Lol.  Though I really don't understand why it is the color it is in the first place.  I mean, it only appears in desert and yet has almost the same color as the desert biome on the map.  I would understand if it was in multiple biomes and it was hard to get a color that was visible in all of them, but this is only in the desert.  Any color that isn't in the yellow/tan range would have worked.  Why not make it a color similar to how the shale looks?  It would make sense. 😀


Not that it matters as it is a very simple thing to change.

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I didn't even know shale deposits were shown on the map. That's how closely I've looked. Of course, this is the first time our group has made plans to build a new base in the desert thanks to the new progression. Figured we should try it now before the next big update makes the heat kill us....

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Roland said:

I didn't even know shale deposits were shown on the map. That's how closely I've looked. Of course, this is the first time our group has made plans to build a new base in the desert thanks to the new progression. Figured we should try it now before the next big update makes the heat kill us....

Lol.  I normally don't look on the map that much for deposits of anything, but when I started using a lot of custom decorations, those would often replace shale, making it very rare (at least on the surface).  You might only have a could in a square kilometer, so finding them was difficult.  The map would show if you got close even if you didn't actually see them.


And although I could tweak probabilities for those decorations, I was already in a game so need something that could solve the problem in the game without restarting.  Now, I'm just used to a different color, so I keep it.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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I wonder if the challenge tracking allows you to see shale deposits easier (at least for the first few).


In previous alphas I often played with some UI mods for hunger/thirst/temperature and this time around I'm trying out a lighting modlet to make moonless nights and nighttime interiors extremely dark - the reflections seem to play well with it and when combined with the burning shaft mod on my spear it's pretty atmospheric.

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3 hours ago, cl0udburst said:

I wonder if the challenge tracking allows you to see shale deposits easier (at least for the first few).


In previous alphas I often played with some UI mods for hunger/thirst/temperature and this time around I'm trying out a lighting modlet to make moonless nights and nighttime interiors extremely dark - the reflections seem to play well with it and when combined with the burning shaft mod on my spear it's pretty atmospheric.

I hadn't looked that far into the challenges and didn't know there even was one for shale.  That would work pretty well.  I tested it with the honey to find stumps and it's definitely easier to find them.   And once you have a few marked on your map, you're pretty well set.  Still, I like the new color for them so will continue to use my tiny mod.  :)

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Yes and no. Aside from my current 1.0 world (and any experimental runs), I always lightly mod my game - clear skies, OCBStopFuelWaste, ZombieReachAdjust, 60 backpack size, so on and so forth. I am however one of the "few" players who loves vanilla and only tries an overhaul once in a blood moon, to the point I can count my overhaul mod experience on one hand alone out of nearly 8k hours of play.

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