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Which version was the best?

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My favorite version was alpha 17. During the time alpha 17 and 18 were online I racked up a total time of 2100 hours of play time. After they changed the perks and how guns and other items leveled up [ level 1-600 ] It just ruined it for me. I've tried to get back into it the way I played it before but I just don't like it anymore. I wish I could play alpha 17 or 18 would be fine also. It was literally my favorite game now I can't play it more than a couple hours before I turn it off and don't even try and play it again for months. I just found on steam where you can chose to play the beta versions of a game and it had alpha 17. I got super stoked thinking that I could go back and play alpha 17 but turns out it doesn't work that way. It loaded up I was ready to play and I opened the perk menu and saw it was still alpha 21 and just lost all interest in playing... I @%$#ing hate that the game was great the way it was. Don't get me wrong I think adding the jeep and the motorcycle to the game was a great move but why chance the whole whole perk menu? They way you could use 2 lower level weapons or tools to make 1 better item was great I loved that and why aren't there any jars anymore I can't get empty jars and go fill them water that's stupid af. I had to find a mod to add freaking empty jars back into the game... I would pay $1000 to be able to own alpha 17 and be able to play it and never have to update it. Hell I might pay even more than that to have my favorite game back. I'll never buy a game that not finished again because by the time they finish it it's not the same game you fell in love with to begin with.

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7 hours ago, mightymoose83 said:


I just found on steam where you can chose to play the beta versions of a game and it had alpha 17. I got super stoked thinking that I could go back and play alpha 17 but turns out it doesn't work that way. It loaded up I was ready to play and I opened the perk menu and saw it was still alpha 21 and just lost all interest in playing...


You did something wrong then. I go back and play older versions all the time, and have to also keep internal test builds active.


7 hours ago, mightymoose83 said:

They way you could use 2 lower level weapons or tools to make 1 better item was great I loved that

A lot of people loved to exploit the system. It ended up with the game not being played the way the developers had intended. An exploit to get end-game gear artificially fast was removed.


8 hours ago, mightymoose83 said:

I can't get empty jars and go fill them water that's stupid af

Getting water isn't hard. You just cannot mass-produce it anymore. Something 95% of players won't even notice.



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@SylenThunder And instead of capping the level you can get with combining they removed it. It wasn´t the abuse, that could have easily been solved.


And you assume numbers again. You don´t know that. Just because they don´t complain anywhere, doesn´t mean they like it or that they don´t notice it. Pretty much everywhere you see people complaining about it. Posts about people liking it on the other hand.... 




Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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As mentioned above yeah, you should be able to download any version back so far as Alpha 8 using steam. With the method warmer linked you can also get the earlier ones back to alpha 5. Although for some reason I couldn't get alpha 6 but I do have all others from 5 to 21. I will need to update my A21 later though when A22 hits.







Edited by Gamida (see edit history)
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I have similar folder, but starting from A7. During the pandemic me and friends played lottery, I changed (adding what actual version is in txt file inside the folder) the name of the folders and made them choose which one we start. Good gameplays. Good alphas. 


I think every alpha version have its good and bad sides in their own way. 


My fav ? A17 !


*running away laughing*

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a16.4 as it was before the skill system went to garbage in a17+ and before the devs started removing more and more sandbox elements from the game and removed playstyles from the game.

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Alpha 16 easily. Idk what the devs have done to ruin the game so much since then but it's really gone down hill.


I'm really curious to see the feedback from the console players if they even say anything about the changes they will see once the game gets updated on consoles. 

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