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43 minutes ago, DaVegaNL said:

TFP attempting to run after gaming-trends which already ran their course?

That's.. uhm.. new?

It is like finding a new rock and explore it.

Looks good, can`t wait to try it. Glad to see you around. 

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On 3/18/2024 at 11:51 PM, Laz Man said:


Great question!  If anyone else has any game related questions, feel free to fire away here.


We will be at PAX this Thursday and I will be more than happy to see if I can get some questions answered.

Hi, sorry for the notification.


One question: any insight as to why TFP partnered with Illogika for this project? They don't seem like a particularily experienced studio at first glace when it comes to their own releases, given they only have one game released on steam which recieved very little attention. They also have worked on/assisted in development of a fair few underbaked projects and games in the past from what I've seen on their site, such as an nft/metaverse game, mobile/vr/ar games, and fairly random indie games (most notably assisting in developing certain parts of Cuphead)- but mostly in a minor role. I'm just curious as to why this studio was chosen, as they don't seem to have experience developing solid games as the primary developer, and don't seem to have any apparent relationship to 7 days/tfp.


Have a nice day!

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1 hour ago, User said:

Hi, sorry for the notification.


One question: any insight as to why TFP partnered with Illogika for this project? They don't seem like a particularily experienced studio at first glace when it comes to their own releases, given they only have one game released on steam which recieved very little attention. They also have worked on/assisted in development of a fair few underbaked projects and games in the past from what I've seen on their site, such as an nft/metaverse game, mobile/vr/ar games, and fairly random indie games (most notably assisting in developing certain parts of Cuphead)- but mostly in a minor role. I'm just curious as to why this studio was chosen, as they don't seem to have experience developing solid games as the primary developer, and don't seem to have any apparent relationship to 7 days/tfp.


Have a nice day!


I too am curious about the details here, but also consider the alternative. Illogika wasn't "chosen", but rather they were the ones that approached TFP with the idea. Kind of like what happened with the TellTale/IG console release.

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14 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:


I too am curious about the details here, but also consider the alternative. Illogika wasn't "chosen", but rather they were the ones that approached TFP with the idea. Kind of like what happened with the TellTale/IG console release.

Ah, yeah, sorry. I just meant why they decided to go with that. Apologies, I figured it was something like that, but I worded it poorly lol

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23 hours ago, Roland said:

Because it was an original pitched feature for the Kickstarter. You can’t offload a promised feature to a new game and have it be a fulfillment of the game backers pledged money to get—not unless backers are getting a  free key for Blood Moon. 

My hope is that 7 Days will still get Horde Mode back and they can have defeated players play as zombies working to help get the rest of the players out. That would fulfill the promised feature.

That may be a paler version of the full Blood Moons game but backers wouldn’t be paying extra for it and even the simple horde mode they used to have was fun as it was. 

To be honest - if 7dtd owners will get free keys for it it would be fair and i would stop complaining 

Why? because it would be like like RE3 + RE RESISTANCE situation. So then - resuse so many assets etc. will be accetable


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17 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

To be honest - if 7dtd owners will get free keys for it it would be fair and i would stop complaining 

Why? because it would be like like RE3 + RE RESISTANCE situation. So then - resuse so many assets etc. will be accetable



It must have skeltons since you have risen :).

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30 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

To be honest - if 7dtd owners will get free keys for it it would be fair and i would stop complaining 

Why? because it would be like like RE3 + RE RESISTANCE situation. So then - resuse so many assets etc. will be accetable


Sorry…not 7 Days to Die owners. 7 Days to Die Kickstarter backers. If you didn’t back the game during the campaign based on the description then you aren’t entitled to any of those features.  Most of them pledged $40 minimum to get the game started. Most of us paid $8-$24 to play a game already being developed. 

Your $8-$24 doesn’t give you rights to play all games using the same assets in perpetuity..lol

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21 hours ago, Matt115 said:

To be honest - if 7dtd owners will get free keys for it it would be fair and i would stop complaining 

Why? because it would be like like RE3 + RE RESISTANCE situation. So then - resuse so many assets etc. will be accetable





First off we all know you well enough that to say you would stop complaining is just about as likely as flat-earthers actually being right. Secondly, Bloodmoons is not simply a carbon copy of 7DTD. Significant development by a different team went into building this new experience. You're coming off as entitled to say their effort isn't worth any amount of money and that you should get the game for free simply because you own a different game under the same IP.


You're not being forced to buy the game, Matt. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

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On 3/17/2024 at 11:57 PM, SylenThunder said:

I would suggest doing a bit of research before copping an attitude.

You guys shared a post with new gameplay video minutes ago. I read many comments from dudes thinking Blood Moons is developed by you, The Pimps and that will affect the development time of 7 days to die.


Adding a statement that BM is developed by another studio and will not affect 7 days to die should be added in the posts you share. People are thinking odd sometimes, you know. 

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2 hours ago, beerfly said:

You guys shared a post with new gameplay video minutes ago. I read many comments from dudes thinking Blood Moons is developed by you, The Pimps and that will affect the development time of 7 days to die.


Adding a statement that BM is developed by another studio and will not affect 7 days to die should be added in the posts you share. People are thinking odd sometimes, you know. 

Yeah kinda wish people were informed but people don't read so 

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8 hours ago, beerfly said:

You guys shared a post with new gameplay video minutes ago. I read many comments from dudes thinking Blood Moons is developed by you, The Pimps and that will affect the development time of 7 days to die.


Adding a statement that BM is developed by another studio and will not affect 7 days to die should be added in the posts you share. People are thinking odd sometimes, you know. 

What, like what they've been doing forever in relation to the console version? :laugh: Yeah, that really seemed to work to calm the masses. The ignorant won't read it, rather you put it right in front of them or not.

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Im not really interested in bloodmoons, I'm more interested in some of the changes 


Like the nurse being able to heal zombies, Hawaii being able to blow up like a bomb

How the hunting rifle fires 5 rounds....... and load 1 bullet.....


I think those changes would be cool like maybe the hazmat or mutated zombies could heal zombies.  


And the Hawaiian could be the gasser again and be a moble bomb for base destruction 



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2 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

Im not really interested in bloodmoons, I'm more interested in some of the changes 


Like the nurse being able to heal zombies, Hawaii being able to blow up like a bomb

How the hunting rifle fires 5 rounds....... and load 1 bullet.....


I think those changes would be cool like maybe the hazmat or mutated zombies could heal zombies.  


And the Hawaiian could be the gasser again and be a moble bomb for base destruction 



Yeah, its kind of a neat idea. More special enemies/gameplay elements would definitely be a plus.

I personally am curious why they added the mutated zombie, since we already have an acid spitting archetype, and they dont really do anything other then do some radiation splash damage, and I'm pretty sure spider zombies dont climb up walls anymore? Could be wrong. Variety is good, so I'm happy we have them but these things make me think of more unique possibilities, my mind immediately goes to l4d2's zombie subclasses. Imagine a zombie that can displace you and bring you into dangerous situations like the smoker, or a zombie/screamer that if you disturb, summons a horde? Which would add some caution when exploring pois. You could even use  displacement to your advantage in a tricky situation, adding some fun gameplay complexity and risk as opposed to just shooting. As it stands,  I think the tier 5 pois are kind of meh is because the whole challenge is purely due to absurd numbers of zombies, at least from what I can tell, could be wrong. Hopefully tfp learns something from Blood Moons no matter how it performs, even though they're not the developers. It also really tanks performance in the higher tier pois, to facillitate the sheer amount of zombies, so I'd be all for more individual threats over sheer numbers.

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1 hour ago, User said:

Yeah, its kind of a neat idea. More special enemies/gameplay elements would definitely be a plus.

I personally am curious why they added the mutated zombie, since we already have an acid spitting archetype, and they dont really do anything other then do some radiation splash damage, and I'm pretty sure spider zombies dont climb up walls anymore? Could be wrong. Variety is good, so I'm happy we have them but these things make me think of more unique possibilities, my mind immediately goes to l4d2's zombie subclasses. Imagine a zombie that can displace you and bring you into dangerous situations like the smoker, or a zombie/screamer that if you disturb, summons a horde? Which would add some caution when exploring pois. You could even use  displacement to your advantage in a tricky situation, adding some fun gameplay complexity and risk as opposed to just shooting. As it stands,  I think the tier 5 pois are kind of meh is because the whole challenge is purely due to absurd numbers of zombies, at least from what I can tell, could be wrong. Hopefully tfp learns something from Blood Moons no matter how it performs, even though they're not the developers. It also really tanks performance in the higher tier pois, to facillitate the sheer amount of zombies, so I'd be all for more individual threats over sheer numbers.


We have had plans for zombies with special abilities in the base game for a while now, its just other things have been given higher priorities.  Hopefully some of those special abilities still come to fruition at some point.  We will see how things come together once bandits are introduced as that will allow us to create different experiences, especially the ranged bandits. 😎

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47 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


We have had plans for zombies with special abilities in the base game for a while now, its just other things have been given higher priorities.  Hopefully some of those special abilities still come to fruition at some point.  We will see how things come together once bandits are introduced as that will allow us to create different experiences, especially the ranged bandits. 😎

Damn you keep spoiling us I love it

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I mean as long as the game generates enough financial stream to allow developers finish the bandits properly, I'd say it's existence is justified.
I am just a bit worried about them steering their focus away and not delivering them at all. But then who knows, right?

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2 hours ago, Laz Man said:


We have had plans for zombies with special abilities in the base game for a while now, its just other things have been given higher priorities.  Hopefully some of those special abilities still come to fruition at some point.  We will see how things come together once bandits are introduced as that will allow us to create different experiences, especially the ranged bandits. 😎

Thanks for the reply!


That's great. Apologies for all the critical posts recently. I guess I keep having these random ideas about potential additions. I think l4d2 would be a good game to look for sucessful archetypes/concepts that function well in mp. I think about the game's potential, and I get a bunch of ideas, espescially for some of the gameplay, since I see big potential for the evolution/development of the game 😀


I'm personally hoping the bandits aren't super scripted with triggers and such, I'm really not a fan of them- but that's just me. Dynamic spawning in cities or at random locations would be cool. I think I'm the only one who thinks they should purely be a random/natural spawn. 😅



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56 minutes ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

I mean as long as the game generates enough financial stream to allow developers finish the bandits properly, I'd say it's existence is justified.
I am just a bit worried about them steering their focus away and not delivering them at all. But then who knows, right?

Most of the financial stream is going to Illogika because they made the game. Not TFP.

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19 hours ago, User said:

I'm personally hoping the bandits aren't super scripted with triggers and such, I'm really not a fan of them- but that's just me. Dynamic spawning in cities or at random locations would be cool. I think I'm the only one who thinks they should purely be a random/natural spawn. 😅

Yeah, I am with you on this.  I am really hoping that bandits will be a good addition to the game.  I'm just concerned that they will be something I don't like and that I feel take away from the zombie killing experience that makes this game great.  We'll see.

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