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So what do you call the zombies?


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I edited the XML and renamed everyone, even the animals and traders.  A bit of a pain since you have to rename the regular zombie, the feral version, and the radiated version.  But when I unhide the zombie health bar, it shows all of their names and is worth it.


Stripper is Girl Gone Wild

Lumberjack is Red Green

Chicken is KFC Volunteer


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I just call them random names whenever they appear, depending on the situation and how they maybe scare the crap out of me.

None of them names will pass the "forum language rule filter", so I won't try and list them.

I don't want to get yet another never-expiring warning from one of the moderators, for my - of course always very constructive - contributions 😬

Edited by meilodasreh (see edit history)
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I call the Tourist Jabba the Hutt.


The fat lady is Crazy Fat Ethyl after a ‘70’s slasher film.


The Acid Cop is Sgt. Owsley after the guy who made LSD in San Fran back in the ‘60’s (aka Bear, if you’re into the Grateful Dead.


The Lumberjack looking guy is Paul Bunyan.

Edited by captainslack (see edit history)
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I just refer to them as zombies -- although I make a point of big zombie, cop zombie, biker zombie, bomber, dog, birds, leaper, radioactive... these are the ones you need to worry about generally. However, when my mic is playing up and I sound like a Space Marine talking over battle coms as I blast away with my auto-shotgun, I do tend to call them Heretics.

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3 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

I don't really have names for them (I'm boring) but I just have to say, I LOVE the Large Marge reference.


(I'm really curious how many know what that's from)


It tickled my conscious but I couldn't recall where I heard of it before.  After I Googled it, I was like Oh yeah....

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