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Everything posted by Crashtian

  1. Infected police officer is Wiggum (SImpsons) , Zombie dog is a Zoggo, Demolisher is Degroot, (last name of Team fortress demoman)
  2. HOLD E to exit the vehicle. Thanks, this has been my TED talk.
  3. And the questing guild does both. We manage to build horde bases and quest and benefit from both. It's kind of nuts, time management and what not. Thankfully we have 24 hours in a day as our characters do not sleep and the trader is closed for a portion of that.
  4. After doing a bit more looking things up, it does seem lockpicks CAN break, but it doesn't happen often. I imagine one would have to be going pretty heavy handed. It's just funny how video games tend to portray lock picks like they are made out of a thin rod of glass. But hey, it's not real life, So overall it doesn't matter. I just agree the mechanic is... boring and frustrating as is, to a point where even if I were to lose loot as is suggested for the DF mod, I'm still using my "lock pick" instead, which consists of a bashing tool and the paperweight on my desk resting on my mouse. Personally I would prefer a mini-game style but it's pretty clear a lot of people don't really want that either. I just rather feel like I have some control over the breaking a pick instead of just watching 10 go down the drain at the 5s mark.
  5. Instead of a pick breaking every time it fails, it should have a chance of just resetting the timer. Generally when lock picking the biggest risk is not breaking your lock pick, as video games seem to imply. A failure to pick a lock generally just means beginning over again. Having a chance to break your pick should definitely still be a thing, as resource loss is a good risk/reward fundamental and realism is not an argument for video games, but getting down to 5 seconds remaining and having a failure that simply restarts the timer would work well as a QOL improvement for picking. Also think that it should generate heat (not as much as forcibly destroying a lock with a pick axe) every time you fail to pick the lock, so that the X amount of time you're waiting while picking has some tension to it, knowing the longer it takes, the more likely you are to attract attention.
  6. I always assume both. Especially in A21, where a lot of the models for things like drinks have been updated in vending machines, and you can see that many of them are advertising irradiation as a good thing in their drinks. Too much exposure led to a mutated viral outbreak, which in turn led to the nuking of cities and major metropolitan areas. I think it was irradiated products a'la the 50's, 60's -> Virus -> Zombies -> nuclear fall out, but that's just my head cannon.
  7. Not to mention early game temperature immunity means you can walk buck naked into the snow biome and start looting at advantage, often gathering a full set of cold weather clothing before the early game buff wears off.
  8. Classic Hardcore does world zombies super well. You walk into a city and it's THICC with zeds to a point that even getting into a POI to loot it means fighting through the masses. Sleepers and POI spawns have become way too much of a crutch for the game.
  9. What I dislike about the way the lighting effect works is that it's very clearly just darkening my screen, not producing a localized dark area. Lights themselves, get darker when the dynamic lighting kicks in.
  10. When do you even need to shoot far in this game? the zombies spawn in range of almost every ranged weapon.
  11. What are you wasting your glue on? drop rates for glue were increased. I find I have a surplus of it on the regular for crafting things like duct tape.
  12. Favorite : Vending machines look fantastic, all the food and drink labels are awesome. Least Favorite : Every new melee weapon covered in a pint of blood from the moment you create it.
  13. You live on a very small section of twitch and not even the most popular section of it. Just chatting blows the gaming community out of the window because most people are after the streamer, not the game. Single game streamers have an easier time maintaining a fan base, but variety streamers with wicked personalities blow past most single game streamers.
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