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Least favourite Zombie.


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I'm only Day 35 and for me it's that Construction guy that wears the Hi Vis and hard hat.... 3 or 4 of them always makes me back peddle n switch from my Steel club to my AK. I'm just starting to get police zombies show up in my tier IV missions but I know things are gonna get more nasty haha.

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41 minutes ago, Maharin said:

Not meaning to change the theme of this thread, but we really need zombie ducks.  They would be loud, vicious ankle biters that would keep a stream of zombies coming as long as they are still quacking.

Would zombie geese be the “feral radiated” version of the ducks?


Also: a great chance to get som new AI: mini hordes of ducks and geese coming at you from land and air. Coordinated grouping where they follow each other in little flocks. Instead of rocks you can distract them by throwing corn seeds.

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Personally I do not like a lot of the new zombie models. Kinda feel the old ones where a lot better, more I don´t know how to describe that, maybe "neighborly"? The tourist with his typically hawaian shirt, the mother that actually looked like one, the spider zombie that was a young boy (although the animation is better now).


I have the feeling that a lot of the zombies have lost their special personality and character. They all look too damaged, more like they all have been living for too long as zombies in the world and all had a good junk of zombie bites. The clothes all way to dark and to much unisex in color. They look dark and horrifying now thats for sure but that doesn´t make them look necc. better in my eyes. The only zombie I really think looks better now is the hooker.


I always felt a little sorry to kill certain zombies in the game do to the looks and the history behind their characters, but now I just club them away while I do not feel anything that is a real shame of some sorts. I miss this feeling. The game always felt more like the outbreak was not to long ago, where, you know, everything was kinda new and overwhelming to you as a survivor, now more like you are a pro, already have given up, adjusted to the situation. I do not like that, but thats the way the Funpimps have desided to go.

Edited by Sellsents (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Sellsents said:

They all look too damaged, more like they all have been living for too long as zombies in the world

If you compare the old models to the current ones I find the old ones tend to look more decayed. Not all are equal, though. Thug / skatepark zombie looks like he's been dead forever, while party girl / stripper looks like she just turned 5 minutes ago.


Anyway, there's no official story in this game that I'm aware of and I'm not sure which elements in the environment like movie posters and newspapers are there as jokes and which are 'canon' - and I'm not sure the devs are either - but one possibility is that zombies have been around longer than the apocalypse. The Pop n Pills factory and Higashi Pharmaceuticals were experimenting on people who now are zombies, but did they become zombies due to experimentation (possibly as human trials of the flu drug Z-Tronix or whatever it's called that was advertised during the flu outbreak) or were they already zombies before and that's why they're being experimented on? So certainly there is some possiblity that zombies have been around a long time but only became a threat after a more recent event.  Maybe because they're the main survivors of post-nuclear war radiation, etc.


(Personally I think the flu drug turned everybody into zombies and the nukes were an attempt to eradicate the zombies and the movie posters are non-canon jokes but really who knows?)


We do know the world ended long enough ago for the Duke to have come to power and the survivors in the different PoIs to have died, of course.


This was a longer post than I thought it would be but I don't care to edit it on my phone, so...

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17 hours ago, Dead Wombat said:

I call them the Donut zed..... cause they are crullers(crawlers?)


We have "nicknames" for almost all of the Zombies in the Game.   "Everyday Joe" is the mechanic in the blueish gray coveralls,   The One in yellow shirt is either called 'Twitchy"  or Howard Wolowitz,  the Big Momma we call "Howards Mother", and the black dressed stripper is "Bad Penny", the slim black shirt that used to be the old spider zombie,  We now call "Sheldon", tan frock with short hair zombie is "Amy Farafowler"; and the orange haired zombie in green top is 'Bernadette"; the lumberjack is now "Al Borland  (Tool Time tv show reference)", the new dogs are called "Rot-weilers", the Blond hair zombie in tan with some red accent clothing,  is called "Ronald" (cause one of our female players says he reminds her of Ronald Mcdonald), the disgusting tourist We call "Wo-Fat" (cause One of our players says thats a reference to a large asian bad guy from an old Hawaii Five-O tv show); the new blue smock Nurse We call 'Ana" because several of us really liked the Sarah Polley character from 'Dawn of the Dead movie'.  The Vultures we just call, @%$#s. (spelling edited in case naming a body part would be offensive), and one of our players simply calls the snakes, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee"  *grin*

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