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Just writing a post so it is known there still interest in waiting for console updates. Yes I have read forums


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I would like to see Iron Galaxy work on the port again, they're a good studio, just they didn't have enough time with PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game. And if the whole situation didn't happen with Telltale, I'm pretty sure that Iron Galaxy would of had the console port in a good place with time and patches.


However, if Iron Galaxy for whatever reasons didn't want to continue working on 7 Days To Die, I'd like to see 4J Studios take over the project for the console port. With that said, I know 4J Studios isn't as big as 505 Games, but they're very passionate and dedicated to their craft. 

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16 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

They could also hire nintendo to do a console port, but they still don't want to hire ANYBODY to do a console port until the game is finished.

Read that @%$#ing big glowing red banner above the forum you are posting in.

Sure did not stop them the first time.


Does any game ever reach the finished stage? If yes, then why update or DLC? 

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1 hour ago, posineg said:

Sure did not stop them the first time.

Yes, some people learn from their mistakes. I would be more concerned if you had to say "Sure did not stop them the first and second time". 😉


1 hour ago, posineg said:


Does any game ever reach the finished stage? If yes, then why update or DLC? 


Yes, for example the telltale game "7 Dasy to Die" did. Naturally that depends on the definition of "finish". Since you probably meant bugfree or even that it has all the features the developer dreamed of, then no game can realistically ever be finished.


DLC does mean the game is practically finished (in the sense of: the devs don't want to add any features anymore to the base game). DLC usually is optional content to a finished game.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just making this cause I'm tired of all the bs. First, stop the bs "cOnSlEs ArEn'T pOwErFuL eNoUgH". It is. It plays plenty of games that take a lot to run. Back in 2017 people were having trouble with PC's running 7DTD, but my PS4 ran it fine. You aren't clever for keeping up the PC master race bs. Second, the FunPimps money issue is bs. They lost the licensing rights, not the money coming in. So they were still making money the entire time from Consoles including the dlc skin packs. Third, idc if they're pc only developers. There are PLENTY of other companies that can do it. 

No more excuses. No more bs. FunPimps just doesn't care about consoles. They got their money and walked away.

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10 hours ago, JinxIrinami said:

I'm just making this cause I'm tired of all the bs. First, stop the bs "cOnSlEs ArEn'T pOwErFuL eNoUgH". It is. It plays plenty of games that take a lot to run. Back in 2017 people were having trouble with PC's running 7DTD, but my PS4 ran it fine. You aren't clever for keeping up the PC master race bs. Second, the FunPimps money issue is bs. They lost the licensing rights, not the money coming in. So they were still making money the entire time from Consoles including the dlc skin packs. Third, idc if they're pc only developers. There are PLENTY of other companies that can do it. 

No more excuses. No more bs. FunPimps just doesn't care about consoles. They got their money and walked away.

As long as the bancruptcy court was managing Telltale the bulk of the money coming in was still going to the debtors of Telltale and not to TFP. A small part went to TFP for licencingif they had precedence over the debtors. Which I highly doubt, I think they were debtors like all the others, therefore receiving only a fraction of the fraction the licencing money was)


So until TFP finally got awarded the rights in 2019 they were a debtor among others and didn't even get the full licensing money which can't be more than a small percentage of the total revenue of the console version.


Since 2019 they should have received the majority of the money coming from console sales, but it will surely take years (if ever) before it equals the price they had to pay to get back the full rights.


And yes, there are plenty of companies to do the port. But TFP does not have the people to play publisher to such a porting company so they want to hire a publisher instead who then hires a company to do the port. And they don't want to start a port with an unfinished PC game again. So whatever your desires are, the game will probably be ported by another publisher to consoles once this game is practically finished on PC. Not before. Definitely not now.


This is not about PC being master race. If they were a console company with a similar history of events, a PC port would have to wait for the console version to finish. Like Final Fantasy, Tales of Vesperia and lots of other bandai namco titles, Prince of Persia, Metal gear solid or Nier Automata


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You Fun Pimps made millions $$$$$$$$ of dollars off us console player and yet you do nothing with the game your company fails as a company you lie and all the broken promises you will never update the console version of 7 days to die because you don’t care about your fan base. You will loose all your fan base on console because you ignore the fact that console players exists . I have your game on PC love it very great 👍 .  On console it is terrible game . fun pimps you show no hope for us console players there is no excuses for you to be ignoring the game on console just because telltale went under don’t mean you can forget the console version of the game you fun pimps are a joke and are to way to incompetent to port from pc version to console better sell your rights on console to a company who knows what they are doing unlike your unless company who don’t care about your fan base nothing but money hungry cashing out on us console players and leaving the console version to rot as fans get fed up and quit this joke of a game . You fun pumps have the rights back to the game stop making lies and excuses do something with the game stop being lazy and cheap and greedy very incompetent company  you should be giving us console players our money back for your incompetence. 

Edited by Skankhunt (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

I want  to play with my friends (users of pc) and I can't play with them anymore because PS version is not updated.

I don't even find enough people in PS to play. 

The game has change so much and we don't have access to any of this improves. It's really sad.

The pc version looks like a game with RTX  and full hd graphics compare to PS. Not even talking about all the gameplay...

Please, make it crossplay again, please update PS version.


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I moved this to the appropriate forum section. Above in red is a link to a blog post by TFP explaining the situation.


The game was never crossplay, console and PC versions were developed by different companies, think of it as different products with the same name.




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9 hours ago, meganoth said:

I moved this to the appropriate forum section. Above in red is a link to a blog post by TFP explaining the situation.


The game was never crossplay, console and PC versions were developed by different companies, think of it as different products with the same name.




And I merged it into the megathread. :)

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Very very very very unlikely. Did you see what happened with Cyberpunk2077? The same problem exists with 7D2d, it may not look like it needs powerful PCs, but on account of being a voxel game it actually does.


Just read the blog post that you can reach from the red banner above.


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Is it to early to say that it was said on twitch that it was said that they are going to. No real details and even if it wasn't said I 100% will say it will be ps5 and new xbox. That they said the looking for a publisher and someone from unity is helping out. Not saying it will be soon and most likely will be awhile but at least it is some news right? 

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  • 2 months later...
  • SylenThunder changed the title to Console update
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok they posted the last post in 2019 its now 2021... About 2 years now... Are we getting an update or are consul versions just DOOMED... I understand your a company you need money and workforce for updates aswell as countless hours... We understand but at this point i believe that consul version players DESERVE an answer at this point now... ARE THE PEOPLE WHO PLAY ON CONSULS GETTING AN UPDATE OR NOT DEVS!?!?!?! Its very frustrating to see the PC version get all the updates and not ps4 or Xbox... At this point i believe alot of people myself included have given up on you devs...

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That last post of 2019 said they would wait for the PC version to finish and then look for a way to bring that version to console. And this is exactly what they are doing, waiting for the PC version to finish. That means you probably will have to wait another 1-3 years before something definite can be announced.


In short: Nothing changed since 2019, the plan is still in motion, but it is a long term plan. 



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They are not responsible for updating the console version that they did not produce.  They were not responsible when TellTale games produced the game, they are not responsible after they purchase the rights back.


Just because a company has intellectual rights to a product doesn’t make them responsible for producing or updating said product.

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