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We really need a bigger inventory, this is WAY to small.


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Yeah, inventory management is part of the game. If you run out of space now, you'd run out of space with a bag that isn't big enough to hold every item in the game. So learn to manage what you keep. Throw crap out that you don't need. Make a chest a sother have said if you wanna be able to come back and get it later. 


The game needs consequences, and it has lost a lot of them over time. Picking and choosing what to keep/scrap/leave/drop adds potential consequences. We don't need to get rid of that. 

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On 12/11/2021 at 1:19 AM, Scyris said:

Topic, I can't even half loot a t1 poi due to just how much stuff there is. we seriously need to get a bigger inventory, or a ton of clutter needs to be removed from the game. yes I am aware I can mod it, but I am trying to play vanilla for a bit. So far i've pretty much hated vanilla mostly due to the poor skill system and the extremly small inventory. I carry 1 thing fo food 1 thing of water, a bit of ammo, and 2-3 other items, and I literally have no space for loot after 2 minutes in a t1 small poi. Its very frustrating to say the least, and really turning me away from the game. I am trying to stay vanilla but its getting harder and harder too with the rampant inventory issues and such. I feel the inventory should be at least 60 spaces in size minimum, this would be enough space to carry essentals and also a decent amount of space to hold loot. I don't know about you but going in and out of a poi 4 times for a t1-2 poi is kinda silly to box the loot outside of it. I dobut it'll get looked at in a20.x but maybe for a21, especially as the gear system is being dumbed down and gutted for what sounds to me like just more inventory bloat and junk you need to carry around.


IMO when your spending more time managing inventory than it takes to clear the poi there is an issue with inventory size, this is also btw with me throwing away A TON of stuff because I just lack the room for it.

I feel like a larger backpack (if implemented properly) would be amazing. Instead of the Pack Mule perk opening slots of encumbrance, it should add additional inventory slots as well. Say your inventory stays the same at the start. You perk into Pack mule, it gives you an extra row of inventory slots, 2 gives you another, 3 gives you 2 and 4 gives you 2 more or something like that, maybe 1-1-1-3, balancing perk points vs slot amount would work however they wanted. Then you could use Pocket mods to remove encumbrance slots, but instead of the spots they remove now the special military pocket mods (or are they just armor pocket mods? It's been a while) remove an entire rows worth of encumbrance. I believe there would be enough to remove all of them, or have the highest tier remove 2 rows. Like I said it could be balanced in a good way that I'm not thinking of currently. I think these changes could benefit the game and community, this way people got what they wanted and no one would be forced to accept the changes (because we know some people hate "making the game easier"). I'm not usually for modifications like this but you do put up a fair argument. We could at least get some kind of special slots for cash, and a backpack to add carry capacity if the perk just didn't do it for people. Add a new character slot for a backpack that adds spaces, make small-huge packs from school packs to our awesome military packs. I dunno, just spitballing here. Makes me want to make a mod for backpacks now lmao... Even if one existed (and I'm pretty much guaranteed one does) I'd like to make my own.

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I think we are putting the cart before the horse here....


The problem isn't inventory space - it's that there is TOO MUCH LOOT in POIs.


Seriously, the amount of loot in a POI should be reduced.  This game is easy enough, make the packs smaller I say.

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Inventory management is a core part of survival games.   I would like to see back packs as equippable items that would open up more slots,   now with the drone giving up to 3 rows with the right mod, its not that hard to take an entire poi worth of loot.  

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On 12/11/2021 at 5:50 PM, doughphunghus said:

I've played this game for awhile and I prefer a bit more "realism" or at least "painful" inventory management, just so you know what angle I'm coming from...

1. I feel the "default" inventory size is ok/decent.

2. I feel the default "encumbrance slots" is a bit generous but only at the start of the game. I like being punished at the beginning and unlocking slots until the end.

3. I like the concept of "pocket mods" as well as perking to carry a bit more (though its a bit weird to perk into anything to magically get a buff... but oh well)

4. I feel the stack sizes of some things are insanely too big (example: iron/clay), and some way too small (example:  radiators). But I don't *really* care as it works I guess.


Having stated that, I use mods to "fix" it for my preferences.  However:

- I see a LOT of people playing with mega large backpacks (60+ slots). Like, most streamers are making backpacks really big

- I've heard of a few mods that add "weight" considerations

- I've heard of mods that add "backpacks" you can find and equip to increase inventory size.


Take all of the above into account, there's obviously a need/want to adjust inventory size or "ability to carry".  The vanilla UI settings for manipulating inventory size are lacking today, which I hope are remedied in some fashion when the game goers gold (so we don't have to use mods for a majority of players). I've played overhaul mods with large backpacks and (when I want to have "fun fun" vs "hardcore survival fun") it feels really nice with a massive backpack.  I know why people want this for some game styles.


I personally prefer finding/crafting pockets or larger backpacks vs "having a fixed inventory to start out", as its a crafting and looting game and there's "tiers" of everything else to give a sense of 'progression'. and you can craft clothing (and books etc) so why not craft your backpacks.  Or maybe add mods to your backpack to add space or handle stamina loss/weight considerations if these were a thing.  It DOES feel weird picking up a 4x4/engines/etc big stuff and put it in your pocket, but if you can do that... weight considerations are kinda out the window.  I don't know how fun it would really be to limit the building block carry capacity in a game like this... but anyway...(maybe we shouldn't start a new game with a backpack/inventory at all ;)


I DO feel (and I've posted this before) that IF TFP aren't interested in changing the backpack slot count or adding any new options, what I wish they would do is IF you mod or (in any fashion) increase the slots past the vanilla settings, the UI will "expand" properly to handle it.  Given the default icon sizes and how the UI works, I feel that the inventory window would benefit to having a "slider" or "paging" and search feature built into it that shown only when inventory is increased past some value (these sliders/paging are already used for existing UI windows... just not the inventory and recipe lists/windows.  This way all the people wanting a "massive" backpack (like 1000 slots? pick a big number!) can have that and the UI will not warp and do weird things, you'll just have to scroll or search a bit to find your items


Well look at it this way, if a majority are using the 60 slot backpack mod, it shows that there is a problem with the base inventory size or else they wouldn't feel the need to use it. 60 feels about right with how much clutter there is. I don't know about you guys but I am finding some materials that were common in a19 to be quite hard to find in a20. Paper being one of them, used to find tons of it, now it feels quite rare. Lead I usually toss, as its easly mined, Iron I keep, as its always useful and your going to get it every poi you go to. Brass I try to bring back the items for smelting if I can, to get the full value out of it, plus they tend to tie up the crafting queue for long periods of time due to how long it takes to scrap, why DOES brass take so damn long to scrap anyway?


all in all we need a bigger inventory, at least 2 more rows at the bottom would be enough. that would give... 63 slots.


I also wish schematics would scrap into something useful, like why not have it scrap into a generic schematic, and uses say 5+some other mats generates a box that gives a random schematic when opened. Would be better than each just turning into 1-2 paper.

Edited by Scyris (see edit history)
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Isn't survival being able to manage your resources and what you are able to carry ? The game is way to easy for loot as it is, there's no fun having a huge inventory and exploring for day to fill up with all the goodies with the first couple of days. You would be at the end game so soon, go out, get some supplies, come home and repeat, have fun and adventure...


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Last thing this game needs is another easy mode upgrade tbh. And that´s exactly what a bigger backpack would be.


This isn´t a pure shooter, it already feels like that way too much anyways, no need to add another thing to that feeling.


Inventory management is part of the survival genre.

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2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

Last thing this game needs is another easy mode upgrade tbh. And that´s exactly what a bigger backpack would be.


This isn´t a pure shooter, it already feels like that way too much anyways, no need to add another thing to that feeling.


Inventory management is part of the survival genre.

Strange thing to say. I would say a smaller backpack would make it feel like a shooter. Shooters aren't about loot. Most shooters don't even have inventories. They have loadouts which may or may not be changed during game.  It's the reason I avoid shooters because I'm all about the loot.


Sure some Survival games have miserable inventories, like Subnautica, but not all of them do, and this isn't ONLY a survival game. It's also classed as an RPG/crafting game. RPGs tend to have nice big inventories, and crafting games like MineCraft and Terraria are best for my taste because of the big stack sizes. I detest using more than 1 slot for the same thing. lol. 


Because this game straddles genres, it attracts a lot of different tastes. Fortunately we can mod this game how we want. There are mods for bigger backpacks/stack sizes and there are mods that go the other way. Saw one the other day that decreases stack size of a whole bunch of things. So not really an issue for any of us either way to be honest.

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20 minutes ago, hotpoon said:

Strange thing to say. I would say a smaller backpack would make it feel like a shooter. Shooters aren't about loot. Most shooters don't even have inventories. They have loadouts which may or may not be changed during game.  It's the reason I avoid shooters because I'm all about the loot.

I 100% disagree.
It is about necessity.
Every survival game limits your access to ressources in a way.
7D2D doesnt do that.

What you describe (big inventory) is more of a looter shooter.
Get everything you can and become awesome!

A small inventory (which it isn't if you know how to manage it! I could live with one or even two less rows if I wanted a challenge! Ah the good old days.) is such a small hinderance (there are many ways to overcome it in 7d2d) that it almost doesn't feel like a survival game and more of a looter-shooter.

they have worked on improving this since A18, but it is still very much part of the game.

We need illnesses from food&water (like we have with injuries now), we need more threatening zombies (not hidden behind stupid walls, but faster more ferocious Z's), we need a lot more variety in the game.
If you take out ANOTHER hurdle (in the form of inventory management) then it really does become a lootershooter again.
We need MORE hurdles, not less in this game.

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9 hours ago, Scyris said:


Well look at it this way, if a majority are using the 60 slot backpack mod, it shows that there is a problem with the base inventory size or else they wouldn't feel the need to use it. 60 feels about right with how much clutter there is. I don't know about you guys but I am finding some materials that were common in a19 to be quite hard to find in a20. Paper being one of them, used to find tons of it, now it feels quite rare. Lead I usually toss, as its easly mined, Iron I keep, as its always useful and your going to get it every poi you go to. Brass I try to bring back the items for smelting if I can, to get the full value out of it, plus they tend to tie up the crafting queue for long periods of time due to how long it takes to scrap, why DOES brass take so damn long to scrap anyway?


all in all we need a bigger inventory, at least 2 more rows at the bottom would be enough. that would give... 63 slots.


I also wish schematics would scrap into something useful, like why not have it scrap into a generic schematic, and uses say 5+some other mats generates a box that gives a random schematic when opened. Would be better than each just turning into 1-2 paper.

but what do you call the majority? I know people who play vanilla with a few tweaks, none of which use the backpack mods. I think you use that word without actually knowing if a majority use the mod.


I dont think the base inventory needs changed really. Its fine for what vanilla offers. Now we have the drone that can carry some stuff for you. You have vehicles you cna unload into. Me and my partner looted 2 pois twice (we had quests) and we were at about half inventory once we stored stuff on our motocycles. We also did another small udnerground sewer area and were still fine on space. We scrap brass stuff, lead stuff, and most iron made stuff. Drop small amounts of random stuff like wood and stone, empty bottles, etc... 

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4 hours ago, myrkana said:

I think you use that word without actually knowing if a majority use the mod.


I think this is one of those things that would be hard, if not impossible, to get numbers on. It's likely that more players overall stick to vanilla configuration options, but it many games, long-term players are more likely to mod. I think I recall back when GameSparks was added, it was stated that data wasn't collected from modded games but I'm not sure.


I think many, if not most, of us who regularly use mods just don't say much about the stuff we're changing. I currently use a backpack mod and several other things, but I never complain about the stuff in vanilla not being what I want because... I can just change it. LOL I would struggle to play without a backpack mod at this point, but I don't think TFP should change it, because it's still a survival game even if I don't always play it like one.


I would like to see more things like backpack size (both bigger and smaller) eventually added to the vanilla in-game configuration options just to make different ways of playing more accessible (I was over the moon when the Bloodmoon frequency options were added), but not right now because I think it would muddy the waters too much before other features are in / complete.

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