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Food, Loot and Balance


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My settings for this are. .difficulty Nomad,, 90 min days,, 64 max alive blood moon and zombies at jog during day and default speed for both night and blood moon along with feral sense active all the time..


I Love the town layouts and better graphics but there seems to be an overabundance of loot for certain things and getting high tier items very quickly. there are things which have changed for the worse in terms of difficulty and how the game is played. I will also say that most of the problems are them trying to balance a game for both single and multi-player..atleast that's what it looks like to me.


Food in single player is not an issue at all with the over abundance of small animals, farms, vending machines and traders to get food from. Also people saving canned goods for recipes which they may never find can lead to food problems but that's outside the pimps control for people doing weird things.


Infection should be a concern as I have seen a few people complaining about how difficult it is to find honey or antibiotics which is good. Way to many people want this game to be as easy as possible with little to no threats from the zombies.


Pipe machine gun weapon along with the ridiculous amount of ammo found needs serious balance.  It was insane that on day 7 having a tier 6 pipe machine gun with mods can out classing a tier 3 machine gun think it was called the tactical assault rifle. The pipe machine gun weapon along with any melle weapon is enough to get you through an entire play through. The amount of ammo found is also a bit high along with zombie bags dropping tons of ammo especially the shotgun ammo. Again this might be a single player problem.


An easy solution to some of these problems would be more settings to change in the advanced tab. From zombie damage to crafting costs for items to even how fast crops grow or how much they yield to even how often the trader and vending machines restock. It works fine for other games and I feel this would solve alot of issues as far as multi-player and single player goes when it comes to certain things.


Bit of a long read but this might entertain ya on the toilet. Hope your legs don't fall asleep.



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If you cut ammo abundance too much, you may as well not have the guns in the game. It takes a workstation to make bullets. All work stations don't work with A20. You must find the schematic in order to make one. It could be a very long time before you can make bullets.


I also think you can adjust loot abundance in the preferences so if you're finding too much ammo or food or whatever, try adjusting the abundance down.

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I have noticed that infection is harder to deal with so far.  But it's always seemed to be a moot point in this game as all you have to do to get a clean bill of health (including any breaks and such) is have your settings so you don't drop anything when you die and commit suicide.  Heck, even if you have your settings to drop everything on death, just kill yourself close to your base and it can be a short run to pick up what you lost.  Making back the exp loss isn't really an issue and 5-6 zombies and I've paid off the debt (admittedly I never play super high level characters so it may be an issue for you level 90 types;).

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I love it the way it is, but I feel bad for y'all who want it a different way and can't have it. I thought there were talks of a "loot slider" to balance it for all play styles.


The way I like to play is having the best possible gear by day 28-35 since that's when I start to get bored. If I find any Q6 gear before then, I'm way more than happy to slap it on or use it no matter the day.


It just means I have a reduced chance to die and in a zombie apocalypse that's exactly what you want. I like the food along with the infection change since it forces me to think about my approach and constantly be on the lookout.

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I agree that the pipe machine gun is way OP compared to the other pipe weapons, which have small magazines and take FOREVER to reload.  It needs to be nerfed or at least made much more rare in the loot tables so we aren't finding them in the first week.

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So me and my gf started a new game on A20,

All I can tell you is the game become much much easier than it used to be!


20-30 min into the game she found a lvl 4 handgun 9mm…


30 min or so I found a lvl 6 STEEL PICKAXE!!!

in a trunk of a car. I have no skills in looting or any perks but str and sledgehammer..


2 hrs into the game she found a robotic schematic! @.@ ! I never use to find any hours into the game…


and these pipe wpns she found many of them lvl6 and it takes the entire survival and fear away at the beginning of the game knowing you have ammo and guns on you already! 

also, idk what’s going on but there is sooo many animals around in the snow area! All kind running around lol


maybe they adjusted the loot ratio for food but the animals have multiplied ..


in couple hours we already had a very nice base , food, wpns etc…without any efforts and skills..



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I am on day 8 on 60 minute days and HAVE NOT experienced the ammo loot "abundance".  For the first 5-6 days, I had very little 7.62 or 9mm ammo and nothing worth using for the shotgun ammo I had.  I spent the first week hording ammo to use for dogs, boars, and wolves.  On the 7-day horde, I spend the night on top of a POI taking pot shots at zombies with a double barrel shotgun.  Now, on Day 8  I have about 300 rounds of 7.62, 200 shotgun shells, and less than 200 pistol rounds. This is adequate for questing but not nearly enough for a horde night.  This is vastly different from my experience in A19 where I always had a least one green gun (usually from the trader) and plenty of ammo for the Day 7 horde. I was usually swimming in 9mm ammo by Day 7. Compared to A19, I have found less weapons and less ammo. I have even purchased ammo from the Trader in A20 which I never did in A19 because I was so short on ammo.


I don't know what explains the difference between my experience and others but I do not double loot Quests and I do not cheese loot caches.  I also focus exclusively on questing and basic harvesting early game rather than trying to loot as many POIs as possible. If you have an ammo "abundance" and are double looting Quests and cheesing loot caches, that is why. It's a not a problem with the loot tables, it is simply a result of your playstyle.  If you rush progression and try to loot as much as possible as quickly as possible, your reward is better weapons and more ammo.  The other thing to consider, I guess, is whether you increase XP given by Zombies or power level. This will obviously increase your loot stage faster than just playing on standard settings or progressing normally.


Now I do have an overabundance of meat but that's due to killing bears and wolves at night.  As to other loot, I have only looted Brown level iron tools and have only looted a handful of mods for the first 7 days. In A19, I looted more and better mods, better weapons, and better tools.

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RNG is RNG.  I've been finding treasure maps all over. 

Sometimes it's 30 days before I find one.


I've got 3/4 workstations, 2 finding the schematics, 1 from perk pt (forge)

No chemstation yet.


All the treasure let me buy the motorcycle parts to assemble.  Day 10.

Trader had the book for discounts if holding a .44, and other trader had a .44 for sale. 

Grabbing those two, I made the dukes back from the discounts off the motorcycle parts.


Oh, ALL the treasure maps sent me into the snow biome, all 3 within 300m of each other.

Took days to get a puffer coat and cap so I wouldn't freeze. (over 2km into the biome)


I came out of there with a ton of meat.  Lotsa bears, so I now have a cigar.

(I go heavy into str, that thing saves a few points. same for tough guy sunglasses for health side)

Got a lot of dukes, and surprise!!, lots of ammo. Some chests had no dukes, but were ammo caches.

That's new. (and welcome)


Just bought lucky goggles, no sign of nerdy glasses yet though.


As for the pipe machine gun, well, 1 point into machine gunner unlocks AK crafting. 


Bought the schematic for steel armor, looted one for steel tools.

Can't make steel yet, and of course, not enough parts.

(and I won't make them until I can do Q5 due to low parts/steel)




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10 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

I love it the way it is, but I feel bad for y'all who want it a different way and can't have it. I thought there were talks of a "loot slider" to balance it for all play styles.

Eh, easy to mod it to how we want to.  I been playing Alpha20 vanilla to see how things are going before I start making changes.

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