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Am I the only one having a blast?


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For me the game finally feels like A16 again.

Having so much fun with A19!


The loot progression is awesome!

Our server is on day 21 and i'm still with my Tier6 blunderbuss because I am saving alle other ammo for Blood Moon.


I like the hunger struggles, finally I must put effort in surviving again. 

Putting points in the animal tracking perk and go out hunting for a day.....

No more stacks of food within a day.


The lightning is amazing. No discussions. Love the flickering lights sometimes.


Zombies look badass. Fact.


I could not find any downsides as of now.

The combat music is fun imo.

Adds another tension to a battle.


Oh, before I forgot.

Last BM a vulture broke through my rood and gave me a jumpscare. Awesome. 


Thanks TFP for making me fall in love with the game again.

A18 felt like a looter shooter and A19 feels like a survival game again!


Edit: sorry for spelling. Phone is set to Dutch autocorrect.


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While the game greatly improved in visuals, its mechanics become more and more dumbed down and rigid with each alpha. 

Broken sleepers that spawn in house where you are, which is big NO-NO if you play on max difficulty (note that in last devstream devs shown they deliberately spawn enemies in certain places which can come and attack you after you cleared the place) most POIs were turned into dungeons which you "finish" to find a "loot chest" at the end, quests spam instead of world exploration, devaluation of base-building, zombies having x16 damage when hitting same wall together, weapon assembly gone, city hordes gone, open world zombies gone that affected negatively night time, night time in A15 was "don't make a sound inside a base, or they will come" while nighttime in A17-18-19 basically is as safe as day even in cities, weapon crafting obsolete because even with 50% loot settings you find a ton of guns, etc etc etc




We started playing since A12, game was ugly as hell and mechanics were cumberstone and overburdening. Later game became somewhat polished and had a great feel of survival game during A15. Now game now feels less of survival / exploration and more like open-world looter-shooter with zombies and RPG elements, you know, like Dead Island with bad graphics. But hey, you can still dig and build a base! Nevermind the fact that zombies break a 14k wall in mere seconds unless you exploit AI!


After playing A19 for a few days we decided to roll game back to A15 + valmod. Now we actually do have a blast with the game, even despite that A19 looks much better, as the game, it's just subpar of what it used to be.

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I agree to both of you. :D


A19 is a nice and big graphical update, but with far less content. I love and hate the stone age mechanics. It's somehow cool, but on the other hand slowing down to much. I don't expact and not even want to find an AK-47 on day 3, but finding the 6th lvl6 spear on day 12 is also anoying.

I like the new hurt-system. Like deep cuts stiched with a sewing kit. Healing brain concussion with pain killer (however iirc using acc pain killer when having a brain concussion is the worst thing you can do).

But that's it with the changes. Everything else is more or less just graphics and music.


And like Sonic said, the game became more and more simplified with the latest updates, so that is not just an A19-issue. I'd definitely prefer overhauling, improving, advancing mechanics, instead of tinkering with graphics. That's my personal opinion. Imho TFP should have been more focued on bandits or similar and leave the graphics as it have been.

A19 is the best candiate for becoming my least played version since A15 (where i started). Maybe i use this "opportunity" to try some total conversion mod with A19 when they are updated. I started singleplayer because my friend didn't want to play MP with an experimental version (i dunno why, we did that with A17 and A18 already...) and i wanted to see the changes of A19 anyway. Now i'm not even sure if i want to start a new playthrough in multiplayer later.

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1 minute ago, Outlaw_187 said:

I gotta agree with ya Jen, I'm loving A19. I came in at A18.4 so I guess it's all still fresh to me.

Before this I was a poor console ps4 A15 sucker. So I'm still soaking everything in and I'm having a blast!

Yeah I started in console and then upon A16 I bought the PC version.

Since then I bought the game 5 Times to convince friends to play the game.

They never wanted to buy it due fok outdated graphics.

This can't be an issue any more 😬

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1 minute ago, Outlaw_187 said:

Before this I was a poor console ps4 A15 sucker. So I'm still soaking everything in and I'm having a blast!

Yeah, i agree. Switching from A14.7 directly to A19 AND also from console to PC is completely different. But in the same way you are not talking about A19, you are talking about A15 + A16 + A17 + A18 + A19...

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1 hour ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Yeah, i agree. Switching from A14.7 directly to A19 AND also from console to PC is completely different. But in the same way you are not talking about A19, you are talking about A15 + A16 + A17 + A18 + A19...

Absolutely, so I was overwhelmed with awesomeness. It's really a completely different game. I'm in love with it & wish I would've updated sooner.

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Now that I've had some time to acclimate myself, I love it! I'm feeling that "I can't stop playing this game!" feeling again. It's running well for me too. I know that isn't the case for everyone, but I have no complaints on performance.


I also like the random gen changes with regard to POI variety and distribution. Yes, I did experience one of those "Pass-n-Gas Avenue" things but... they were all different Pass-n-Gasses so I'm good with it. LOL

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11 hours ago, iejen said:

For me the game finally feels like A16 again.

Having so much fun with A19!


The loot progression is awesome!

Our server is on day 21 and i'm still with my Tier6 blunderbuss because I am saving alle other ammo for Blood Moon.


I like the hunger struggles, finally I must put effort in surviving again. 

Putting points in the animal tracking perk and go out hunting for a day.....

No more stacks of food within a day.


The lightning is amazing. No discussions. Love the flickering lights sometimes.


Zombies look badass. Fact.


I could not find any downsides as of now.

The combat music is fun imo.

Adds another tension to a battle.


Oh, before I forgot.

Last BM a vulture broke through my rood and gave me a jumpscare. Awesome. 


Thanks TFP for making me fall in love with the game again.

A18 felt like a looter shooter and A19 feels like a survival game again!


Edit: sorry for spelling. Phone is set to Dutch autocorrect.


It's amazing how people can have entirely different takes on things. I agree with you on lighting and graphics, everything else however...

My enjoyment of the game has taken a nose dive ever since A17 dropped. With overhaul mods that undo or change the changes, it can still be fun, but nowhere near what it once was for me.

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On 7/3/2020 at 11:14 PM, Jeraal said:

My enjoyment of the game has taken a nose dive ever since A17 dropped. With overhaul mods that undo or change the changes, it can still be fun, but nowhere near what it once was for me.

Exactly same thing. It just went downhill from A17 gameplay-wise. Devs devalued bases, crafting and removed roaming zombies, so what's there thats left? How 7d is now any different from any other sandbox game now? We are playing F76 now (decided to give a try) and honestly we feel just like playing A19, but better


A15 and A19 honestly feel like completely different games. A15 had unique things that were only found in 7d2d, and now most of them are gone. If Dead Matter won't be a total we will probably move over to it.

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I also enjoy Alpha 19 very much


I like the progress because it makes crafting viable again. If you want an iron shovel or a pickaxe in the first week you have to craft it.

That you have to eat more doesn't bother me. It makes having a garden much more rewarding. I even maxed out "Living of the Land" which I never have done before.


There are some points the Fun Pimps still have to work on but all in all A19 is a good Alpha.

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  • Broke an object and a vulture dive-bombed me from behind it. Nearly soiled myself.
  • Turned a corner on my mini-bike and almost drove head-first into a pack of zombie dogs and a zombie bear stalking about in front of a Shamway™. Proceeded to immediately sneak and snipe. Went for the bear first, of course. All in all, survived to tell about it to... Bob?
  • Took a Tier III fetch & clear quest which led me to a mansion of sorts (

    that, as you go deeper, turns out to be the source of some grisly activities

    ). Spend half a game day and a full night looting it before and after the quest. Sometime during that time, the sky darkened ominously as if a storm were coming. This was day 19 or so, and nothing but sunny days up to this point. After I turned in the quest and began the trek home, I witnessed the sky changing from sunny to hazy to ominous, and remaining dark and cloudy all the way home. The graphics looked amazing and, being such an enthusiast for dark & cloudy weather, the immersion of it bought a tear to my eye. I just hope that it wasn't some glitch, and the weather will continue to dynamically change.

  • Found out the hard way that zombies have learned to navigate their way to the top of a 4 block high steep incline of wedge blocks. Scratch that defense; Day 7 fail.

  • Day 14 proved a bit more fortunate. I proceeded to bash zombies as they tried to crowd thru my rows of Pillar (50) blocks. Eventually, the levee broke and I was swarmed. I luckily managed to retreat to my base's upper level where I could snipe thru the wooden bars. I went back downstairs for some reason I can't remember, and got too crowded at the ladder to make it back up. Chalk up that death to user error. Day 14 semi-fail.

  • As of now, I am shredding stone with a tier 1 auger in the wee hours of day 21, attempting to mass-produce concrete for my new base. I will attempt to use this base as a line of defense against the day 21 horde. Depending on what the blood moon hurls at me, I should be able to safely snipe from the rafters to hold out, or watch dumbfounded as the dead crumble my cobblestone foundations and literally pull the ground right out from under me.

So yeah, I'm having a blast. 😎

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