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Framerate Problems Alpha 19


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I've been having frame rate issues on alpha 19 and Ive tried a few things to fix it but no luck and at some points the game isn't playable and gets me killed or hit when I shouldn't

Some of the things Ive tried is lowest settings in game and nothing changed frame rate is bad on both highest and lowest also tried changing settings in my NVIDIA control panel that didn't work either Ive uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice didn't change anything I don't know what else to try unless I'm just missing something

My specs are Intel UHD 630 and NVIDIA Ge force 1660 6GB 16 GB ram Intel Core i7 8750H 2.20GHz 128Gb SSD 1TB Hard Drive Windows 10

My game is installed on my 1TB Hard Drive if that helps any

Any help to fixing this problem would be amazing cause I really enjoy playing this game but the frame rate is making me wanna quit which I don't wanna result to if It can be avoided

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As I said to you in reddit, your Laptop should run the game quite well, one few things you should try:

Always play with the laptop connected to the power, most laptops disable some cores or lower the CPU speeds while using battery

Setting max performance while power on can change things

Verify RAM speed in the bios and bumped a bit or lower latencies are allowed  (if bios let you) This may be tricky you have to know exactly what memory modules have installed, a little search on google.

Most laptop troubles comes from low CPU speeds, check if Turbo Boost is working properly.

There is a ton of tips but i'm working right now and my boss is calling me, see you later.

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7 minutes ago, PajamaJams said:

I couldn't find turbo boost anywhere on my computer

There is a tool from Intel to set up the CPU at your own preferences, as turbo boost https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/29183/Intel-Extreme-Tuning-Utility-Intel-XTU-


that being said, requires to know exactly what are you doing otherwise you could make your system unstable. I suggest keep looking for other opinions before touching CPU configurations. I'm Sysadmin and I have 120 PC to maintain everyday, but as no one use the computers to play games I never get into this.

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I got enough space to move the game  to my SSD and changed the power setting to max performance also I was thinking maybe the game is using my Intel uhd graphics card and not my Nvidia card I've had that problem with assassin creed odyssey and I had to disable it 

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I would also like to mention frame rate issues.

My system:

4.00 gigahertz Intel Core i7-6700K (4 core + hyperthread)

32 GB DDR4

The OS drive is a 500 GB Samsung NVME.

The steam drive (where 7 day to die is installed) is a RAID 0 of 2 Samsung Pro SSD's.

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (while this card is getting old it does still score respectably in most comparisons)

Windows 10 Pro (x64)

All drivers updated. All Windows updates installed as of 7/1/2020


On high video settings, fps drops to single digits

Switched to medium settings and can at least play - fps around 30

Odd thing is that I had the fps on the display and hit ESC to write something down, and FPS dropped to about 26 (with the game paused...)


But, if I might make a suggestion - don't mess around with increasing the zombies to HD/4k until you get the existing graphics optimized to a reasonable degree.

Oh, btw - I did run dxdiags and all is good.

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3 hours ago, MacGyver16502 said:

I would also like to mention frame rate issues.

My system:

4.00 gigahertz Intel Core i7-6700K (4 core + hyperthread)

32 GB DDR4

The OS drive is a 500 GB Samsung NVME.

The steam drive (where 7 day to die is installed) is a RAID 0 of 2 Samsung Pro SSD's.

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (while this card is getting old it does still score respectably in most comparisons)

Windows 10 Pro (x64)

All drivers updated. All Windows updates installed as of 7/1/2020


On high video settings, fps drops to single digits

Switched to medium settings and can at least play - fps around 30

Odd thing is that I had the fps on the display and hit ESC to write something down, and FPS dropped to about 26 (with the game paused...)


But, if I might make a suggestion - don't mess around with increasing the zombies to HD/4k until you get the existing graphics optimized to a reasonable degree.

Oh, btw - I did run dxdiags and all is good.

The new HD zombies are BETTER performance wise than the old ones.... Facts, they matter.

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Count me in for performance issues. The game goes below 10 fps in towns and is unplayable for me, even with setting set to low. A18 wasn't perfect performance wise, but it was quite stable and it never had performance issues that severe even with some of the settings set to high.


32GB of RAM

3.8GHz, 4-core processor

GeForce GTX 970

Windows 10, 2TB harddrive.

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All of you should take a look at their system load while having those problems. Ist the cpu (or even just a single core of it) at 100%? Ist the GPU utilized or just on low use? Enough memory is available, how much is used? If you do that you would also immediately see if an iGPU is at 100% and the dedicated  videocard is not used at all. That might help tracking down the problem. Just complaining about low fps and keep stating "but my hardware should be able to handle it" will not help anybody.


Even taskmanager could show that, but you should look at while the game is active. A second monitor is usefull. Otherwise try a tool that logs the usage into a file or shows it ingame as an overlay, e.g. HWInfo64 or MSI Afterburner.

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On 7/8/2020 at 10:40 AM, JCrook1028 said:

The new HD zombies are BETTER performance wise than the old ones.... Facts, they matter.

Fact - my frame rate on the same system under 18.4 (at high settings, btw) was almost double the current frame rate in 19.

Fact - three of the most touted improvements in 19 are directly related to in game graphics (Linear Color Space Lighting, HD Characters, On Screen Sprite System)


Conclusive corollary - it is likely that one or more of these improvements caused the frame rate reduction.


It was my conclusion that it was the HD Characters because the presence or absence of "On Screen Sprites" does not seem to significantly impact my frame rate; not sure about "Linear Color Space Lighting" - but if I have 6 zombies in view at one time my frame rate drops noticeably.


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3 hours ago, Xtrakicking said:

Count me in for performance issues. The game goes below 10 fps in towns and is unplayable for me, even with setting set to low. A18 wasn't perfect performance wise, but it was quite stable and it never had performance issues that severe even with some of the settings set to high.


32GB of RAM

3.8GHz, 4-core processor

GeForce GTX 970

Windows 10, 2TB harddrive.

That could be a Core 2 Quad for all we know. In which case 10FPS in towns would be absolutely expected. If you're going to list your specs, list the actual specs please.



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57 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

That could be a Core 2 Quad for all we know. In which case 10FPS in towns would be absolutely expected.

It's even completely pointless just to list specs. And it's absolute not saying anything if given "specs" are absolutely generic.

You guys need to look at your system! In the end it turns out, that windows was installing updates while your super-duper-anti-virus-bloatware did a full scan.




If you don't want to do this or even can't, PC is the wrong platform for you and on top of that an early access title is the worst overall!

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13 minutes ago, PajamaJams said:

Yea i looked at my system and this is the only game that's has bad framerate out of every game I own

7d2d is not every other game. If you are looking for help, @%$*#!ing tell HOW the usage looked like. A system that may run battlefield with 90fps may still suck in 7d2d.


God, what the hell are you expecting? You didn't provide any information. For me it looks like you are not even interested in figuring out the real problem, the only thing you want is to make it work magically. That's not going to work.


Where are the values of your CPU temperature while playing 7d2d? Yeah fine, other games work, but 7d2d is much more cpu demanding, maybe it overheats in 7d2d. It might be some kind of incompatibility with any driver. Maybe also just introduced with A19... it's early access, and especially A19 is still just EXPERIMENTAL. Do i need to spell EXPERIMENTAL to you? ... It was not tested on 1000 different systems like other final AAA titles before release (and even those suck on specific configurations sometimes)


To say it directly: A19 EXPERIMENTAL is an alpha of an alpha. And it won't get beyond it with people just complaining but not capable of delivering any usefull information.

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  • 2 months later...

My friend and I also get lower than expected frame rates on this game.  Not sure why this game is so demanding on hardware when it doesn't even look that great.  I get 100+ fps on warzone with graphics set on high.

My system:


intel core i7 9700k 8 cores at 3.0mhz

16 gb 3000mhz ram

gtx 1070 8gb ram

M.2 500gb SSD where the the game is installed

windows 10


I should not have to sacrifice any quality to get high frame rates and yet it drops down to 40fps if i dont turn down some of the settings.


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16 hours ago, jdgreenfriend said:

Not sure why this game is so demanding on hardware when it doesn't even look that great.  I get 100+ fps on warzone with graphics set on high.

It's a 3D voxel game with structural integrity and a complex AI. Warzone is a 2D game with static maps and a simple AI. Add to that the fact that the game is still in Alpha development, where Warzone has already finished beta, optimizations, and has been fully released. You're comparing apples to oranges. Just like every one comparing this game to GTA-V.


Your specs are more than enough to get a solid 60 FPS at 1080p. Assuming you aren't using any un-optimized graphic features like reflections. You'll also want to have your save data on an SSD as well.

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I'll agree that the game is complex and has a lot of depth to it that other games do not have, but using the alpha excuse is straight crap.  It's been out for years and years and cost money.  They can call it alpha all they want but that's just a lame excuse.  You can put syrup on @%$# but it doesnt make it pancakes.

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51 minutes ago, jdgreenfriend said:

I'll agree that the game is complex and has a lot of depth to it that other games do not have, but using the alpha excuse is straight crap.  It's been out for years and years and cost money.  They can call it alpha all they want but that's just a lame excuse.  You can put syrup on @%$# but it doesnt make it pancakes.

Sorry but when core game features are still being developed and implemented, that IS the definition of Alpha development.  You have to create the batter before you can have pancakes.


98% of games that exist, you never saw Alpha development for because it was all internal.  Here you get to participate. If you can't deal with that, then don't participate in Early Access.  It's not like Steam didn't throw the definition of it, and the risks, in your face before your purchase.

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CPU matters in this game. The world is voxel-based. Each block must be calculated as connected or not connected to one next to it, how it is connected, it's shape, etc and then all of that data goes to the GPU for rendering. You can easily choke on a weak CPU even if you have a massive video card. You may also have other apps accessing your disk while you play, which can KILL framerate because chunks are taking longer to load in, process, and render. Each system is unique and presents its own issues and advantages. 7 Days requires a lot of CPU and GPU, unlike most games, which only require a good video card. RAM helps too, and disk can be important here.


When posting your specs, post your specs completely. Example:


Windows 7 Pro 64bit OEM

Core i7-6950X (3.0-3.5GHz)

128GB DDR4 3200 (PC4-25600)

RTX 2080 Ti 11GB

Creative Ae5

1 x WD Blue SATA 6Gbps 1TB (OS only)

4 x WD Black SATA 6Gbps 1TB single-platter disks in BTRFS RAID10 (Most games)

1 x M.2 NVME 3,500Gbps SSD (Ark, 7 Days, etc)


That explains how you are actually set up. Tackling just the massive difference a disk can have, if you have a single-platter disk it only has to read and write one platter and is WAY faster than the more common three or four-platter disks, which have to load and save data across many more platters. The type of SSD is important also. a SATA SSD is capped around 6Gbps, but an M.2 NVME SSD can go up to around 4,000Gbps with the right model.

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I'd like to add a bit of what I believe is Unity flakiness too,

I have seen this on many (all?) sandbox unity games, (and to lesser extent UE games) across several platforms and over many years.


Regardless of how good of a system it seems the engine itself chokes on something. (complexity?)

I have a logitech  keyboard with the display, that MSI afterburner is displaying all kinds of info in realtime for me,

CPU usage per core, temps, Mem usage, Vram usage, GPU usage and temp, disk usage. Everything useful

And even if no part of the system is even close to max, the game dips and runs at 30-50 fps in some cases. (Dishong tower especially nasty for this)

No videosettings changes affect the framerate with more then a few fps, so it really has to be something funky going on behind the curtains in the engine.



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