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UVM - [ Ultimate Vehicle Mod ] - Foundation Base Beta Release


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Wow just came across this. This looks fantastic! I love the design behind this mod and how it actually gives players something "More" to do. I will ping the rest of my server group to see if they are interested in giving this a whirl. Bravo!!!


Enjoy! Please post any feedback you may have.


Just a heads up, there's a warning regarding the localization file, something about missing keys so the localization file is ignored by the game on load.


Will advise the relevant people, thanks.

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Will advise the relevant people, thanks.


You're welcome.


Any plan to add motorcycles, or flying vehicles to this mod? Looks awesome btw.


This would be actually pretty cool. Right now I am using a different mod (alongside this one) that is only there for vehicle "decorations", meaning it places different vehicles including flying ones and motorcycles, but they are only lootable and harvestable, not useable in any other way. Together with this mod it gives you so much variety that when you're in the city, it feels very realistic. If this was all in one mod, I could stop using the other mod to save some memory.

Edited by mr.devolver (see edit history)
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Any plan to add motorcycles, or flying vehicles to this mod? Looks awesome btw.


Both are up for consideration after the main body of work is done.



This would be actually pretty cool. Right now I am using a different mod (alongside this one) that is only there for vehicle "decorations", meaning it places different vehicles including flying ones and motorcycles, but they are only lootable and harvestable, not useable in any other way. Together with this mod it gives you so much variety that when you're in the city, it feels very realistic. If this was all in one mod, I could stop using the other mod to save some memory.


Motorcycles and flying are considered.

I optimize the mesh and materials to reduce the gpu load like all my mods, unfortunately this is time consuming. I also need to build all the upgraded versions for the existing ones, then the same would be true for motorcycles.


Im not saying I wont eventually, just wont be immediately until the main body of work is done. :)


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Hey Dust2Death

I know it's kinda plan to keep it low poly probably. But will we ever see a release with higher poly too? Those BMW, Supras and Lambos would look dope.


Not currently. Depends on how big of a hit is involved once all the upgraded cars are done and they are all loaded at once ;)


Thought behind that would be people collecting cars on servers, so many rendered at once etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...



in blockplaceholders.xml on line n. 37, there seems to be a redundant comment end mark: "-->" at the end of the line. Xml parser of the game may not be as strict to complain about this at the moment, but it could eventually cause trouble later if you wanted to extend the code, maybe by inserting actual comment and forgot about the redundant ending comment mark. It could accidentally comment out much more than you would want to comment out.

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in blockplaceholders.xml on line n. 37, there seems to be a redundant comment end mark: "-->" at the end of the line. Xml parser of the game may not be as strict to complain about this at the moment, but it could eventually cause trouble later if you wanted to extend the code, maybe by inserting actual comment and forgot about the redundant ending comment mark. It could accidentally comment out much more than you would want to comment out.


Nice catch.


Ive removed the comment end, Git has been updated if anyone wants to grab that one file.


Nexus will get it in the next major update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any chance this could be updated for A18 (or A19 when it comes out)?


Or - has this been tested with A18? Do you know what it would take to get it working?


EDIT: I haven't tested it myself, the info in mod.xml said it was for A17, that's why I ask.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, khzmusik said:

Is there any chance this could be updated for A18 (or A19 when it comes out)?


Or - has this been tested with A18? Do you know what it would take to get it working?


EDIT: I haven't tested it myself, the info in mod.xml said it was for A17, that's why I ask.

A17 in mod.xml was most likely just a typo, or it could be simply that its development started in A17, but really when you look at the date of creation of this thread, top-right corners of the screenshots, you would have all the hints that this indeed was made for Alpha 18+.

Edited by mr.devolver (see edit history)
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11 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

A17 in mod.xml was most likely just a typo, or it could be simply that its development started in A17, but really when you look at the date of creation of this thread, top-right corners of the screenshots, you would have all the hints that this indeed was made for Alpha 18+.

Thanks. I suspected it might be for A18, but you never know, lots of mods started in A17 and just weren't updated to A18 (because they would be broken, or it would take too much work to update).


I'll give it a shot then.


But, just an FYI to @DUST2DEATH - if you leave the version as A17, the Mod Launcher won't know it's compatible with A18, so it won't let you download it through the Mod Downloader. I don't know if this is a priority or not. (TBH I don't know if it's even added to the Mod Launcher in the first place, since I stopped using A17 by the time this modlet was created.)

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12 minutes ago, khzmusik said:

But, just an FYI to @DUST2DEATH - if you leave the version as A17, the Mod Launcher won't know it's compatible with A18, so it won't let you download it through the Mod Downloader. I don't know if this is a priority or not. (TBH I don't know if it's even added to the Mod Launcher in the first place, since I stopped using A17 by the time this modlet was created.)

This is good to know, thanks.

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10 hours ago, khzmusik said:

Thanks. I suspected it might be for A18, but you never know, lots of mods started in A17 and just weren't updated to A18 (because they would be broken, or it would take too much work to update).


I'll give it a shot then.


But, just an FYI to @DUST2DEATH - if you leave the version as A17, the Mod Launcher won't know it's compatible with A18, so it won't let you download it through the Mod Downloader. I don't know if this is a priority or not. (TBH I don't know if it's even added to the Mod Launcher in the first place, since I stopped using A17 by the time this modlet was created.)

I did a fix and a push ;) Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a question about a bug that's in the mod I think. Sometimes when repairing a vehicle instead of popping up shortly after it's repaired it just disappears. Only had it happen twice. Unfortunately happened with an APC I was repairing :(


Also is there a way to spawn these using console commands? And if so how do you find the IDs?


Thanks for a fantastic mod I'm still hunting for my Humvee though xp

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  • 2 months later...
11 hours ago, mr.devolver said:

Hey @DUST2DEATH, long time no see, I hope you are doing well! I was wondering if this mod is still being worked on, it would be awesome to have this in Alpha 19! :o

Dust is not about at present ....real Life and all :(


... hopefully he will be back in the not to distant future to update for A19 and for Phase 2 of the mod.




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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

2021-02-21T15:38:13 62.539 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "Ultimate Vehicles" did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='schematicsToolsRare']/item[@name='gunToolNailgunSchematic']" 
2021-02-21T15:38:13 62.539 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "Ultimate Vehicles" did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='rareTools']/item[@name='gunToolNailgun']" 
2021-02-21T15:38:13 62.540 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "Ultimate Vehicles" did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='tools']/item[@name='gunToolNailgun']" 
2021-02-21T15:38:13 62.540 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "Ultimate Vehicles" did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='workingStiffs']/item[@name='gunToolNailgun']" 
2021-02-21T15:38:13 62.540 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "Ultimate Vehicles" did not apply: <insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='schematicsVehiclesRare']/item[@name='vehicleMotorcycleChassisSchematic']" 
2021-02-21T15:38:13 62.898 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'loot.xml' failed
2021-02-21T15:38:13 62.898 EXC lootgroup 'groupArmorT3_Light' does not exist or has not been defined before being reference by lootcontainer/lootgroup id='UVMmilitary'
Exception: lootgroup 'groupArmorT3_Light' does not exist or has not been defined before being reference by lootcontainer/lootgroup id='UVMmilitary'
  at LootFromXml.parseItemList (System.String _containerId, System.Xml.XmlNodeList _childNodes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _itemList, System.Int32 minQualityBase, System.Int32 maxQualityBase) [0x000fa] in <43dd4f2a606f47209225e029bd7cc366>:0 
  at LootFromXml+<LoadLootContainers>d__1.MoveNext () [0x0052d] in <43dd4f2a606f47209225e029bd7cc366>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__40.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <43dd4f2a606f47209225e029bd7cc366>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, there are enough kinds of vehicles in your mod, and the use of these vehicles is really good. However, I find that your vehicle model has too many edges and corners. If you continue to make vehicles, I can provide you with models. I have some military vehicles, such as missile launching vehicles, many tanks. In fact, I have tried to change the model for the carrier myself, but when I put it on the ground, the scarlet letter will pop up, but when I hold it in my hand, I can preview how it will look on the ground.

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I took the liberty of making a few amendments to the loot.xml file to update the item names an groups to match the change from A18 to A19.


The two primary issues were:

- Name of items had been changed. @Icekiss69 Thank you for the log error posting as it helped a lot.
- Names of groups had been changed from A18 to A19.


In the first instance, all of the gunToolNailgun and derivates were updated to match the A19 formatting of meleeToolRepairT3Nailgun (4 locations). A simple blanket update for Notepad++




Reference to 'groupArmorT3_Light' changed to 'groupArmorScaledTPlus' (1 location)
The Plus version was selected to reflect the T3 status of the original which may be the best match.


Reference to 'groupWeaponsScaled' changed to 'groupWeaponsAllScaledTPlus' (1 location)
Again, the Plus version was simply selected to comply with the above.


However, the gunToolNailgun update required a little more, as not only had the name changed for 3 of the 4 items, but the groups had also been reshuffled or renamed to match the more efficient naming types for Tier groupings.


Once name changes and group placements had been amended the Mod could launch without any warnings. As one of the changes related to rare loot, I levelled up to allow me to find rare loot and opened a Working Stiff box to make sure the updates had been applied regardless of not receiving any errors. Here is an image of a UVM tool which infers all is OK.




The code shows that @DUST2DEATH has some future ideas planned and may well just be waiting for A20. I hope I haven't stepped on anyone's toes with the little update above but it stings to see such treasures fall by the wayside.


Here is the updated loot.xml file. Unfortunately, I can no longer add it directly to the forum and placed it on Github instead. This one can replace the original one in the Config folder.




And the code is as follows if you prefer to manually edit.



<!-- Adds the old heli and blimp storage sizes for use with new ids incase they do use them again in future no conflicts hopefully Plus two additional options-->

<!--Heli Size-->
<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='124']">
<lootcontainer id="581" count="0" size="9,8" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="0" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">

<!--Blimp Size -->
<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='581']">
<lootcontainer id="582" count="0" size="10,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="0" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">

<!--New Truck -->
<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='582']">
<lootcontainer id="583" count="0" size="9,6" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="0" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">

<!-- Upgrade MilitaryTruck -->
<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='583']">
<lootcontainer id="584" count="0" size="9,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="0" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">

<!-- Add new UVM Military and medical groups  -->

<insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='1']" >
    <lootgroup name="UVMMedical" count="1">
      <item group="rareMedicine" count="1" prob=".4" />
      <item group="medicine" count="1" prob=".3" />
      <item group="cannedfood" count="1" prob=".1" />  

<lootgroup name="UVMmilitary" count="1,3">
		<item group="groupAmmoRegular" count="3,5" prob="0.2" />
		<item group="groupAmmoAdvanced" count="2,4" prob="0.2"/>
		<item group="groupArmorScaledTPlus" prob="0.2"/>
		<item group="groupModAllScaled" prob="0.2"/>
		<item group="groupWeaponsAllScaledTPlus" prob="0.2"/>

<!-- Add new UVM Military Loot container  -->
<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='584']">
<lootcontainer id="590" count="1,3" size="9,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="4" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">
	<item group="UVMmilitary" prob=".4" /> 
    <item group="automotive+tools+junk" prob=".3"   />
	<item group="cannedfood" prob="0.1"/>
	<item name="resourceRepairKit" count="2,3" prob="0.1"/>
<!-- Add new UVM Ambulance Loot container  -->
<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='590']">
<lootcontainer id="591" count="1,3" size="9,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="2" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">
	<item group="UVMMedical" prob=".5" />	
	<item group="automotive+tools+junk" />
	<item name="medicalFirstAidKitSchematic" prob=".005"/>
<!-- Add new UVM Armoured Truck Loot container -->
<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='591']">
<lootcontainer id="592" count="1,2" size="9,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="4" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">
	<item name="oldCash" count="50,700" prob=".45"/>
	<item name="casinoCoin" count="10,3000" prob=".25"/>
	<item group="rareOres" prob=".1" />
	<item group="automotive+tools+junk" prob="0.2" />
<!-- Add new UVM Tanker Truck Loot container -->
<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='592']">
<lootcontainer id="593" count="1,2" size="9,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="4" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">
	<item name="ammoGasCan" count="100,6000" prob=".5" />
	<item group="automotive+tools+junk" />

<!-- Add schematics and items for UVM additions -->
<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='schematicsToolsRare']/item[@group='schematicsToolsT2']">
<item name="UVM_ImpactwrenchSchematic"/>

<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupRareToolsTiered']/item[@group='groupToolsT3']">
<item name="UVM_Impactwrench" loot_prob_template="probTemplate1.0" />

<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupQuestToolsT3']/item[@name='meleeToolSalvageT3ImpactDriver']">
<item name="UVM_Impactwrench" loot_prob_template="probTemplate0.5" />

<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='workingStiffsBox']/item[@group='workingStiffsSub']">
<item name="UVM_Impactwrench" loot_prob_template="probTemplate1.0" />

<insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='schematicsVehiclesRare']/item[@group='schematicsVehiclesT2']">
<item name="UVM_vehicleAccessoriesSchematic" />

<insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='4x4Parts']/item[@name='vehicle4x4TruckChassis']">
<item name="UVM_vehicleAccessories" />



Feel free to offer better alternatives or update any errors you find because my xml coding is simply from what I have learned in this forum by modelling on those more capable.

One more small point, if you're running UMV and Bdubyah's vehicles at the same time, they both share the truck sound file and a warning will appear. It looks like the localisation may need tinkering with at some point as well. ;)

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