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All I do now is killing, killing, killing.


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On servers the XP multiplier is mostly x3 or x5, and loot abundance 200% or 300%. But in A16/A17 I got into the "I have all" state earliest above level 100, now I reached it with level 70. So where is the advantage of the new system?

I do not understand. XP multiplier x3 and 200% loot are stupid parameters. Don't play on these servers, open yours if you can't find a good one. These settings must be associated with others, like zombies sprinting all the time, the high difficulty level, the blood moon every night, but never with the standard settings.


Most server administrators are as administrators as I am a neurochirurgian. They should avoid renting a server as much as I avoid fiddling with people's brains.

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You said A16/17 was a good balance difficulty wise but I found it too easy. Then I started tinkering with difficulty settings and found out that there is a whole other game there. I too got bored because nothing was difficult, loot was too abundant and walking or even running zombies became a joke. Nightmare speed and insane difficulty got easy for me on A17 too and thankfully they upped the difficulty and I can't even play on 24/7 nightmare speed anymore. I have to play on always sprint.


There are also parameters outside the settings you can set for yourself. For instance I use no healing meds, food is the only healing items I allow myself. I also play permadeath but I think lots of people could have fun with a set number of deaths per world. Combine that with only food-healing and suddenly there's no food and farming becomes essential. But even with infinite deaths, if you play always sprint and survivalist/insane difficulty the challenge will return to you and nothing will come easy at first. If you're like me it will eventually become easy, and thus boring, and at that point you need to then turn down loot abundance and exp multiplier.


If you must play multiplayer and won't start your own server and can't find one with settings that suit you, this is not TFP's fault for the game becoming boring to you - it's your's. It's not an MMO. The game is unbalanced because you are intentionally playing on settings that make the game easier.

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That's because the game is very broken and out of balance at this point.


A16 was much more balanced and not broken.


Balanced and broken as in you had everything you needed by day 3 and zero challenge from zombies / survival and zombie AI that consisted of, "if player in sight: spin_in_circles()" and crafting 9,000,000 stone axes to craft better steel pickaxes ? Lol come on man

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I wonder how many complain without disclosing their loot %


I wonder how many have legit complaints that do have loot set at default % yet are dismissed and jokes are made at there expense because people "assume" they must have loot turned up. I guess with this logic anyone who complains must have there loot turned up.... Everyone has an opinion and all opinions should be respected and not dismissed just because another does not agree.


I wonder what the % is of people that dismiss others opinions because they do not agree is...

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You said A16/17 was a good balance difficulty wise but I found it too easy. .


I will hereby leap to the defence of A16 here.


A16 had one major balance problem in that gamestage increased too slowly. This meant the player always hit "max firepower, max base" state much earlier than the zombies hit a GS strength that could cause threat. It was an arms race the zombies would always lose. This gave A16 the reputation for being too easy, and players would quit maps convinced they had "won" - often as early as day 80 or 100*. In fact they were often only at GS 1500 (out of max 6000 back then), so nowhere near actual endgame. For those that persevered with A16 beyond this point (GS 4000 was roughly day #250), an absolutely marvelous, balanced and challenging game awaited. Sadly, few people saw it.


* it tickles me to have typed that players used to quit maps early in A16.....on day 80. LOL. A17 and A18 I'm sure are very jealous and would LOVE to be able to entertain the average player beyond day 80. Sadly they cannot. The game gets shorter with each new alpha as far as challenge is concerned. When A17 came out, it was a dumbed down A16 in terms of difficulty, and I didn't think the game could get much easier. Then A18 dropped...

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Balanced and broken as in you had everything you needed by day 3 and zero challenge from zombies / survival and zombie AI that consisted of, "if player in sight: spin_in_circles()" and crafting 9,000,000 stone axes to craft better steel pickaxes ? Lol come on man


This is a perfect example of whats wrong with 7d2d defenders.


NOT EVERYONE EVER....EVER sat and made multiple axes just to level up, dude. Not everyone exploited the game like that! At all!!


Here's why you're entirely wrong: You don't keep changing a games mechanics in effort to stop exploits = People will always exploit a finished game, buddy.


It's when you keep changing a game that you sink into a pit of of inbalance which is very literally where A18 is at right now.


I don't expect you to be on my same level, but try and listen a bit.


- - - Updated - - -


I will hereby leap to the defence of A16 here.


A16 had one major balance problem in that gamestage increased too slowly. This meant the player always hit "max firepower, max base" state much earlier than the zombies hit a GS strength that could cause threat. It was an arms race the zombies would always lose. This gave A16 the reputation for being too easy, and players would quit maps convinced they had "won" - often as early as day 80 or 100*. In fact they were often only at GS 1500 (out of max 6000 back then), so nowhere near actual endgame. For those that persevered with A16 beyond this point (GS 4000 was roughly day #250), an absolutely marvelous, balanced and challenging game awaited. Sadly, few people saw it.


* it tickles me to have typed that players used to quit maps early in A16.....on day 80. LOL. A17 and A18 I'm sure are very jealous and would LOVE to be able to entertain the average player beyond day 80. Sadly they cannot. The game gets shorter with each new alpha as far as challenge is concerned. When A17 came out, it was a dumbed down A16 in terms of difficulty, and I didn't think the game could get much easier. Then A18 dropped...


It still had a better pace it it, bro - big time


Eventually, you'd start seeing Glowies in POIs and it was freaky. I hear what you're saying, but I think it went pretty darn well. You should really start seein Glowies in all POIS until like Day 42, at least IMO.


Speaking of, wanna rock A16 with War of the Walkers with me? I have a story and endgame/purpose..... :)

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I wonder how many have legit complaints that do have loot set at default % yet are dismissed and jokes are made at there expense because people "assume" they must have loot turned up. I guess with this logic anyone who complains must have there loot turned up.... Everyone has an opinion and all opinions should be respected and not dismissed just because another does not agree.


I wonder what the % is of people that dismiss others opinions because they do not agree is...


People disclosing their loot % would solve all those issues Mister Aggressive Pants. I wasn't dismissing anyone's feedback. The point is to disclose your settings when giving feedback. How can there be an argument against disclosing settings when offering feedback when disclosing settings just makes the feedback even better?


(I mean how can there be an argument for a reason other than that you're in the mood to be argumentative, of course...)

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When I see all those servers that list 300% loot 500% xp (or whatever), I vomit a little in the back of my throat. Just saying.


If I'm not in control of when the server wipes I prefer an accelerated (although not THAT much) ascent to mid game. Plus cities on servers with really high player counts are often raided already so higher loot drops are kind of evened out by the fact that most of the stuff you come across is empty. Half the time you make it to the end of a (non quest) dungeon crawl POI someone has already just broken into the room and grabbed everything and skipped out anyway.


I don't play that way when I'm hosting or playing sp, just on public servers.

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People disclosing their loot % would solve all those issues Mister Aggressive Pants. I wasn't dismissing anyone's feedback. The point is to disclose your settings when giving feedback. How can there be an argument against disclosing settings when offering feedback when disclosing settings just makes the feedback even better?


(I mean how can there be an argument for a reason other than that you're in the mood to be argumentative, of course...)


Very good point and yeah, sorry that was a little agressive I do apologize. My approach was uncalled for. I'm very passionate about defending peoples rights to have opinions and sometimes it can cloud my.....actions towards others. Sorry about that.

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I've long accepted the fact that LBD is gone forever.

What I cannot accept is the bringing up of the stupid crafting of axes.

They fixed that during A16. I'm not sure exactly when, but it was fixed by A16.4... and over a year before LBD removal. Yet, it's the go to argument for its demise.

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I've long accepted the fact that LBD is gone forever.

What I cannot accept is the bringing up of the stupid crafting of axes.

They fixed that during A16. I'm not sure exactly when, but it was fixed by A16.4... and over a year before LBD removal. Yet, it's the go to argument for its demise.


I remember this. I was going to post it but I held back because I can't actually remember just how they fixed it (was it diminishing returns?). Either way Atomic is correct. Spam-crafting was dead long before LBD was removed from the game.

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Sorry, but i was too lazy to read the 2nd page of the thread...


My point on "constantly" killing? I'm on all regular settings concerning loot and 3rd difficulty level if i recall clearly. I sometimes get slammed like a baby, surprised by enemies or by my own stupidity. I have already established myself a pretty good standpoint in a half wrecked building and was able to make A LOT for myself. Almost cleared the bottom floor, rebuilt most of the higher floors (with supports from bricks, while some from concrete, but i'm leaving concrete for later on), as well as put a workbench (bought) and 3 forges (found recipe) in my base. I've got quite a lot of equipment, although the best i think is my T3 pistol, T4 Iron Shovel and T5 Iron Spear (which i don't use, because i'm a knife person).


I'm nearing my 21st day horde, started crafting ammo, started "mining operations" on Lead, Iron and Nitrate (with a nice 2 block high wooden wall around the 7x7 field). I have done quite a lot of trader quests, dug up a few treasures from the maps, finished a few "kill some zombies" quests and all of that required A LOT of running, as i don't have anything to ride on yet.


So yeah, between clearing and rebuilding the POI i'm based at, exploring other POIs, doing quests, gathering resources and crafting various materials (forge, workbench, campfire), i sometimes kill Zs that wander around. But not always.


EDIT: Almost forgot, i do get quite a lot XP from upgrading Flak Blocks, Wooden Frames, as well as from digging for resources. I'd say it's on par with killing the Zs or animals.

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