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Worst game experience so far


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So here I am, playing the game. Concentrating on questing, reached tier 5. Good stuff.


I get the next quest, a T5 Clear. The quest location is a skyscraper. Okay, cool, let's do this. I get there and start working on it, floor by floor. Eventually I get to the seventh floor and... just how many floors are there? I clear floor 7... 8... 9... I look up and see at least four more floors above me plus the roof.


By that time I had been doing it for a couple hours, possibly more, so I really want to take I break. So I exit the game.


Some time later I load it again, ready to continue... and find that the game has forgotten about my quest progress. The building is partially cleared, sure, but the fact that I am in the middle of the quest is lost. My only option is to go back to the entrance and start it. Again.


There is absolutely no way I am going back for another clear. I can't afford uninterrupted sessions that are that long. If I could save my progress and continue later... but no, I don't have that option.


And the worst thing is... all quests I can find from both traders in the area are T5 clear or fetch+clear.


I am sorry to say this, but this probably counts as one of the worst gaming experiences I've had in 7D2D.

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Well, if that's your worst experience, I'd say the game is pretty golden ... :)


Sure it would be nice if the game remembered your quest progress, especially in single player. Multiplayer might be another kind of an issue - someone can mess up the quest while you're offline so you'd need a way to reset it anyway.


But for me, you make the T5 quests sound awesome. You'll actually have to be on top of your game for an extended period of time. As long as the quest actually works, sounds good. Taking couple hours to complete, well, it IS an issue for some, but now that you know, you can plan around it. Read the name of the target POI from the quest and try to remember which building it is.. if it's a POI you will simply never have the time for, you can just abandon it and do the T4 instead.

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See if you can recreate the issue, then post a bug report.


This sounds like a game glitch pure and simple...It might happen to everyone, but the game is supposed to save your progress of everything. So see if the issue is consistent, then if it is, post a bug report. It's ALPHA 18 Experimental after all...the whole point of releasing it to us to allow us to play before the stable release is to quality control and bug test the game.

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Yeah if that is your worst experience you are doing great so far lol. Accept the quest and go out to the area. If it's too big and you won't have time to clear it out then get rid of the quest and go back and try again. Take note the distance from the trader or the name of the building before accepting it and just make sure not to accept that one again. It sucks that you lost your progress but live and learn and get back to slaying those zombies.

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You guys... I don't think you all understand how frustrating this must have been for OP. It would certainly bother me as well, if it happened to me.


That being said, quests are a relatively new thing in the game that's still getting polished, so I'd say it's normal for things like these to happen, however frustrating it may be. I can't think of a solution outside of starting over again, ignore all "Clear" quests or heavily modify the game.

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That happened to me once. Definitely frustrating after so much progress was lost. If it's a bug, hopefully it gets fixed soon. If it's a feature, well now you know.


But since we don't KNOW if it's a bug or feature...report it, and get a statement from the devs on whether its a bug or feature. THEN, if it's confirmed as a feature....ask why.

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This definitely is known to TFP because the whole quest system is unfinished. If you play co-op multiplayer you see a few more things the game forgets. Anytime you log out or get a disconnect, you have to


1) get reinvited to the group. THIS alone makes for a lot of busywork whenever someone in a co-op game logs out.

2) reshare all the quests

3) If you were in the middle of a quest and are not the original quest taker, you have FAILED the quest. No possibility to join again (that I know of)

4) If you are the original quest taker and someone already finished the quest (found the package) I don't know what happens. Probably you failed the quest too.


But, don't stop mentioning it, it surely doesn't hurt if TPF is reminded there is still unfinished bussiness. :cocksure:

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I believe that they are planning to have traders continue to offer lower level quests in the future so that your only options aren't top level quests that take hours to complete.


What I'd like to see is rewards for T5 quests that are unobtainable any other way. Right now it's way more profitable to do a bunch of T3-T4 POis than to run one T5 POI.

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What I'd like to see is rewards for T5 quests that are unobtainable any other way. Right now it's way more profitable to do a bunch of T3-T4 POis than to run one T5 POI.


Like.. tier 3 tool/weapon parts!

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See if you can recreate the issue, then post a bug report.


This sounds like a game glitch pure and simple...It might happen to everyone, but the game is supposed to save your progress of everything. So see if the issue is consistent, then if it is, post a bug report. It's ALPHA 18 Experimental after all...the whole point of releasing it to us to allow us to play before the stable release is to quality control and bug test the game.


eh, i never submit bug reports or the such, i thought the point of it was to let me play early lol

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