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its ok let them pretend streamer weekend "helps" them in any sort of way if it makes them feel cool :)


twitch boycott is in full swing, no one who matters will be on there anyway ;)


- - - Updated - - -


people learn about streamers from games, not vice versa.. try to remember that.



I been watching a few of them for a long time even before they started this. But one of many examples from today. Seen several people watching today that didn't know anything about the game just off one stream. Plus TFP gave them game keys to do giveaways with. Plus the update isn't going to go public until Monday regardless. So try to remember that. ;)

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I been watching a few of them for a long time even before they started this. But one of many examples from today. Seen several people watching today that didn't know anything about the game just off one stream. Plus TFP gave them game keys to do giveaways with. Plus the update isn't going to go public until Monday regardless. So try to remember that. ;)


Okay, but were that game keys or A18 access keys? I'm pretty sure the first, so that streamers attract more people.

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I don't mind waiting, honestly. I only play solo or with my son (we first saw the game together on console and he's now 7). We play on PC now and have been fairly enamored with the updates and mods to play in the interim. I don't necesarily understand the 'streamers access' but I can deal. I just see a bunch of people eager to play the updated version of a game they paid for - only to see an alpha-beta-wtf pissing contest over who gets to see what first. Streamers are probably going to put a good amount of time into the game, might see some bugs that others will overlook; I'm sure of it. All I'd consider is the amount of bugs being reported by devoted and damn-near niche fans, that will complain until the 'product' is workable.


Either way, I am looking forward to what is on the horizon. If anything, we got tired of playing the same console version over and over - hopefully it won't happen on PC.

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I more often than not think of the streamer weekend as an opportunity to get more players to play the game, showcase quality content, but also find bugs that can be in a last minute update before EX hits the general public.


Why tear your panties over something that you can't possibly change (like playing earlier)? If you want to play earlier, then simply make a YT or Twitch account, gather enough subs and post before the next big update comes up.

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people learn about streamers from games, not vice versa.. try to remember that.

Lol. How would I learn about Kage by booting up 7dtd? On the other hand, I definitely learned about Human Fall Flat from watching Neebs Gaming (and bought four copies for me and my friends).


The logic y’all use to justify yourselves is hilarious.

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There will be no public release on a Friday.


Not happening.


Whether the streamers get their promo version earlier... or not... has no effect on a release Not Happening on a Friday.


This! Plus Alpha 18 waits for noone or no feature and its release date is in the first half of 2019. :tongue-new: But seriously, let's have a look at the facts or more precisely, what I think they are:


1. Due to your action not only the streamers but also an unknown and fairly random subset of the community will obtain access to the new alpha before others.


We're talking the 6th. Half the internet will have it by then anyway because streamers leak codes.


Q: What if I usually stream with a partner? Can my partner get access as well?

A: Yes. We will allow qualifying streamers to include anyone they wish to join them in their stream. We want teams to be able to stream together and even want to allow channels to hold contests if they desire to let one or more of their viewers to join in. All those who receive access only have permission to have their gameplay shown on the qualifying streamer's channel. They cannot go and stream it themselves on their own channel.


2. The players who do not receive a beta key are at a disadvantage compared to those who do. Assuming your statement is correct (not happening on a Friday), they are not at a disadvantage compared to their fictive selves living in a world without streamer weekend.


3. The streamer weekend could offer advantages for all (it draws attention to the game etc.).



To me that looks like an 'advantages for all through the preferential treatment of individuals' kind of situation or at least it could be. There's a lot possible (long-term) side-effects and stuff that can't be measured. I suggest to hire a research team to investigate the implications of your marketing tool.

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million dollar question is will SALES, not views, soar? yet to be determined.


Afterall isn't that why they insist on streamer weekend?


Not like I will download A18 within the first week. I simply DGAF about releases that fail to get fixed, and still have not "mastered" how to update without breaking current game saves, thus forced to be wiped and start fresh.

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On a French forum, some guys were complaining because they were going to play on Tuesday and not Monday because of the time difference. Not one to realize that in reality they would have the alpha 18 at the same time as everyone... Sometimes I wonder what would really be the life expectancy of a player in a real apocalypse.

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On a French forum, some guys were complaining because they were going to play on Tuesday and not Monday because of the time difference. Not one to realize that in reality they would have the alpha 18 at the same time as everyone... Sometimes I wonder what would really be the life expectancy of a player in a real apocalypse.


Yeah I'm waiting for the inevitable posts on Monday at 12:01 am about how TFP's lied and it's not released.

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You guys are fighting a lost cause. There is zero chance of this not continuing for future alphas and future games. Even if they found that the turnaround into actual sales was negligible they would still do it.


The owners watched different streams yesterday and absolutely loved being able to see the reactions and the gameplay whether that gameplay was good or bad. They discussed the things they viewed for hours and visited different streams to chat with viewers and answer questions.


I was there to see some of that and the interactions were all positive and everyone in the chat surely left feeling better about TFP.


When they release to the public they don’t have the leisure to watch streams and chat. They are fixing bugs and working to get the next hot fix patch out.


The decision makers at TFP are definitely hooked on this release model that has been done three times now and is sure to continue forever.


But, please, continue pissing into the wind.

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Negative feedback about a streaming event is useful for potential customers of a video game? I seriously doubt it.


Thanks for the recommendation but I’m going to keep telling it like it is and that is that the subset of people who dislike streaming and hate the culture of it is shrinking. The much larger group which also includes the developers (one of whom is an active streamer himself) is fully on board and growing.


If someone from your camp feels discouraged about trying to convince TFP to stop the pre-release streaming event that is natural and shows discernment for the way the tide is going. They also won’t get flecks of urine on their pants any longer.


As for my cause, it is not to convince YOU. It is to provide a rational counterpoint to the points brought up by the haters. In that endeavor I think I’ll have more success than you will at trying to get TFP to change their minds. It is also to give an insider look at TFP. While you deal in speculation and predictions all based on your own envy, my post was a factual account of what was going on in the TFP offices yesterday.


You and I see the exact same event. How we feel about it comes entirely from within whether that is anger, offense, bitterness, and envy OR happiness, fun, excitement, and laughter. The FUN Pimps are choosing the latter.

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You, too. The provided feedback is still useful for potential customers btw. I recommend ceasing attempts to suppress negative feedback by discouragement.

It has been stated that whiners complaining that they don’t get something when they want it (or at the same time as a select group) will not change when they get the game. Saving a few hurt feelings by ceasing the streaming weekend is a small price to pay (if it is a price at all).


You do understand that the business calculus always is risk/reward, and there is little risk with this choice but much reward.

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Negative feedback about a streaming event is useful for potential customers of a video game? I seriously doubt it.


Thanks for the recommendation but I’m going to keep telling it like it is and that is that the subset of people who dislike streaming and hate the culture of it is shrinking. The much larger group which also includes the developers (one of whom is an active streamer himself) is fully on board and growing.


If someone from your camp feels discouraged about trying to convince TFP to stop the pre-release streaming event that is natural and shows discernment for the way the tide is going. They also won’t get flecks of urine on their pants any longer.


As for my cause, it is not to convince YOU. It is to provide a rational counterpoint to the points brought up by the haters. In that endeavor I think I’ll have more success than you will at trying to get TFP to change their minds. It is also to give an insider look at TFP. While you deal in speculation and predictions all based on your own envy, my post was a factual account of what was going on in the TFP offices yesterday.


You and I see the exact same event. How we feel about it comes entirely from within whether that is anger, offense, bitterness, and envy OR happiness, fun, excitement, and laughter. The FUN Pimps are choosing the latter.


I don't see any speculation or predictions from my side, nor is my point of view based on envy (envy of what, actually?). In worst case you could interpret my comment as vicious allegation (no speculation or even prediction). The purpose of my posts is not "to get TFP to change their minds" and I have no intention yet of doing so at any time in the future. Hence, it is not hard to have more success with this.


There's no 'camp' I feel I belong to btw. Where do you get this idea from? Have tried to write my first post in the thread as neutral and unemotional as possible (the jokes about madmole's claim and the research team aside) and without making any assumptions. It was mainly supposed to be a summary of the current situation attempting to condense the problem to one simple statement, which was 'Streaming weekend means possible advantages for all through the preferential treatment of individuals'.


It's as if you've either been too lazy to formulate a nuanced answer, or as if you haven't read what I've written at all and then decided to indulge in straw man arguments for the sake of convenience. That's the only explanation I have.

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I don't see any speculation or predictions from my side, nor is my point of view based on envy (envy of what, actually?). In worst case you could interpret my comment as vicious allegation (no speculation or even prediction). The purpose of my posts is not "to get TFP to change their minds" and I have no intention yet of doing so at any time in the future. Hence, it is not hard to have more success with this.


There's no 'camp' I feel I belong to btw. Where do you get this idea from? Have tried to write my first post in the thread as neutral and unemotional as possible (the jokes about madmole's claim and the research team aside) and without making any assumptions. It was mainly supposed to be a summary of the current situation attempting to condense the problem to one simple statement, which was 'Streaming weekend means possible advantages for all through the preferential treatment of individuals'.


It's as if you've either been too lazy to formulate a nuanced answer, or as if you haven't read what I've written at all and then decided to indulge in straw man arguments for the sake of convenience. That's the only explanation I have.



Well, my first post was just a general response to anti streaming event posts. That’s why I didn’t quote anyone in particular. My second post was in response to you saying that I shouldn’t post discouraging arguments in a public discussion forum. If you want a nuanced response to your first post I’ll quote it for you and respond but keep your finger ready to press the negative rep button again... ;)

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This! Plus Alpha 18 waits for noone or no feature and its release date is in the first half of 2019. :tongue-new: But seriously, let's have a look at the facts or more precisely, what I think they are:


1. Due to your action not only the streamers but also an unknown and fairly random subset of the community will obtain access to the new alpha before others.


This is true. We allow the streamers to include others in their streams. Shadow fox had company last night and she LANed them in on her stream. She even put a camera on them too. I have no argument with this statement.


2. The players who do not receive a beta key are at a disadvantage compared to those who do. Assuming your statement is correct (not happening on a Friday), they are not at a disadvantage compared to their fictive selves living in a world without streamer weekend.


By “disadvantage” you mean simply that they can’t access the closed beta whereas others can? I agree with this as long as you are limiting their disadvantage purely to access to a closed beta although I think it’s probably too strong a word for the situation. In addition, the opportunity to apply is open and fair to all who have the desire to meet the requirements. We accepted every single applicant who applied.


3. The streamer weekend could offer advantages for all (it draws attention to the game etc.).


To me that looks like an 'advantages for all through the preferential treatment of individuals' kind of situation or at least it could be. There's a lot possible (long-term) side-effects and stuff that can't be measured. I suggest to hire a research team to investigate the implications of your marketing tool.


I’ve seen situations in which the majority of the community reacted so badly to marketing decisions that the company had to backpedal. This is nothing like that. The reaction is most definitely mostly positive. Im sure that if the popularity and growth of streaming ever falls to a level where there is a question regarding the value of the streamer weekend then they probably should hire an analyst if they haven’t already done so. But it’s a no brainer right now based on the results of the last three times.

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To me that looks like an 'advantages for all through the preferential treatment of individuals' kind of situation or at least it could be. There's a lot possible (long-term) side-effects and stuff that can't be measured. I suggest to hire a research team to investigate the implications of your marketing tool.

No need.


This was done a year ago, and look where we are. The player base has increased. Average number of people playing the game over similar consecutive periods has increased, or stayed the same. The event overall did not have a large enough negative impact, if any, to dissuade doing it again. The numbers show it was a great success.

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