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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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I definitely like the idea of characters being able to specialise more.


One thing that might help people specialize - from a psychological aspect rather than a mechanical aspect - is renaming the attributes so they are things you do rather than measures that you possess.


For example if the "Strength" attribute was called "Brawler", and the "Intelligence" attribute was called "Crafter", it would fit with people's perception of their role in a group or of what their character does.


When talking about their role in a group or their play style, people use terms like "I'm the Builder of the group" or "I'm a Crafter" or "I'm a Scavenger". They don't say things like "I'm the Strong one" or "I'm the Perceptive one".


So by giving the attributes similar names to roles people take on and identify with rather than measures that everyone has (there may only be one Crafter in the group, but everyone has an Intelligence) it would make people identify more with a single attribute and subtly - or maybe not so subtly - encourage specialization.


This would need no mechanical change over and above the slight perk re-organisation that you're already doing, but - at least in my opinion - it would change the feel of the perk system for the better and encourage specialization as people identify more with roles than with generic measures. Everyone has Strength, but not everyone is a Brawler.

That is a cool idea, but there are perks like locksmithing under perception that might not fit well under "sniper". Its not like we're taking away people's ability to be a jack of all trades, and IMO a person will want TWO attributes maxed out to be really good maybe more, but at least the current plan doesn't have you spread out as thin as A17 did.

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I dont know what you have planned so take my comment with a grain of salt.


For me I'd like to see all the non combat perks taken out of the per and str trees. You say you want specialization but theres some must have perks in those trees. In sorry but pack mule is a must have. So is sexrex and I'd argure all of them.


If you made the a perk trees specificly for melee or ranged that would allow us to specialize in one or the other.


The real issue with specialization is the attribute cost, not the perks. So if we are going to specialize, talking sp here, we need to be able to skip attribute trees.


Its reasonable to need two attributes to fit your play style. BUT, we are talking about a misc perks section for some cool ideas that don't really need 5 tiers, and maybe that would be a fitting place for sex rex and pack mule.


I believe there are craftable pockets coming for clothing, so the guy who finds all the needle & thread books can lighten his load. I finished my part of books so I'm just getting back to the perk reorganization task.

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I don't understand why every stat needs a ranged and a melee weapon. It feels knee-jerk and not so well thought out.


**Now a set of minimum stats for each weapon, to operate without penalty makes some sense. Hip fire a M-60 and you will agree :)


It doesn't need one, but it would be nice. Penalties is more balance work and might give people the impression that some weapons flat out suck when they don't. We got a lot of backlash starting players way too nerfed in A17 I don't want to revisit that.

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It doesn't need one, but it would be nice. Penalties is more balance work and might give people the impression that some weapons flat out suck when they don't. We got a lot of backlash starting players way too nerfed in A17 I don't want to revisit that.



I can understand that. But go with the game YOU will love and it will be well remembered. We all remember games where the dev's lost that focus.


To heck with others, to heck with me, go with what you love and most people will at least respect that.

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I hope you guys will have a look at electricity in A18 : solar systems are unusuable because of lag. I launched a PVP game 2 weeks ago on a server with ten friends (all enemies) : we had a blast, everything was enjoyable and challenging but when I decided to upgrade my electric network to solar, it became impossible to play. Not a big deal, but solar is a good way to protect your base in PVP without logging every day so it would be cool that it works...


Finaly I removed the connections with the panels and went back to generators but my castle needs more autonomy !




The only times I've had lag problems with solar power is when it doesn't create enough wattage to power everything it's connected to. Increase the output or decrease the power required and you should be good.

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In regards to to Attribute/ Perk re-balance:


Is the cost for increasing an Attribute changing?

It is currently: 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5


There are 4 Perks, in particular, that don't follow the normal Attribute requirements for their advancement.

Normal Requirements are an Attribute of: 1,3,5,7,10

Pack Mule, Miner 69er, Mother Lode, Sexy T-Rex have an attribute requirement of: 1,2,3,5,7


Perhaps they could be separated as they seem to follow their own rules. Or just placed in that Misc. category you were talking about.

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How about bringing back the idea of shields for the fortitude weapon? The defensive nature of the weapon and boost to armour compliments the fortitude stat quite well.


That, and I really want shields.. mmmmm... shields.


Shields, particularly with the new buff system (stun, knockdown, ragdoll) events, would be a super easy implementation; I'd be surprised if we DON'T get a pimp one; heck, some of the buffs look like they're designed for shields... but I sure as heck will be adding a modded one to Medieval Book II.

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Who even uses a flashlight after day 2 or three finding a mining helmet? Micro managing things like batteries in flashlights or torches that burn out just are more tedious than fun. Flashlights are useful on day one, but after that they pretty much are just junk that piles up.


Maybe they could be added to turrets so they would have working spotlights, but for now flashlights are just scrapable junk to me.


It bothers me that flashlights are rather useless. Perhaps you can use flashlights to repair your mining hat instead of forged iron.

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It bothers me that flashlights are rather useless. Perhaps you can use flashlights to repair your mining hat instead of forged iron.


Could add a flashlight to the recipe for a bicycle and therefore give the bike a 'headlight' and another use for a flashlight.


Could even be an optional ingredient, that could open a whole can of worms though.

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We got a lot of backlash starting players way too nerfed in A17 I don't want to revisit that.


I disagree; it was a big change, yes, but only a nerf in the context of A16 and earlier. Taken without that history the day 1 character was a lot like a city kid. You know the kind...pasty, weak, trees seem like foreign objects, no survival skills...

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There is no support for off hand weapons, so no that, no shields.


I'm thinking a player can equip a shield and have knockback, stun and even ragdoll effects; if you're surrounded, it might be an awesome way to get out of a tough jam... electrical mods (nova shields!) for even more fun. =)

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melee mechanic


I'd like to see a more modern melee weaponry mechanic, where the speed, duration and swing angle were taken into account when calculating damage.

What do I mean,


Many games already use a similar system and this makes mele weapons really interesting.

Is there something in the plans?

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It bothers me that flashlights are rather useless. Perhaps you can use flashlights to repair your mining hat instead of forged iron.


Use them as a crafting part for attachment lights for weapons and clothes. Electrical parts make more sense for repair.

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How about bringing back the idea of shields for the fortitude weapon? The defensive nature of the weapon and boost to armour compliments the fortitude stat quite well.


That, and I really want shields.. mmmmm... shields.


While blue shields does sound cool, I asked for trains a long time ago. Even if it's just a small yard wil a very few cars POI... (and before you say make it yourself, I am learning to mod, and crazily working on UI stuff now...)


Rofl. Don't know why i thought of electric shields first... (the electricity posts?). I think shields would be great. Good for noobs, immersion, easy to craft, etc.

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While blue shields does sound cool, I asked for trains a long time ago. Even if it's just a small yard wil a very few cars POI... (and before you say make it yourself, I am learning to mod, and crazily working on UI stuff now...)


Problem with trains (and any large vehicle) is that it's either going to be made out of blocks, which CAN look good but can also look goofy, AND can never be "used" like:




...or you have it as an entity (like vehicles are) or blocks (like damaged vehicles are and the tank will be), in which case it's goofy because you can hit ONE spot and destroy something that takes up like 20x5x5 or something:




Either way is not a good solution.

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It bothers me that flashlights are rather useless. Perhaps you can use flashlights to repair your mining hat instead of forged iron.


I made mine throwable, so that you can throw it down a dark hole and let physics take over, watching it tumble and illuminate what's down there. You should consider it (I did it for torches and lanterns too), it's quite fun and gives it a nice purpose. Sure, the drop mesh doesn't stick around forever, but I just pretend it "died out".



- - - Updated - - -


Those are filled but if an opportunity hire came along we'd hire them, so the jobs are still listed. You either need to have shipped a game or be a guild hall graduate to get a job as a world builder. Its so much more involved than people think it is. Study real world architecture, construction, and look at a lot of games.


The best prefab makers from the modding community are, in no particular order (and my own opinion):







...if y'all are looking, you may want to check out their respective works. =)

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