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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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No. Cigar parts. If you find cigars or buy cigars you can scrap them to cigar parts and then craft new cigars using those parts.








Don't listen to trolland. There is a book that allows cigar crafting. Its quite a few plant fibers but doable.

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Sounds like the books in a18 can just be read when you pick them up, so you shouldn't need inventory space for them.


I wasn't 100% sure that there weren't 'sets', like 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc, and maybe they had to read in order.

And had no idea if they were worth enough Dukes that you'd really want to sell ones you'd already read :)


There are pockets craftable on day 1 for clothing that remove 1. Ones that remove 2 are available via book, as well as the standard armor pockets 17 had.


You read books immediately when you find them, you don't carry them around unless you are desperate for money. I take the XP, 100 dukes isn't worth it.


Your lucky if you find 3 in one day IMO, there just isn't any book cases anywhere to be found and most the time I get paper. I buy mine from traders most the time. I'm 40 hours into this game and I don't have hardly any books unlocked. I am not going to knee jerk over a bad game though. They aren't needed and some people will find 15 in one day if they get the right book POI, I have one tiny crack a book in my world so far.


We also removed a whole row of encumbrance, so I get by with my pockets and 1-2 ranks of pack mule just fine. Once I find more triple pockets I should be fully un encumbered.


Thanks for the info/clarification MM; good to hear that my squirrel hording brain won't have an anxiety attack! :)

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Maybe this was requested, maybe it was not, can you please make some craftable window blinds with an option to close them completely or spread them out a bit so you can sneak a peak on the window at the zombies but without being seen?


Oh yeah lets make a bunch of craftable model entities that animate and cause 1000000m draw calls so you guys can break your game and complain about it.


EDIT: Sorry if that sounded sarcastic but we need to protect you guys from poor FPS. Animated models are expensive and cause draw calls.

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We nerfed single zed damage and buffed group zed damage. The result is one guy can pound for a long time and not do much damage but a group is something to worry about.


THe design changed on the demolisher, so its not that now.


? What does he do now?

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I just love it when I'm told that my feelings are "wrong" as if we're talking about some kind of objective fact. I know what I feel, man, and you can't tell me otherwise.




Not for me. For me, fun and realism are on the same side in this case. Losing xp is both less realistic and less fun than having a temporary penalty.


Doesn't dying mean that your recent decisions based on your experiences were faulty, as in the wrong ones to avoid dying? Subtracting them kinda makes sense in that respect :)

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We nerfed single zed damage and buffed group zed damage. The result is one guy can pound for a long time and not do much damage but a group is something to worry about.


THe design changed on the demolisher, so its not that now.


What's the new design of the demolisher?

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Thought on a Skyscraper Unique loot/reward.


A new, not craftable until end-game, -very- high SI Truss block.


Something that would allow larger open spaces. I think there was once a not-in-game(?) Bridge Truss or somthing like that? (might've been a mod)


Kind of fits the skyscraper theme, could be sellable for decent coin for those not interested in using them for building.

-- or hey! maybe scappable for Steel? ... Wasn't there something months back about adding more things that you'd get Steel from?


Same could be done if Elevators are ever possible. Maybe just a unique 'Elevator Parts' bit, but only found in skyscrapers.

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I think we've ironed out what's off about the T5 POIs, the reward does not match the effort properly. Like Kage said the loot at the end of a T3 is pretty much the same as a T5. I did a number of T5's anyway, mostly for the experience since they are awesome POIs, but after doing each of them once I had no meaningful reason or desire to do them again. In every game afterward I would just stroll past them with no intention or motivation to bother, ever, the net gains vs the time/effort/ammo they require is out of balance as it is in A17. Very understandable since they are so new, but as a final verdict I admit they need some balance. A major loot buff of some kind, which it sounds like is in the works already, would help the situation immensely. Seems like a well covered topic at this point, that's just my 2 cents on it.


If people would read what I write they would know we improved the loot and the quest rewards for A18 and rebalanced all the POIs.

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I would like to see stamina\hunger\thirst drain be tied to difficulty level so when you raise the difficulty these things get harder to manage. As it is even when I play on the hardest difficulty stamina\food\thirst are just as much a complete non issue as playing on the easiest difficulty setting. I just think it would actually help bring some kind of challenge to playing on the harder difficulties


I'm not interested in micromanaging balance at that level. You can just as easily install a mod that does this, heck one I might make.

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New Stream Tomorrow Night!


Hey Survivors, we would like to invite you to join us for a special early A18 play test at 9pm CST. This will be a multi-stream on twitch with Fubar_Prime, Kumquat_tv, and Hated7dtd. Richard and Joel will be stopping by to share some A18 stories! Hope to see you there!


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I'm about 100 pages behind, I know, but someone mentioned the necronomicon and I feel obligated to say the words. Klaatu verata n... necktie... nectar... nickel... noodle... Definitely an 'N' word...


Was just talking today about making a book bound in human flesh you open and a nasty horde comes, if you survive it, you get Ash's Legendary chainsaw and shotgun.

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I'm 80% certain that beds that you place already work as bedrolls... or at least have in a previous alpha...


- - - Updated - - -




i get that... but 50 xp (only knowing A17 obviously) isnt even something i would click "read" for.

seeing how rare it is based on your experience, it would be worth more like... 5000xp.


You gain a nice perk, the XP is just bonus so when your inventory is full you can get rid of it and get some XP, which means future read copies aren't complete trash.

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We are coding in the first version. I'm not going to say what that is because it might change 5x before we ship, so I don't want to read page after page about something that isn't even done.


Lol fair enough. Really excited for the stream tomorrow, hope you reveal some goodies.

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I think including any kind of gambling mechanics in a video game is a really bad idea right now.


If we had to pay real money then yes. Micro-transactions being the impetus for all the hoopla. Gambling for in-game stuff, with in-game currency that you have to play the game for is not even close to the same thing.


The Pimps are not selling us "Dukes" to use in-game.

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If we had to pay real money then yes. Micro-transactions being the impetus for all the hoopla. Gambling for in-game stuff, with in-game currency that you have to play the game for is not even close to the same thing.


The Pimps are not selling us "Dukes" to use in-game.


That is true. But one of the criticisms is that this feeds into peoples' real-life gambling addictions. They may not lose real money on it, but it's still kind of a bummer, especially since gambling mechanics really wouldn't add anything to this game.

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Was just talking today about making a book bound in human flesh you open and a nasty horde comes, if you survive it, you get Ash's Legendary chainsaw and shotgun.


Cool idea. Stuff like this gives the player something unique to discover, a break in the usual pattern of procedural randomness.


More of this please

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Was just talking today about making a book bound in human flesh you open and a nasty horde comes, if you survive it, you get Ash's Legendary chainsaw and shotgun.


Love these types of Easter eggs. Hope it happens.

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That is true. But one of the criticisms is that this feeds into peoples' real-life gambling addictions. They may not lose real money on it, but it's still kind of a bummer, especially since gambling mechanics really wouldn't add anything to this game.


My God...


...and the flashing lights can cause seizures, and the jump scares can cause laundry bills...


Who cares.

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