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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Mr. Mole.

Just admit, you just want the Gold-Plated Weights for your Platinum-plated Benchpress!!!!1111.


Jokes aside, contributed 50 thumb ups or more :)


With A18 the game deserves all the love it possibly can get.


Hah, if you saw my home gym you would know I could care less about gold plated weights, I have a dream setup, its better than the gym I used to train at. I am thinking of assimilating the family room and then I'd have a full 3000+ square foot mega gym lol. Last year I assimilated half of the utility room and finished it off to match the existing weight room. I still need a cable pulley machine.



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would you consider adding a "landing spot highlight" for when you throw molotovs and granades as to make sure were they will land before latting the mouse button go?? or a "path line" to make sure there is no collision in the way when you throw them between blocks?


- - - Updated - - -




wow congrats, thats more than some so called "AAA" games, keep up the good work!


I don't think its needed. A little practice makes perfect.


Over 36k now!

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I'm always fighting for you guys and your small things you like btw, but some things just have to go, like design inconsistencies and whatnot.


Thanks! Just a question: Any plans to make more endgame content? In A17/18 the focus was on making early game funny and the job was done perfectly with some little fails here and there but these will be ironed out. Please give us some bigger things to do, rebuild pois, create our bases more complex and powerful, some legendary or high-end stuff that can be crafted with high level. Some unique recipies that you have to find and there is only one on them per map, maybe on the top of a really hard POI.


Would be nice to have some weapons that are "legendary", you have to collect 15-20 maybe more recipies for it's parts (in the hardest places) and these should be really hard to craft, op and costly to repair.

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I'm not angry about negative reviews. I'm angry that steams system lets the same 10 disgruntled guys "thumbs up" a bad review so it gets anchored at the top of our store page. All I suggested was people if they wanted could thumbs up some good reviews to balance it.


We have to be careful what we allow players to craft because some models are expensive and will bring FPS to a crawl, so sorry we're not handing a loaded gun to a baby. Its all on hold because my mind was focused on making the game great again, but we will come back around to building. Building is better than ever overall IMO with new shape menus. I'm always fighting for you guys and your small things you like btw, but some things just have to go, like design inconsistencies and whatnot.


I'm playing long games and adding little things as I go.


You have a really bad habit of taking one thing out of context and labeling me with it forever. Obviously I love paint, and I pushed for the paint system. If you watch my video I painted my entire base a nice stucco az theme. But do we want to clutter precious inventory space with paint cans? We took it out of loot for that reason, and it found its way back through scrapping.


Scrapping is meant to condense space not clutter inventory with cosmetic stuff. Survival is first and foremost and adding barbie doll playing house recipes and cosmetics is something I personally like but can make the game cluttered, menus lag, and be overwhelming to noobs, so we have to handle things that aren't needed for survival very carefully and on a lower priority.


So while it might be fun for some guys to get into landscaping simulator, we can't justify having a very ugly terrain shader to maintain that feature that was never planned, gazz just went wild and added recipes for everything without team moderation when we first hired him. It sounded harmless at the time, but everything has a cost so we're reviewing stuff and finding out the use case, and trying to figure it all out.


Firstly, I'm okay with paint being gone *if* we can still paint things. I mean as is since A15 the brush doesn't actually seem to consume paint on use anwyays, and I see no harm in letting that just be the norm.


Second, To answer your question from way back, I'd personally probably prefer asphalt over gravel.


And third, I get it, It's hard to balance making a good game and having all the things everyone wants. FWIW The shape menus got me into base-building for the first time ever. Always been the looter/quester/miner but it's so much more intuitive now that it's actually fun. ( I just wish there was a way to hide wires but I can live without that one)

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just dont over dumb them, one of the several things that made ATLAS a failure was that they made animals behave as if they had alzheimer after people complained, i can understand his frustration but this is a survival afterall


Its fine I think, the game needs to be dangerous.

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Surely you understand that TFP's goal this Alpha was to polish those 24hrs of play. Without that further development is more difficult. From everything I've seen them post I think they will be adding more stuff to make the next 24 hours or whatever time you'd like of play better in future patches and updates.


This is a game in development, not a finished product. They got a great start to hook players in. Now they will season the game for longer playthoughs.


IMO the game starts getting interesting 24 hours in.

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gonna be honest the LMG that's the new t3 automatics weapon is tons of fun. And just do a Steel block over bars over a ramp for your wall Even the crawlers will move to eye level for you but they gotta break that steel block or ramp all the way before they come through...



also @madmole, upgrade iron bars to steel bars when?


Well it can't be as strong as steel though, that would be OP. Maybe 3500 health?

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Hah yeah hopefully we can overcome it so it displays something more intuitive. 8 would be horrible.


Would be neat if the weapon damage updated dynamically with ammo changes/perks/magazines but I get that'd probably be if not hard at least not a huge priority.


Also, You're horrible. Lol

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Thanks! Just a question: Any plans to make more endgame content? In A17/18 the focus was on making early game funny and the job was done perfectly with some little fails here and there but these will be ironed out. Please give us some bigger things to do, rebuild pois, create our bases more complex and powerful, some legendary or high-end stuff that can be crafted with high level. Some unique recipies that you have to find and there is only one on them per map, maybe on the top of a really hard POI.


Would be nice to have some weapons that are "legendary", you have to collect 15-20 maybe more recipies for it's parts (in the hardest places) and these should be really hard to craft, op and costly to repair.


Industrial forge, legendary items are on the road map.

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is there a graphics setting to turn off the "dust" storms. smoke effect?? i look at the sky and i get 60fps i look at the ground and i get 60 fps i look at the building accross the street in a desert biome 7fps!! the only difference i see is that loking up or down i dont see the dust clouds passing slowly by gpu is at 50% usage 60 fps vsync on with no dust. as soon as the dust clouds start 100% gpu usage and 7 fps.


edit: btw the desert is my favorite biome to live in, second is burned biome, except the smoke is an fps hit


A setting would be nice. Or, you can edit the biomes.xml

Located in 7 Days To Die folder > Data > Config > biomes.xml

(make a copy of it before you edit, just in case)


Find these 3 lines:

"<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_sandstorm" ChunkMargin="7"/>"

"<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_smokestorm" ChunkMargin="7"/>"

"<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_snowstorm1" ChunkMargin="7"/>"


Replace the 7 with 80, for each. Then save.


The higher the number will make storms less dense, and should save some fps. You may need to start a new game if you haven't noticed any changes. One of the many great tips I picked up from the forum, so credit is not mine.

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Firstly, I'm okay with paint being gone *if* we can still paint things. I mean as is since A15 the brush doesn't actually seem to consume paint on use anwyays, and I see no harm in letting that just be the norm.


Second, To answer your question from way back, I'd personally probably prefer asphalt over gravel.


And third, I get it, It's hard to balance making a good game and having all the things everyone wants. FWIW The shape menus got me into base-building for the first time ever. Always been the looter/quester/miner but it's so much more intuitive now that it's actually fun. ( I just wish there was a way to hide wires but I can live without that one)


That is awesome the shape menu sucked you into building :)


There are three trains of thought with wires:

1. Don't care, apocalypse should look make shift with wires everywhere.

2. They annoy me, but I like taking the effort to hide them it feels rewarding to build crawl spaces and hide them through creative building.

3. They should be hidden if you don't have a wrench in your hand.


One and two outweigh 3, so we will keep it as is, since it doesn't take any more work and upsets the least number of players.

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A setting would be nice. Or, you can edit the biomes.xml

Located in 7 Days To Die folder > Data > Config > biomes.xml

(make a copy of it before you edit, just in case)


Find these 3 lines:

"<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_sandstorm" ChunkMargin="7"/>"

"<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_smokestorm" ChunkMargin="7"/>"

"<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_snowstorm1" ChunkMargin="7"/>"


Replace the 7 with 80, for each. Then save.


The higher the number will make storms less dense, and should save some fps. You may need to start a new game if you haven't noticed any changes. One of the many great tips I picked up from the forum, so credit is not mine.


It might be good to look at that myself to see if we can settle on a cheaper default.

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Hah, if you saw my home gym you would know I could care less about gold plated weights, I have a dream setup, its better than the gym I used to train at. I am thinking of assimilating the family room and then I'd have a full 3000+ square foot mega gym lol. Last year I assimilated half of the utility room and finished it off to match the existing weight room. I still need a cable pulley machine.




Mr. Mole.

Cant compete with your scale, but i too consider a home gym, or at least one piece of Equipment in my Apartment.

Since im more of a Cardio guy im torn apart between a Crosstrainer or Treadmill.


Went to the gym occasionally for years but had to stop because unrelated health issues. Never like that crowdy, smelly place anyway.

At home it might be better

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Well it can't be as strong as steel though, that would be OP. Maybe 3500 health?


yeah, The issue with iron bars RN is that (At least on higher difficulties) a single demolisher going off will just vaporize any iron bars in range. would be nice to get something that's even just a bit stronger to survive that so you have a chance to repair.

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So while it might be fun for some guys to get into landscaping simulator, we can't justify having a very ugly terrain shader to maintain that feature that was never planned, gazz just went wild and added recipes for everything without team moderation when we first hired him. It sounded harmless at the time, but everything has a cost so we're reviewing stuff and finding out the use case, and trying to figure it all out.


uhm, With the demolisher having a rather high chance of undesired landscape modifications, it be nice to have the blocks to repair the landscape with. You know, holes in the road and so on.


As for the locked blocks, i personally (means not everyone), liked it when i could go out and "harvest" those special blocks. Still have some found memories from A12 when i went out to harvest the roof blocks from a crack-a-book since i wanted white ceiling blocks in my base. But recepies are possibly the easiest to implement, and i thank Gazz for what he did.


Try to think of the special, locked blocks as colors on an artists palette. Sure, a true artist can create masterpieces with just a piece of charcoal, but not everyone, certainly not me, are good artists. Base decorating also adds a bit of longevity to the game, the thing i tend to focus on when i have everything , and have what i need to deal with the zombies outside.

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How does the bloodmoon horde work with multiple people in the game in different areas? We had a few of us in one area, and another newer guy off on his own somewhere else. Horde seemed a bit weak on our end to begin, but then he died and it stopped. Then he left the game and we got a full ass horde right after. He wasnt in our party, but may have been allied to somebody in our party, not sure if that has anything to do with anything? Playing on stable, so not sure if somethings been changed past that into exp.

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How does the bloodmoon horde work with multiple people in the game in different areas? We had a few of us in one area, and another newer guy off on his own somewhere else. Horde seemed a bit weak on our end to begin, but then he died and it stopped. Then he left the game and we got a full ass horde right after. He wasnt in our party, but may have been allied to somebody in our party, not sure if that has anything to do with anything? Playing on stable, so not sure if somethings been changed past that into exp.


I'm pretty sure you would each get your own BM horde, but I could be wrong about that.

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As someone who has found this info and used shotguns almost exclusively for a while now, I can still say it would be nice if there was a way to display this info in the weapon tool-tip.

Funny you mention this.

I had this all set up for shotguns but kinda did not assign their shotgun-specific display type. =P

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Almost 40,000 people online this weekend. TFP have been completely redeemed from valid whiners.

Is the game imperfect and in need of more options for the largest players base possible? Sure. But they are on the right track for sure, as well.


Dora from Neebs Gaming was having a blast on their first playthrough of A18 and from him, being happy is high praise. :)

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