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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Had a pretty busy few weeks and couldn`t play, but only read around. Finally found a time to have some fun on a17.2. Hell of a fun, lots of cool moments and thanks guys for your work. You are on the right way no doubt.


This is encouraging. I think 18 will be like 14 was to 13.

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I mean, Borderlands have a trading system and its a 4 player coop max. Diablo, Titan Quest, Sacred, Torchlight, etc. Non of those are MMO, all of them have trading system, so i don't know what you mean.


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Roland can I get a boot to trading system graphic please? No we're not adding that when there are several ways to trade items in the game already.


A, drop it on the ground, have your buddy pick it up.

B, Put it in your vending machine and have him buy it.

C, Put it in a container and have him loot it.

D, Sell it to the trader and have him buy it.

E, Kill him and put it in his backpack.

F, Kill him and put it in your backpack.

G, Suicide and have him loot it from your backpack.

H, Suicide and have him put it in your backpack.


I left out several examples, but it seems there are ample means here to trade without an interface that will get you both killed.

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Madmole ....any chance we will ever see wind power to generators in game...I think that would be more attainable in game as a starter....then eventually being able to build a solar system??.....???






Maybe in a later alpha or post gold patch.

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... Supports me in my opinion NOT to have a storyplot and lore in a sandbox gameworld..


You can go ahead and support yourself as long as you like. Its not changing our KS goal to make a survival RPG with story elements.

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Just some simple quality of life suggestions for map view: Differentiate the map waypoint icons a little more. Right now you have a cave, an X, and 8 icons for buildings/houses. We don't really need icons to distinguish between a log cabin and a modern house, for example, when we could use the waypoint name for that. Something along the lines of the following would help make scanning the map at a glance a little easier:


1) Cave/mine

2) House

3) Skyscraper

4) Castle

5) Safe icon

6) Food icon

7) Gun icon

8) Tool icon

9) Med kit icon

10) $ icon

11) ? icon

12) X icon


Suggestion 2: Add a way to toggle waypoints on/off so they can be in map view but not on our compass, which gets cluttered up and unusable pretty quickly.


Suggestion 3: Add more automatic icons besides land claim, vehicle, and bed. Ideally traders, workbenches, mixers, etc. would show up on the map but could be toggled off and on as needed.


Just some ideas for consideration. I love this game!

Yes we discussed changing some of the icons a while back.

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At the end of the day you guys haven't sat around and thought about all the flaws with LBD like we have. Its a casual thought and emotional impulse to you guys.


I simply have to disagree since we all grew up playing the same games that had lbd in it. Some poor, some better. Yeah, plenty of people have done modding, and everyone and their grandmother modded Morrowing 3 and loved the skill system. Cheesey, yes, we all complained about it, but we spent weeks and months doing exactly what you just said we didn't.


I meant specifically poking holes in the LBD design for hours on end about each particular skill and how to increase it with LBD. If you had, you would have come to the same conclusion we did in that its not worth the effort to bring it into fruition. How do you improve your medic skill, by using bandages? Ok so that leads to running into cacti or getting hit by zombies. Stuff you should avoid at all costs in a realistic environment, and stuff we don't want players to benefit from in a spam fest. Do you leave out some skills ? No because the guy who isn't using bandages and plays another way cannot level up his intellect. So as I've said 10000 times you guys haven't thought about every use case with LBD and why it sucks ♥♥♥♥ for 7 Days. It might work great in a simple game but when you have 5 attributes and 50 skills you need to level up its not a great system to manage that.

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Speaking of armor perks (heavy and light) I'd like to suggest adding reduce mobility penalty to the perks, the top 3 perk ranks could reduce the 6% down to a 3% penalty, not including mods.


PFFFFTTT its not really enough penalty IMO. Its on the list to revisit.

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Yeah back in the day , Everquest at launch in 1999...ALL skills where LBD , Sense Heading...you had to spam that button constantly to try and get it to skill level 200 so it worked all the time...there were NO maps back then and knowing which direction you were heading , was kind of important...


Combat and spell skills where also class and level limited...so every time you gained a level you had 5 more skill points to gain...for all spell skills in all the different schools of magic...conjuration , divination , alteration , evocation , abjuration...you had to go and spam a low level skill somewhere safe and raise them , or you would fizzle your spells constantly...defense and melee skills where all getting actively beat on by mobs and fighting them...so most casters did not max those skills till they were bored , if ever...and you could NOT raise any of those skills on low level monsters , they had to be able to give you experience...


Was that fun...no , never really was at all...but had its purpose...in This game...yeah I was smacking grass constantly while running to places to raise my club skill , humping cacti to raise my armor skills etc... I like the new system much better , even in its first implementation

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Roland can I get a boot to trading system graphic please? No we're not adding that when there are several ways to trade items in the game already.


A, drop it on the ground, have your buddy pick it up.

B, Put it in your vending machine and have him buy it.

C, Put it in a container and have him loot it.

D, Sell it to the trader and have him buy it.

E, Kill him and put it in his backpack.

F, Kill him and put it in your backpack.

G, Suicide and have him loot it from your backpack.

H, Suicide and have him put it in your backpack.


I left out several examples, but it seems there are ample means here to trade without an interface that will get you both killed.


It's okay MM, i know you're trying to get gold and i think it is the right way to go from now on. I was asking if maybe in the future (post gold patch) we could get the trading system.


I love the game to death anyway, with or without having to trade like it is now.


I'll just kill my friend and put things in his backpack.

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About the new RWG... Should we expect this for A17.3 or A18? Or is it just too early to tell?

I'm playing on the Navezgane map while waiting, and still having fun! :smile-new:


And... It's very nice to see Madmole here on a regular basis… We missed you!!! Hope that all is well in Joel's world.

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I'm feeling that you perked into combat and got a lot of xp because you like doing that and perking into it makes sense.


Quite the opposite, actually. I've been playing a "wandering" style, no bases or farming, mining only surface rocks for ore (which I use in traders' forges). Most of my perks are in stealth, strength (for Pack Mule), and int (for bikes/minibikes). My only combat perks are one point each into ranged and melee headshot damage.


Maybe it's just the "wandering" style that doesn't give you much XP. Perhaps mining or farming gives you the same XP as zed killing, but that's mainly how I played in A16 and how I started playing A17, and I'm trying to be different.

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Can the crying about LBD please stop already!!


As Madmole has stated numerous times in this thread it's not happening. LBD is NOT the be all end all for games with skills. Yes in some games it works quite well, while in others it's a PITA. Personally I much prefer the current method where xp is gained and points spent where you want and it lets you spend time playing how you want and not grinding on things you don't enjoy.

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Suggestion 2: Add a way to toggle waypoints on/off so they can be in map view but not on our compass, which gets cluttered up and unusable pretty quickly.


They already have that to some degree. Select a waypoint and click on the compass icon, and it will be highlighted in your compass. De-select it and it won't.


The waypoint won't be entirely eliminated in the compass, but it becomes a dark shade of grey that IMHO isn't distracting. If it is to you, I'm guessing the color could be modded to match the compass background.


100% agree with the other suggestions though.

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