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Coal! Where are you?


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I have been looking for Coal in Burnt forest and cannot find a single vein, i have tried mining down to bedrock in random spots and under spawned rock clusters but always something unexpected, like i have found 2 spawns of nitrate in burnt forest but never Coal, thought i would try dessert just in case but no luck there.


I need a good quantity of Coal and don't want to mine surface stones, does anyone know what is happening with Coal, if it is broken or working as intended? (non existent)

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Shovel gravel patches on surface to get idea what should be found and dig down some and hope you find the vein. Got ~3k coal for doing this, digging maybe that 10-14 blocks down.


You were lucky then, its as unreliable as it gets for me and I have only found single iron pocket right under the surfact this way.

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Shovel gravel patches on surface to get idea what should be found and dig down some and hope you find the vein. Got ~3k coal for doing this, digging maybe that 10-14 blocks down.


So for clarification is it 10 - 14 blocks from the surface or 10 - 14 blocks from bedrock?

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We had a hard time finding coal too, but my husband did finally find a decent amount in the burned forest. He did as told...dug under a rock...he said about 20 blocks down and then dug around til he finally found some. He started in the burned forest that bordered the snowy biome and found coal, nitrate and lead there...enough to make bullets for our weekly horde that week. He is now mining again to see if he can find more. I have to agree, it can be challenging!

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Don't go for bedrock, bedrock is soooo A16 and doesn't work in A17.


Mine down to 12-14 blocks above bedrock and just pick a direction while praying.


That's how I finally found lead.


I disagree, I have mines for all ores (coal, lead, nitrate, and shale, while iron is everywhere) and I dig straight down to bedrock about 10 blocks into the specific biome and then pick the direction that will lead me to the center of the biome and start digging. I have found huge ore veins everytime.... almost.

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I have a ton of different mines in A17 and have tried all kinds of things. What worked for me is digging down at a gravel patch an once you reach the stone layer don't dig through the stone. Instead keep spreading out along the stone until you come across any gravel which can take you deeper. If you don't find any then just abandon the mine and start a new one. Plenty of those gravel patches are just shallow iron mines. I was also never able to find coal in the burnt forest, I had to go to the snow biome.

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Seeing lots of different replies here. Can we PLEASE get a concrete answer from THE DEVELOPERS? I remember seeing an underground picture where they show 'lots' of ore veins but that doesn't help. Showing it on one map doesn't mean it'll appear in all maps...


Don't mind me, mining to get resources in 7D2D current A17 is NO LONGER FUN... Cave in this, cave-in that, even WITH support frames! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ waste of time now.

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The process to find ore is very similar to A16. Look for small gravel blocks near any boulder and dig out those gravel block. It should give you sand/rocks and mineral which will indicate the types of ore vein beneath. If it gives you coal, there are coal ores below. The size of the ore vine may vary thou. Also you are unlikely to find the mine pack full of ore from ground level to bed rock. After removing the surface soil you may have to dig though layers of rocks to actually get to the ore vine.

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CONCRETE ANSWER FROM THE DEVELOPERS (via the ingame journal entry for mining):


All biomes have iron ore and a lower chance for all ores. All biomes have a predominate ore which can be found in the biome near bedrock. Special ores per biome are nitrate in snow and wasteland, lead in the forest, coal in the burnt forest, and oil shale in the desert. Boulders are typically found where ore veins exist close to the surface. Dig up a gravel spot near a boulder and you get 1 piece of the ore found below. Follow the gravel trail to the ore vein. Clay soil can be dug up almost everywhere.


There's the answer. Coal can be found anywhere but will be in most abundance near bedrock in the Burnt Forest biome. The place to start looking is to find a flock of boulders and with a shovel start digging in gravel patches near by.

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Seeing lots of different replies here. Can we PLEASE get a concrete answer from THE DEVELOPERS? I remember seeing an underground picture where they show 'lots' of ore veins but that doesn't help. Showing it on one map doesn't mean it'll appear in all maps...


Don't mind me, mining to get resources in 7D2D current A17 is NO LONGER FUN... Cave in this, cave-in that, even WITH support frames! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ waste of time now.


It's there.

You just have to keep looking.



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CONCRETE ANSWER FROM THE DEVELOPERS (via the ingame journal entry for mining):




There's the answer. Coal can be found anywhere but will be in most abundance near bedrock in the Burnt Forest biome. The place to start looking is to find a flock of boulders and with a shovel start digging in gravel patches near by.


I was digging in forest and desert biomes for general ores but I guess it was just my bad luck then. Took too much time/effort and I barely got any resources. Not to mention too many close calls with the constant cave-ins.

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It's there.

You just have to keep looking.




This is the picture I was talking about. You're telling me that all those blocks are either shale, iron, lead, coal, etc? I don't believe it for a second. I'm using the auger in the desert and there is NO way there is that much ore (not counting gravel/sand).

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I haven't run into (or tried looking for) for lead or coal, but I have never found such a large vein of iron as I have now. I've made 1000 rebar frames, probably another 600 pieces of forged iron, 100 or so iron bars, I currently have just under 25,000 pieces of iron smelted in the furnace, and I have 7 stack (1200) pieces of raw iron sitting in the chest, plus 2x 1200's in the furnace that's shutoff. I probably have around 40% iron left in the vein I found. This is A LOT of iron, more than I've had access to. Just doing the math, tha's a lot more iron that could be smelted down.


I dug down from the base level of a mound probably 22 blocks high, probably...30 blocks deep to find the start of the vein. It extends another 10-15 blocks down, and...very wide, maybe 25-30?

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Is there a way to see deposits (as in the ore screenshots) using the DM menu in some way?


There is a commented section in the blocks.xml (around row 24823) that assigns blocks of various things to the different ores and ores+gravel underground. Just uncomment that section and go into DM in your game and use god mode (or clipping) to slip underground to see them.

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I finally found a seam of coal in the burnt forest, dug 12 mines in total looking for it but in the end found a good seam and got 3k of coal, I already had the nitrate, nailed the next horde night relatively easily. (love guns *in games*)


I read all the info people posted and in the end set out a wood frame square over 'sandy' areas where small rocks spawn approx 12 x 12 then reduced this. I cleared the first 2 layers of earth and sand, if i got coal mixed in with the sand i was clearing i continued to dig following the sand down to find the coal rather than just going straight to bedrock which never worked, all the coal i have found so far has been within the first 12 blocks down including soil. If i got no coal mixed in i moved on to another spawn site, also Coal looks pretty much the same as some of the darker natural stone, they should consider changing it.


i shall repeat again in the next 7 days to see if it works again but have more faith than just digging to bedrock and counting back 10 - 14 from base

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