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Improvements for the dedicated server


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Is there a special thread for the webmap? I haven't found one.


For the webmap i'd have two suggestions:

1) Would it be possible to set Waypoints on the webmap, visible to all other viewers?


Check map.guppycur.com, if that's what you're looking for, let me know and I will get you the code.

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Not sure if there is some feature available in this tool for this, so I'll just give it a run and see what sticks.


We have completely destroyed a couple of POI's near our base. But, when we get a certain distance away they still show up as a distant POI.

is there some command that can be ran to make that region file re-calculate the distant POI view?

Its a little weird walking along and the building just totally disappears.


Thanks for your time and assistance.

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Not sure if there is some feature available in this tool for this, so I'll just give it a run and see what sticks.


We have completely destroyed a couple of POI's near our base. But, when we get a certain distance away they still show up as a distant POI.

is there some command that can be ran to make that region file re-calculate the distant POI view?

Its a little weird walking along and the building just totally disappears.


Thanks for your time and assistance.

When it re-calculates, it will run it based on the RWG settings, and will draw the POI's in again anyway. Distant POI only generates when the server initially starts and it generates the map. You can delete a region file from the POI data, but it would just re-generate the same thing, not what is actually on the map now. (Have tried this and can confirm.)

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Technically yes, but not sure if that's going to happen. This whole thing is still targeted as an administration interface, end-user support by permission levels is just a minor additional feature of it ;)

Will put it on my list though, as soon as there's a DB (wouldn't really work properly without one after all) in the backend I'll think about it again.


While you are speaking about DB, i just tried some days ago to add MongoDB driver for C# into a testing mod, this so far worked (connecting) but also worked not (query/insert) because the driver itself needed some things from mscorlib.dll that are not included in the current games mscorlib. I also tried older driver versions but all seem to request stuff not existing in mscorlib


So my Question is: is there any way to get this missing Classes/Methods from System.* into another dll? Last time i did C# was @ university several years ago.

I tried to copy some of the missing methods from the current mono repo into my mod but it always requests those from mscorlib.

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When it re-calculates, it will run it based on the RWG settings, and will draw the POI's in again anyway. Distant POI only generates when the server initially starts and it generates the map. You can delete a region file from the POI data, but it would just re-generate the same thing, not what is actually on the map now. (Have tried this and can confirm.)


Yeah deleting the region file would reset our base as well, so not a solution.

I had thought this might be the case... little disappointing, but eh it s what it is.


Thanks for sharing your experience / knowledge.

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So my Question is: is there any way to get this missing Classes/Methods from System.* into another dll?

Nope, as far as I'm aware references in .NET referring to things of other libraries do so by exactly specifying what assembly they belong to (optionally even with version numbers and then even those would have to match).

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Yeah deleting the region file would reset our base as well, so not a solution.

I had thought this might be the case... little disappointing, but eh it s what it is.


Thanks for sharing your experience / knowledge.

Not the usual region file that your base is in, but the distant POI region file. It's in a different folder. I can't look it up atm though because I'm at work.




I believe that is the folder that has the data for the distant POI. I'm not 100% sure though.

I do know that if I wipe parts of it, the server re-generates the data on the next startup though. It does not do this with the region files.


Which makes me think that the "generate world/chunks" when you first start the server isn't generating the actual RWG world, but just the distant POI display.

Edited by SylenThunder (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Alloc,


I was wondering. is there any particular reason for introducing the use of steamworks? it seems a bit overkill having it for only pm.


Its not part of the game as far as i can see. Does the dedi gonna need steamworks installed?


Or am i missing something here?



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Huh? No idea what you're talking about... the game's been using Steamworks (i.e. the Steam API) since as far back as I can remember. Possibly not right from the first versions of the game on Steam but certainly at least since like A6. So what are you referring here? ^^

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Huh? No idea what you're talking about... the game's been using Steamworks (i.e. the Steam API) since as far back as I can remember. Possibly not right from the first versions of the game on Steam but certainly at least since like A6. So what are you referring here? ^^


Oh lol. :) Forget i asked. I redownloaded source and totally missed a broken reference to firstpass.dll.


In your privatemessageconnection.cs there was a using SteamWorks; which i never saw there before and broke so i thought it was something new. But its part of the firstpass.dll and after repairing the reference all was good.


Mah bad.



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Not the usual region file that your base is in, but the distant POI region file. It's in a different folder. I can't look it up atm though because I'm at work.




I believe that is the folder that has the data for the distant POI. I'm not 100% sure though.

I do know that if I wipe parts of it, the server re-generates the data on the next startup though. It does not do this with the region files.


Which makes me think that the "generate world/chunks" when you first start the server isn't generating the actual RWG world, but just the distant POI display.


That is correct.


The .hcd files store all the biome, road, sockets, prefabs, etc info. The regions hold the data for exactly which blocks are where, and only gets generated when each chunk is first loaded.

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That brings me to a question:

When someone heavily modifies or just completely wipes a prefab, the distant POI doesn't match with the actual blocks anymore.


For example people are often letting the broadcasting tower collapse. From far away you still see the tower, when getting closer, it disappears. -- Is there a way (existing or moddable) to regenerate the distant POI based on the current structure? If so, can the server trigger that or must the client remove it's local hub cell data cache itself?


Would be cool to have like a command "update-distant-poi" to regenerate all that...



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That brings me to a question:

When someone heavily modifies or just completely wipes a prefab, the distant POI doesn't match with the actual blocks anymore.


For example people are often letting the broadcasting tower collapse. From far away you still see the tower, when getting closer, it disappears. -- Is there a way (existing or moddable) to regenerate the distant POI based on the current structure? If so, can the server trigger that or must the client remove it's local hub cell data cache itself?


Would be cool to have like a command "update-distant-poi" to regenerate all that...




Quick investigation:


On RWG the hubcelldata is generated and sent to the client by NetPackageHubCellData by the BaseRWGDataLoader class.


You could try fiddle around with the RWG hubcell data objects (like a conversion of realworld data to RWG data) and resend them to the clients.



Edited by Prisma501 (see edit history)
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Alloc: Regarding the openid login for access to the Integrated Webserver.

I want to use apache as proxy, but I also want to use SSL (https).

The problem is after login, the (https://steamcommunity.com/openid/login)-url contains

openid.return_to=http+host instead of openid.return_to=https+host.


I use both:

ProxyPreserveHost On

RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"


It's working without SSL.


Any ideas?


not working:

<VirtualHost *:443>
       ServerName day7.domain.com
       SSLEngine on
       SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/day7.domain.com/cert.pem
       SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/day7.domain.com/privkey.pem
       SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/day7.domain.com/chain.pem
       DocumentRoot /var/www/html
       ProxyPreserveHost On
       RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
       ProxyPass               /robots.txt                     !
       ProxyPass               /.well-known/acme-challenge/    !
       ProxyPass               /       http://localhost:8082/
       ProxyPassReverse        /       http://localhost:8082/
       #LogLevel info ssl:warn
       ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/day7_error.log
       CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/day7_access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
       Servername day7.domain.com
       DocumentRoot /var/www/html
       ProxyPreserveHost On
       ProxyPass               /robots.txt                     !
       ProxyPass               /       http://localhost:8082/
       ProxyPassReverse        /       http://localhost:8082/
       ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/day7_error.log
       CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/day7_access.log combined

Edited by staalelor (see edit history)
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I am using a dual monitor setup - one where the game is running and one where the livemap is displayed. While doing so, I came across some stuff with your live map:



- Map view border will not update with new size when resizing browser window. I.E. from maximized to fullscreen (F11). The map will be displayed with black borders.


- When you hide the left navigation panel, one row of tiles coming from the right side won't be loaded properly on moving. Already loaded tiles will be shown properly when rearranging map.


- Last options (like show players, enemies, animals or the reload tiles timer) will be lost when you hit the update button (F5). Maybe set a (session) cookie where the options will be saved?


- Some animals will be displayed as enemy: Boars, Snakes, Bears, ZomBears, Wolves, etc. - this is very irritating especially when hunting.



- Center map on selected player, keep map centered on selected player. (maybe optional via checkbox) Actually the selected player will just barely be kept inside the map view while traveling above the view border.


- Possibility to assign special icons to each NPC type via stylesheet. Actually there are only the 2 icons for enemies and wildlife.

Edited by Dr. Eisenpimmel (see edit history)
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I have, but there's too much other stuff I rather not see.

Also, I don't know the impact of "mem", but it looks "heavy" on the load. As in it mostly takes about a second or two to respond.


If and until alloc does include, you can use this little standalone uptime mod.


It only contains the "uptime" command.





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Compatible with valmod?


I used to run this mod and really loved it. Now I am running a server with Valmod overhaul installed.


Can I install this as well? Is there a special procedure to follow to use both?


I apologize, but I have tried a lot of digging and I am struggling to find the answer. I'm sure it's stupid and obvious, but I swear I've tried and I can't find it...

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