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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. They were pretty much upfront on the new loot system / loot stage. If you stay in the safer biome (forest), your loot stage is going to go up slowly. In order to push past that, you have to start taking risks and go outside the easy biome to harder biomes if you want to jump further up on the loot tables. A20 Biome Loot Modifier and Bonus Biome Modifier A.K.A lootstage_modifier percentage added to the loot stage calculations Pine Forest 0 Burnt Forest 0.5 Desert 0.5 Snow 1 Wasteland 1.5 Biome Bonus A.K.A. lootstage_bonus whole number added to the loot stage calculations Pine Forest 0 Burnt Forest 10 Desert 10 Snow 20 Wasteland 30 You have to make a choice. You can stay in a safer biome, but realize that to advance further on the tech tree is either going to take time to get your loot stage up or find the recipes to unlock the higher tier gear to craft yourself, or push into one of the harder biomes to boost your loot stage up. Everyone is going to have a different opinion on how the loot system should work for them. The nice thing is if you don't like it, you can mod it so it is different. Easiest thing to do is change the biome bonuses (specifically pine forest) if you want to speed things up.
  2. I play SP and I still do the T5 POIs once I get the 4x4 built. However, I tend to go into those with the understanding that I will be stripping them of all usable materials and it will be roughly a two day job. Start early and clear out from bottom to top. Then start looting and going back down, dropping chests at the stairs (typically) as I feel up. Then open the stairs up. After looting, I then make my way back to the top and start hauling things back down. Some things I haven't done yet is do the same POI with the drone and cargo mods loaded (TBH, I have yet to play a game with the drone; I haven't been fortunate yet to find one in loot or make one up before I died and restarted).
  3. Not sure why you disliked my post. I even linked the specific post you need to read in order to get proper assistance / help from the community. Was it because you are being asked to read and follow instructions?
  4. Specifically, this thread Pretty obvious as it is the only one stating how to report an issue and asking people to read it first before posting.
  5. They don't digest the food. Evidence of food left in the stomachs. Eating people does not fuel them. They either eat so much their stomachs burst or it gets forced out. A perfect example of putting 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag
  6. What I have done in the past (using your example of the shotgun shell): <append xpath="//recipe[@name='ammoShotgunShell']/ingredient[@name='resourcePaper']"> <ingredient name="resourceAnimalFat" count="3"/> <ingredient name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="2"/> <ingredient name="resourceFeather" count="1"/> </append> <remove xpath="//recipe[@name='ammoShotgunShell']/ingredient[@name='resourcePaper']"/> <remove xpath="//recipe[@name='ammoShotgunShell']/ingredient[@name='resourceBuckshot']"/> <remove xpath="//recipe[@name='ammoShotgunShell']/ingredient[@name='resourceGunPowder']"/> I would add the items to the existing recipe (adding after resourcePaper) and then remove the old items I want to remove.
  7. I have an idea. Why not use (read) the perk book and then have it create the blank book. Then just set that up to scrap into paper. From one of the drinks in the items.xml file <property class="Action0"> <property name="Class" value="Eat"/> <property name="Delay" value="1.0"/> <property name="Use_time" value="..."/> <property name="Sound_start" value="player_drinking"/> <property name="Create_item" value="drinkJarEmpty"/> Just add the Create_item code to create a book when you use the perk book. I am not sure that the game will allow you to scrap down two levels, at least by making changes to the xml code. I could be wrong though, but I couldn't figure it out this morning.
  8. First, some advice on posting code. Use the </> button above on your code as it makes it easier to distinguish code from text. This is how I would do your post originally: recipes.xml : <configs> <append xpath="/recipes"> <recipe name="resourceBook" count="1" tooltip="ttScrapMetalBrass" always_unlocked="true" tags="salvageScrap"> <wildcard_forge_category /> </recipe> </append> </configs> items.xml: <configs> <append xpath="/items"> <item name="resourceBook"> <property name="CustomIcon" value="meleeWpnClubT1BaseballBat"/> <property name="HoldType" value="45"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sackPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="Material" value="Mbook"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="10"/> <!-- STK resource --> <property name="FuelValue" value="50"/> <property name="Weight" value="50"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="50"/> <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="1"/> <property name="Group" value="Resources,Chemicals,CFChemicals"/> <property name="CraftingIngredientTime" value=".5"/> </item> </append> <setattribute xpath="/items/item[@name='schematicMaster']/property[@name='Material']" name="value">Mbook</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="/items/item[@name='schematicMaster']/property[@name='Weight']" name="value">100</setattribute> </configs> materials.xml: <configs> <append xpath="/materials"> <material id="Mbook"> <property name="damage_category" value="cloth"/> <property name="surface_category" value="cloth"/> <property name="forge_category" value="book"/> <property name="Hardness" type="float" value="1"/> <property name="stepsound" value="wood"/> <property name="stability_glue" value="20"/> <property name="Mass" type="int" value="1"/> <property name="MaxDamage" value="1"/> <property name="Experience" value="2"/> </material> </append> </configs> Need more information to try and help. When you state skill books, are you talking about a specific mod? Vanilla only has schematics and perk books which already scrap down to paper. Also, why are you looking for items to scrap down into a "book" form? Is there a use for the book?
  9. You call it an exploit, however, it is a game mechanic. But hey I am game, I would stop placing a block down to hop over a fence while trying to get away from a pack of zombie dogs if the game would allow me to pull myself over the fence like I can do in real life, or climb a tree. But since I can't do either, I have to use the tools available to me which includes dropping a frame block down to hop over that fence. I also play permadeath on most of my playthroughs so dying to "not exploit the game to throw down a frame to hop a fence" really doesn't appeal to me for the reasons stated above. Do I place hatches in doors in POIs as I am looting them? No I don't do that. Do I make bases where the zombies think they have a path to me but can't because of physics? No I always give them a path to me. Do I think the developers should remove the option of hatches in POIs to force players from using them? No I don't. Just because I don't use them, does not mean that everyone else should be under the same limitation. I like the fact that the developers are working to finish this game to their vision, but leaving it open to different ways that we the players can play it (or mod it). And we all play the game differently. Some use CM to get stuff early on or use easier settings while others max out the difficulty of the game via the in-game options. Others mod the game to get the tweaks they want to when they play. Removing a game mechanic just to "encourage players to play harder" is just one way to remove options for others. If you don't like using frame blocks, there is nothing in the game preventing you from imposing that limit to yourself.
  10. Not a fan of this idea. As someone who on many occasions thrown down a frame block or two to get away from a pack of zombie dogs, I don’t want to die because a counter has yet to reach zero.
  11. We really don’t need that model back. If you need your fix, there is a ton of free stuff online
  12. Did you also backup the GeneratedWorlds folder? Based on your error message, it can’t find the generated world which would be in this folder.
  13. We should all start quoting Josh now and deleting it. We could even start a pool on how long he would go without snapping and what his reaction will be. 😏
  14. I posted the modlet link in this thread, but a mod has to approve it since they are getting spammed right now. Hopefully one will be free to approve it shortly.
  15. Anyone noticed that she doesn't have any photographs of Employees of the Month in her store???
  16. Try this out https://github.com/BFT2020/NoJars.git I didn't remove jars completely from the game, just from the loot tables, crafting recipes, and creating ones when you drink or eat items that give back one. I tested it and it loaded fine, and didn't find any jars in the world; but if I missed something let me know.
  17. That sounds like the stripper. Some mods brought her back, like DF
  18. Easy remove empty jars from the game If you are patient, I did that with my mod. I can pull all the code from it that affects empty jars and create a small modlet for you.
  19. Not true at all. If they were unusable, then I would just remove them from game altogether. Any I find in loot that are half or greater in durability, I would use them until broken then scrap them for parts. Horde nights become more intense as you have to have backups so you can last all night. Traders always had Q6 gear to sell, but at jacked up prices - the good thing is that they are 100% durability
  20. Easiest thing to do is to change the mesh file name in the entityclasses.xml file <entity_class name="zombieLab" extends="zombieTemplateMale"> <property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker"/> <property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Prefabs/ZMechanic.prefab"/> This changed the lab zombie to the mechanic zombie
  21. I thought that they stated since you can simply create ladders and do the same thing, there really wasn't any value of trying to remove nerd poling without affecting those that really getting into building in the game.
  22. I found lowering the drop rate of Q6 items to around 5% and removing the ability to repair them makes that equipment more valuable when you find them.
  23. If you feel that looting POIs is loot competition, then you are not truly playing Co-Op. At most, you are just a group of people in the same area.
  24. For Alpha 21, they are introducing chunk reset for mp servers
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