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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I did the same thing when I first saw this topic. I think the first 5 hits made the similar claim, but the next one on the front page specifically said crossplay between consoles was not a feature. They even tied that into the bankruptcy of TTG as the leading cause. Article also mentions the latest news regarding future console updates (and EOS) so this author seems to be more knowledgeable than the other sites.
  2. This doesn’t fit under a general support topic, more pimp dreams than anything
  3. That question should be asked in the mods section, at the DF thread.
  4. 1) The ease to modify the game and tweak it to your desires. You can simply do a value change using xpath coding to make significant changes to the game 2) Random World Generation 3) The game does not pigeonhole me. I can convert a POI for a horde base or build one from scratch. I can craft what I need or just try to find it by searching the world.
  5. 7D2D is not Doom nor State of Decay nor Days Gone nor Project Zomboid 🙄
  6. How do you know it is a bug and not an issue with your setup? The link you were provided told you the information to provide in this location so people can assist you in troubleshooting. It is in there, did you search Bug Pool? I found it and I wasn’t even looking hard.
  7. Go to gamestages.xml and you can make some minor adjustments daysAliveChangeWhenKilled="2" difficultyBonus="1.2" startingWeight ="1" diminishingReturns ="0.5" lootBonusEvery = "12" lootBonusMaxCount = "30" lootBonusScale = "25" /> <!-- the DifficultyBonus parameters are now flat multipliers. 2.0 = 2x the gamestage. Simple. --> <!-- lootBonus changes blood moon drop rates every x zombies, up to max chances, by scale --> To make more changes, you would need to do some c# changes to the base code and here is more information on the gamestage calculation (if you care) There is a metric which maps a player or group of players to a game stage number. daysSurvived: This is a running total, kept for every individual player. Every 24 hours GAME time 1 (day) is added. On every death "daysAliveChangeWhenKilled" is subtracted from the total. After this the daysAlive is capped. It is low-capped at 0, high-capped at "your player level". At player level 41 you can have a daysSurvived value anywhere from 0 to 41. gameStage = ( playerLevel + daysSurvived ) * difficultyBonus
  8. Role playing games have evolved as they went from paper / pencil to tabletop to digital games. Also, there are various sub groups of RPG video games out there 3.1 Action RPGs. 3.2 First-person party-based RPGs. 3.3 MMORPGs. 3.4 Roguelikes and roguelites. 3.5 Sandbox RPGs. 3.6 Tactical RPGs. 3.7 Hybrid genres.
  9. If you are talking about the game from TTG, you won't be seeing any updates since TellTale Games went bankrupt. Link above is the latest information shared by TFP regarding the console version.
  10. Not sure what you tried so far, but have you added a new line to the animal and added probability to it? For example, <entity_class name="animalStag" extends="animalTemplateTimid"> ......... <drop event="Harvest" name="foodRawMeat" tag="butcherHarvest" count="30"/> <!-- animalStag --> <drop event="Harvest" name="foodRawMeat" tag="butcherHarvest" prob="0.5" count="5"/> Not sure if this would work, never tried it myself
  11. If the sun will kill you if you go out, how are you going to handle the horde if you swap it from night to day?
  12. The issue is not the number of missions that one can do in a day from the traders, the issue is the rewards that they give out every time you complete the mission. I modded the game so that they don't give out rewards (I went with the extreme at first) just exp and dukes. It changes the whole aspect of those missions as you have to do a lot of them to generate enough dukes to purchase items from the traders (another thing I modded was increasing prices on everything while reducing the dukes you get from sales of items back to them).
  13. Has Razor’s POI spawned in during RWG? Since the mission is failing as soon as you take it, it sounds like Razor doesn’t exist on that map which is why you can’t complete it.
  14. Knives already slow down zombies when you stack bleed affects on them. At the highest perk for blades, you get a 20% reduction in speed for knives.
  15. Think it is time to move on from "Its done when its done"
  16. @Rotor I feel like I was summoned https://github.com/BFT2020/IncreaseAmmoModlet.git This modlet will easily increase the quantity of ammo dropped. I have it set to double right now, but instructions are in the progression file on what to change to tweak it to your desires. At the start of a new game, a schematic will be loaded into your toolbar. Read it and it will globally increase ammo quantities. It is based on the Lucky looter ammunition book. If you want it in an existing game, go to creative menu and search for note_IncreaseAmmoDrops Didn't get any errors in game and I set it to 5 (500% increase) to check. Got over 150 7.62mm in a locked chest.
  17. Without any additional information, it is hard to say what is happening with your game. The red warnings are the game telling you there is an issue, an issue that can be caused by many things.
  18. Welcome to modding where the only check on how much we want to change something is tempered by our inherent laziness 🤪 I got a list of things I want to do with my modding and my eyes glaze over every time I figure out how much time and work it is going to be. Best advice I can give you - do it in bits and pieces. Sometimes just doing a few things at a time and evaluating those changes will motivate you to keep going. Do too much at once and it can seem overwhelming.
  19. You are saying you are doing something wrong, but not explaining what is happening in game for you. Somethings I noticed: your first bit of code is adding a new lootgroup, but the way it is coded, it is being added to the end of the loot file which is after lootcontainer. Change <append xpath="/lootcontainers/"> to <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupCaskets']"> That should add it after the last lootgroup in the vanilla xml file. But based on your coding, you are modding a mod, so maybe check that one out to ensure you are putting it inside the lootgroup areas. Second, your </append> structure is wrong. After the first append (but before the second append), you need to close it out with its own </append> . So your code should look something like this: <config> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupCaskets']"> <lootgroup name="soldierGunParts" prob="1"> <item name="partsPistol_barrel" prob="1"/> <item name="partsPistol_grip" prob="1"/> <item name="partsPistol_parts" prob="1"/> <item name="partsPistol_receiver" prob="1"/> </lootgroup> </append> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='zombieSoldier']"> <lootgroup name="soldierGunParts"/> </append> </config>
  20. Not the same situation. When I work on a project at work, I have specific tasks that I can figure out how long they will normally take so I can give more specific time frames. I know everything I need to do to install that new piece of equipment and get it signed off by safety for use. When they are working on the next Alpha release, they have a list of features that they wish to include in the next build, but know that every feature they want may not be ready in time. So what they do is get to a point and decide what features they want to push through to get in the next Alpha build. At that point, they know what needs to get done and what needs to go to the side for the next Alpha release. That's why Roland has not listed features for A21 at the very beginning. More than likely they had a wish list of everything they want to include in A21, but as time progress and issues popped up, items were pushed back to later Alphas. That is why he is only posting the features that they have committed to releasing in A21. Once a final decision on what changes / features to include in A21 is when they can start firming up the time to do the remaining work, and when it will be ready to start doing the Developer streams on the various features. They are using a more dynamic system to determine release dates based on what is ready to go out as a development build (based on what the developers want to release), rather than a fixed date already established and items are shipped out no matter what state they are in. But the good news is, we can still play A20 while waiting for A21. Or if you are tired of A20, consider any of those other games you have in your gaming library as a break from 7D2D until A21 is released. That is what I am doing currently so I don't feel any frustration if A21 drops next week or end of year or 1st quarter of 2023.
  21. I mod the game so my opinion is obviously based on how I like to play 7D2D.... I like how the game progresses today. I am fine with loot type being tied to days survived. I like the early game struggle. If it starts to become too much with the tier weapons I have, then I know it is time to progress further into one of the other biomes to get higher level gear if I am not seeing the necessary drops to better equip myself. I also wouldn't mind if I got lucky and found a M60 at the start. Why? Because in my game, I can't repair it and it will only last so long before it gets broken. And the chance of finding anything above Q2 is around 5%. However, this only works in my modded game because of the limitations I coded into it. This would not work in vanilla as once I found such M60, I am going to use it in every hoard night from that point on. At that point, where is the challenge?
  22. No, I think what khzmusik meant was that if you set only one sleep volume in the POI as the quest objective, the yellow dot will only show up for them (and probably would show up right away). All of the other zombies in the POI would be treated the same way as a wandering hoard that showed up - you might have to kill them just to get around them, but they wouldn't affect when the quest dot appears. So basically, the second part of your question (icon appear immediately).
  23. I think the issue with the trader rewards is the tiers. A level 4 trader reward is value of 4, which means you should see T3 or T4 rewards. A level 5 trader reward is value of 5 which means you should see T4 or T5 rewards. However, there are no T4/T5 items today (maybe legendary items might be a chance at higher T trader missions in the future) so probably the only benefit you are seeing from an item loot reward is that the higher tiers would not be giving out the lower tier items at all (in theory you should not see T0/T1 items on a T5 mission). But they also give out twice as much exp and dukes going from a T4 to a T5. And if you are trying for something specific, you can pick missions to suit you - Fetch quests are guaranteed to have a tool as one of your picks while Clear and Fetch/Clear quests are guaranteed to have a weapon as a pick. Buried supplies quests are a guaranteed medical pick. So a spoiler
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