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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. The site was recently attacked via a bunch of false new accounts and spam posts, might be related to that
  2. It is probably in the base code, which would require c# programming to change. I stand corrected. JaxTeller modded out the rage mechanic via xml coding
  3. Your log should indicate what is having issues in the loading process of the mod. You can see where there are issues in regards to specific files and even specific lines of code that your mod is trying to change. Without that information, there could be several possibilities of what is causing your issues. Will need to start to narrow down the issue first before anyone can help.
  4. Try going through the game launcher and clearing out all previous settings - delete everything. Get a clean slate to begin with
  5. Yes, that should work. To verify that the changes took place, you can check in the save game folder for the game name. In it, it will have a folder that downloads the configuration data for the game session including copies of the xml files. If the modlet worked as intended, you should be able to open the entityclasses xml file and around that area, it will note that the value was changed by X mod - x being the name of your modlet.
  6. Yes, you can create a modlet that once installed in the mod folder, would modify these values in game. To affect others, this needs to be loaded on the computer acting as the server. Since these are only xml edits, modifying the server file will change the values for all players - no need for them to download the file also.
  7. The only time I noticed no exp from bleed out was when the zombie possibly died from another source - like a spike trap. I typically just use blades when I play
  8. Or look in the entityclasses file <!-- Stealth --> <property name="MaxViewAngle" value="180"/> <property name="SightRange" value="30"/> <!-- distance in m --> <property name="SightLightThreshold" value="-2,150"/> <!-- how well lit you have to be for the zombie to see you at min,max range --> <property name="SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMin" value="-40,5"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. sight capability - "I see you" light value at point blank --> <property name="SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMax" value="340,480"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. "I see you" light value at "SightRange" --> <property name="SleeperSenseSightDetectionMin" value="-10,0"/> <!-- same for groaning, not waking --> <property name="SleeperSenseSightDetectionMax" value="200,300"/> <property name="SleeperNoiseSenseThreshold" value="3,8"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. hearing capability - "I hear something" noise value --> <property name="SleeperNoiseWakeThreshold" value="9,12"/> <property name="SleeperSmellSenseThreshold" value="20,50"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. smell capability - "I smell something" player smell value --> <property name="SoundSleeperSenseChance" value=".5"/> <!-- the chance to play "SoundSleeperSense" when "SleeperSmellSenseThreshold" is triggered --> <property name="SleeperSmellWakeThreshold" value="40,100"/> <property name="NoiseAlertThreshold" value="30"/> <!-- DEPRECATED; an awake zombie triggers instantly if touched by the sound range/volume --> <property name="SmellAlertThreshold" value="40"/> <!-- for awake zombies --> This is from zombieTemplateMale
  9. Try this: <perk name="perkTurrets" parent="skillIntellectCombat" base_skill_point_cost="1" cost_multiplier_per_level="2" name_key="perkTurretsName" desc_key="perkTurretsDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_electric_turret"> when I added it to the line for turrets, it changed the perk points required per level by doubling it. It steadily increased the value up to the last one. Changing the other way (Base skill point) and leaving multiplier at 1 should increase the perk cost to 2 for each level
  10. Yes, as long as the last damage applied was because of the bleeding effect (at least it seems to work fine when I play with knives). I have noticed that if they die because of a spike trap, then the game didn't give me the XP even though I did all the work up to that point. At most, those cases seem to be few instances. At least that has been my experience with A20 so far.
  11. I typically use knives most of the time, and I start using them on day one with the lowly bone knife. It’s not about maxing out your damage, it’s the dot while you kite them.
  12. Sorry too good of a chance to poke fun. Please read the link and follow the instructions. The more information provided will help those that will try to help you (I don't do MP so I have zero experience with server issues myself)
  13. Sounds like a corrupted player save. When you restart at level 1 and you have the initial items, but the base stays the same, that points to the issue. This was caused by when your server crashed. It was probably in the process of saving her player data file so the file got corrupted in the process. Typical response to fix that issue is to delete the player data on the server and the local client, then have an admin give the player XP to get them back to the previous level along with items from CM to cover what they are missing. No expert on the issue (I had it happen to me once in SP when I messed up some mod changes I was doing), but I recall reading about this a lot here in the general support area. You can't prevent it from happening again, but can possible mitigate the issue in the future by doing regular backup saves on the data files. At that point, you would just lose the progress of that recent game session when you reload the backups rather than 68 days worth of progress on your character.
  14. I know I am strange, but I am eagerly waiting the first time I attempt to throw a grenade through the hole in the door only to have it bounce back at me. I also know it will be when I am getting swarmed by zombies and desperately trying to get out of that situation 🙂
  15. 1) I answered the OPs question (a bit too literally) 2) I am an engineer so I always remember to state uncertainty 3) I am an engineer and this sounds funny in my head Also no reference intended. But if there is actually one, I will take credit for being so subtle that even I didn't catch it at first 😉
  16. EAC won't prevent you from logging in or playing the game, unless the server you are trying to connect to requires it. For the EAC, you might want to try repairing it to see if this fixes your issue https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/game/guides/installer/ If that doesn't solve your problems, logfiles will be helpful (see the pinned topic in General Support that states "How to Report an issue")
  17. Or you could just start talking about streamer weekend in general. I am sure that will stir up some discussion 😉
  18. 5 years 4 months 17 days +/- 3 days depending on the day of the week that the zombie apocalypse starts on
  19. At least they made stealth in 7D2D different than what was done in Skyrim
  20. I don't think they can do that. In order to continue with the TTG version of 7D2D, they would need to own the rights to the source code from TTG. I don't think that is something they were able to get when they went to court many years ago (I think the rights they got were just the production rights for the game and the intellectual rights back from TTG as part of the bankruptcy proceedings).
  21. I will for sure. These changes to crafting are something I am looking forward to in A21.
  22. I don't think there is any hope for you if you can't follow instructions provided. Might be best just to sell your computer also. Sure you won't be able to play any more games, but at the same time your computer issues will just disappear. Another bonus is you would not have to go to support forums asking for help and giving out minimal information, just to get cheeky replies like this in response.
  23. I got a ton of hours in and haven't seen any variation of the mod slots besides what the code is doing, though even with all the hours, I am just a sample size of 1. <item name="meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer"> .......... <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,1,2,2,3,4" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/> Your Q5 items should have 3 spots for mods (unless you are playing with a mod that might have changed it). See now you made me curious enough to get the old config files for A17 and check them. 😄
  24. Why not just generate a modlet to change the food / water loss if you are concerned about eating too much during a 120 minute day? Right now the water drain is set to about 40/hour while the food drain is 30/hour. It's only 2 lines that require the change and you can tweak it to what you think it should be.
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