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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. The nerdy glasses make crafting faster, maybe you can look at them and add a debuff to player in the entity classes file?
  2. Not true, it just takes some work. My previous playthrough, I converted one of the T1 gas stations in a bunker style horde base By the end of the playthrough, I had wide openings on all 4 sides with various traps to help assist with controlling the zombies. The zombies were even nice to help me out by tearing out some of the blocks on the first few horde nights 😉 I have done the same thing with the burnt out convenience store and the bar that is for sale. Small and compact, better make sure you stock up on ammo 🙂 Current playthrough I have taken over the ruined 4 floor apartment building and trying a maze type defense leading them all the way around and eventually up to the 3rd floor (4th floor is where my main base is). Only 15 days in so can't judge if it will work (also have yet to find the workbench schematic so I am limited to only things i can craft in my backpack). Only thing is, this base I decided that I can't repair it while the horde is going on so I am currently working on my 3rd fallback position on the second floor.
  3. I mod my game so that all tools, weapons, and armor are not repairable. So crafting is a must if you want to keep using gear and survive.
  4. Just a FYI, the modlet does work for anyone that wants to remove fog completely. I tried it out in my game and no fog for the first week. Removed it after the first horde night and I been getting fog on a regular basis now. OPs issue was trying to get only one person to have no fog when the game tries to simulate the weather like in real life (where if one person is standing in fog, the person 2 feet from them are also standing in fog - issues withstanding 😉 )
  5. The thing is, this game is not a building simulator. it is not a crafting simulator. It is not a mining or farming or cooking simulator. It is a zombie game that has all of those elements as part of the game, and TFP are working to balance all of those aspects together. If you want to play this game solely as a builder or a crafter, you have to understand that this game is not going to be designed around your playstyle and you will need to make adjustments, either in the way you are playing (so yes, going out to loot and find magazines to get your crafting levels up or spec'ing into certain perks so you can mine better or gather resources for your big builds) or modify the game to fit your playstyle. Or simply turn on CM and gift yourself all of those items that you don't want to raid POIs to get. I only play SP so I don't have a team to help me out, so I understand that some days I am doing trader missions, other days I am just going though targeted POIs to get the items I am looking for, other days are simply mining, and even days strictly dedicated to base building, whether it is converting the rubble POI into a base for both crafting and horde, or building a massive base from ground up.
  6. Alright, I overestimated how long it was going to take https://github.com/BFT2020/PerkUnlocks_Remove.git This removes all recipe unlocks from the perks (but leaves them in the perk books). For recipe unlocks that were only in the perks, I did the following: Gunpowder crafting bundle - added to grenades schematic All mines - added to rocket launcher schematic Gas crafting bundle - added to the gas can schematic Fort bites, steroids, and recog - added to antibiotics schematic car battery - added to motorcycle, 4x4, and gyrocopter It loaded fine on my end and it is the code I use for my mod, but if you find any issues, just let me know.
  7. I got the easy part done (pulling the code to remove perk unlocks), I just now have to compare the recipes via unlocks vs what you can unlock via perk books and schematics to make sure there is still a way to get them unlock in-game. If they don't have a corresponding way, I will create a new schematic for it and have it inserted in the loot tables and trader. This will take some time as I have to go through each one individually.
  8. The mod I am working on right now does that, along with a bunch of other changes I am making. I might be able to pull the code that does that, though it is rough right now (no localization and I haven't changed the tips that tell you how to unlock them). If there is a mod out there already, that might be better especially if they are further along than I am. Also, A21 is already planning on removing perk unlocks for recipes so this would only work until A21 drops which then replaces the schematics with the new learn by reading system.
  9. Nope, and not really planning to. I confirmed that the terrain blocks have the correct tag for harvesting bonuses and confirmed that the auger works with those harvesting tags. If it doesn't work for the clay terrain blocks, then that is a bug. Rather spend time working on my mod and playtesting it.
  10. You are assuming we will remember this in the future 😉
  11. Rock buster candy and coffee does increase yields with the auger Test world Level 1 character, Q2 auger with no mods, 10 surface iron nodes for each test from CM No buffs - 1050 iron With coffee buzz and book - 1150 iron With rock busters buff active (coffee buzz not active) - 1260 iron Also of note, I have seen people claim on the internet that durability affects the auger harvesting (or any tool / weapon to be exact). That is not the case Same test as above Auger starting at 100% durability - 1050 iron Auger starting at <50% durability - 1050 iron
  12. Yes. If you have any issues, it will probably be because I messed something up with the code. When you boot up your game, hit F1 and watch the console for any error or warning messages that pop up when it loads
  13. As someone who prematurely removed glass jars from the game, I can second this statement. I have found it refreshing and fun to have to choose my limited dirty water supply between cooking, drinking, and crafting.
  14. As long as they don't use the same names for items and only add to the vanilla game and don't take away, they should work at the same time. Ammo will have issues as they are probably named differently between the mods. You can either just deal with that (and find / craft both ammo) or you can create a modlet that will patch it so they use the same ammo. If you go that route, you need to do the following: 1) Decide on which mod you will use the ammo from 2) Open that mod's item.xml file to see how that mod creator named their ammo 3) Create a modlet that loads up last with the following lines added (one for each weapon in the mod you are changing the ammo <set xpath="/items/item[@name='X']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">Y</set> where X is the item name of the gun and Y is the item name of the ammo you want to use with that gun. If using multiple types of ammo, Y would be in this format <set xpath="/items/item[@name='X']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">Y1,Y2,Y3</set> This is an example in my mod where I changed the pipe rifle to only use ball ammo and lever action rifle was changed to 44 cal ammo <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT0PipeRifle']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">ammo762mmBulletBall</set> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">ammo44MagnumBulletBall,ammo44MagnumBulletHP,ammo44MagnumBulletAP</set> After that, you will probably also want to remove the unused ammo now from the recipes file, the loot file, and the trader file (so it doesn't show up in your world, you can leave it in the item file though)
  15. The crafting system in 7D2D was broken, it needed work on it. All you had to do was buy into one of the perks and you could start crafting T3 weapons at Q5 and bypass the other tiers. It also couldn't keep up with the loot level progression. The old system I would loot POIs and find multiple copies of the same schematic. The first one had value, the other were simply cash sells if I bothered to keep them to sell to the trader. Now, each time I find a magazine for items I am wanting to craft, I get progress with each find.
  16. I think Izayo is not working on his .30-06 mod anymore (or at least not right now) so it is not available via link. FYI, z Lam's increased MOD slot 2 won't work with Izayo's mod as it was setup to change the mod slots for vanilla weapons and Tactical weapons mod. You might try adding the following lines to the Lam's mod and it should (hopefully - I haven't tested it) change all of Izayo's guns to be the same as the others <set xpath="/tems/item[starts-with(@name,'T0')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ModSlots']/@value">1,2,3,4,5,6</set> <set xpath="/tems/item[starts-with(@name,'T1')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ModSlots']/@value">1,2,3,4,5,6</set> <set xpath="/tems/item[starts-with(@name,'T2')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ModSlots']/@value">1,2,3,4,5,6</set> <set xpath="/tems/item[starts-with(@name,'T3')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ModSlots']/@value">1,2,3,4,5,6</set> <set xpath="/tems/item[starts-with(@name,'T4')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ModSlots']/@value">1,2,3,4,5,6</set>
  17. Some people might think differently, or at least this player does 🙂 I have modded my game so you can't repair equipment. I have found iron or steel tools in loot (before I have the resources to craft new ones) and I will use them until I break them, then go down a tier. In my playthroughs, I have had instances where I was using a Q5 steel pickaxe to mine until it broke, then crafted a Q4 iron pickaxe as a replacement until I found another steel one or was able to start crafting my own steel tools. But that type of playing requires a specific mindset (where the goal of the game is just to survive with what you got) rather than looting to find the best gear and using it from that point on.
  18. I will see if I can test the items out in game. I have a test world I been using for my mod that I can easily change over to vanilla and do some mining in.
  19. @Syphon583 @Callum123456789 I could be wrong, but I don't see where I am...unless there was a very recent change and my config files I am looking at are not the latest (they are at least 20.5 version). The auger has the same harvesting tags as the pickaxe so now I am confused 🤔 Edit: I know the description in the book states pickaxe or stone axe while the description in rock candy just states mining tool, but the tags seem to indicate that they would affect the auger also. Unless there is something hard coded into the game that ignores those tags (say if the item has the tag motorTool). From the Iron Pickaxe <item name="meleeToolPickT1IronPickaxe"> <property name="Tags" value="melee,grunting,medium,tool,longShaft,attStrength,perkMiner69r,perkMotherLode,miningTool,canHaveCosmetic"/> From the auger <item name="meleeToolPickT3Auger"> <property name="Tags" value="melee,heavy,tool,motorTool,attStrength,perkMiner69r,perkMotherLode,miningTool,canHaveCosmetic"/> From the Perk Motherlode <effect_group> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value=".2,1" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value="-.1,-.4" tags="Harvesting"> <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="perkMiner69r"/> </passive_effect> From the Coffee buzz book <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffCoffee"/> <requirement name="ItemHasTags" tags="miningTool"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" level="1" value=".1" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" level="1" value="-.05" tags="Harvesting"/> </effect_group> <effect_group> <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffBlackStrapCoffee"/> <requirement name="ItemHasTags" tags="miningTool"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" level="1" value=".1" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" level="1" value="-.05" tags="Harvesting"/> </effect_group> From the rock candy buff <effect_group> <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="perkMiner69r"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" value=".2" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" value="-.05" tags="Harvesting"/> </effect_group>
  20. BFT2020

    NPCMod and Addons

    I believe it is Guns, Nerds, and Steel, but your name would be a great parody for his channel 😁 And a shameless plug for his channel https://www.youtube.com/c/GunsNerdsandSteel?app=desktop
  21. Yes to both questions (or it should be doing this based on the game code) Both rock busters candy and coffee increase yields based on the oreWoodHarvest tag. Any block that has harvest in it and use this tag will see an increase in yields when using tools (shovels, axes, pickaxes, augers, and chainsaws). Terrain blocks that yield clay when you harvest them have this tag in them. Pallets don't have this tag in them so they don't benefit from the rock busters candy and coffee buzz ( at least in A20 they don't).
  22. Everyone has to have it since the weapons are new assets
  23. @RolandThis is the man that can help you out
  24. No biggie, I noticed it back when it was first posted and didn't think of saying anything at the time.
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