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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Here is a modlet to do that. You might have to adjust the probabilities based on your preference https://github.com/BFT2020/Eggs.git
  2. I'm thinking that if you were to set the damage of zombies to 1 and then just let them pummel you repeatedly, you will find your answer there. I didn't think it was scaled to your health percentage, just how many times you were getting hit after the first hit.
  3. Only if you are specing into two melee weapons. You are not paying twice as much if you only spec in one melee weapon like every other attribute. However, it is still cheaper than other attributes specing into two melee weapons or even into tools for reduce stamina usage (since other attributes will also have to spec into the Strength attribute to unlock the higher levels).
  4. What version drivers are you using? Also are you boosting / overclocking? And i just realized I was way off on video cards (2 families behind, geez 😉 ). You got twice as many cores as I do, and have twice as much RAM memory. Faster SSD. But somehow, my computer runs more stable that yours does when playing 7 days to die. I will have to check my video game settings when I get home. I choose performance over video quality so I probably don't have Ultra on my settings like you do.
  5. I will load it up tonight and see what happens. I did notice something right away, at the very bottom (right above </config>, you forgot to remove the --> (end of the comment). Not sure if that will cause an issue, but I will leave it in for now to see what I see on my end. For testing purposes, I will also change the resourceFeather in the second group to another item so it shows clearly what is being picked when a birdnest is looted. That line for bird feathers has a high priority (high) compared to the egg line which is medHigh based on my code. If the code is loading correctly, there just might be fine tuning that needs to be done on the probabilities (which is what I am thinking needs to be done for your purposes). One thing I could do is change the code from: <lootgroup name="groupBirdNest01" count="1"> <item name="resourceFeather" count="1"/> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupBirdNest02" count="1,2"> <item name="foodEgg" loot_prob_template="medHigh"/> <item name="resourceFeather" count="1,5" loot_prob_template="high"/> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupBirdNest" count="all"> <item group="groupBirdNest01" count="1"/> <item group="groupBirdNest02" count="1"/> </lootgroup> to this: <lootgroup name="groupBirdNest01" count="1"> <item name="resourceFeather" count="1,3"/> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupBirdNest02" count="1,2"> <item name="foodEgg" loot_prob_template="med"/> <item name="resourceFeather" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="med"/> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupBirdNest" count="all"> <item group="groupBirdNest01" count="1"/> <item group="groupBirdNest02" count="1"/> </lootgroup> That effectively change the chances to 50/50 in the second group of getting an egg.
  6. Khaine uses the same name as the vanilla zombie so the weaker version would be changed by your mod (as you stated, assuming your mod is loaded in last). @TheOne2246 If I were you, I would copy and paste another set of code for the demolition zombie, but change it to zombieDemolitionMutated from zombieDemolition, that would also change the upgraded version that Khaine introduced for Darkness falls. I would also recommend just modifying Chamber's modlet to work with the DF mod, rather than changing out the code in DF. That way, this modlet should always work if you download new versions of DF (unless Khaine or the TFP change something along the way). Even then, the 7D2D modding community is pretty helpful and can talk you through what changes you need to make. Another route you can do is to make up a simple modlet and insert the code below that will take care of both (which is what I would do if I wanted to change the demos in my game): <remove xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[contains(@name,'Demolition')]/property[contains(@name,'Explosion')]"/> <remove xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[contains(@name,'Demolition')]/property[contains(@name,'Explode')]"/> <remove xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[contains(@name,'Demolition')]/property[contains(@name,'SoundTick')]"/> If I didn't mess up the syntax, those 3 lines should remove all 13 lines in any Demolition entity in DF (the 10 that Chambers showed in his example plus the extra 3 dealing with bonus damage modifier for wood, stone, and metal).
  7. Can you give us more computer specs? I don't think it is your video card as my setup is a bit similar. I have a RTX 2080 Super with an AMD Ryzen 7. The game runs smooth like butter on my side. I do see a FPS drop in cities because of the issues that fataal has already identified and fixing, but I don't see any stuttering like you are probably experiencing, especially during hordes or bloodmoon nights.
  8. Forgot to respond to his earlier this week. As someone who spends a considerable amount of time troubleshooting issues at work, this made my day 😁
  9. If you guys are playing together, you just need to modify the server files and not the client side ones (since they would only be xml edits). However, this will affect all players (so nobody would see fog at that point). I don't think you can mod client side only as the server config files will be the ones being used (to prevent people from hacking on servers). I got another modlet I am going to work on this evening for another person so I can easily throw one together for fog and test it out at the same time.
  10. I am going to start looking at it tonight, can you let me know exactly what you mean by it is not working? What are you seeing vs what you are expecting to see?
  11. Melange was just trying to be helpful, no need to be rude. TFP have already expressed no interest in adding animal traps to the game. The likelihood of them adding something like this is slim to none, with slim become more and more unlikely as they push to go to gold. There are mods out there that do add this functionality to the game if you desire, you just need to do some searching.
  12. Let me write up the modlet and test it out, then I will post it.
  13. I don't think you can modify the fog conditions without modifying the game (not sure how you want to remove the fog without modding the game)... From the biomes xml file (pine forest as an example) <biome name="pine_forest" topsoil_block="terrForestGround" biomemapcolor="#004000" lootstage_modifier = "0" lootstage_bonus="0"> <weather name="default" prob="83"> <Temperature min="65" max="70" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="0" max="0" prob="35"/> <CloudThickness min="10" max="70" prob="65"/> <Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob="1"/> <Fog min="0" max="2" prob="1"/> <Wind min="3" max="22" prob="1"/> </weather> <weather name="fog" prob="7"> <Temperature min="65" max="70" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="35" max="70" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob="1"/> <Fog min="16" max="27" prob="1"/> <Wind min="2" max="5" prob="1"/> </weather> <weather name="rain" prob="7"> <Temperature min="65" max="70" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="70" max="90" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="30" max="80" prob="1"/> <Fog min="1" max="3" prob="1"/> <Wind min="10" max="25" prob="1"/> <spectrum name="Rainy"/> </weather> <weather name="storm" prob="3"> <Temperature min="65" max="70" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="90" max="100" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="90" max="100" prob="1"/> <Fog min="2" max="8" prob="1"/> <Wind min="35" max="40" prob="1"/> <spectrum name="Stormy"/> </weather> I think if you change all the fog probabilities to 0 then you won't get fog in the pine forest. The other biomes would have the same code. Someone else might have a better idea, but a modlet is most likely your best avenue.
  14. How about only making one post of your video and in the mods tutorial section, rather than 4 posts all over the place self promoting, even going as far as posting it in a help thread for the gaming consoles? Wonder if you are a bot or trying to spam the forums…..
  15. I did read it. However, you can't just assume if you slightly alter the models that you are in the clear legal wise. Copyright laws impact more than just direct copies of other people's work. It also falls under a concept called derivative works which means that the work itself, using copyright material, has to be substantial and a reflection of that person's creativity / workmanship. And no, I am not assuming anything you said, I am basing what I said on a direct statement you made: So for a mod creator to use something like a Gorefast, they would need to modify the base model in a significant manner that the original copyright owner can't demonstrate in a court of law that the mod creator used their copyrights without permission. By that point, it becomes less and less a Gorefast, and more an original creation by the mod creator, which based on the specific examples you listed in your original post, would deviate greatly from what I believe you are seeking. The issue you mentioned at the start of your post is a perfect example. The model that TFP purchased (thinking it was available for sale) was a slightly alternate version of the Clot. It was not an exact copy of the original Clot model, but the resemblance was close enough that anyone using that model purchased from the Unity store were going to have legal issues. In some cases, you might be legally right to use an asset, but not have the financial means to defend that stance in court. Maybe there is a version of zombie models that you would accept for your mod idea that doesn't get the mod creator in potential legal trouble, but you are going to have to provide more details on how they look - not just "slightly alternate looking versions". At that point, the mod creator will have to make a personal choice on if they want to handle this type of project (and if they believe the plans / ideas significantly reduce the risk). Look, I am all for people modding their game and asking others for assistance, I just want others to be aware of the potential legal issues surrounding mods when you start using assets that might cause another copyright owner to come after you with lawyers.
  16. Players have been complaining about it in the past, they weren't complaining about jars specifically; but I recall a lot of posts about how survivability in the base game was too easy. Water in A20 is trivial. I never had a hard choice about water in the game, never had to drink murky water. The only "hard" choice I had was whether I should venture out night to the water source nearby to fill a stack of jars to craft glue for items I didn't need that very minute.
  17. Will do once A21 drops and I confirm it still works on it. Going to package a lot of modlets I have done over the past year for others and post them in a new A21 modlet post.
  18. Sex Rex is not being removed. TFP is just incorporating the perk's bonuses into the other perks because their data showed that non-strength players were perking into it to get its benefits for tools and the other melee weapons. The only difference was that non-strength players were paying a premium cost for that perk compared to the strength players. It's an easy way to reduce the gulf between strength and non-strength players (in terms of stamina use at least) while addressing a suggestion that has been made many times in the past. Stamina regeneration boosting items like coffee are temporary buffs while perking into Sex Rex (or in A21, any melee weapon perk) is a permanent buff. Master Chef (in it's current iteration, will likely be changed for A21) only decreases cooking times, unlock recipes, and reduces ingredients for certain foods, it does not influence those items. As Uncle Al has already stated, Sex Rex =/= Advanced Engineering =/= Master Chef.
  19. They may have been variables in the past, but they might have been hardcoded in recently. From your explanation on what you are seeing, that seems likely (which means c# code changes or maybe something was done accidently by the devs and not realized). I don't see the values anywhere else. To verify, did you leave the chunk area when you skipped days? Also, did you make the changes before you rented the vending machine or after? What I would typically do for a change like this is make the change, then start a new game up. This might not change anything, but I always want a clean slate when I make changes to the traders.
  20. I don't understand. How are we forcing you to play in the way you describe? Nobody is forcing you and your friends to climb on top of a tall factory and hide from the blood moon horde. Nobody is forcing you to build your own base or take over a ultra strong POI to defend against the blood moon horde. Nobody is forcing you to create a safe crafting base with a separate horde base. Nobody is forcing you to design your base around exploiting game mechanics. If you want to build a base that not only serves as your main base, but also your defense against the blood moon horde, then go right ahead and do it. Nothing is stopping you from doing it. I do it all the time. If you want to build a base from scratch, then go ahead and do it. I do it all the time. Nothing is stopping you from doing it. If you want to take over a small POI and build it up over time, nothing is stopping you from doing it. I did it and had a blast. If you want to build a base with a backup in case things go sour (you know, play to survive against the horde), then go and do it. What you are clearly stating in your posts is that you and your friends lack the willpower to let the dice lay where it rolls. Nobody is forcing you to jump on a neighboring house to escape a horde if your base failed to protect you, that was your choice and your decision (however, the blood moon zombies will still come after you so you are completely safe, and higher level blood moon hordes will quickly tear down a poi that hasn't been fortified further). What you are describing it not a lack of choice on your part, it is an admission that you lack the willpower to play the way you want to play, and your solution is to force others down that same route. There is also the option of modding the game. You want to take away various choices that players have when they play the game, then mod it in so those choices are taken away from you.
  21. Just to be clear, it is not just a crafting tier As you advance your crafting skill, you unlock the ability to craft higher quality level of the item (up to Q5 based on our last information). Eventually you unlock higher tier items but at lower quality levels. Then you continue progressing on the specific crafting skill and unlock higher quality levels for that higher tier item. You probably already know that, but it seems people have misconceptions on what these changes are doing.
  22. The reason it hasn't been done before is because of copyright reasons. You can't take the models from KF1/KF2 and use them in a mod or game, unless those assets are free to use in the first place. Most mod creators don't want to receive a cease and desist letter (or worse, a notice of a lawsuit filed against them).
  23. Most people, if they are still in their hometown, don't wake up naked and in the woods 😉 As for cheating, I just play SP so the only person I would be "cheating" is myself. I play the game to have fun, so it doesn't matter what others would think.
  24. Actually, I been looking forward to this change now; especially the fact that you can't craft a Q5 autoshottie as soon as you can craft a Q5 double barrel. But then again, I modded my game to remove the recipes from perk unlocks so it aligns more with my playstyle so me looking forward to it is natural. There are some other positives about it that don't get mentioned as much (at least from my perspective): Old system - you randomly find schematics and will often find ones you already either unlocked or read New system - each time you find the magazine for that crafting skill, you increase your level with it - maybe unlocking the next Quality tier or next tier of weapon This might seem minor, but seeing yourself making progress is motivating rather than finding 10 schematics and you already have all of them unlocked Old system - you couldn't increase the odds of finding a specific schematic unless you find certain crates - which is why Crack a Book POIs were highly sought out New system - if you perk into Shotgun Messiah, you increase your chances of finding those magazines Also New system - hints by Roland and Laz Man indicate that just going to a specific POI has a bigger chance of finding a specific magazine now Old system - how many times have we opened up crack a book crates or looted shelves and our reward was paper? New system - with all of the crafting skill categories, magazines will be more abundant and a lot less paper found when search for crafting skill mags
  25. Um, I am pretty sure water is still in the game. Otherwise faatal spent a lot of work on water mechanics for nothing 😉 Perks have to be revamped because of the changes to the crafting system. So it is only natural to revisit all of the perks and see what makes sense and what doesn't. And changing Sex Rex was a natural go. If you look at the current system, strength tree has is OP when you look at melee fighting - it has sex rex as one of the perks you can spec into as you raise your strength level. On top of that, once you complete the Batter Up book series, you get your stamina refreshed every time you get a kill. So now with the change, other melee weapons can get a stamina benefit without having to drop up to 8 points in strength to max out Sex Rex. Plus, other changes are coming that we won't find out (probably) until A21 is dropped - that has been hinted already by the people testing out A21 and visit the forums. Jars - Depends on what you mean by not broken. If by not broken means not having to make much of an effort to obtain water in the game, then yes, it is not broken. But at that point, you might as well remove hydration meter and dirty water / boiled water from the game as it is trivial anyways - at most it takes up spots in your inventory. If by broken you mean that it is just a trivial part of the game and really doesn't affect survivability, then re-examining the water situation and coming up with a new method is very much needed. In addition, calling Sex Rex "classic" 7D2D is a stretch, a very big stretch......The current Attribute trees / Perks system we see today was no part of the original development stages in 7D2D. If I am remembering correctly, what we have today came about around A17 - prior to that it was LBD (and not sure what it was prior to that).
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