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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. They are bandits. What you will get is a pyramid scheme where you think they are great investors, then 5-10 years later, they will be raided by the SEC, sent to jail, and you will be lucky just to get your initial investment back as they already spent all the money on bandit bling that has no value outside of the bandit camps 😉 See I am being realistic 😆
  2. I saw this instantly Plugins: Failed to load 'D:/7dtd a19 Stable/7daystodie_Data/Plugins/x86_64/easyanticheat.dll' with error 'A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. '. Do you see this message when you run it through the standard client? I don't see it when I last ran 7D2D with EAC. If it is not properly running EAC, that might be why it is kicking you. Maybe this dll file is corrupted? It would be interesting to see the path for the build that runs for you compared to this path above. Just some thoughts from a computer hack (not a hacker, just a hack 😉 )
  3. I did this in my new playthrough that I started tonight. I didn't think it would affect me, but I didn't count on one thing. I am fine not having the first 4 perk points as it means I have tougher choices now on what to spend them on - combat vs survivability perks vs building. No, the thing that got me was not having the locate trader quest. I didn't realize how much of a "crutch" that quest was. But I got to say I am loving it so far. I picked a direction and continuing walking until I find a major road to follow. I ended up having to clear out a POI I found to bunker down in the night. In the morning, I got to figure out what I want to take with me and what I am going to leave behind.
  4. ST is talking about electrical wires
  5. I think we can all agree that everyone has a different opinion.
  6. You could just queue them up in your workbench and have it make them. I typically do that. Forge the iron at night, then queue it up before I leave to do my tasks for that day away from the my base. By the time I get back, the spikes are ready for me to deploy them. Time management is always a critical part of survival games. Letting the workstations do tasks like this helps you out in the long term.
  7. I love it when you have to grab your arrows back while fighting one from above as you realize you are running low on them. 🙂
  8. I use the 4X4 if I am going to loot several buildings close by or a T5 factory. I use it more for my big hauls than anything else. Gyrocopter is more for quick runs (most likely when I am hitting traders after they refresh their stock - I like to be able to go straight distances to each one). My last playthrough, I actually built the minibike before the bicycle as I had everything I needed to do either (but not both) so I just waited for enough XP to get the next level and unlock it. Though I still end up building the bicycle later on to use around my home base - I have mines for iron, coal, potassium, and lead near by so I use the bicycle to not waste gas (I know I can just mine a ton of shale and convert it over, but I try to only use my gas to charge my batteries in my base, for my bigger vehicles to go to nearby towns to loot, and for the auger / chainsaw when I need to harvest a lot of materials at once). But I am weird - I did build a two vehicle garage for my 4X4 and motorcycle even though I play SP 🙄
  9. Well, KingGen has only been around since March of this year while Nitrogen has been longer. The issue with Nitrogen is that it has been abandon while @KingSlayerGM is actively updating and refining his tool as it goes along. There are going to be differences, but KingSlayerGM does look for feedback and will adjust his tool if he feels that feedback will improve on it and the user's experience.
  10. Weird, I never play like that (i.e. trying to get a minibike ASAP). I've had games where I just got a bicycle crafted before the first BM horde at 7 days. I think that is why even after 3k hours into this Alpha game, I still will start a new one and enjoy the experience - since I don't play it Min-Max and try to optimize how I play it. I wonder if I was to try to get a minibike within a 3-4 day of start, the game itself will lose interest?
  11. Don't forget that they will constantly teabag your corpse.
  12. I am at work right now so I can't check, but is it easy to XML edit out the HP gain from using painkillers? If you could do that, then @MechanicalLensdoesn't have to use the honor system of not using them for a HP recovery get out of jail item. Then all they could be used for is to treat concussions.
  13. I prefer the name as it is, as Gazz mentioned above.
  14. We want a true rescue mission, not a babysitting mission where my 6 year old is smarter than the NPC (hell in these cases, a 2 year old would be smarter). If the goal is to simply babysit a meat sack from Point A to Point B, then why not just make a mission that once you accept, you just go to point A and then Point B, then get the reward. No need to program any NPCs, simple and easy.
  15. I don't think you are going to see a big difference, maybe if you play for a long time (in amounts). I would keep them (books at least). Since you are not using the traders at all (are you going to generate a map with no traders on it?), you already are hurting for ammo since you won't be able to use them to purchase ammo or reset POIs.
  16. Don't use mods in tier 0 tools / weapons Eating canned foods is banned - are you still able to use them for recipes? Also, I would recommend FranticDan's mod. It does increase the difficulty level in several ways, but some of the more interesting I have found: Decreased amounts of resources while harvesting, some modifications to perks (for example, only harvest one per plant, farm plots more expensive), increase night spawns, increased ingredients for cooking. This is the only mod I have tried out so far, though, so my suggestion list is a bit sparse right now 😉 I also did a playthrough where I only used the items I could craft. Everything except food and medical items was used as raw materials. You will have to make an exception of some early items since you are not using traders (like use the first wrench to gather mechanical parts) or not. Once I had my forge up and running, I stopped using pipes and melted them down, forcing myself to craft them when I needed them (which meant harvesting clay for them). That was a bit extreme though.
  17. I just ran it again setting everything back to default settings and running a 4k map. I generated two maps and both have cities / towns / villages spaced out and with roads. Using same version you are. https://imgur.com/a/pz4RwMk
  18. The lack of roads and the one city location is based on your settings. Instead of having towns set to 0 and villages set to few, switch those two settings. In addition, change grid sizes from medium to small. Since you are trying to generate a 4k map, you don't have enough land for medium size cities / towns and have them spread out. You can either have a large city on the map or smaller ones spread out. You will still get some maps with everything in one location but you will also start getting some that are spread out with roads connecting. Since you have it set to villages (instead of towns), it is not drawing roads onto the map. Note: These are just my observations, KingSlayer would be more knowledgeable as he created the tool.
  19. It's typically not impossible, but takes some work. If a mod requires special POIs that are not part of the vanilla POIs, you will need to generate a map with those POIs (custom POI list for either Nitro or KingGen). You can also import the POIs if you use the game's RWG creator. I believe you can also import POTs into Nitro/KingGen maps, but it is easier to do it when you are generating the map rather than after. Detailed instructions on what you need to do can be found in the map generation threads in Mods -> Tools.
  20. I usually go extended mag, rad remover, burst fire, and silencer if I found a Q6 and have all of those mods. I switxh between HP and AP depending on what I have (and save the normal rounds for turrets)
  21. @Naz You have my thanks. I wasn’t having issues, but I did want to use your suggestions to make my system more stable while running 7D2D. I did have a brain freeze when figuring out what I needed to put in the value for affinity to get Cores 0, 2,4, & 6 allocated; but looking at you shortcuts, I realized I wasn’t thinking in computer (i.e. hex).
  22. I wish all missions could have a more direct influence on the game, like buried supplies missions would increase the amount of stock in the trader you completed it for; rather than just some items and dukes as a reward. Then if you didn’t do the missions, the trader’s stock would not increase over time. Then hour actions would influence how much help the traders would give you in the game.
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