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John Black

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Everything posted by John Black

  1. That feature took 12 months to implement, don't be so insensitive and show some appreciation.
  2. I was thinking more in the line of inspecting items but since devs are in the habit of simplifying and dumbing down I never thought it worth trying to put my thoughts into words... non-english so PITA to accurately try and articulate things
  3. Just make the gains low enough so it's not worth running for nothing. Give me 0.01 skill points for running to X whilst doing Y and I'll be happy. It's not about getting to 100, it's about continuously improving as I'm doing something.
  4. [ ] traders [ ] bandits |-^--------| Zombie HP |--------^-| Zombie Damage |------^---| POI size cap
  5. The of course you also have the master of all inventory mods(opensource) that include deposit, restock and locking. -- https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1357?tab=description
  6. I still recall trying to sit on the bloody bed
  7. They should really keep the tin can variations for pipe weapon. By the time you can craft a working SMG surely you should be able to craft a decent-looking silencer. And this goes for all weapons / mod combinations.
  8. Bit late, but here’s my quick ramble regarding stealth and general zombie behavior. Smell - Zombies should always detect you within X blocks by smell, no matter visibility, they shouldn’t be bumping into you ever, as is the case currently. They should even be able to smell you on the other side of the door! [z][door][player] Sound - Certain sounds should always wake up and aggro zombies within range. Zombie dropping to the floor - (~3 blocks for sleeper) Other sounds like alert/pain - (~10 blocks) Doors (~1 block), blocks breaking(~3) This will cause cascaded zombie aggroing, which can solve many of the artificial mechanics when the intent is to trigger multiple zombies at a time. And I guess if external sound shouldn’t bait them, sound can be limited to “room” for the ‘group’, until one is aggroed - the rationale would be they can’t hear as well as the door and windows are closed. Stealth, crouch bonus or whatever we want to call it should be based on detection, not on the character’s ‘crouch’ status. The idea is that you can do extra damage as you have time to position/aim/prep to inflict a more lethal attack. I’ve been in situations where I couldn’t deliver bonus damage as in crouch LOS was not possible. And don’t hate, but since physical actions against blocks make less noise in ‘stealth’, they should be slower, much slower, or at least do a lot less damage per attack. This comes back to balance where going in Stealth vs Full guns blazing should aim to balance time vs risk.
  9. Please consider adding a slider for the existing hand/weapon FOV to allow for changes similar to https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/21699-weaponhands-fov-camera-distance-changer/page/2/. (For those interested, @Ragnar made an A20 alternative - https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/21699-weaponhands-fov-camera-distance-changer/?do=findComment&comment=484560) Modded screenshots are at a setting of 75. Think default is 45 so the current can be dialed back to your preference. Keep in mind that you physical screen size can make different settings look either good or very bad. As an example, I have a 34" where I play a default fov of 65 and a 55" as a desktop screen on the other table which I play at 75. The 55" is massive on a table so the weapons are gigantic. Similar issue using VorpX in VR, the weapons and hand modals are way to big and a setting to adjust those will make a huge difference to immersion and visuals.
  10. Thanks @ivailogeimara and @Ragnar for saving us from the limited weapon FOV. Just wish I found this before I started my VorpX session.
  11. If the devs are going to rework the stealth system, the door mechanic will be nice, otherwise it will just be more reason to mutilate POI design to even more unrealistic levels. The way zombies are triggered and hidden all the time either in boxes, groups behind curtains, within bricked in areas, groups in ceilings are all side-effects of the bolt-on stealth system IMHO. I’m in favor of the scope zoom because the groundwork has already been done by a modder, still not a priority for me. I’m not so much in favor of the door mechanic because it is screaming advanced stealth and I’m not convinced we’ll see much more work in that area. I’m still hoping for a lean left/right feature and my interact is already bound to F.
  12. Looks nice, have seen the mod before and have considered installing it. As I play more than one game, the scoping in 7d2d has been feeling and looking dated for a while already. I’d be happy to see one of my favorite games improve visually.
  13. 1.1.0 on this end - Thank you -
  14. Hi Fil, Am I correct in assuming that the games' "Feral Sense=on" option will override your horde settings? I’ve been struggling to manage the level of action in the wasteland. With feral sense=off during the day, normal zombies have a lackluster threat level. I therefore set feral sense=on during the day, which results in what I feel to be an appropriate threat. This unfortunately seems to have the side-effect of making every IH feral. At insane difficulty, 200% block damage and with my current horde settings, its a bit much especially as the horde can’t be avoided(from my testing). Would it be possible to have IH not be affected by the feral setting of the game and only use the setting from the IH settings.xml? <min_hrs_between_occurrences>0</min_hrs_between_occurrences> <min_occurrences>6</min_occurrences> <max_occurrences>21</max_occurrences> <feral_horde_chance>0.01 (also tried zero)</feral_horde_chance>
  15. ^^This - And remember you need to restart the game after deactivating the mesh. Also deactivating shadows, even indoors, when you're getting low frames can make a huge difference, just flip them on/off based on the situation as you don't need to restart the game.
  16. And here I was trying to mod the thing like a fool! <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='tableLampLight']"> <property name="Material" value="Mglass"/> <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/> </append>
  17. And here I was trying to mod the thing like a fool! <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='tableLampLight']"> <property name="Material" value="Mglass"/> <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/> </append>
  18. The problem with a macro is that it blocks you from doing anything except the basic actions. So you either have to integrate the basic actions(movement etc) with the map/inventory open, which will not happen, or add an autorun(fwd) feature. That way you can still check your map without stalling the gyro and streamers can set their volume while running away from zombie bears. Win-win! And a note on implementation. While in auto ____ state, allow shift to toggle between 'auto run' and 'auto walk'.
  19. Many start out with a bunch of stacked chests which at that point allows inventories to be sorted out in mere seconds. Some decide to move on and build a nice base with different crafting areas and a more granular inventory. That entire process of moving from a purely functional base to a 'nice' base is also part of the progression for those that decide to do so. The frustration sets in as doing inventory management in bigger organized and spread out inventories comprises boring repeated actions that waste real life hours over the course of a game. And in a game where unpowered workbenches can craft 1000s of items unattended, I wouldn't find some ooc QoL inventory progression alien at all. I don't expect the solution to make sense, conveyor belts etc, I just want to save real life time so I can get back to building, looting and shooting zombies in the head. Haha, all this inventory talk has made me think back of RedPower.
  20. It will look for containers with the items you're trying to store. So if you have one box with 9mm ammo and it's in range, it will move the 9mm from your inventory, if not locked, to that box. It works similar to the current store functions where a single click will fill to stack and a double click will create new stacks, it just does it without having to go and open each inventory and clicking those buttons.
  21. Best mod ever! - QuickStack by Westwad ( https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1357?tab=posts ) Click or double click on the icon whist in range of containers and done! You just saved 5 minutes and stopped 2 hairs from turning gray. It also has a 'slot locking' feature to quickly lock any slot in the inventory.
  22. I’d be fine with it too, as long as the level of depth is consistent. If you’re able to swallow whatever can fit down the character’s mouth then people will have that to pay more attention and it will become the norm. It’s the inconsistencies that get people. As mentioned, I don’t care about the current implementation. I’ve learned years ago about mental guards, see glass->slow down; go up a ladder/into a vehicle->make sure you have inventory space for what you’re holding(SCUM); Fly->don’t press activate(ARK/7d2d/MC/…). I would, however, prefer the option to shoot myself in the head tho. Death by eating glass doesn’t sound like a great way to go!
  23. Agree, you have to change things up to keep the game feeling fresh. By default I change it to run by day & walk at night, except for BM and ferals. Just wish we had Zombie HP & Damage as separate properties. I’d want them hitting like a truck but not be sponges, for a couple of games at least. Also, random BM time would be awesome! BM a day, with some tweaks, at any time would be crazy fun.
  24. Is the current implementation correct? NO Should it be defended? NO Should the devs fix this? I don’t care Eating glass is and should not be the default action without a confirmation or hold action. As mentioned earlier, you can’t drink acid, oil, or gas which makes eating glass a special action. It’s most certainly not the same as stepping over a ledge or firing off a gun by accident. You can do those plenty without dying, so we're comparing apples to oranges. It is almost like comparing the action of using the Backspace to accidentally hitting Alt-F4 and not being prompted to save your work before quitting. But yeah, I’ve seen people defending crazy @%$# in my life.
  25. Thanks you all, after a bunch of updates and reinstalls CPU whet from 60-70% on pause to around 50%-60%. Also, initially I was looking at the number for Pause, so after all the tweaks, especially affinity changes, a number of 50% would still have been a fail which caused me to post. Your feedback did however highlight that even though pause was still CPU intensive, it should not be nearly as high as what it was on my system. Right now pausing is about 50%-60%. Setting 7d2d to 4 physical processors, CPU usage goes down to about 36%. Western town went from 22%-33% to about 17%-19%. So there seems to be an issue between 7d2d and the windows scheduler as 6 HTs’ threads can easily be absorbed by the non-HT counterparts with minimal extra load. Just my non-technical opinion . Screenshot below from 6flr apartment, Navezgane, with as many zombies woken up as possible going ghost from top to bottom and back firing off the M60.
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