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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. How would changing his damage resist from 20% to 15% fix any such issue? The way I read it, you can get 80% by equipping other things (heavy armor with suitable mods + the stats from the preacher piece in question). Then that bonus gets you to 100%, making you immune. Reducing it to +15% would put you to ~95%, which is still insane, but at least you'll take Some damage.
  2. Hmm, I wouldn't compare "gas station operations" and "misfiring airbags" with "spending a couple of hours on tweaking RWG so that a 100 ppl won't see a weird cluster of POIs in their game". The formers play with potential risks, here, whether something is changed or not, nothing is changing.. And if "wait for more data" was your original intent, the framing of things as "neither a bug nor a flaw" and such, well, they seem a little confusing. But with RWG here, they could also just "look for more data" rather reasonably, they'll prolly have 100s of ready-made maps littering their hard drives, could just visually inspect the distributions. And/or tell the people working on RWG about the issue, and they'll semi-automatically start spotting it if it happens.
  3. Who/where/what is the judge of "this is rare enough not to be a True Scotsm.. umm, Bug(tm)"? You're running on some industry standard (on some type of event) and framing it like it's a universal rule? Bugs can be chosen to be ignored due to a combination of rarity and low severity of the outcome, but the decision should be made by the party responsible - for artistic endeavors such as this, it's literally just a matter of the creator's opinion.
  4. Rare RNG events are inherent, bugs caused rarely are still bugs, "poor design outcomes" occurring rarely are still "poor design outcomes". Whether this is "acceptable design-by-RNG" can only really be decided by TFP, but Not reporting on some weirdness isn't going to help them. Reporting on it might.
  5. You're not wrong, but I don't think that issue should be fixed by just adding the workstation-effect to random skills; it could be "balanced" in any way TFP want it - it might even be exactly right in their minds. If they don't want the sets to 'compete' like that, they could even add their sum total drop count with the skill - you'd get honestly more of every type. But I don't think it should be "balanced" by tacking the separate booksets into random other skills. I don't really see the commonality between lockpicks and chem stations, other than TFP wanted to limit the lockpick crafting with some means, and workstations-series was the "closest" existing fit... but that's roughly as close as explosives (there's timed charges for the ultimate lockpick and fine mechanics in grenades etc)
  6. I used to fully agree, nowadays though, "random outliers" come with any RNG system that does not properly weed them out. If you're using an RNG, you have designed every random outlier to be part of your intended feature set - it's just as much a bug as if a designer made it manually. As in, Yeah, rare enough issues will happen, but that doesn't actually change anything, it's still either a bug or a design flaw
  7. Seems a little bonkers, but look at the road system that spawned them there; that's all knots Probably not intended to look like that, with or without the checkpoints; but randomness is just hard to get "right". Hoping they'll get it 'perfect' eventually, ofc
  8. Title is a little misleading; not exactly a Lockpicking nerf, just a nerf to the talent to remove the book drops, right? (I haven't even read patch notes, let alone installed..) Makes sense, having several talents to increase the same book set is unique, so making the workbench skill set the only workbench book set seems reasonable. Might need some rebalancing ofc, assuming they don't really intend the steel unlock to be real late - they might; they seem to think mass producing steel is just OP in itself. Can't say much as I haven't played
  9. My latest games were in A21, but I don't see much has changed (watching some JaWoodle and Kage848).. usually pushing my main weapon hard, other than some Agi for Parkour and Run & Gun. A build usually starts to feel complete for me at 10/10 for main tree and 5, or 7, in some secondary. With the "useful" skills maxed out ofc.
  10. Oh, lol. It was a merge; as you posted, I assumed it was merged by you. I just found the target thread a little odd (one of the least interesting ones tbh) so I had to comment something
  11. Well, there's the risk of getting a short ban for necroing a thread from an old patch... 😛
  12. Noice! The simpler the better, and you almost had it with the drop-a-bike idea, just a little Too creative. Happy to help, and thanks for the A22 testing!
  13. If that was intentional, I would install A22 just so I could uninstall it
  14. As you're willing to consider a bike-on-garage-door, I guess you'll be happy with this idea: a bike on a tripwire, tripwire set to: power delay 1s and power duration 1s. Tested it in A21 right now, no idea how reliably it'll start or even work at all in A22. A pressure plate should work too, but I didn't test.
  15. That's the standard practice, but it quite sucks - to publish something, you have already put all the work into making it. And since you usually won't get noticed by the studios until you've reached some notoriety, there's a whole lot work done until some DIE-manager gets triggered by your content. Waiting for letters in a grey area is just.. crappy. It might be tolerable if you could request for greenlighting letters; but no studio is going to do that, it'd be costly and there's 'risks' involved for them.
  16. At first glance, I disliked the idea.. it'd be the only type of item in the game you can't use without points. But I dunno, INT is trying to be different, so it prolly wouldn't hurt all that much. Obtaining the turrets though, that should probably be hard tied to the perks as well; at least I'd be annoyed seeing loot I won't be able to use. But whether it's crafting-only, lootable-only-with-points or just wasted loot for everyone else, it's getting quite distinct. I don't think I hate the concept, but I doubt TFP is willing to build all that for such a special case.
  17. None of that is neither limited to nor improved by INT, though. And the intelligent option is usually to get the biggest gun you can operate .. Don't get me wrong, Int is perfectly fine, but it really doesn't offer much early on. As it seems it's built as a "gadgeteer", so maybe some giving it some weakling gadgets early on.. reusable glue traps in turret form? "Grabber turret"? Root one zed in place while you deal with it or the rest. Sounds weak, but it'd be more than a 20% advantage for pulls up to 5 zeds... then again, nothing will stop other builds from using such things, unless something radically changes in crafting vs spec, or some such. The way the gearing works, INT is kinda in a spot where it Can't have an early niche, if it's going to have a strong, distinct, late one.
  18. I play solo (99%), but it does look weird to me. Generally in gaming, I wouldn't think "questing" as a specialty, especially in recent 7dtd as it has been The Thing to do for everyone. Although INT has classically had decent buffs for it, so in the "class split" -perspective it has been a specialty. Salvaging, mining, hunting being the other areas of expertise, I don't think they're going to ever be comparable, thou. You can skip the others, but not questing, not really. Doubling the questing effort for a duo already sound weird.. in my duos, we'd prolly talk about the choices at the trader for a while to get two quests close to one another, and then split into our own quests when there.. trying to be close by just for carrying the loots. It'd feel stupid, but we'd do it. Ok, my duo partner would still want to team up for them, and/or might call for help mid-quest... and from that point on we'd pointlessly do double the work to keep us even. Two-manning a quest isn't twice as fast even within the POI, just some of the bigger fights might be quicker; and each quest will add travel time. Organizing the whole deal relies on comms, voice comms are fun, but having to optimize everything, vs just splitting up and doing our own things.. I dunno. Any more people and it just makes no sense.. it becomes a question of "how many people we Need on this quest?" Maybe two, for some backup and less inventory issues, but a third is going to be overkill practically everywhere. And while we can argue the maths behind it; it just feels wrong. The perception is important, if "this is stupid" seems to be the overarching reaction to it, it prolly should be reconsidered.
  19. No mods for me, this far, 4k hours played. Zero hours in A22 thou, so I don't know if I count as a player atm There's probably a bit of a bias in the "public crowd"; people on forum and youtubers etc. If you take the effort to show up here, installing mods is basically within your skillset. I'm sure there's plenty of unseen vanilla enjoyers
  20. The logic is rather lacking, but only in gameplay terms.. any actual ammo is within very tight tolerances to the barrel, it needs to form a seal to produce pressure. Any propellant gas that leaks past the bullet in the barrel is not going to be just wasted, but it will act as counter pressure. And you're shooting it thru a water pipe from a sink.. or a bed frame 😛
  21. That's the missing third step in your first post? I could go "read again" to you as well, but as a Scientologismagitist, you already noticed I didn't actually claim you were wrong, just that I think that no-one, importantly game devs, usually cares about wattage, just the overall "FPS performance". You probably also know that a game studio will have real limited sets of hardware to test on, so they might easily run into weird power consumption issues with even common hardware. If you feel it's actually bugged, file a bug report, you might also be the first where filling the hardware specs of the template make a difference => https://community.7daystodie.com/announcement/11-report-a-v10-bug/
  22. I think you might be the first one I've seen to measure performance in watts .. Usually people get upset if their hardware isn't being utilized fully while a game is chuggalugging (like having plenty of idle CPU cores with 7dtd). It's not an invalid take, just.. likely not what is meant if TFP advertises "performance optimizations". They'll mean "better FPS", or "more stable FPS".
  23. Nitpicking, but isn't it 4? Points 2 & 3 of the attribute and the two for the weapon skill - you have 1/10 by default? Given you don't get an int specific weapon until your first stun baton, the start is a little rough. But the game isn't "balanced" to require practically anything, there's no DPS checks or anything, the 20%-30% efficiency you lose from not speccing into weapons isn't stopping you from pulling off anything. I wouldn't complain if they added something for early ranged INT, but it's not like a 20% better pipe pistol isn't still a PoC ... 😛
  24. I wasn't looking forward to looting another 1k books yet again, so I've skipped trying the experimental in the first week... Being made to deal with rekt for the first three days every time is just insult to injury ...
  25. Ye, I don't hate them either.. but their only actual upside is the clay; for the forge or the rare cobble, should I bother to build something.
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